Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 May 1966, p. 4

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by Mime ll flu Ontario Avlllon Expo will rnr IMI unilnnn Ir17ml Ghmry mm Tomnln mum null lrllurlnt mml Judd with mums ma he has noth lng mains the union Thou LI no question daughter bo romlnz Roman Cnlhollc he Inld Alger lhnl ceremony Ls over how to marry lhem myscll at Portsmouth Cnlhcdrnl the shop snld Judith eels It would not be pmpcr muting pales perimde the cere mony myself It was or Ihll reason that ha Pvpa was up pmadlcd No rrpIy has yet bccn re ceived from the Vatican al though one In txpcclrd In the next few dnyn MelhuLsh wxll be Inme 5ch at the Roman Calhch Church In Famhnm Hampshire The bishop Rev Mm Phillips Laid the Amhbkhap Clnlmbury Dr Michael Ram ny had mentioned lo Pope Paul hls daughters Imhcomlng Weddifig whnn 1110 Wu db chum he question or mixed marriage me Valium rc cenuy The nrchbkhup was Aur prised Io find the writ 1mm nagging ghoul ll lhe Ith midZ IDNDON AP Snmelhing lest cm for mixed marv Hagea between Anglican and Roman Catholic arnse today with the announcement um Miss Judith Ann Phiiiips yearold daughter Line Angli rln Bishop of Pmurmuih Mil noon wad Timothy Mcihuisll Hyearioifi Roman Catholic lormer navni oiiicar Mixed Marriage Is Test Case ny noanxm nozscu Ever slum calonlnl wamen pomed baybcny wax over wlolu lickcrlng candlcllghl llas had an aeslhcllc and practical appeal the ladies And ven Soft Glow Of Candlelight From OldFashioned Craft Caxdshams start Mg Take our year old Jody Patricia Lowe daughter of ONTARIOS EXPO UNIFORM 1m 9a Iuru cumin lrnall nlenm II In III Hwb mm II wrm wlm ullllu hound ml mt mrllulmm null 11m mle ll Mm THEE SWEATS FLOOD mum appln 1m evapor nu 100 gallon of water Mo lhe air hat lummrrl dny mm lnvcsugale adult school or hobby workshnps In your mu to any offer lmtmcllon In this all You can also Invcsflgale correspond enco courses but as always check first Conlacl students who have taken the mum la mnka um you select good 0mm lhurernre sgvléral ways lo bag 01 hobby and build the under your Idea But nmd some information to got my idea ground MANY METHODS or bus moms lntu candlcmaklng Wan shom lorbolh pleasure and profit My mail indicates HF newed inlucsl in ths nld lashlnned crall Heres typical lellcr Beaulilully decorated can dlu have always lnlrlgued me writes reader would llku to learn how to make and sell lhcm or Chrlsmasl Today that glow is must onen madu possible by machlnc made molding processes But in us ycafs niany peoplehavc after Thomas Edison went to all he troubka to invent the Incan descent lamp men have let themselves be Ind lo the able where they smb at llwir nod In scmldarlmcss while fair din ner companion glow in lhe glow of candldighl of Rufifsv Im 05mph She illustrate her cardplay You al ANYONE FOR POKERFACES Ksp MI lha My 1M all an dnlum mnle MM mm mu um mmlmy cm coda lo Ms Mr me hnlr Mn mum inlrh 5M Naumm Mn MIml Mm mr boy NEIL ml ummn umlxlmu In mhh Mnrn mm 1h Mwlm wru hlauul 1mm Illlrh umhflnlrvl mm Um lunlnlm lime ynw didnt nunmn In Ir llv ll mm xry Imh firmqu mwml Um MW at hh pun ml hum min 11uuulny 1mm Ihvlr Nun In WII on In hrlmrln and Hum Mm lulllu rmlu ml Irma mle plum lmlky knit finding ml shrk yinU than In mahth hm nun lhu hum lull Ihlm hLI km hm In Ilmu mnnwl In luuk umler ITHIIA um wim xlrlirml muw women Mr Huh wllfilln by ctr 1m ma 11 Im From Topless To CoverUp Clothes If lomrono wall In hnvn lull Im not mused lo ll Inld Publlr Vnrh Mlnmer Chant Bu wmxlllnl want In Ivomnr nll Ill palm lnu xnvunmrnl 1mm Th3 xmcrnrnm was at loss than what ncllon lake uznlnsl lhn Vlclnrln nrb Isl Mn Oncrvn Hnlm The gavemmcmln pmllc ulnr lho puhllc