Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 May 1966, p. 3

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NORMANIIORSBURGII points to 74yearold We Society its annual fnli or 1372 The old sign has been placed on mun in am Simcoo Museum at Alliston youngsters on motorcycleii using reaidamdthaaneaalsom 0R0 STATION Shit M0 torcycler including the new small type moch nowpopular with young people will be banned from Ono Memorial Park lining the coming 51mm The partr locatcdoo the shore oi Lch Simcoewlli be opened to the public aboid May 24 with illoyd Conrad again in charge The ban has allowed numer uua complaints last year about spokesman in explaining the council actionu Cora are admitted lolhe park but drivers are expected to be careful andwalcbfnr children and other pienlckcrs and swim mera Thc cooperation irorn motorists has been good it was stated in help defray tbcexpensa of maintaining the park charge oi dollar per car which includes tbcidriver ondhia pan sengm is made There is the park roads for mommy armll diurge for individuals oilai late at nifllt and cutting up the road Collagen and other plainad about the noise at late hours which disturbed their rest The prohibition of the cyc ice was made legal thrown pan accent bylaw by Oro Town ship Coimoil minim Kao neth Gilchrist andiWallacc Key rnovod Grandma which receiv ed unanimoltv support after council was informed about past troubles They wantpeopla to enloy themselves at the park but in At OraMemorial park Ratepaycrs oi Oro Township who pay toward the parks upkeep in taxes are not subject to the charge Some of the ratepayera dril drcn are among those with small motorcycles They will be ad mitted to the park but asked to park their machines outside The ban does not include foot propeilad bicycles since they do not go as last or came damage to roads Besides it was int ed out there were no coin ainia about the bicyclists intSTRICT NEWS TIIE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY MAY 1m con ROBICRAUD left admire his award as it is piecerited Borden Airman Receives llward ROAF Corporal Robbie J0Maitlandihewnid made for his suggestion to modily rimming tmclis MEN BEAT SUN Pound Iar pwnd the human body produces more heat the the sun Arrcinge New Exhibit Roblohaud oi Canadian Forces hazard or nuisance said Base Bordon is the proud winner of Department of National De icnce suggestion award at ceremony in his office Wing Commander hiaitland pro sentcd Cpl Roblohaud with his award wlddi mutated oi camp Newtonllobinson Orange Lodge Will Iain Shelliume March nwwron ROBINSONstain 0no of Simmo burtysoldeat Orange lodges Newton Robinson Tiny Township did not give paitloularr oi the Tax increase location which apparently has bran forgotten some SHACK MAYlO For Alliston Museum ALleN Stall Part and next The official opening hundred years ago Numerous Is Only Slight wt no will be Joined by an other old lodge at nearby Bond An Orangemcn for to years Mr Reid said he could not add PERKDISElELDlncreaso in county rate and some school flood in the 1966 eel My 12 at Shelburne cbmtion of lo the record since he he joined No 209 lodge In 1953 lie first stove drill out with complete range of attachments and bathroom scale Cpl Roblehaud receivcd the apo pm time curator of the South Sim to the public is thoweckend of farm teller also are foamed in We decided on Sholinirne ln oinrd the Orange Order in im BARRIE ralea were the main factor in WWI it ill Weill mod coe liuscum here Norman llors burgh has bcen busy geiting exhibit arranged for the ad vanced opening by appointment or school children We are getting new éxhihlu all the firm said Mn Rom burgh who revealed the latest was one of early century tribal equilmmt mm the tario llydro Mr liorsburg also pointed to discarded Allistoo school bell which was in use in 1885 an another exhibit calling attention to long past era The little red school house as they were generally known in tort becoming something ot the distant pa remarked Mr llorsburgh and so are those old school bells More than 2000 visitors were registered at thcSouLh Slimoe mnScum last year and Mr ilora burgh said that early interest indicated there would be more during 1966 School children are being tak an to the museum this month July and it mains open until labor Dny Mr llorsburgh has few rel ica at home including an old random corn bmom homo made checker board and check er made century ago and various old photographs includ ing wedding picture nearly loo years old lini Dermolt who also has taken an active intermt in get ting ready for the opening also was pleased with the new exhib lLr which are expected to create added interest to the museum tall lair poster of 1m which was printed