Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 May 1966, p. 4

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Photo by Cy nerpn ME AND MRS LAURENCE FORD Emmanuel Church Scene Of Rites Mia Marlene Grace Tracy and Laurence Robert Ford were mum in We at man eerurmy Standards oi whita nliml and snaper decorated mm uei Baptist Ctnrroh Same for the wedding conde by Rev Paul Arhxe oi liargain Mn Imam F980 mun sans The Wedding Prayer and Take My Llie amazed by on organist Mn Evelyn White oi Barrie The bride is the daudrirer oi Mr and hire RoyA Tug of Owen Barrie The bride groomisthe son efitirand Mrs Henry Ford oi Bayvrew Ave Toronto EMPIRE nowN Given to marriage by her tamer the bride dross floor Iength Empire grown at late and silk crew with lace train ex tending mm tho waistline Organza and satin roam asb toned the brides headdress which caught the elbow veil oi tulle illusion car ried white mverad Bibi adornrd with calla lilies and sicphanntis with iemery litr fcwellrry was an heirloan ICE WEDDING PARTY Miss Pat Tornlinwn oi Toronto attended the bride as maid oi honor The brideamalds were MIL Alth liadtinaia Mia Dianna Tracy both at lbmnto Drillia tour and Mrs Annui ma at Bar ne Carrying through the theme at the bride the attendants wore tarmal Enplrs zowm Wolfltnu quote geomette and ring beaddressrs oi mooning turquoise They carried bou quet oi pink and white trrurns with em flnman Levitt at Interior at tended ea xmomsman Gordon Gregory lohn iiickton both oi Toronto and Arthir Tracy oi Barrio was when RECEPTION mm wen reunived at the Daystrore Motor Hotel iollowing the weddinx The brides moth er received attired In two piece pink lace suit oormflernent ed with navy accessories and oorsaga oi pink roses and white carnationa Assisting the bridegmmns mthrr chose turquoise linen ensuring located with beige straw and ribbon hat or con cram sagawasplnkarsiwiitaeam atrona beaviru for lhe honeymoon the bride donned threepieca champagne wool suit and pinlr and bone colored accesorlas On return from the wedde trip to Detroit the newlyweds will taira up residence at Weston Road Wanton Cues attended irorn Detroit Midn Tomato Goorretown and Saldn iind Craftsmanliiwards W01 BY Barrie Leathercrafiets Burl Leathemradteru tooiI honors at the 18th international rusted mg ruin or cov ering dliluent bottle shapes with Assembly oi Leather Craitsmen other held at Kohl StarterHilton in Will April 29 to May Over Hosrtialee were display Dw ed by is member at the Bar rie Branch of the Canadian So der or Creative Mailman enr llnea Salon and nine mats man ribbons were won by the ram Inembers Mrs Clarence Corbett won Salon ribbon to the second consecutive year iwornua suede covered bottle Mn Rog ilunlr was awarded Salon and Gunman ribbon iotapenalanddhaaisore calved Gunman award im carved hey use Mrs David Darbyshira won both Salon and Craitmian award for letter caddy Sire received XalLsrnan ribbon tor arrpm album Mrs Ken Cavanagh was awarded two Oraitaman ribbon or leather jewelry sunflower pin and cirryaanthemurn pin and earring lei Mrs Dwayne irew receiv ed Cuitarnnn award tor carved wail plaque Mrs Wil iiarn Boyd won two Crsitsmaa ribbons one tor bolt and an other for note bootr cover itira Clarenca Corbett demon Editors Tour Site Of Expo MONTREAL CPi Mona oi than 60 womens edilma mm across Canada toured the site Barrie members attendinglhe Assemny ware Mr and Mn ayne lraw MraG Boliriil fill ii hull i3 awn am Mrs Joni Findlay Mu CorI belt Mire Ken Savanna Mn Jackjair and Mr SW Coulis The leather articles shown at international will be display ed in the window oi Garnets liobbles 123 Dunlap St all this week Annual RVH Tea Thurs Aliemoon Plans were cormietai tor the Firream Nightingale Tea May 12 during the regular business meeting oi the Royal Vidorra Hospital Auxiliary Arrangements or the tea were reported by converter Mrs Fred Eplett lira William Sar ieant is moonvener The rrmmaxo sale had April 29 