works dcparl man whose clapboard lcncu are the primary lflrfltll ha nrllxllc commandosha bun watching Vancouver wnrlly Ilnro outdoor pnnri mlnlmz mummomml In upl dcmlc pmmruml lhm m1 Jcr th wk NHW YOHIK AW11m HIMI good way to eslabllsh your prlca llst lo no how much dMornlcd candles toll in Hm slores when hey any sold Usually the has way to ad vcrlise your business ls through wurdmfmoulh and samples ol your work whlch you conlribulo in local bazaar and undva Lng prnlccls blonds Dnnlsh woman Armed with bruxhu and paint turned up at cun slrucliun lenu nurruundinz lho prnvlnnlnl museum pile chnuduy and Ilamd work In most cases this cuslnmcr list will lncludc buyers for lhc and gileLue depnrlmcnl rclnil stores gin and novelty shops antique slums flower shops haspllal shop holclzl restaurants ninlmlulxs beauty salon that sell all and In terlor designers who have show roomsl You can also Lake orders from trlond and nolghlnrs and cuswmcrs who coma to yuur home VICIURM WinThu In as In West Coast ladsIbo painlin has Iumpcd ho Sun Georgia mm Van couver and mado ll link up pcarnMn hm PAINTIN IS NEWEST FAD OF WEST COAST ARTISTS Once you have mastered can dIcrnaking and have your own candlzs lo dimlay visit New Hal cuslomcrs with your sam Ples lacturcrsv moltjs ¥wlcks and mmu mum max and other cqulpmcnl lhnn contact these Iimu directly V11T BUYERS In Hum by first giving the cards onceover hen play them Close bulrlinally her or Umm Ml vn firm vhhn rullmlnn lm All and MN Mun Hm urnllwr nu ma for lnplmnm The mini lhn rlothu by thn Mun us mnln Imk mum in mm ham hmlu n1 halluwcknh lenIkuH drmrl nrn wnln hm Hue Wind but In rnvnml Hvrlr llmlu wlrh MHKL bulky knil shxklmu um mm yum revmnl pfllrrm nl mlv lho maler will than mm In lha en in mm lulled More 80 pnlnunx now adorn ho court Ilmuo MN uhlch has no puntI um nhlm nml work under way on most of he rmnindcr Mnyur William Itho uha rumored he Ilnmmio minim ml Friday by arm nz 330 mu III awn pocket Inr tho but mm crcnllonv mld ha MIMI to auction at Du flnlnhcd once wilh lhu monry mm to flu rllyu tenunnlul mmmlllre l5 TIMI After runn with my dugh leriMaw docide lo talk In my damn He told me had an oversupply of moher love and that needed annlhcr baby whleh was Impossible my age So he suggested an nltema me He sent me lo the weflare people and obtained child cam 1iccnce put an ad In Ihe paper and within thrm days Indian ChinI Simon Ilakcr started wurk drcmd head In too In Indian ngulla painl Inx Icepco Arlhl 11m MMKMIII whom clly hnIl permit xava hlm pand hulkavcm by ltICphnnL boom has born xlvrn permisslon hy ILL IcI ephmw Co lo pnlnl Um boolh wellme way ha ms III Aniéng In new anlvals lhu Vancouver court house lance My husband and raised our our children to be lndcpendcnt and solircllanll Everyonelold us we did vnndcrlul Jul lhe childmn grew oldcr began wish we hadnt done such good lab resented their lnde pendants wanlcd lhem In need me and ask far my ad vlcc Heron long began to meddle in their allairs even Lrled to lake over lhclr children Mrs HnIm laid shell b6 bark an lhu Jab today In Vancnfivl mm was getting In ml Ihc ad Dcur Ann Landon This may be one of the slrangcsl leucrs you have ever received hope ynu wont think it is too strange In print because suspch olhcr mowers have he same prob lem talus lo admit in BRIDGESTONE MOTORCYCLES EARRIE EQUIPMENT RENTAL ubuance over pmibla win uing hand ups n1 omerplay an about he Puddings ANNOUNCING NEW DEALERSHIP FOR SALES SERVICE AND RENTAL 0F MOTORCVCLES AT ANN LANDERS Rlnl All Standing Ovation For Solving Problem COUNT IMF HAIL Hm ano rim pmh lwnr 1an ma nnurlnh In cmlvlly nu lhnm In only mm In tho nrlrlu 1017 out In hlnu In ho hum hmlwnm flora nr he luv and