in the old block lcttcrs oi wooden type has been framed and put on dis play It concerned an era when Roscmont had its can fall ex hibition under the sponsorship oi the Toasoronilo Agricultural Society Mr llorsburgh Ielt oldlim cra from the Rusemont urea in particular would be lntcrmtcd in this poster which calla attention to farming method of nearly Parking Meters Not Wanted Say Bond Head Businessmen BOND HEAD Stall This comrminity located on litmuny 27 has bray flow of traffic Uimugtmt um oi the your and main intersection at the Drud lnni turn At the present time streets are being cleaned and ildencd to make parking in front of the atom and mo Shoppers We dont want them and our diamond wouldnt want them said Villicrl Orr morthani in rclcrcnm to parking mctm hlr Orr said Bond Read often was busy on Saturdaya but time Wm sufficient room Ior parking away lmm tho lrnvclltd part oi the road so that meters were unnmiary Illlvji ainldliotnié llcnd locnlcd or willimlairy partly in Mumerh Win It lighfi These were provided tlirouim tho toumhin wrindl aincc Bond Read hasnt yet och levcd police village claim to qualin for iia own board of mm Another busincsmon William lichrihur lust arnliod at the rug gcsiion of parking metere for Bond Read They will be ii few years ahead of Li cl he run menird While there on no liquor in cllltlcs at Bond llcod there are wet areas nearby Inquiries rc voaltd tourLrLr rocking supplies are usually rclcmd to mod lord four mile that via lViat Gwllllmhriry or to ltccion longer cost vln Tonirmcth tom xhlp liradlord has gotcm mcnt Aim and wilfdlutue in oil iliilon lo llccmrd hotels liccton the museum display DISTRICT BRIEFS MOVED TO SIIELBURNE IIONEYWOODMr and Mrs Elmer Dyocs who sold their Iarm rmlly to Mr and Mrs Iirchic llirnler nodfamily have moved to Sheibume TROUBLESOME SPMS MITCHELL SQUARE Slufli While most Oro ridcroads are now pretty well clear of frost the 8th lino road near hero has some muddy spots troublesome to traffic near the Smith farm and also near the Old Barrie road GIFTS PRESENTED TUliENllAM II he was bid larcweli before his impend ing move to Toronto 11 Stephenson local barber here for years was given radio and car equipment by fellow comrade at the Royal Canadi inn lfllon llnll here ON WESTERN COAST BRADFORD Road of the Bradford police department enjoying wcllcamcd holiday which he is spending in Wea torn Canada The chlci la visi ting Vancouver 110 ACHIEVEMENT DAY DUNTROONMmbcrr oi the Blue Mountain till Club will hold their annual achievement day hem on May it ILAN BUS TOUR EDDNVALE Members ol FAlonvalo Wormna Institute cro making arrangements to make ii bur tour to some interesting place during June JUNIOR FARMERS ALLISION bullet supper and doom iit Alllslon Commurr lty Centre is being pinnntd by the South Slmcoo Jimlor For mcrr for Frldny night May PLAN OTTAWA Tllll CILIIILlIOIiE Slat licirr bore of ltho Crcirmro llorttad stead oi other places bocoiirr oi Chicl John Dudizcon has been slight lnueasc in iaxcs in Tiny Touriship The part under the control of council which Is hond ed by Reeve Montcalm Maurice former county warden was only raised fraction oi mill and ovcroli the increase was much less than most simcoe County municipalities Council and school boards were generally given credit ior iheir achievement For homes and farm proport ics the local rote was act at 15236 mills in compnilapn to 15613 year ago and for com mercial properties the rate was 17675 in comparison to 17098 The county rate was up due to the levy including assessment for the first time and veliare mm May or well as college IIX The rates for schools varied in township school area No the current rate of 932 mill TL rcducai traction of mill from last years 99 mills For No union school with Pcnctang the rate was down from 2087 year ago to 1m bafontaine Separate School has rate of 134 down from 1365 Laiuniaille continuationsmooi rate was 95 down irom 1035 Olhm were up angrily Eimvalo District Him 511in raic was 1199 up from 1313 and Perkinsfield adiool rote won 17318 also up fraction at mil Its location sald Samuel Reid diaplain ol the Newton Robinson lodge There is also celebra tion at Bmccbridge in the Dial lrlrt oi Muskohn Last year the Newton Robinson lodge marched in the parade at Collingwood Mn Reid said that the lodge munbcrs hoped to have John Parks of Nobieion join them In the walk soycar member Mr Parks hasnt missed walking in the July 12 parade for years EARLY WARRANT Hamid Andrews who lives on the lliii line oi West Gwiiilm bury la the present master of lhe Neviiiri Robinson lodge which has writtrn record date lng hack to September m7 ii is believed the lodge was in existence prior to that date said Mr Reid who called at lection to