Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 May 1966, p. 8

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NEWS mum VANCOUVT Cll mmm Mnmlflre run wul Maul Mnvmy hum lo mum41 ml nllwny unlrm mm Mmhy that In CAM Ardflrlm ann Md rrwlllm nl 0mm pmchul Hm mmlm ll Um ovmonx Ami In mkwmlnl nA thIul ml In mli cm rmlou mm uylnl Annll rum hm WmI Ior lm hug llm Inn tnnnrslm Thu ncdrlcnt two mm nflo was Ilmllm Um Min Hum who wm nuo drlvlnz It um me had 1m cnnlrol over circumstances car mod up from behind plnwlmx lnlo their tar killlnx Mr nnd Mn Arthur mum and Nnnry 11 Two olhcr uhlm Judy 11 and San dg waned lnMY llfflmlfil Um min ol Hm hLhnp In lhn rhurdl In mmon Sunllny hlxlnrlc mlmlrr Abbey 11 year rrle mun Iu Wk nnnlvtmvy wllh Rum malt lmm Amfllml ml ulhny dumhu fidxfimf wnm film Ile Jygagfalgl Arrhhhhnp Vrlm mullNI lhnl hu mvvd Mn 1ququ mm AancIn 7mm nmuln Io him talk Illh lhn InHM 11mm Vim mln Mnl ull Meir lnlnl prin cimn Hnlnn nnw mull muvul mm In IMIM llmrrh nurr Irmx mlnplnl Iny flu An lHrIm canan lynml im lnmlly WM ervrllinx 1mm HMUnn Iflrfimmh Iur VIM with noun amul He added We must Allow lhc induslry lo levulmp com pcmhe attitude on way which it does not have today 1mm mum Dcm Conn whnso subcommillce got Gan cm Motors Ferd Chrysler and Amulcln Motors to make pubflc Friday lists at paltnllal delecu found In car built xlnca mnom CMnannla Dor een thwng 10 former ml denl ol Pctnnbarwgh when parents Md am of lhrce date were kilIbd In car crash Ruhka DIL 1901 Had In Ink auwnwbfl accident hero Slfiugflay nlnhl MM Ibo 1aner 1mm tent am rlmxmslanccs uld an olllcrr who Inveslmalad Ibo uddan or car wan Iuuck by car comlnl lrom he 09 he dlrxdnn which mannl Aurloot onmll mtdlnn when pros Kn giving rundown ol the Queens predicamm mg geswd KM might hm to make staff connomias Or it might be all that the time has me giw the Queen pay rise ham and BaknomL When mm came the hm in 1962 Parlimnl ind ha inmme at $375037 5105 000 year With nuing oust lime than here have been hp diandon she has had 00 dmrw Dmon MWAulo Indus Iry ulllc Ralph Nada told pres conlercncn Saturday he opposes loo stringent govern mrn regulation of lhe auto jflw duslry Nader said he In mm President Juhnson highway Ialcly bi aimed at tuning the 50000 annual US Hallie death 01 but he believes lha bill does no go ennuzh Rut tho Washington lawyer old reporters dn not want compicle government ragula ion or it can magnate nut done by per people In an Hm mm he Queen but mamy spakesmm said 0n the Mummim at pres ent mafiafle it wwid seem an Queen will harm my This mean she will be Mr used 25 shilling $75 week or each man on her M1 and 17 $1M or mix man Buckingham PaIace alone she applvys least d1 ELM pnvalq umpe Defends Church With an nail the Queen mid fool the pinch he new tax intended by Push more people into Inductive 1n dusme at he expense of lo callui servim trades is Ia we scheme put for ward by the labor mm Itch don WM an tme that has developed mm hat first gm would pmadiseqvmurqfloy mom 3mm nyswred un ezhplvycd In Ami called 30 My spar can at the mark fame and H19 lvwest £1110 years nurrbu of jobs va can owed Bumthe high Freak Accident CPR Hearing mm AHMm Queen may be had hit by8flmn mw paymll Lu And one Ivy1 mm suggests We mt unname Opposes Bill UWDON CPDA Lunmllnn New UK Pavrdllltlf MG Be Blow To Queen Wins Drama Award 11mm Ilmrmsm mm mldmer mumm um Mu or lmm and mm to be carried out It pm kradmle Mel In delmnme the dkwfiim manlan pmmms Ml Inflow MMIEVTIII an SAIL Iluryn Her du Suncom me man fur In In play SMunhy In Um hunky Ontario 00th Drum Imlivnl finnh lhrtldmflnz In lho linnis mu nix mum mxmuu mulnry ndmh tn Mxllnml