Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 May 1966, p. 10

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elAltrlcias Ice lsate 75 IAIIMERS Marker Iof Irena women FEMALE IIEIP menus codr ensues Ind on Loqu prlres In twin dauverrd 17qu lumber mam ZININORDOM suite or like Die elixir buffet Also ram hone ior sale For Intho Pl mulls teiephou W1 nrswnmsos by Slnler mo muons Slang at Ietaphoua no mar Dining hood Suite wal Mar madamn eonditlo Wm BOOM bit round 11 last them mlbeiillll boil Rehab i332 MIDIIIMIY Telnphonoplulliti om oi Richmond Bill lloms nemahgamm stem aheatarita Itching lunvs Ina room irultwood imported uwtri months If rul Italic We Ial ll gliding 1mm meow ekup yearn Dam weight with um ra hm ane tanka lsvoit urn 110101 wirinl deluxc Jam and clutch cupboards with sink and Wm Can be handed ielr ghoul storm or mum tor run er details BOATS AND MOTORS BOATSALE up M257 oil on all CRESTLINER BOATS Rolland Boats Ltd ORILLIA ilakelroat Phone 3255141 FLYWOOD bemused Bolt Add Tulle tar ulo with taronnatten Ielephona mIoll OUTBOARD Mator or nail 15 by Vikki Diane start Baby cash even tom Dlul Call namla rr ti cfirflx ntally or cra en in and er In odd condition uiephom male we cosmm OUTFIT 15 rub inf electric start it moulded lvwooo boat with controls and slim Teiwhuno 1m oVIrI inn D065 rats cocxm liANIBL puppy ior aala thoroughrrd mile about months old Iraa had undies For further particulars telephone 71541 DOGS PETS POODLB ior Ill Lin lbrldor ovum an WI loll uonablc mentions $565613 GARDEN SUPPLIES WELL Rtnflil horse manure ior sale bushels nm to bushels clan delivero Telephona ML 551 FRUITS VEGETABLES coon around Schgo and Irish Cobbler times said reasonsbl by ma basket and prune Apply Allan Bouncy slldnum STAWDERRY rLANn Irom rrala tercd rtocir per hundred parou roots on year old so Ivan years old vrr hundrcd in Cabbage plants now avat la IIIllcmt Gardens Irom DarIto norm on 17 iar nine miles then turn right at roadside Park and so one mile east Telephone Etm vale 717ml ARTICLES WANTED ANTIQUE tantrums old old slut bracelets hmcllou cIIaIna wanted Psilnu to ior be our old an curcred walcltos lie to no tor nid aunoum broochel Telephan M5606 FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prim paid ior dead or crippled cattle and harm Small animals armored lreo For inst WIN IHONE DARRII 7237751 Collect or ask ior NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 94130 NO CIIARGIIl ill hours day days II neck 11R Ioxmcud Ontario iicrnco No that Nick Montague Irop FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Oi Service Case New ilollund nnvnt Ilmwn llratty IlllltmN AVE mms CASII TRADI TERMS HANK BROWN DITIIAVAI Try new Ilrimnl Itntnry Vacuum Pump In your barn on trial TIIE llIZSI Filii LIKE Ilarrin Holly Rwy 21 Turin IMI hyIluIIllc alwllthl rnmI went away luv Iluvy Allly out In lfiulltwli IllIn Au an Inn nIIInnI rann Ir lnr mmmlm new and Inn has run our lama alr illnu nut mtlt Arc III IIaai mm hmrav rln la lillll In nu TIIMum no TITssroéirbnhsdi wmut litmus Irv was ml min IIIIHOIT not Tnm1 built Ian VIII mania our tar IIvt non Innsmun iwr mqu alvl IIvum 1mm 17 flanktrain U4 uvrnal IIrr samu unim AnnInna 5mm um Im air 7w rum Inrnnmnqn iolcptmnl IIIIIe mm Iris our num rm law IIaIIlIIiN Miami oilr it