warrant limnkcci lroland 1795 munlion 209 James Sloan 11 be renewed In the mono of John Southran Porto douri District Records showed that John Soinhrnn was master of the lodge in 1537 Anoihcr warrant was obtaintd through the Grand Lodge of Brl tiah America in 1647 and this wru rrpinrcd in loot MET IN HOLLOW Mr Reid said early rcmrdx showed the lodge first met in the hollow Just north of Hand Head which was known or Doanr Hollow Today the lodge his ll odivo member but at one time had more First moolinx place on record was llstui as John lum tav ern which was bcilemi located for hm trip to Ottawa June 22 has been sclccied in tho leav ing data Wednesday with the return trip schedulrd for Friday June Mrs Hayward Ls In dime NEW MINISTER llONEYWOOD Minister of at Bond Read The record at the hollow mcmloncd or pass but and when 17 FIRST LODGE IIALL The first lodge hailiit Newton Robinson was built in 1857 on the side oi hill some cidance from the present hall which was opined In 1935 Roma showed that the New too Robinson Dodge took part in parades at Brndlord Barrie To ronlo Bond Head Collingwood and various other place throughout its many years of activity in M7 numerqu hidgis came to Newton Robimon whidi was selected for the diatrid July 12 parade in recoyiitiou oi lb 1001h anniversary Mr Reid said at one time No 269 lodge had fine Ier and drum hand There were still 551M players and there has been disclaim about taking atom to interior more young We in the we band Dusty Roads Near Baxter BAXTER Stall Warm sunny weather has been we oomcd by firmer getting land ready for wring wading but it has irrcaicd dual situation uhidn has been causing annoy once Residents along County Road 10 uhere traffic L1 fairly heavy report heavy dust being ruled on the road north of the pan rd portion donn kn almost to MEN Some slilcronils are duty the with its lmiflc tho annoy ance lajcduccd ifying the can Crash Time Truck cantor on tho tinrct Cpl Rohiiahatid firefighter instiumr in theROAR 19 hi wile Camilla and their tour er School at Borden children reside at Borden STARTS IN JULY IlONEYWOOD Rev Morris Bartlett cl Johns Now foundland ratio has accqnled call to lioneywood and liorning Mills United muhh will bcgln his new minidry here in July graduate oi Queens Theolog ical College Mr Bartlett are cred Rev ll Wylie win in retiring llla modification solved ihe problem of the firefighting turrvt hitting the cab when the vehicle was in Milan and con sisted of irocir on the cab and backache lb and to be bothrod by buckwh and tired cellar When aha learnd um irrltltloia ol tn urlna ta eondlllol uoinr th hackle rind tailor am It hit Mur ruud boiler 1r you an batcmd by cannon Dodai Kldnll Yllll my help on too can dcornd no Dodda lw larll III hand TOMORROW5 BARRIE EXAMINER FOR UNIVERSAL RUGS IST ANNIVERSARY SALE AD lioneywood and llornlng hillla Unltcd Churches Rev ll Wylie vibe is retiring in June will he succeeded by Rev Mor rLi llortlrli nl St Johnl Newfoundland Iicdickvillc and Terra Nova nro also on this newly crcnlcil charge 1111 EXAMINER WANT ADS innate in having its ovm aircet has ileum hotel turnl Society am marlin plans PHONE 72374 Kfl COMING YOUR WAY FUN FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY TICKETS AVAILABLE AT JACKSONS GRILL TERRYS FINA CHRISTIES IGA SPONSORED BY THE SHEBA SHRINE CLUB OF BARRIE Prolonlcd By Clydo Bros Cirrul THURSDAY MAY 12th at the BARRIE poriormancor 4130 this pm AdmlqumAdultl$I251Chlldrcn 75 am ARENA Iulmr InlrnlrwvrzlnlrlfllMIqu 6on1 ioliaiml valor rlu fliihigflilmallfoililnuiihivrnl Iriiimurhhiiii int Inlmirwrn Vrlllhe Muiull lilo Canada In lhc aniwrr tor nirn who with to Iumcd lininriilly We in iiivrllmrnl Builder Ml nnnml lrtvrrlmriil Ouiiilill llmuglll Mutual LII mid lilo Imuinurri interviewer II door In the Comnrny hn alwin hrrn ronrrrnul with helping people to Arrumuiile money All touml OKlriurl lhlil lutlic Invrllmrnl Builder than in II in me lnlcrylgwryi All the hrnrhu you Inmtmmtand noon in Durand suit ni to Durand Whats Invnlmi to Filing inin IIiiI plant Iolrvykym lhr Inmlmrnl luililev an be punhm Representatives gronrplrlr ulclynli apilai rrliromplrllng lmuumc Mi mimt Thrn WIT ll Inlrrrll thinned Soundr roodi nlryviewgg II II Why not rail your nriml Mulual lie at Canada rrprrrenlallvrl In lha omplrle ilcliila dIooii Iotin anyiound Whats your stand on accumulating money Interllgwrg Iir uployouzyouranuie ihrmnnrylohuya nrwhomr to ml to hire Advantage at bovine air povtunilyoryourmlcavrllyelondiolrrp on growing Mun The Mutual Life ionnonhuman woman ASSURANCE coMPANY OMANmo ritually over you period ll IAD omcm warlino otmtmumanulnlu in Ron Chonller 223 Wellington St 728J500

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