Ottawa annnto llamillm Klldw and ixflury Mon DEEP RIVER Ont GP laomrd Hopkins Ubeml mm bor Im1mm lerow Norm said Samday he posed to pmposcd an to dl lhgheadwnlm the Ii Gmat bake should caned out hy recycling ol wa ter and not by gumml dim sian amtme lie was In Inm he Klu nns vr Janos My man or re mum water run the M1110 mm mm km Jamu man 111 plan mnned In Par liammz In um 1h bold the 3th session Al the munho floatation Anod mlona mum that sum schtmo muld ml mlve he wa mr mflullm pndblom mmIda mow momAW radium an any watgrlmdcplslymmt mm 100me tmrfihmal mw cgnuu wk pasL Mr Brazier salt the CFR passenger mducllons in BC are so extensive they have be coma prejudicial to Lha public Interest And Mr King aald While the CPR has modernized 1L1 trains 1H 5U naming Ihem on an 1885 madbed and has made passenger mm Sec ond rate Adénauer wniked through Lhe lounge Ibo youth muered Iuflcts prepared by private group called The Peace hm mlllec P59 mmr tutu GHQ Counsel tar Lhe province or 30 Brazier and King 01 lha Brotherhood of Lo comotive fireman and Engine mcn CLC both made these as aerllon lhe committee opemd series armcountry misting here TEL AVIV Routers Mounlcd and xlcelxlelmekzd Is raeli police armed with clubs kept between 200 and 300 dom onstralon rom gatecrashing rmonn given here Sunday night In lumm of Round Aden uuer former West German daancclhr One wth slipped through me coran and entered the lounge ol he hotel where be new km given by West German Airbassadar Roll Paula was bajng bgld din Pull Railway is trying to get out of the passengu Lulu mvlca became Iho lrelghl but far more lucrative Raps Water Plan Guard Adenauer nm Mun gmin pmw Smn ynumll In the lnlklmc 11 bygunu lac when Donnie lllncc Chmlla 10mm lhc 3km Hm pica while llumcr um Incl will be you 1mm 11m ym MC nflm you Ihc hmmim My In Scnlllml Fly by mlgninrenl Ilollrknyrc 707 kl Ind home mm 20 113111 cmy wuk 1mm Toronto to 01mm Uh so may Canadimu More you dlunm the mo milk Scullilh Mlmmc Aml chunm youll Ind yumcl slnginp My cant In the Mlghllmh And mch III IIIIIIH OVIIIIAI mwm COMIIIAIIHI mm All MAB olm you the mmr Imp la Swillnil F091 RESEQYATIONS AND TlCKETSicALL QUEEN ELIZABETH Trlval Sovvke mm 7mm All urn hr warm MC lam nod rare you 0K Iohhson ANYONE FOR HOP SCOTCH mi mm BOAC On In had my Inqulry lhu lnr bellow lho untupcr Ide use of LSD uqu rm rIAIu for mm mer the urn lIme Ham are IexIlImlIo rmnrch um And probinth IegIlImnlo IEHPNUC mg or he dnm Much Ahnuld no erndlulcd In wbllc pm TORONTO CWJmeph Can dlnll mum Human Catholic mhblnhop of Pram Ind PH mnln nl thmlovakln HIM Emmy on Czcdn und filmmkr llvm In Cnnmln lo malnuln lhrjr gqunl herhnle Cumin1 mm mm Almml 1v yam In conflnomtnl umlrr NIH and Cnmxmnln 15D lha coda nlma or lyscrzic acid dithylnmlde Krnnndy Mid In lulzmml are old Ipuadlnl use LED through Iha ham mny our hm cm lecn ll lnflmnle Nlntlon lo queslionl menu ulnm Hove that It will be helpflzl lo begin the uecuflv rmmxm Hon uubmmfllln henrlnn on problem 121 ha hundlupped lynxan on LSD WASHINGTON AP Re mark widespread mo 15D halluclnnlaty drug on collelc nunmuses and In bitcity thet tos will be nludiad at US Sena lnqulry lhhmonm Sen atur Robert Kenmdy Dem NYJ Announced Sundly nllht The senator llld 59M xavemrnenl operation subcom mittee on exccullvi rmrgmlu Man will conduct lha pub hearings May 11 Ind 13 pm It check on federal pro grams or he menully and Myllcally hundlclppod The man JunJacque Ca aamva 39 may Conican The woman Madaleino Du nult 65 wife of Marcel my unit 74 builder cl flu swer aonlc Mirage IV bomber of the French atomic atrika force and member at the French PM Hamenl Mrs Dusaulz was dragged um car