all May Mil Al uIII 1way LIIiIisrocx mun IIIIIItIar ntmfiia be all in mn uni rla IMn tum um Thu rm oi IhllI ad daily ior nmI year Tm mall in In notlmlt ltmnmdidalu reap scene GRAIN ruonusrw oi emu oats ior uh Mckbut rumam Gasser am oatl man from man mound Iecd Ilsa Rodney mu uauty iron and salvardtad mu it Iranand am menuat Iatqmoaa norm RODNEY SEED oats tinned and WETuibuii 38 $1 Dame Will AUTOMOTIVE MOBILE HOMES MOBILE HOME SALE 1966 show models 911000 all regular lice Threebedroom In Soreyear finance plan 0110 MOBILE HOMES TRAVEL TRAILERS No II loamy North Hallway between Bnrrieflrlllia 4872304 31 in rr MOBILE Home of or will use farm machinery utoclr constnlztton random and ulvllcot tn 000 N0 tr 111 cieDhohl m1 TRAVEL TRAILERS TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes General Glendale 20th Century Homes Parts and Service Cash or TelIns up to Years 170 BURTON AVE 7289360 1966 TRAVEL MATES NOW ON DISPLAY elm 10 own balanoe years 0R0 MOBILE HOMES TRAVEL TRAILERS Riyrway 11 North Hallway be tween Barrie and Drillia mm CARS WANTED TO BUY Dam VALIANT two door auto malt transmission wanted Mint in in Ad condition For unau information 715le alter pan AUTO REPAIR MISTER TransmISSIon Ltd Automatic Specialists 83 DUNLOP ST 72831 PAINSWICK MOTORS Highway 11 South ofBarrie GENERAL AUTO REPAIRS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SERVICE CALL JERRY JAGT mans MOTOR CARS FOR SALE telephon ByronGraham MOTORS 21 Essa ltoad IMMZI 177 Dradiord SI 72114061 1064 AUSTIN 1100 door sedan low mileage cream with mi inltnor Rcuuli IIII tnIstvmrilIy camirmicnl lil lII Iar ior truly Lirrmo 11121 RICE MOTORS LTD RoIIlI mom Volkswagen Dcalrr We Service We Sell Iainnon vnr don sedan autumn luurnly sum mt nal mnu run nanl pm main nn Iully ram pen rallto wnna mu um an aI In Man1n it nm MlllMi automatic lillllltlllim Imu matrhlnl lnloriov mt rundlllnn wlll all atIIy Irb IIIIIIIIII TM INA Aulrwnallr whitwalla marl mullm mmulnn IIima II aIIr no Inn berm II mvluu Im Illlvnltln IllIyuv ml illllwnlItuur mu ilnllb wills mt lwlltlnr II mam anytimr HIM7i nu pm in ALARM nliitnuls six nu nunv lwn um um Inn rum etn Will you rnlvaur rtmtmu whllo Ill om 710nm Ilnlmil Im Mun ll Itll IN with It IS II rib and roll llllllnlvlt Null IN mm 1a lull mi nut ml no ma not lean II PERSONALS onus is Iiiim IIIII fllrli VI rlll Itch all imlli wt rm Ilo MI tum 17m AA Ir Ilumlt lh Ivllllllau II will uni In It will Intluv mull in In In Him nu Alan lMIIulut nvnln rsvtnll MM mintm In IlInlrrl III at mm mm Inuit WOMENS COLUMN AIIN IIAIIIIIIIF GINO ilulrmtlwnl Chartered Itrluni Thorough ltwlniul In all brun rlIr vi hcanly rIquIp IiHlIlIN ltvtlttiiitlldliltil mrunr new ammo Efficient lypislfi shorthand not required Telephone 728v6552 folAppointment BUREAU CREDIT QF Salesladles Wanted for establiéhed route with Ghaufieure Lie énce Experience an asset but not essential 05 DAY WORK WEEK PAID HOLIDAYS HOSPITAL INSUR ANCE PLAN PENSION PLAN Above average income for ambitious women WRITE BOX 21 BARRIE EXAMINER AVON OPPORTUNITY Ladiesloi Innlsiil Essa Nps invest your timeyour earnings will multiply In relation to your efforts Wnte Mrs Walker Box iii Barrie or Call 7266551 RELIABLE baby antler wantao irons pm to L130 Wlekemis tree Please telephone moses mAIL sALu CLERK required