was reported as highly sue resalui The sum reruns was received to further the senLe oi the auxiliary The tip birthday oi the Can dy Stripers was noted There are lit girls registered this vacation period Alter it hour service they receive their earn red vulva ribbon Is added to ihnir capo after 75 oi Montrmin 1967 worlds lair hour Honda neyywm shown what the hyOumrmioreOCSRobert fly eon whoshowod ritidesoi mod el variars the modern hornimi mica that is lamn as Mat 67 and the Ministry Mina Ardrnmtmrit said this would like to romive mom on ptloatim irurn the vestnm and Maritime provinces ospoclatiy order in mud Wu tiva grow The women toured Old Mont real before mtumhg on their bad or reception hire Eileen Dixon womens editor oi the Darrin Examiner was ml the zuesil on the SPEAKING or PEOPLE AND PLACES UNIVERSITY WOMEN The annual dinner rneetinl oi the CarmLm Federaflon oi Unt vrrsily manna Barrie branch will be Wednesday everr in at illirarnar Gsrdenr Dun lop St Wen Dinner will begin at oclock The weaker will he Diddmon Registrar oi Scamoroum bileae University oi inrontu ilo will spark on the mm NATO HOSPITAL TEA 1n social event at the team for Royal Virtmds limpitnl Aux iliary the Florence Nightingale Tea will be held Thursday at trrnoon Torr Will be rcncd It the Lnldlnw Resilience hire Fred Epth Ir converter oi Lira event nrslsiod mtfllcf Mrs William Sariehrl Mill that nittrnnm the public in In vitrd to tour the hmpilai COUNTRY CLUII lbday marked the min play and rilnrwr tor the section oi llarria Goli and Donn try May or iohnln mil rrs heznn III 130 pm iotiowui lry nlnetmlo play at 130 ormk merth tor the int tcr players will tailor the dim tirln emnrrz DNI lnvlintinn all lmrrnnrrrrnt has hem Idioti ulrrl tor July at Harrie TIAIJIV DAY Girlst MIMI in will he the boat riIIIrriI tor Ibo fully at iult lor arnlllarlra nn Hatrmiay May it tlvrmtm ni uu liiilllltd in llidrlrt wilt participate v0N AT OTTAWA Mrs Walla Pmlrknt Ii Harrie irrarrdr And IiIrI Alar Onm tray Ilinrlrt nine ab itth lha nnnonl Irmluo oi the Virtnrian irrlrr oi Mirrs oi nmrla at the liairau limb Minaa rrn nmhi Prtdny Hahnlay Ira wwtr they me marmaan iry Mr Wnill Ru wroirrrwl liavlri tray Join qi in min In News Alumni the more than 10 Me In irrwn all parts anula more lm ionnrr Ilrrrle rmqvir Fair lr WNW wrvl Mrs Iinirri Ilarrry hi Mt Mr IIpr Ir proelrinrl II lilo Wimlr an Innmlr Ila Ir former rlu urt nmnnnrr Iur IIMrnpotrrrn ru Ilrrrw Mrr Iiarwy is llm irrrmr inir Im amt lair iaiiwr IlnvI urcle operated the Qwrm out or prim mars MIin mndlnm urn IINLI lhn Mei War iwld Win Triviay IIemmn Ii Lemur are airn the dole all were and I1 lira Governor General General George Vsnler and Madame Vsnlrr patrons oi the order reception and Mitt rumor were held at the Ottawa Coun try can on flrursdny erbium WEIRD QUEST Mr and Mn Gordon Peamcir oi Kingston wrre weekend guests nt the Tower bosom homo oi Mr and litre Howard Fain other Mr and lin illnhard Miller oi Ki tained at iundreon by the Dan ril residents While In the city the Khultm riritomnumkd the aqan dome tantrum Mr Sot unloy at the Continental inn DIIIDAL SHOWER tin MtCIulcy and lira nun wore mimirmo oi mtocrtlaneorar shown hold in honor at twitterlea All liar lan Dean the party wu held at the ilmiiorri St homo oi lira GRADUATE Mir Shelli Mary hkRImwr daughter at llr ale Mrn kKiMnn r1 twin hill railuaiml irom Ill Jul14f LKWIRI Erilrni ll Nunirrn torsion Ont liw MIIMIIHVI IirlrlillIIl Inuit plow May In ilranm itall ilrrlvnraily oi Wrotem Ontario Aitnrwsrrh Iiln llritlnmns inotirerln Iaw Ind riot Mr mi hill IIrililp Martin Imlrxl on thnirnl lot wavth Mirr Mritlrmon Ivar mrrtrri ilinn rm iire am at Sinai town In HolyIII rnn momma in Keptwriter nxston were eaten lMaIrley Over no irienda and nridrbora attended including hire hirrie mother oi the briderromIcleot and hh sister inabetla oi 300deer Under pink and white amtrway the gum oi honor was presented with many beautilul pitta Mrs