dlmc lluy Inmo paint Ind hnuhcr lama melnl nummh and hnmr nml nnlh ll cmld be mm mrlul lhlnl you Id all week nur leopkx Thu momml you Inlxh mdlnz lhl chum no outside mu Am ym could find your homo mu Illdnl know uhtro you lhuL ymxr whims In no prop rrly marlnl pupfinnt wnlk Why xhrmld hey have to figure oulI It 5mm lo me um lho bunlm should ml on he ruldmu and no the tar rim Ilrase print my Men ha mm mule lo mllllum uyrs Hm humDhnultd wllll Itnplo yum It Is Ahockmg um thousands at maidens dont dispkly 1dr house numbers ellhcr ontha mnillm or nnywhm elm How do they expect anyone to locate Ulth had In enlist the help nl nplghbars in great many uses mkul one woman who had no number on her porch or mailbox hnw she got her de llvzrlcs Her Answer was 1th figure in nu somehuw bur Ann Landm licccniiy look distributing phnne direcwrimi The job turned am in be interesting in mii edu cationni wish everyone wouid try to deliver phone dimlorics lcr Just one day Theyd have new rcspcci or the posiman and 01110 ilvcry poopie NUMBERS Dear Spark 1m beaumul exampla receiva through giving And your doctor de scrvns slandinz oannn nr coming up wilh the Ideal solu lion In your pmblcm Chem or him mu hooray or you BEZZANT NURSERY FLORIST My relationship wlth my own children is holler than ever And have no llm or aches and pain or crying spell How wish had seen leilnr like this in your column live yearn ago It could have saved me 1010 unhappinessSpark Re kindled Juhnmn Fl The mothers of these children say am the answer In lhelr prayershl know they are the answer tn mlnLn When these mothers take lhclr hablu away will get rcplacemcnls Thurc will always be mowers who must work and babies who need mamasubslilule Thls my specially IIHAImUAnTzns ran SEED PLANT FOOD POTS AND CONTAINERS had 11monllivld baby boy Two week later advertised for second baby Now have lwu little boys and Im happier than been In years or ukament anlullalinn land he tel IL that this area not 9° WW can ea make it oursand get me job done sman mos 01 Women by Bruce Candy Lhe home malnlemmce edllor and uaflnnal magazhla who haw whereo he writes This the fir gonlplela hhnch for donyounell rgpalrs written wedflmlly tar wornen is filled Practical Home Repair 01 Women by Bruce Cassldv Herruaswm Women who are afraid to Mdde home Muir pr e3ulpm9n anlllllalinq and will also help in any grub Iem caused by the luslve xcrvicp man who when one does nab Mm an In give an appointment several days hence Be she woman living alone or wife with reluctant Mr Fix1 husband 1911 Ind flu bopk of value real bcmanza has mm aur waya book directed la lha harried wuscwlfe oJIelp her manage repairs and man Mpxqenl around lb house Iltakc only Va kmiedxe of ljmylhlnl For Th Xlnlrn Pix=1tBo¢k Aids Harried Housewife BEZZANTS By ELEANOR R053 71lJ2l0 71 The author suggjcsll lthat carpener repair ap proached much as making dress Shaping and fastening are two operations rcquirod In carpentry and he lecls that them are similar to Inc baslc pranks dressmaking pa cm min md sewing When cnml lo telling women how to make repairs to the old homestead this book yhmuyemilnnfln Cassidy suggrsls that hand be prqlcclci wlmn cleaning paint brushu you dont have protective gloves pour solvent or cleaan fluid Into plastic bag Show the brush imo Um bag and work the palm out ma nlmilubnu he hrmlcs through the plastic Show some paint land ml the hands it should be removed willl llmccd or 001 ally oil WI rumll 2d null one inch long 3d mil 1mth Each adds onHourlh Inch up to 10d good rule thumb Is to use nu three Imus as long the thickness 01 th being nailed 119 gives some Inlormatlon that may sound esoteric to women For instance he tell us hm nll are