Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 May 1966, p. 3

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x65 Aim Councll nulhmlud the Project Planning Auodnlu leilul to pmceod will prrparallun of the alllrlnl plan and also gel thn Zmlnx byan boron Ihe Plnnnlnx Board The olllclnl plan wax mnul In 1059 hul was never romplclcd Fnr the sum mm llrm ngm lo parlarm he allowan mvlm make nun at tullnbla scnla 1mm nvnilnblo mnlnlnl couch in us mllrn lawnshlp 5hrth Ilmts rmlwnyl rivrrs UTka and nlhcr haslc lnlnrmallun II coal $660 BlillVEY ANALYSIS Mlan rmnmumly mviru 11mm dam and Wm WM mnllun pcrlnlnlml Io khmlm urtmrnl wnlrr nml lrwrr MH and hulldlng ncllvlllrs Hamlnu am will lmm nl lhr Illlrhl vlmL Hillmvlfl wHI xhnw cnlenury nnvl Ixmun Hm for cach xlnvrlnpmcnt and mrlhod lmplunrnunl flu plmlv 71M lucumml wlll cnnlnln lnanr nlml prupmah nqu Ilfl gin pmzuun wnrrnnlnl nm Vpnrllvn ml mm OEPIKIAI ILAN 1er nllltlnl rim In In lmmml th ul ml map In mu mm 7A HAW Frmn mu mp and nflvr uh Invrsznlm mu Scul Ahm with nHlLlnls ll ulll make an cxlbnshc lmul Iurrcy Inclu hug rmhr mo of Luld me and rnlrgnrlu mMmtlnl commu rlnl lnvlmlrlnl nml romnwrlnl Um map In lhOW lhix Informa Hun Tho bmmissim said to have olrurad $300 per your Increase but um axxocInllon is desirous n1 havan other maum included In the urnw menL PILANNING ZONING Reeve Joe Cochrane was con fined lo 1h house wilh flu Inst week This prevenled his ancndance at several mutiny One was swim of the In wlil Police Co slon when decision on In rgalnlnz be tween the Cmnmmlan and the lovmshlp polica was left In zlwyancc Jimva associa llm is asking lnr sumo delaiLs to be covered in connect which besides Adding lo me pay would also make Ihcir Job cmnpauhla with other munici palluu We feel everyane who good enough on Join mu bngadc should be qualified to share the work nald the fire chm who has headed department for mom BRADFORD Stall Every member at our lire department Ln taught to drive the truck man the hose and do everything fireman is supposed to do said Flu Chit Ted Gapp when asked about the math which 9m Pad Mamas volun car Lro brigado Elena others INNISFIL NOTES Bradford Has Pridé In Volunteer Brigade Maybr Joswh Mayan pvu Bradford council éollum due credit holding dawn the Bradlord tax rate this year while most Miler Simcoe Coun ty munlcipalilies have had ta Township Police Seek New Contract LAUDS BRADFORD COUNCIL FOR HOLDING TEX LINE lllmlrt lmmlwr nl lmvla Innlxlll rmmknllm Sumlny nwmlnl lvld Illa uni lrhu flllhd mt luy llul Angllmn ilnvlll Mlulnu Mr lllmler II he unlmnlor lnr Ilw pavlrlu and hall nllrmlnl he nulwnm mwnlly lwll ln llnr llr pmltlwl mm In llldmp ll Slwll 1M AWN kula rr ml pl Ill lmnh WWII lln mmy Mr Ilmlln ml ml llu rllmu muwvlulv xxrnl deal in NM nhom llw nnly lwlp mm hvm HIM It 1le minim Trnrlvm ml nwl lcnl F1 me In ml lflllllW ml ll lmnl llml mum dul lm and yurmmal um Iml annually lnrnl Mr firl lurlv Inll ml many plmfl Me ulrlwvlml llw dullnu IF nrlml luun lh Avmllrim lMlll llluzlrlul Prhluy ho lncnl Achool mm lnl wlih Slmnly My U10 an1 and nuuln mm Um lap nwnnl wllh prnlsn nl mo ndu Ilhnlnr lnrrnlx wavian lrnm pnrnllm and lnrnml Ml of be mullmu lllnclpnl Mu lnllly lmllannrn m1 1n dint of lho local rhlhlrrn Mm mnpcul WIHIIJ nummsn Mcmm brim lilll wmk won in lho Kiwanis music lullvnl in Oriliil and mm away with lwn lull in vocal rinsm The Monday program lnclmini 11 Choir to pupils irum irmiu nmi mi WM iimlinl lo ilipiil