Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 May 1966, p. 5

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ffl 3m Speclnl danclng event and Lil play will he held throughout um week including three day ln sally dressed dancers nlxeady mutational Conva at the Royal York Hotel May 10 la 21 111k filth anmml canvenuon is sponsored by the Turn and Dlstrlct Square Dana wdatlaxL BARRIE DANCERS Among the mmfiaan 3000 reglslered or tha event wlll be good mutation square dancers mm Barrle clam Dancers ram clubs in Colllng wood Slayner Alllrtun and Camp Borden will also attend Each year the conventlun lur wn dancers from acres Can he Unilcd Slates and ram Europe Canlinuoux dancing In all VI ballroom ol the halal Lake place from lo un nntl ahltcr midnight ca crs ssxmng will be many mlch who mm hdanoe but tlsn call Up or am dancm All levels of dancing ability axe Eroqanuned Workdaan dugling Th9 City of Taxon will honor square danwu by declaring May 15 In 21 as Toronto Inter national Squuo Dam Week mammoth SquareUp Ul be mad by live the mm Canadian and American the day wxll cater La the ust year dancus through In the new est Hash nulinu or duper lcnccd dnncm On Sunday morning chll Mn and callers will arm mutual MlmlraUan society for Ulrir mm dance party an tho raal garden of 1110 hotel Alma popular calm ha canvtndan the Round or Couple dnnm program Dmlng the thy new dances Am Inugln and old Invorltu reviewed Hath ovenin 11 Round dam party ls hrld prinr he mum danco proxram BQUARE DANCERS ro vlewtd mane and med acquaime at he day1mg Jamboree held Saturday at the knunmal Inn Benin Hash of the event were Mr And Mn home Hay Bar SquareUp Week Honors Dancers mun mmv1 hide Hr ml Mu Warm Mund lby mu Him umnn III Hill Mkmlnfl Mr Mfll unlnlml nl Nnuy Ammom lhmlh Arfivlnmm llrml Mlirlnml ul llu nlhh WED AT TRINITY CHURCH new nature this year special Luncheon and Fashion Show AGofio on Saturday in the Oak Room at the Unlon Sta tion All tickets or this event have been sotd Square dancer will mode the latest fashions ladles and mens dance nos tumen many of them their own original creations 11 Convention has been Sold out or weeks but spec tators are wdcome on Friday and Saturday Thu years 5pm qu maybe the happy danc Wu Indeed leanfully and wmdcrlufly made The body given the proper Icplcnishmg nutrients can Iepair sell 11m adequate amount of es mulial replaceml material are not urnlshcd4 repair work will be shnddy President Johnson has pro claimed May as Senior Cmzcns Month with tho awarded health nonire swlnr cmsz can enjoy Inn prime We Good nulrilkm plays an Impvrh an 1qu 1n adding lite In added yuan More In gem of booklet lo help ymIFnod Guldn UAkr Polk hid airman that being well NI such an Advantage and being poorly rd Ll mch handimp hm lll worth tho cllofl In move out 5731 amiLhei yuan In In the phdaabove from flwldtmMrDJMkr shall and Mr Maxshall Smdbuxy Mrs Hwaxd Fair waalher and Mr Eairweamer menAbel of the Barrie Beaux Belles Club Mrs Gmdm KEEP IN THE TRIM llv mm Hulrkvy Kullldl gwuuu cud mm nGmu ilw mm ml Mn Mammy of Ruin Th nnmrh in make 0er home Dmmnl Good Nutrition Is Important In Adding Life To Added Years By JEAN RAIN CALGARY CmMn Mae Galbraith admitted when she was 108 that she finally was an 01d woman Friday she cele hraled her 105th birthday