Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 May 1966, p. 7

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ltlon in the Toronto attics oi the welcome isex ended Mr and Mrsu Holtesndiamily oi Newmarlset who have moved nto MrsWhltexldcs house Mr and Mrs Jerry lie Buiislo NY iormeriy ot Now Iton Robtnson cslied on the rWhiteside family and Mr Hills maroon Carl Day is coniined to New rlrethospit Mrs Beauchamphsudbury is whiting her daughter Mrs Doeier Mrs timer and Douglas nd Miss herry Kennedy05h awa visited the May and Sutlrerlnnds recently WJ OFFICERS The annual meeting of the Womens lnstitulewas held in swsrlng roll call which was bring plant hnd give to the lady on your right Mrs Smith honorary prestdentpre sided tor the election at olilcers resulting as follows lion Pres Mrs Stoddart Pres Mrs James Elstonran Vice Pres Mrs Harvey and Mrs Wil lianr Reynoldsr secy Mrs William Sutherland Treasurer Mrs Kneeshaw District Di rector Mrs Knrcshaw at ternate Mrs tlannah Branch Directors Mrs Roy Dixon Mrs Lloyd Mrs Lloyd and Mrs George Brown Frommanon Sccy Mus ll Harvey Puss Mrs Stod dart Curator Mrs Grc librarian Rev lie auditors Mrs William Watt and Mrs Smith Pianist Mrs William McArlhur assistance Mrs John Lloyd Conveners Agriculture Mrs Wilcox and Mrs James An drews Citizenship and Educa tion Mrs Lloyd and Mrs Hanna Historical Research Home Econ Mrs El Jlott and Mrs lam hchn thur Resolutions Mrs William Brothel Public lteisdnns Mrs Amcy Glits were presented to re tiring president Mrs Stoddart rand Mrs Lloyd leader at the Hi club ruled Mrs Marvel introduced Miss Audray Brandt who showed ctume oi France and Holland Vsrrd told oi her triprto these jeountrtes Easter Thank ottering meet ng United Church Women 22 numbers and three vis ors present present Worship ervice was talten by Mrs oblnson Easter Gladncss be the topic Mrs Lang and ins Andrews assisted ltcv ir Dahlin instructed irorn Bi passages and immortality srusscd runny omsfim Dahlen endear rod to enlighten the group ncernlng this subject Mrs Orr was soloist ac eompnnled by Mrs Roth lowed Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Gemgo Sheppard who rei ebrsied their 50th wedding on niversary last week Capt they it Jackson Mrs Jackson and tsmrly ot Camp Borden visited iricnds hem Sunday and attended ser vice in the United church Miss Doris Sutherland gradu lied trom Barrio Business Col Ilege and hns sceepled post iBell Teluphone Co presentation was held in 1er hall Saturday night for Mr Mrs Norman tltusly llud son who have moved north at lBrndiord Sympathy ts rxtrndtd Mrs Alvin Smith whose mother Mrs Conneli oi Neuton iiolrinron nassed sway last work aLro to Mr and Mrs Eugene Scotch in tthe death at their lntsnt dough ter Melville Stewart and William Brooks report slow rollerltd in Mid Iterrrl tor the nmr ciety This is an increase ovrr no ffly its WILIEfl WILSON The llnlly will hit hold in thrill thrtrrlr Entrtrdny 1M it mm in am pm Lunch wrli ho served Sympathy Ls nstnntltrl in Mrs thircd Shuwrll nntt Mt Jnhn Marshall nlrorn lrltrthlr rr sudtlnyrty In Toronto Fritlny AprU av DONtllll Ntnrlh Errmnn tll Ilnmrmnk ing Clrrtr Arhlevrmrnl Day wrts hthl nl Alllstnrr April no ilrn ivy group lwlrvpy Time flair and kvrtrnvr Mn lmrrro Davis Mrs Henry Davis and Mrl Tnylnr ntlrnrirrt Nnnry Drrvll nry lnu firmness and Diane ml hrriy Mrrrrlr revolv Rl mnvtnrlnl brinan nntt llnath or rrnnlngtrmn rnnniy Ivrnnu farnl tiltrrrtnglnn was among the Iturlrnll nl lllul Ilm toured Vnrlr ltnlrrrstty lnrd Molan pt Cohorts Turontn ln trrnnllrrnol Airport ml tllnnrr ni llwI skyline llnlrl nmn and county Ilrrgymrn with lllslrnp Hunt in nilnrxlrrntp met It the ernry April as nmmrtnlun who olmrvnl tn thrlrrt thurdr in the mmtrtg The WA smut dlnnrr at Mon UMMMIE Christ Churrh WA srshohl ins no sole and rummage sale at Trinity Parish llnn llrrrrte Friday May bit It In nr lists role at rn llem VI 1M nrmman new VIM hm Iris out snd Robert Georgetown with Mrfiand Mrs Robert PamMr and MrsWirlired Wetsoai3ee awl Mr and Jack Wilson Barrie Mm mowers The hostess su ved delicious lunch ivy Presbyterian WMS met DUCKWQRHI illorticultural Society with meet May 11 at the home of Mr and Mrs Alind Soucy Jonas Street Mr Mrs Boner Beach etrer spending the winter in tjlorldng Mr and Mrs05carlinton spent Sunday at Bay Ridges and Toronto with relatives and triend Mr and Mrsllarrey spent theweekend with their son and he mp muslin mm stormy Sherprfilrchangc In The House dill Witter fictionalvotive leader knows at snyolher 0t members who are piano my to resign their seats Auguste Uhoquerte snlmimr tive lawyer tram boltinlere ton withMrtsrrd Mrs James McDerrriott Mr and Mrs Fou ChmCh wA held liee Port Ivyrestdenhvwlln Wéteiiwtfl pinns tor battesale lim nt the church Mrs George Cer during the May or weekend marge $12an toi wed rut Were Bruce McVanel with his dllgv mp my im the at Mary is the annual Wm Mea were