irom niml Mhmi wilh Hum nr mom warm The local lllliil pilul up mac mrmilnxc inuis nml mrivni iiiilh prniw mm miJmiirn lnr liinim llrciimur Mind mimic lilnrlar irpm TmMiu make honorable mrnnnn The who will ha m1 lllicale of merit and hull ulp provided by and Member Km Baxter mum opcrntm OHILIM AWARDS as he op Minn of Ibo Year No pupil ham grades qur to elm from each school will be momnmdmi and he basll award will reflect hlgh de Krco 34 discipline good sportsmanship Industry crun nbilily mluuvmmm npcrallnn ricmbzhm honosly ldndncu nmdmdc prong 8n rclnllon lo nblhly The namu will ho nubmillcd la the impec or by June 10 nml he names he nmmerp me be kept In me me commiuce drsircs The luachm and princlpa oi Innis have placed pm pmal on their agenda whlch wwld make It possible or sludcnt to be chosen each year these meetings not including those with the Ontario Municl pnl Hoard hearing are charged for $460 which makes the am costs named or he work This is cxpccled to be camplelcd within six months and costs payable each slant cmnplcted and prcscnled lo the Board AWARD 10 PUPIIS The Bradford answers an average or about 50 calls per year but emphasized the figure varies Omerauan residents In fire prevention plays an im portnnl part In keeping down in tails the present su The one lime Bradlord 1a muse sun has been with the fire department or 42 years having started In his teens 507mm man mm lhan 25 year and has been anaer resPOnSihle or flu train Approvi subsunUal inbreases Shown mm left tn right no Councillor Ken filming chair man of police Councillor Davey chairman at my my fieeva 3mm Stewart duhman of meek Mayor TnlthanAYIn rm hrmml pumier ml mm mm In lhll mmumm mine Mlhnuzlu Iocnlnl rm anmy uunmlul lkuva unl Prl MEIND 21 641ml do cl mm Imuid llmlo ll n5 Iram lurln Inuwwmn Thu llA uml hullI In mmllunM fine rvnmn In nddlllnn In we Wm ll bu xllnlnl mun Huna Hlmcno Cmmly nlm luu IIA Na may llrtlnn MIMI Inrldrnlnlly II Iurnlal In Hm mm of mung nurmmm ma Trrummh Twndllp mun Ipal nlUr ll Aha lnrnlnl hm hull as IIu In Mr Miro uhm mo linrl nrmm and nanil wt WIIIlmn VMA lunlu llw INNIMIIINL 0n lho rwnlyn Mm vIL lwwn prolmlfly Ix but lumwn In mast uulxhlm at he homo nl Hmmc Mnnnr one lllrw ulllqunl Mm lur mum rnlmu am An ll lrptlunwlulwne and Orlllln Clvlc wkr nml buslnmmm bl lhl rnlllmunlly IVA lho pawr ml publisher romld rrnblu rmlfl Sum won rl Ihn value at mmprr lo my mmmunlLy Al mm xlevnml rnltmly lu local and am new Um Ilmlon Wmhl mm mml wmmy pnrpnw 10 MI 51ml Slumve yum Nme sum We In In wn hould be Elven any funicular acdllon Just do our mu mid Carlelun pub Ilahcr ol the Minn World on Simcoc Cnunlya aides wcrk ly nowmapqry hll mkndld brigade Include Gemgo Allan Ron llanntrmnn Ted nul pit Gordon Murch Gordon Cov nill Jamu Mld Dev chrilL Onilln and Gnome low Next to Ohio Gapp ircmm of the member brigade with the longest wvlm Include Jlm mum and Roy Salnt Dave Spence L5 H30 newest member TilEmil Fm TRUCKS The un hall ls locnlcd on Holland alrch next In the lmvn hall and inside am lmuscd three the lxucks whlch Include pum pcr truck lanlm truck and aux llinry ruck wilh cxlru equip monk But primarlky they work or Lhe onmmnnily publltsnlriled cillzons said the mayor Ila in he wuld nut give them to much crcdil Ghlel anp said Bradford was fortunate in having no ins which caused urimu loss In year Beeton Publisher Praised For Community Promotion It was seriousme which most Bradlord people willw member he said