measured by the 036 nsi mm The book answers commonly asked questhllsu hand tool and tells how to use them d1 cussu palm and alch applica tion the ledmlques 1X almple plumbing heating and making elerical rcpalra ll Iells how lo tackle floor door and wlndow gmblems and also touches 0m uilding and mamya Cassldy also explalns hww to Install steel dourl Such door he ananouL immune to rnlllng swelling warpan and sagging regardless of climate changes 50 once It is Installed theres no more bother Due to lts accurate assembly It liLs pmodly rams DEFINED Theauflwrs advice to the housewil who cant saw nigh in or pound nail without bending isuy agaln whlch in what most men have do hen my first start Wm notme muscu lar stung yap pug into haxmner blow that drive the nu but ch accuracywiul whim you we the say Oassldy Cassldy ascribes the average mums mafianee to home It pair jobs to her lack famil iarity wllh saws hammers and nails Most men arc equally lost wilha needle and thread the author points out yet many mar In rlfilitary service darned awn sock andsewed up his torn clothing 917 and maleflgflsand prac 54 DUNLOP EAST 88 85 on $2 Em imozzM Ea 0920 05 mcmzmmm 20 SCZ n4m behave am qualified In suggest that general sources at glvtng are Increasingly showing reluctance to support worthy chgyilable causes rlgrcy chairman of the board dirednra or nation Lite Insurance and board mom her several other large wr WIWPHSI 1954 appeaa raised about $045060 p00 $125000 special Joseph Maw 01 London me retiring VON pmldent said the mum of diminlshlnx suppnrt rum the public at large must be and Mappenl in 196 had alien considerablyrsmr of the ob jeggivewglchwq had set New pmyams such as mod Ical care insurance with con tinuing emphasis In home care servlccs altered role or na tional vomntnry organhallom web DJ VON MySl PROBLEM THIS IS ONE ACT OF PLAY CALLED He cafltd the 66yequ or lanlufinn tough as dura bla Ind Ilnflawable it lormidable humor Lady Aber deen wile one of Canada 1115 GovernorsGeneral There is still place for the considerable body of profes sional knowhaw emulated by the VON over the years he old 700 delegates to he VON hallonalrponvenmn OTIAWA CHThe Victor ian Order of Nursu or Canada In in no danger nl becoming oh mm even ihaugh change upon urwllh rluntcnmgrapid My Health Mlnlswr Mac Eachcn said Friday THE HARRIE ALL FOOTWEAR MUST GOI Problem 0fDiIhinishing Supportv Must Be lFaced By VON Group weeks MOORE SHOES CURTAIN WILL RISE AT 10 AM AND WILL FALL AT 530 DAILY FAREWELL UNIVERSAL RUGS IST ANNIVERSARY SALE AD MOORE SHOES WATCH TOMORROWS BARRIE EXAMINER xmnmn MONDAY MAY ma FOR WARNS INDIA TOKYO AmChina has old India it will mike back in sell dolencc Ind continue In make intrusion and Provoca glonsf along Lhdr diswled bar my EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mun She said rive pallenls out of ovary Len were over 65 year old and In some use VON mu enabled these patient to live independently Three ticnls in 10 were bebveen 15 and as and two 10 wen under Home visits culled 1500000 last year and were made to 115191 pallenls Cases were evenly deed batmen moth ersandhabiu and medka and surgical anean FEES TO INCREASE iilk would mean an increase of iwa unis on the We man on each visit made by branch mm The increase in the charge bringing it in between 10 and 15 cents would go io ward the budget of His hand office in Ottawa Jaan Lem the mderl dim lminchici said there now In 710 nurses and olhe stall di recliy engaged in giving hurling care ihrough VON um yuualvll HUNL The dlmum decided that Ihu bnly way lo take the uecsury funds was an assessment ol 22 branches the PW 11m 7285375 W13 mm

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