and said she felt Sust about Ibo my Fnendx and relatives were with her in Bethany Hospital Born at Cardigan PEl she marriedvlmms Bay actor William Gamma Knnora Ont in 1885 He died In At Prince Aiken Sask Mn Galbraith confined to bcdnndlsdaal AnleceMrs Ilth Johnson Edmonton said Mn Galbralm always pm med unsinmmes men Hie nMwellmmghled class Hula your saleand Into ha rank of wise aalert Ml Illa long he ndvlu conunuu you Md load um cumin protcin Ind Imam maicrhb quired or upkeep olbodydsucsandbmc Foods that mppiy he dlflcrcnt vitamins Am Mod New v11 arnhu together with mineral and prop nnkq cqmtginnllan Peawdxaner Peacockot Kim Mr mi Mm Pea wckmmerrmw of the Beauxrn Felix Square game Cluk Examiner Pilo Calgary Résident Marks 105th Year nlnz an uncanny It should 11m booklfl annals low no plan modern on plan Md liberal plan any one at which will provide or nutri tlannl Mulrcmenu Your lood hnblll In good you sun In II that you on the kind of nods which lumLsh optimum nutrition Your food hair are poor yml insist on enlinz only the food you llkc without regard to nulriml nmls more impanm IN not which appreciably nnd mineral new ol older poo pic nppcnr lo humm You run never rcllm mm the mm Iibiiiiy nl rimming lhn null whim Imp you in gooi III nutrition rm minLive ml um dnlly are hm Milk Wilda nklm or buuumdlk pinl rllrul mil nrJulce pin gun or Scnlm clllwnl mum luwer cglolglcs Tyuflm qunlfly plan pmMn food Lu lrrlulcd ll Mrh of Ibo Hun mull The ymMn ml Ma milk mom mm dxrm may knn dulckm MI and Mink zrnln ml MI mnk Sumo nana NM hullor or vnMnMu all Ahmhl In mu daily EAT WISELY 17 m1 nuIrImla In lands walk man Nllrlmily InMNr ml mu In 11y uulrlunnmn emptyan lhr um for lml Imul WM Hy wplylnl Arl rm urnlay Mllnl ynu can Inn mulmy nm llfa OI BUILDING WIN mMWA MTVA armom nlmrlum mal nu MW In lrmulemwl tn HI Nernnl anlnl lianmlm hin Imlc bulldan vn Introml Iv fire Emmy The on mm mm min tumum finally In um mp vm mm In It and ha been llwl or Home In men In TRY EXAMINER WANT ADE PHONE 7mm Iwn MM ml to dnlly lncludlnu me 1mm lmly or yrllmv Nulrfllm dud lm have dimn hut main fed nmradlmllvnly ll It has dune lbs same or Suwdan who In his bacheior dul Wu nmd for wild 01015 parties and wierd asmrtment hlendL Alkr an uneaSY start he now take the round of formal uncdm In practised mm Contentmént IfiviFstIriflv Lifef AfterflMaking Headlines ENJDYS WIDE SCOPE Hi vuimu advisory 1an fin field of design minding one with had harms Sunday Tim give him more scope than any owe member the royal lamily or native llvity But the married years have had hefty mm of rough weather The couple have come under more criticism than any olher ligurm 1n Brflainl royal cixde The Morons Weslmiwer Abbey weddgng of May 1960 musk perhaum thegieatcsi mn BARR EXAMINER HYDAY MAY 1966 PRINCESS MARGARET lll flu quidmt damn or Isinal In new he may nlupc mu 1h nfl muzr emu Iwmwrl nut Impou whim NM Dim bank ml mm mun tut boil mlhr and brie dwm Print Pan Mia hm llw alumni Klenmllml mum look lur Ihldu lam AHrMI am Just hut main mum mm whip me vrmnn In militia won another In NH of km or NMHM 01mm IN uw lrlnM IIMrm MM in VIM110 In Illgu film 10 12 In In SI 10 rmuiru For Ap lnlmon Cull Mlu ml fum CENTRE OF ELECTROLVSIS UNWANTED mun MFEIN nmovm mm consumnou Thu MILARNEV 1180130 Suln TM flml ll MIMI llldl SHAPED FOR