stating this was real test or the Ixamen But he emphasized the 111+ men try to do their best ta serve the town all the year ammd Mayor Jaseph Magald praised the Bradlord volunteer in de parlmcnl giving them much credit or their community el mm grant of $1700 15 made and firemen have point lm for payman am in trying to check Es flames and prevent much al the buslnus section 71mm going up led av butcher shop hlng stare depaflmen store and re lrlgeralion more causing dam age which ran over hall mil lion We wouldnt want anomal lire lIke Lhal he commented recalfing the firemen had blzy Asked about we worse kc ha can termtuber Chief Gapp mongolly answered the devas failing blaze 1959 which level son appeals have been made for care burning was Cock dzairman finance Councillor TamVEvans chair man of sanitation and Coun cillor Fwd Dow chalrmano garbage and contingenclu Examlncr Hm Mania Deputy Eeévy PM In Public School um nnllrc lhu mlnrnllon of rhll Inn plunnlnu In bum whoa nut lrrm will he mu on Wat nrulay May 11 rum to no pm 611 Im Mny mullnu pr nlded am by nocvo Fm nu ler The Nine Fnll Fnlr um good support and draw people mm mm around Tmm mh mnclL whlrh headad hy nmw Willlnm Mllllum v01 8175 grant to help me we on air In th Cooknlnun ml Schnmbcu lnlrl Adlnla Towuhip Chum Ina pasz mm In Hus lulln Infiluul nglcly nlqwnllnx Minn has lher allracllnm IncXmHnK shed community mm film II he means nl fimvldlnz cnruldcrablo rum OIL Whe Yo Chic anp was sicilar ddcnco piny er wilh Bradlard lacram learns including he 1m loam which bcai out 0riiila or the Tri County senior league liila boron Orlllin went an ycar or two later In win Ihu nilCumin Ion lor championship us ca which might be considered In tha future However ha ell rate payers ol Sunnldale wotfld mm Ihcir awn affice do no see anything yea ly Tong wilh using the pinca we have moved Into or the present laid the reeve In orena 0n the Beam Sdml It in help keep down lam it worthwhile May Pat Puttingmn and Roy Slum Bradlord has no rcmcn on permanent mu due to lhe el lofu the voiuntcm um centre at the lawnshxp made convenient for ratepaym We haw mien and it In on the 7th he poinled out Asked his view abw sug zmlan lhal It might be easiblo Sunnldale In Join with Ves pn in building joint nuw ol flm or use 5119qu yrsilflllelylA LE CORNERS am not opposal lo new Inch huldlng but do not flIlnk we should pm ceed will ll unLll we have the Imam sald Reeve Lloyd Wham of Smddale The reeve sald he ell the aben daned Bethel School on the 7th Hm and county road 10 mean time would serve the purpose Reeve Prldllam said he lelt ratepast of Sunnldale would appreciate the ex saving and with the lose Oakvlew Beach revenue fluouzh lb annexallan by WasagaBeach ml was lager ll be coqsldered file PHQCIMI OOOKSIOWN Siam Spon MMd by the 00an Aych lural Society in caoperafinn with the Soth SimmeDepan men of Aglcukun Cooksgown 4H duh are already mm and making mpérauom or Hlah Achievement Day II lha Cooblown PM In Soptembs fln HLdalry calf club has compieiad the bull 01 in Awards which is 1000 points divided ufollows we point or mud on call on Achieve men Damzoo for monthly re ports 200 or mndnaflm bucd on club project 100 or show manship 100 for alumna at club meetings 100 at we and leading methods and 100 or indemn The arrangement for Mm Beef Call Club similar nle judging aku place on file second day an Air September 11 Cookslown 4H Swine Club LH Shtep Club And lH Com Sunnidale