ior jewellery atore Pieu reply tn own handwriting to Ito Box Ila Danie REHAB BABY aitier In 11 home It days weekly in Angus Paid till week Neutron alter mm 530 am You rIIlIB car lionams and In aid Irch renulml Int Inn and IV DrIvIIn IIraIaunot Tolltlherll thI ior interview appointment ExvmrENcan italmrcaser requir hill or part time pleasant martin conditions A1791 ill pet can at tho Funnier iuii For as polnunent tnlzphone mom REGISTERED Nursing Aaalmnta and Practical Norm ndulrrd curl and part than in nu ahiit Laundry and cleaning help rm qulrcd Ark Eden Nuralnl iionlI Lid1M1 DENTAL ASSISTANT ior summer only no IX ricnc necessary water unlvar Ly student who do alm Interesuda eruployment writ etnuna previous cmplnymenl and education to Dr Chlmbln Io Dunlap st 12 nude MALE FEMALE IIArUnD count to 1le II with alderly wupla as lInuacIIeaner and handyman Awly In niqu to so ll Hairdresser nqulr working ondltlons Ale in Dcr Inn at ur Powder Pull For In rd tall or pan time IIeaunt nointmrnt tolerantma Monti WANTED Immodlaiely man or Mr man to ninpiy wnmmm in Sim toc County and lame with Itaw lelah rrodurts fan ram 30 urea 1y part tltnc um and up lull lime lIItc luwtrtah Dept unions woo Richelieu St Henry Montreal SALES HELP AGENTS Ilr IlAIIuJGII coo county and Run around rarnlnsy No my Illll Rawlrlgtr moi Dm Inoltooo lllmrlien st 11cm 1qu iron MALE ELI IIHWI COUNT Barrio District Collegiate Ronni Caretakers Applications tor tho position Corclahct will ho rrcotvul by tho mtlcrsluml Applicants to apply In writing aLalInII ago and rxpcrtonce lill irlngc bcnriItaI lrI cited RilltlliN RUSI DillNlhlIlAiOIl mix in IIARRIII ONE PIPEFITTER ONE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN AIIIA MANSFIIJIDDIZNMAN IIARIIIE NIGHT CLEANER IllIQIiiIllZI by local IirIII Ivilnllltt litaal pom Otimlllng tullliliinn anll Otmpany lvrurtila Apply III ttllilifl alulmu part eIIIIIlnImrut lItelnIy slut Iharar ior IIHNTI tn IIAIIIIIE EXAMINER RON ill mm min ullm Iu ahltllv In mm mourn In In an AI in Allwrl NulIi mu an Ivy mm Irnrm IIIv In In mum Mann nu amt Ha PM wman rummmi Itlrlt Ill turnIla UIMIII till an owl aunnrua ruliwltniuvl MI Mil1 lllItt gnarl annvt an Dublintil mm IV II Milk sullth stalll as aw 4va nl pal rmrinv ui TVII IInIIrnI unled wt at um n4 mt rlimm in yo nn nmmm tlu wml ma may mniny Wm inn Mt main rml III In aunt Bum aa Inc More Ads MALE HELP SALES paramount A11 Canadianwmpany manu laciurIngs complete line of cleaning misterials ior industrial and Institutional use requires an experienced salesman with caliorbimooe and Muskoira penalize Man selected will be lactary trained and receive above normal eamingsniilo will have exclusive ripbt to letIIiWrY assigned he wit rocetvriull credit ior all mail and orders Combustion advance ar rangernent For personal interview call MR LONG TORONTO 6366751 Collect OLA MECHANIC DIM hmv llllr Mm heavy edulmlnt writ in box 17 Ballto ELKminer EMPLOYMENT WANTED Loan Management Can otter your Rm years comprehensive experience in direct and Indirect consumer lending wlih American banks and iinancs companies Suecessiul record to manage ment and business devdoprnent Additional apertures la com mercial and mortgage lending Agata married college dagroe excellent reierences Aliailabla to locate when needed For