SUMMER Ill pulpourlng 01 yubllc rejoicing sincejhe 1953 cmflon3ut Lha ushmpmar pres com mgnlul 1th Queen looked dour during the service spec mllngnhal she disapprqu 01 the match an observation OAmo AP MrstIeXEI Emmi wily ol the Soviet pro mler jrespedl art and grimymm the mist and hive becoxhe 10de qualmed with Italian music and mm to M1 tn 31 two of them with my hmband Mm Knsygin said In Moscow interview with the Caim daily newspaper Al Abram mblished here mdav emlng haisfibly vnclsmtout Ilikethe mg aygi tang she salfL Mrs Kosyam was Interviewed during reception given in her honor by Ihe wife of lha Em flan massadnr in Moscow on occasion ha trip lo MrsvKésyfgin Likes Twist And Tango The Kosyglns ape due In Cairo Tuede with delega ion of top Soviet liguns on an official visit Mrs Kosygin mlddleage grandmouler whospenkn fluent Fund was described by the papers wrrespondmt as simple and sentimental great ladymwmicrchowlfle can possible Mum unu FIVE TRAPPED ATHENS AP Five con struction worken were buried beam drbrh bufldinz flu collapsed In the Greek cap ltall ylvqnly other were Barlome myon ynnk Much haw Raul ONE DOLLAR Inr lrMnl lnuml Am lIMrln mum to Flom 51 Tomlin nil Plum mm phlnl VOW NAME AD mum HIYIJ NUMBER And 6171 N011 Wrrk Waldl Pnrmlnml IkxImr lullnn Ivy Milt Adm Dycks Food Market HO Colllur 30 7mm Barrlo 0M THE ONE WITH 11 ULhliZfl PROFIT EllHUNG COUPONS IELHIHONE 7205339 AND ENOUIHE MIOUT 0U COMPLETE F001 PLAN BEEF FRONT QUARTERS BEEF HIND QUARTERS BEEF SIDES amnnz Briton But the British mph were In high good humor at the love match Outside jibe palace an Ibo wedding evening 100000 Madmen sang For Hes Jolly Good Follow as Tony shle smiled from the balcony nhi1 first taste of public adu laflon Itwas not to last Hardly wasthe W56 Indie hongymom under way rthan quastioiu were being asked In Parliament abaut the wedd1ng It was kcely specutnted that the Queen was about to ahilt her sister into backwater handing over mum royal duties to the popular Princess Alex andra of Kent m1 325600 tur éhe umpualsoc the then Fflnéess Elizabeth In 1947 The first yearof the marriage was marred by spala of harsh uillcism that he Amslronx Jomes did not seem to be am in he £5000 British taxpay vrs were paying Margaret or Public services In 1952 the newly ennobled Earl of Snowdon took Job with Magda ebullient meg Palqr rector of the Sunday Times But still the critlm were not satis fied an it was said that since Snowdan is maidng salary why not cut the myzi allow ante The birth the Snowdma two children Vlsmunt Liniey now and Lady Sarah now helped warm the rusty mood The couple began making man nillcial trips proving especially successful In helping promote British trade in places as far apart as Amsterdam and Him Kongi The wmlolflblai tradeboost ing trip the UniLed Stains last all draw more sham quesflonn in Parliament about public money spent rm What had started out private visit But he heated words were corp lined in the Gamma By EmELLIM FOR TOMORROW Same planetary lushInflux prevail now You may be land with low inlnar but kmwa wida You can avold great deal of trouble by Ihunnlnx lrchlon and balm mum under all conditions gmme situauum Mme or in FOR THE BIRTHDAY ll tomorrow your blrUIday your horoscope Indlczles that during the coming year you will have many