ReeveVClarifies Stand On Civic Buildings The move Sald mmeflme ago TIE BARREL EXMIINER TUESDAY MAYIIB JACKPOT $25000 lEGION HA COlLIER ST WEDNESDAY MAY IIIAIITINO AT um Dom null mm 4H Clubs Plafi Cookstown Show NIWS lEGlON BINGO be cenlnl loan on Iml mm New 14ml nuw he lawn shlpl Infant mmmunlly wlth Onkvlvw llwh Innurd In Wu Angn Bench ll wan chimed la be loxiul mam BEETON Inllla Inns hm been discussed by ccumuUI Township Counril or construc llon brldua on Conccmon ll Lot 19 The Mall lupcrln cndcnl Grenville nitCum ha been nulhotizM In no Inform lion and II hoped to Ilarl tonslrucllan nu year NEW LOWELL SITE NEW IDWHLL fluslncn man here have Naw Imfll will be considered as Illa In In oven Sunnldnlo Townnhlp Coun cil decide on building mm munIclpal office In centennial projocl Ilywa nrfuad It would be cenlnl locnlon INI Inn 10mm mum Township Council which is headed by Relv2 Fred Enter schedulcd to hold in nu regular meeting on Mondny Juno Mrs Mar Jnric Jamlcson ol Rostrum is clerk GETS PROMOTION CAMP EORDENCpl GrayWheeler has been promo ed lo the rank of Flying Olfim In the Technical Usl Mobil Support Equipment Branch of he RQAF The native of Hudson tights Quebec in was or mcrly on the stall ol lhe RCAF School the Gunman Force Base Borden now proceed lo the central olficua srhnol at Canralia take hu olflcm training course FEELING BEHER 080 STATION Sham Clerk zlflmo lawnshhsl Weslcge Tm D0 hope re leased from Soldius Mammal Hospital Drink by the end of the week Mr Tudlnpo has been In hospiln or abanl two week alter sulfalug mm heart all has been 0m clerk or i7 years Some municipalities are build ing new munbcipa offices as cen tennial project and qualllying or grants it was was slimmed new mammal office would cost mm $1501 lo and with r154 bu prlou might cost more naw The matter ol cost be in looked Into along wiUI tha flgnls hkhvnflqtpe avaiab1e DISTRICT mars sum maximum um mu Our 4H club make up on of the important calms of our lairlflsald AI bert Gflray Secretaryreams offho Cooplown Agricultural flue 4H club work IVIfl role to girl And boy who an 12 year of age and Who have not readmd their 215 bizway Uzi year Local club lender min for 0driving wt lummer program 111 eraLion with the loan oliice ol the Extmiou Branch ohm 0n tarlo Deparlment of Agrimllure Organluuonnl meeting or the Cookstown clubs have been held and each club meet monthly until all fair time good deal of judging work has been done well as dis cusskms held on care and man agement ol fivutock diseases housing nutrition filling and showing well as other topics Club also will Hm awardszon much similar basis lAST TIMES TODAY 10 UM Indium plun Flaming Slur 94 my unlock 311M COUNCIL wz3 522 PETER WIN Em 10mm nclvcnlrnlfi€v tmol cw mllc Va dllnullll wllllna We have In berzn out II an Romy lmpravn Mun in fix ubrfllmads Ii 11 no la mlJml nmnnllnnly Mon and TMlmhnm Ichnnl sccllmu mined by beaming part Tmumelh School Ann Md dlrl Tecurmclh Thlx looks like Ibo fins Mg In ward 11an cowmmml In mid ll mainly Ihown lha pa Hm STARTS TOMORROW rumnn AT me mu EIvmlually one lama munlcl pal hall or all councils WHth Inhovl urea might we be considered The school board have lmpmved lhe Ilmdard education by lninlng nreu and rcplnclnn lChOfll mum ml council could loo he mum At the present tlrne era was good deal more cooperation between neighboring mnmicipaii in than years nan beam at aster travel Towmselh 1W shép tar example wpported Bee tons Community