in tervicw or resume WRITE BOX ill BARRlE EXAMINER 0R PHONE MIDLAND 52am DAY cAvu Ior ddldnn under iive Monday mn mday transportation supplied Telephone moon IAIELADY required Jewel ior store experience mierred on mtqamtlli monsoon only Ao ly In Dawn to Bill Lean JIW CW Dunlovp St West 1po NU Doomemnn stadium operator axpenenced In handllna accounts rowivaala and amounts MINII wlula to learn omit Teleohona marsI ILEGAL NOTICE TO CREDHORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF EIIIEL MAY ilUGIIISS late oi the Township oi Tocurnscth in the County oi Sinwoo deceased All persons having claims against the estate oi mill MAY HUGHES Inte oi Newton Robinson in thoTownship oi chumscth in the OouMy oi Simone who lied on or about the 23th day oi Marsh 1966 are hereby notified to send particu lar oi same to the undersigned on or bciorc the 27th day oi May 1966 alter which date the Elltie will be difiribllicd with regard only to the claims oi which the underslltncit shall thcn have notice and tho under signal will not be liable to any person oi whose claim they shall not have notice DATED at Bradiord this filth day at April 15m EVANS AND EVANS 21 Holland street West ilIiADFthD Ontario Sollril tor the IIxrwtml ni 1th oi 171IIEL MAY I2 TENDERS TENDERS FOR RENOVATIONS IO IiARRlE ARINA DARRIIC ONTARIO Scaled ItipIIIIItrvl sum tomlrra will be rIcciml by tho lllkltr algnul until pm TUESDAY MAY 17 10M tor mmvnllom In lira IlAltlIiI AILILNA ior the IlARRIl AIIIINA ADMISSION inch Itruicr timtl he armmpnn loll try IvIII bowl in tile srruwlnt III on Thu IIKWWJIII ttlllirntillr is re mind in ltmvillc Mrinnnaam lalml in tho Innouut 100 at lilt lwllritil itam willI Irvvitic nttnns available in ttrnrvnl Con trrntnra nnly Irmu dw twirl trrtl on Ilv1xralt at n1 my will Is on display at the Toronto Imnlmtlnn insulation and the Harris IIlIlIlltlI lardmnae low cut or any Irlwlrt not wear iiy mmnul NIXRIIT IMVIIS AiilIIITIXriTi DAIIRIE WRITE wantslit that lot human Ad Tatm will in It to Mn You nIIe ms tlauillui nil Tu vim your out nutad dial Itlt that HM to Irruitll tho Want Ad Dept moss Mil js1ncol scoIIIIIrE not By MR5 CAMERON Mr and Mrs John anbell inglewood were weekend guests at Mr and MrsNorman Stoddart end attended the bowl ing club banquet and dance Saturday night Mr and Mrs Cecil Cameron were guests at the FordTraccy wedding at Emmanuel Baptist ChurchABarrle Saturday Reg McIanson ROAR sta tioned In the Yukon hss been visiting at Camp Borden ior twnwreiu Robert Amos and Roy Camp bell attended the plumbing hy dronics show WedneSduyr at the Queen Elisabeth building CNEipronln Members and lriends oi Guth rie1 Central Oro Station Pres byterian Churches will be Inter rated to hear of the birth oi son nrnothy April to to Mr and Mrs Leigh Powell oi King ston Mr Powell was the stu dent mpb on the drama last slimmer large number oi iriends iriends and relatives Attended the iunerai oi Gordon dark last Saturday to express their sympathy ior Mrs Clark and thirdly in their bereavement BOWLING BANQUET About 10 members and irlends oi Guthrie Bowling League at tended the annual banquet and dance at Stroud last Saturday night Plaxtons orchestra pro vided music ior dancing The President Mrs John Mason was MC as trophies were award ed to teams and Individuals