May l9 by hooded men who knocked down her husband and chauflwr She was rescued unharmed lbw so hours later SEARCH COUNTRYSIDE Policemen combed me enun Iryslde when the on seen heading It happened to be the constituency n9 5mm In the Nalional Assem Two blcydrrlding gendlrme shunted anyone there In suppmedly abandoned yard where Mrs Dmault wn bclmzheld and she explnlnzd My guard shook like leaf he was armed but was new leg up Her guard Mathleu hula surrendered No other mm brolhux Gabriel and Gaston Damloll were Ialu arrested but the fwtlhIdenlllled only Damhflquoescaped In car Adhldicawr Wflflam Neeiflu laid the direcflon ms Wt Onlendid andflnllum mxk at the company knmvdlws PARIS AP one Frances most wanted men gnu on Mal today for tha kldnnppinx of one ol thacountryl flaws women Aha presented banraw mm wmmwummm bdelaBmaryadwolnf Harnilnm and Sarah And of Meier Keep Traditions Jeu de Saint 1111 by non mascara Wangsz byflene Emlqu lobed min mungu OpenFrench Trial To Study LSD Mm um hlul All IMMID ginm In his county 101d 500 people at Wemednus Clurdl mt the trndlllon ol their Immeland are Lhrentemd will exllncllon under the Commu mu spiritual leader ol Ouch nslovakln 1000000 Roman Calhollcs was Imprisoned In for preaching uxalnst lhe Nan rezimn and was released by lulled asu lnrcu In 1945 He was consecratedcardlnal list yur alter nearly 17 yzm confinemem by 4M Cammu anu He went lnlo exlle when told Lhnt he would not be al lowed to mum homey from ment ol hunk education and welfare mm math odn Ind procedures or elimi nnllnz pollution should begin while this research in Oluwn istoimzun Afiflwreseamhin in world won I109 polluiion one iota Dr Prime director oi the min march branch he Madmen ol mlne and mimic1 mmudd any mg gesdonlhnz nothing is being doing about pollution is not cor rect think adequate meat men will be um Prof George ELall10dudl mm 01 um unlverallya Great Lakes Institute said lackroi ac tion to combat water poliuflon In Canada cxjats because you clans lack hastMp and un demanding But an um pun have seen In lor mat research pm grams mm planners overlook Inl 4116 ms unnunz rer we depm WINDSOR OnL CWA call Immilllmy was made by Univeuily Turunlo palIqun specialist Saturday one way to arouse politicians lo the ur ufcy ol um water pollution siz uaon Ottawa is doing In of plan ning and these plans should b9 1n n11 flight wimln ilx years on the Great Lakes told X75 delowu lo outday dear waler conluulcelrom Nuth mamn 0mm and Michigan Pollution Action Sought By Implc do One policy ucry five minutes averaged out around the clackday in day out Hnw come lot oi Hmong1160 of lhnm Thats how many milmined lulltime representatives we keep in he field to give you the help you need when you need it For insianio one way iletrnpoliinn iniips you get the mosluuloinslmixhzliir policyisaspociniiimeclnuscthat lets your insuranre dividends pay for additional insurannc This way you can buy médésl policy at minimum cost How come s0mebody buys Metropolitan Life policy in Canada every five minutes 8183 ESSA ROAD PIERCE MOTORS LTD When we tell youthis Volkswagen HaSSpOrtscqrfeatures like bUcketseatsdic brakes independenfSUSpensioh dual Carburetors andla4ispeedlf¢orshift the last thing you éxpect is square back And nll our representatives are trained to giva you the famous Metropolitan Famlly Securlty CheckUp clear written analysis your familys financial security picture Ask or one Thercn no obligationtmpt those you Im yct lill end up viflh tidy amount of added insurance Millions choose Metropolitan Life morc in Canada than any other company TEL 7285558 éu

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