Ccntm Mt numerous townships elsewhere had worked in supporting wmhy urban pmlccts in which they also bmditlcd NEXT BIG STEP Told that there wns talk mong some munldpalllics to Jointly build municipal hall and usLl ol ccrlaln equipment Mr Llsk said he belicmd this to in logical where it could meet the new in practical wnyfihlun lclpal hull built large mwgh to meat the nwds two or more municlpalitics with com mon lnlnrmta mighl lu the next his slop toward regional gov emmmt The 1le Sc 001 Area mith be good basis or lulue re ghmnl govnrnmenls Mr Usk suggmtd hut quickly addnd that be thought the divlslom shnuld be on the basis ol meet lng needs rather than by counly or municipal Warm Rogional government good thing mvidlng they keep ll democratic Ind responsible the electora said Mr Lisk who sugggsled lhe school board had shown the way with tho maouragemml of the wan men of Education In this age quick cwnmunl cation and travel then was the same need to have dvlc govemmntfighl evzrymea doorstep It once was In the horse and buggy era when 25 mile trip was man an over nlan journey local xovemmenz was essential Eu changes In this motor 15 were long past rn DEMOCRATIC But he saldl1era ls nu doubt that smaller governmenu will have In zlva upmm ol Lhelr power lo larger mu la the lrlxprest ol elllclmcy Thu former wank said was convinced that there is great that the county can do toward elinfinattng costly dupli cation suggesting the mesa2 county moves weta along the right track He said he taught it would be mistake to uni local government altogether since each community or Area had purer local problem to be dealt with You cant be active l5 yeen In mud wnrk nhd then suddenly give up Interest eno semen liq 1m who Bald he was new occupied In swing culverts while his son operates the farm like keep up with what is lain on ALONG mam mAéx RewgiicmlgfGwémment Impresses ExWarden MIN AUDIE MURPHY nunnw TURNED Plunnrm Acnnss THE an Iltflllflfllflfl VHI YECMNIICDPI um um mun mmmmmmr in mm le BOX OFFICE OPENS AT pm SHOW STARTS AT THE MOST MODERN DRIFIEJN NORTH OF TORONTO SHHNTY BAY ulv as hfiove the same ship hi Misty has mi in the area since 1932 He armed during depression lime and propermu eras too Whilg heagreedlik on he 020nm EL usx Himme mmmmmnmmMm mm mmmumm mum LAST TIMES TONIGHT Donn Marlin In THE SILENCERS OPEN NIGHTS WEEK ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Now SHOWING L9 SHOW AT 250 ND SHOW AT 100 MATINEE SAT AT MD pm mghvuy 11 ll Gulhde Beluga Bank And Orlllll varuls up Ash farmer or many yam Mr Usk said he was conlidegu things were golng to be econ amlcauy better for Ihc farmer More maple are caming to Canada all lbs lime and thede mand for food is Inmaflng They have to make things better or people on Lhe land to keep up with development Asked his opinion about the suggestlm that must farmer plowed their revenues back 1220 capital in flu way of new live stock machinery and arm im movement MrLisk agreed that this my No one wmzld be vary good farmer he didnfll Bul tho ct remains the laxmgr has to much mm éqlfipmenk nowthanhedidin 1952andlha M089 he gets my keeping up as elsewhere he mid timers had just conlplain that they werent getting their fair share of the food dollar and he sug geslnd more should he done bout it lawnpuma Km WW5 Hmnu Ill PEYTIIN MAIL starring Lulu Turner In Peyton Plug and Joy ganglia and Carol DRIVEIN THEATRE Pi

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