grvcn anda Bible quiz The April meetingoi Christ the ham Lorne president Mrs Elwood Jennett and good used presided Businesr items ere asked rotEvangeaHou May and baby Stnging Waters on and several interesting readings log in Toronto and Deanerytn An accordion solo by Sharon tended mmmflm Vi Alliston MrsEstenDavis was Patton was enjoyed delicious Mr and othls grandson Brian MrVa Mrs ilarold Arnold wilh Mr and Mrs KetdivMeVanel Eto inifltfill WAMemher rm been and Mrs Jack Cochran blcoke Mrs Earl Reid ltuth Taylor galre andErisn with iriends in Far thers Day Mrs Elwood Jen ry Sornrd Mrs George Wilson nett conducted tree come few days with her son and Next meeting will be at the hall with members an appointed to get marker in lunchwas served bythe hos 51mm memory of Mrs Hanna Foster ears assisted by Mr Bell Me Whig tor Mo health TNYJ EXAMINER WANT ADS room mzrrr We dumped Cluseto SsuitS Marie are visiting his dEWhMIYHW MT Efld TL Mr mt bmother Mrs sfoeacmmr nu Clltfordvfioblnsonvat Ripley ome en mi an cum cc Ed ruthereinrllw and sister Mr Off the homer an lawmande and Mrs Colin Brown 7Mr and Mrs Larry Kennard he Char WWI Rose Lynn 0iienly oursetn training at Midland hospitsiand wDIIZkWThx and Mrs Everett Edwards Mrs Mrg mom Dilékiwmh couple or days last week with returned Sundary trorn London mva hm Friday mm Bar tho Huth lsmily Jim Mator To where she has completed her rncmbers mm much imprbved In rontopat Mrs Fred Vlneys and course in hospital administrae Mr sndMrs Emesl Ham mond returned home Thursday mnwn tcrr Liberal Dietenbaker hay time mm Visitors du Aurora Mr and Mrs Steve Rawns and MI Mrsnd Mn Cline hawn Edwards Collingwood with Mr urday oi Mrs 01 urrele Gordon Clarkol Barrie Pat Cullen and son Toronto Miss Doreen Smith Reg the intention ol Mr and Mrs Harold Rigg To lion at University ot Western aunt Mrs Fred Viney days with her parents Mr and and Mrs James Geddes Mrs Harold Smith quette leavingvh million gallons of One thing is certainthe beer was perfectly good We believed that right from the start The tests we make on every batch of product told us so But now this has been proven beyond anyones doubt by the most thorough testing ever carried out on beer in the entire history of brewing These tests conducted by Federal and Provincial authorities have shown that Dow products are brewed by the finest methods and to the highest standards of quality purity and taste Even though we Were sure that our products were beyond reproach rumour was rampant in Quebec City Dow bore the full brunt of this We were the natural target for such rumour because Dow is the only brewery in Quebec City and outsold all other brands combined As the leader in the industry we felt it was our responsibility to provide the needed reassurance So as for Dow was concerned there was only one right thing to do In the public interest in the ins tcrcst of our customers in the interest of the entire brewing industry in the intcrcst of the many waiters hotel owners and retailers who depend on selling beer for their livelihood we had to remove all doubt from the mind of every single bccr drinker The best way to do this we felt was to remove our product from sale This action was carried out volrurrarly perfectly goodDoWAre Did wedoitneedlessry Probably because we were the only brewer to take such action and remember Government reports have shown that Dow should not have been singled out from others our action was misunderstood Apparently people thought there must have been something wrong or why would all that good Dow Ale be poured out So the rumours spread about Dow and the peculiar situation in Quebec City And it seriously affected our saleseven here where Dow Ale is brewed in Toronto eSpecially for Ontario However If our action served to settle any doubt about the quality of Dow if it helped restore confidence in the brcwingindustry if it assisted in the official investigations to deter mine the real cause of the illness if it removed doubt from your mind if it proved that were worthy of your trust then we had ample reason for doing what we did expensive though it was So did we dump close to million gallons of good Dow Alc needlessly We dont think so DOW BREWERY ONTARIO LIMITED is 59 barkbenches asked Opposition it in Quebec drew burstpol Leader Dietenbakor Fri laulllller from therComnrons and sharp reply from Mr Thenuestion related to the resignation this week ent Vincent tPC Nic letYa ang the weekend Larrypltnne andMrssteve rnaslrntwhd resignedhls seat Hand v15 ed Sunday with included Mrand Mf5l£0fl5fd ltawn attended the iuaeraiSnt Clem to sects election in the coming me Rawns Quebec movinctaleleodon is the right honorable leader or the0ppositlon wormed of any other at his asked Mr icienbaker as rt ron rrt the home oi the lab Ontario and is spending tow the Commons WNW celh anticipation po nu mu um

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