The playoil champions were the Untouchables captained by Velma Bradley while Ross Bradley was captain oi the seasons Winners the haters Winners oi trophies or high average were Phyllis fluency and Ros Bradley triple Kay Trumbley and Jack Mason and Eric Roberts tie singles Marjorie Bell and Jim Caldwell triple with handicap Karen Raven and Joe Komachcr ain gle with handicap Barbara Sioddart and Jack MeOuulg Jim Caldwell was winner oi the Kempvicw Bowling alley trophy in the mens group matched play series Jack Mc Cuelg reached the finals in the BPA0 Festival March 13 Iinlshing so among over we contestants Oiticera were elected ior 1966 51 season as follows Prat Jim Caldwell Vicowes Ross Bradley Sccy hiorgam Kor nacher Eric Roberts and Mar ry itughns Anyone wishingto tom the bowling league next year may contact any oi the executive before September ELMVIILE le MRS TERRY Monday afternoon April 21 the Ladies Euchre Club motor ml to barrio where they were guests at lira Ross Hutchinson iormcr resident at Eimvale Following icw games the committee served delicious lunch Prizes were Ivan by Mrs Iierb Ritchie Mrs llownrd Adams ST ANDREWS WMH The VMS oi iIlmvaIc Pres byterian Church war hold in the new church parlour Thursday ottornoon The room was tirror stud in keeping with the Easter season Mrs lchulcy Prusidcnt nrrsidod The Easter ihrrno war in thc tnrm oi it play Four Ways oi looking at the tross and was nbiy taken by live members Mr and Mrs 11 llilncr and Joyce Toronto spent the urckcnd and llr and Mrs Srhlricr ot ilnnnville was Sun day groom oi Mr and Mrs II Black Mn Inrrirasc Aurora rev I2 TENDERS LION HEAD ONTARIO TIZNDICRS IOR 11IRI1E IAbbItrXN PLUS GYMNASIIIM ADDITION Tl THII IllltltYB IIZNINSIIM DISTRICT IIIGII MIIOOI Sralnl Irmlrra on stipulated rum basis plainly nIuIlle Fru ill or limo tlnasrmm Irina linIIIIIuiIIIn AlhlIllnn inr lIlti ilrllrc ltIllnurln Distrill lllgtI Riltwli llvmlII will be rival nnlll am pm liltttfl IHIIILNDM MAY Ill llWl the htttrr oi $11er anti All on Anlllifiil Zt Linuxnull 5t Ilnrrlr thinrlll or by Mn II it llavis Smotary Tiraunvr Ilrlwn imlnnItA Illllrlrt Itirh Srissll Iltvnnl Lions IIIIIII 0M4 tum llaul amt IImiIirnllml viii lw llnilaltlr In tlrnnni lurtultnia an Ami all Tumloy May 10 low at tho nitlm at tho Ar riIltrlII an inmlt hi mil Iiwi rhrtxln malls payallta in Mali or not illnu In tin Anklmi oi TWIZNTVFIVE 1300 Hans AM Irwiitrntiom hill he on display at thn anuntn ton sinulhm Awwtntinn lmttun IIIIIIOH litrtionzo Kltlhlnrr Wail11m Ilulluirtl Illdllmlr Itorrlr llnllrlela Hartman Inui ll then MM Ilulhlen Ex chum Tle tm matunirsl amt ri Iotrtool reminds will ll led at the Burla lid thorn Iiry Iulil Mn in 512m WY AV Itll4 Iowan or any task not nec aauvlly IMAM HALTER and ALIJRIN AIItrlIITITLTS RAPPERTVN lTIltliTr MARIO ILMVIILIi rowed irtendshlpa hers atthe end oi the weelr SOCIAL EVENING Friday night there were 12 tablesoi euchre players at the Orange Iiall Charles McFadden won the rug donated by Mrs Allan The couple married the longest Mrand Mrs Manning withl Harry Walters receiving the birthday gilt ior April to Wilma tor the sea son were Mrs Charles King Mrs Charles Hallmost points and Reg Trusr ior Inert tone hands Congratulations are extended to Wayne Archer who passed his examinations at Ryerann