lnretta Sim assistant in open In the slits while lira IoIrn imnan irnhionod but from the parent hows Mil itth Deidaiivynuistrdthelmtrma unrimr rrirerhmenta Miss can will wrd nob Orrin on Juno and the couple will talro up residence in Cookrloarr un EUCIIIIH Pint prize tor the ladies at tending the Lot cudrrs in Al isndsia Orange Ilali Sninniny errninai went to lira Napier with ltin It Flrrnrrn second George it James and Norman Econ Ion the mens prim lira Mayra held the mud lono irnnds HUNDAY GUIJTTN Mr nri Mn NormIn limits at ooirrtown were Innis nt lira home MM Norrin brother tnInw and rimr Mr and nlrr John Corbrtt oi Clmiine 5t LIIUIILillll WI Alnrrhore oi Hamill anrns innum wlll meet on lhumiay ll pm with the MI Iuil zlrLr mortal gums inc than will in Citlrmirip and llkruation Members will an war the roll rail in naming drama they mar like to In the pram adronl rryrirnr COFFEE TAitn The PMan Guild oi learn1 Anglican Maria lnnriale rnil nintan at It morn ing mute party on Friday Imn III until il 10 tnhln 0i Inm Iralrrvi loud will Irma IIII Int in mint iv imrh tall or lhrlr mllrl Inuir llnivy allian rrrrlcv will In available IIAITIMIM IIIIIVIIK The WIN rri hardirm was rIIirrrvrri rllIul In Fondly Day fka on tiintry morntna at third United Illlnfi Ilrv it in mama Iammi rim tor Linda lturh Ilarrdrrr oi Mr and Mrr Janina Arm ntlorrll ilrmla imam at Mr ml Mn Iim kWan De Ierlir tiuranne darruiiru at Air and Mrs lien Dolmn iooi Fai mr sun at Mr ml rm In wln MOM Nun William ml ni Mr aml lira Irru Iianly Drrtt lliilrwi am at Mr mvi lira Wymm Journos ram During this first year 25 Can have earmd their caps 12 have earned the rod ribbon and lime ham boon seated with their volunteer qua FRISKY ADOPTS UTTY PET MENU PARK Cal AHFrisky pet rat at the Darrel Stevens home had litter at five lritinns this wcelr me brood grew to six when stranger wand erod In The stranxu has been trying ever since to leave But every time it tries to get away any Mrs Ste vens Frisky grabs It by this neck and drags It back The unwilling adopted member is little squirrel Jane daughter of Mr and Mrs Martin Rutledge iho dork oi session Day bishop assisted the minister at the sender ATTEND GltADUAnON Mr and Mrs Tiniph Garin oi Grove St East nrotnrcd to Itirir land intro during the weekend to attend the irradiation arrr also at Northern Ontario in riilula oi Todmoloizy Their son Noll was among the mourn oi the nmhnnlr course The nwcatim was held in St Pams Anglican Gmrdr ioLow ed by haquuri and dance In llclvulm liall Nrii was award ed the Circle awrwd prmcnted try ho Kinnan Club In tho Atri Iiont but contributing to ath letic nnd scholastic arhlerrmrnt Neil was president at tha Student Oralncil and active In the learn Ha ha nomptrd poria tlon with Canadian General Ilrc trlc Cqmrany ln ante Prior In re trains to iiarrla on Mon dry ir and lira Gavin motor rduto nrmriru and lroqmla Ezra arm to IrrvIrAIIONo It Aurrourrcmrrus Atarssorus THE DARRIE EXAMINER COMMEIIIIAI TTIINTINII IIZIT PHONE W1 Rain Coats Sport Shirts $144 lsilal If firmre hrABULOUS ONEW anagrawnile Quantitiea check no uni and jsee How Many or ThesefBudgetSavingvitemsflou Need Manr Piaslia $1444 and EARRINGS HAIR SPRAY Helena CurIIl For SETS JERSEYS oyl For Swim Wear W$144 SML Earring sets momma me $144 Shampoo $144 BRIEFS TSHIRTS Ironing Board PADS $144 $144 Air Canada Travel Bags illllrry oniinni Bicycle Lamps Clipper TIRES Hi all Iriycir 20 and 2B Sim Wu and Min $144 Record Carrying case Binoculars Anklets COFFEE LAMP SHADES BOOKS SLIMS Piatiar Pak $144 $144 i1r4 Ladiu Sizes to 11 Mens Smith IR HOSE $144 $144 Diamond Duign MUGS For $144 RACKS Wm1 ROLLERS 144 Ali Sizes $144 $144 Big variety of titles Plush Sims in i4 Ladlu Jamaican SHORTS Sizes 10 to ill 1way Stretch Rayon GIRDLE Silli Ladies Plaid SLIMS Sires I0 to IR Elmond Baby BLANKETS pink hluo ir while hit We Are Open All Day Wednesday ilseiiur For strut an

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