omoflunltles Io lest your lnxcnquy some un usual rcsmnsihililles may he Ihrusl upon you but where other fail your Innate lmogh naion and sound judgment Sn handling thn could bring great prusflgc on well career and inanciai advanccmm boon which exuaordinurily gemou plnnolary lnlluwcc or the next nine won should help advance mmlduolvyjurmc Dolmen now and HI end Dcccmber nolltmhla uplmnd In yxmr monetary Ilnlu wlll be cvidcm Md you are careful to ruvaluale nll slllmllana and cnnsollllalc galn during Jnnu ary and Fchmary you should be In line wian exmnd hm Inkmu on March whm you wlll mlrr mum excclknt out monlh cycle along hm lines However Amid oxunvnnanro and mom lnllon 1n curly August Ind potlnlly ln Novembu m1 Db umber HM Mer or Job advantenunl Scplcmimr No vembcr Decrmbcf and IIer March Prrxnnal alfaer will also be xmrrml by plcmnm lnnmnm luran um next mnnlhv with cumlmh on romance between now and lids Swlomlwran rxrrllml mind or All Tam ansml In lnle October ml Mxt AMI lmpllloul mu wnl wvrm 11ml wlhln the nut our mun aim 1n Jlnu nry and Alvrll mllre when nlmuhl hava an oumamllnzly gnt ym Ivgllh with my mémuum lmllmlnl In rl 5mm Dxrmghoul Down Ind next March and Imyll rhlld Imrn lhln day II mhmd with unuuml om nun Imlrpmknro ml 11 Imamalltm THE STARS SAY lb lb lb 38° 58° Inmfiz Emmx mommy MAY ma An opal house reception maflo ed the binhday cl Dr Har vey Bakiwin of Craigth on Saturday at which over so rd llvcs and friends caflod con ynmflme Ihe manant Party buds were bl and damlaw Mr and Mn Harvey Baldwin of Wu St Baxrie Dr Baldwin was born at Dal and folkaw conviction 91 mm at the Toronto Vderlnar Ian Cnflege he pmoflsed at Bea vemm and In the Dam Ind Barrie areaVunlil The birthday celebranis fly Includes mm Darrin ol Cralghmst Jam of Calgary ALL Harvey ol Barrie Ind dauflier Mrs Delmer Ney Nodeen ofVemon BIL Mn Nay wu unable In Mflufl the paly bu leltvhnntd her son mhflaliom Baldwin men are ten mamdflldren and M1 peatgranddxildrm Dr Baldwins wife the tanner Maude McNabb of Brandon predeceased him In 1591 TBA TABLE An manganem of orange 1gon and white mums flank ed try all tapers caner the flea table The focal paint WM large demrakd birthday cake baked by the hostu Party Marks 80th Birthday rail Mm Currie Baldwln the colt bran daughtehinlnw Asm lng in serving were hi nleeu Misc Vcra Baldwin Ind Mrs Stan Ruth both ol Barrie and uranddaufllter Mrs Norman Baldwin Toronto ILUMES ADOHN WARRIOR nan hlrddvaradise enh ers are mm by New Gutnu lribesmcn at their annuax slus sing festival Tcajonyr CANAEAS LAROMT AND FINEST MODEL AND CHARM SCHOOLS For InformIon sonnet loci Wulm mien Reammummy MARLIN AND RSON Phone 7160 Mon to Fri 1pm in pmmd1pmln pm CLASS HELD AT GIOVANNI PERRI HAIR STYLISH NJ DUNLOP MIT EAST BARRII Dunlop Bl firm Wm 04 BE READY FOR SUMMER WITH NEW BEAUTY mun num Mud lhlvloy Wllfllllry WALTER THORNTON DR HARVEY BALDWIN ll1 Dunlop 51 WEDDIIIG Ahlupoo none In uu mm Pullnu 150 BM HIM 500 3M Wm INVITATIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS ACCESSORIES COMMERCIAL PRINTING DEPT 53 Dunlop SI THE BARRIE EXAMINER PHONE 71665 TAKE WALTER THORNTON COURSE NOW IN BARRIE We Much all pham of MODELLING Ind ransom IMPROVEMENT MK ml ORIer um CCU lunnlnl 7260259 REGINA CURL 7289246 SHOP 32 nu

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