Toronto also to Leland Bowst who was successiul and lelt lresday by glans ior Labrador City where will spend the summer Miss ilabella Preslon ls visit ing ior low days with rela tives in Toronto Mrs TCoop¢r lett Saturday to spend the week with Mr and Mrs Sims Whitby Mira Verona Usher spent the weekend with relatives In Tor Guarani Plantjworlrer RtGAMich APIA chem vlcal gas poisoned isrtillur plant worker ur and then in rapid order killed lour men who descended into clst rm to aid the stricken work man was identified as hydrofen lul phlde gas was Clyde Flier til yearold lire chief oi Riga community oitm Ill southern Michigan Altlhorlilu idenliiled Ilrl others uNnando Flores lather oi threeI Arthur Van steenlrlslejld all at Riga and Dellitumler lathe oi live oi nearby Dundee Forrest AndersonJr mana ger oi the Anderson Fertilizer Co said Bowman descended unto the lpiooiideep cistern to work on device that would well to the cisterns Quebec Town GetsFoundry onto Recent vlsltora have been Miss Linda Coasting Penetang at her home here Mrs Roast Hespelar couple oi days with her mother Mrs Terry Robert McAquy Toron tn withhls parents Mr and Mrs Ken McAuley Mr and Mrs Mervyn Corbett Iett Monday ior Victoria BC to spend some time with rela tives there Mr and Mrs Stanley Ritchie and children spent the weekend with Mrs Methersll and other relatives at Dunedin mama Que OP Premler Lesage Saturday sn thIIt In this region He said the laundry will be built by Beanet Holding Corp at cost oi between 300000 Ind $1000000u This will be the most mod ern Ioundry In Canada said Mr Lessgo it will mltluisc lure items im companies mlir log agricultural Implements Ono oi the big companies that had already shown interest In the ioultdrys products was A1 llsflulmera womb NEWS IN BRIEF AGREE RAISE LONDON iReutersl Rep resentatives of Britains 23000 tamliy doctors agreed Sunday to government proposed film $3000 pay increase spread over two years Raw ever Dr Richard Smith vice prcsldent oi the Medical Prac titlnncrs Union said provisions tor the increase will not stop doctors Irom taking better pay Ing posts abroad DRAWS PROTEIN MUNICH iAPlPlans tor beerhall reunion of SS elite guard veterans here drew pro tools Sunday from tumor In mates oi Nazi German concen tration camps spokesman tor the survivors oi the Dachau camp said he has called on city authorittu to turbid the rally GIVES WARNING TORONTO Cil IIle hous ing committee oi the North York branch Social Planning Council says todays public housing developments are tomorrows atoms The com miltce In briri to be pre sented to the Ontario Rousing Corp and Central Mortgage and Housing Con blames chl olic building practices tor the danger and warns slums will develop ti we Iail to create en vironmcrlls that are conducive to the social wellbeing oi rei Idcnts START COIN PROJECT PRINCE Snsk iCil The Chamber oi Com Lritovetblitsiopayt Titnnpsynlentsccountii Iiesvy upenloatclean rrn all up with cash ilom Donstlctalchu plcll Ihsislms ynu pick the paynrcnti aotihat Inn It Benctielall Call up and mi mcrce has Inittsted centennial colrr protect in hopes the pru lect will lead to construction oi chamber building The con tennlal coin about the sin at silver dollar but Itnished in bronze and valued It 81 will be used throudiout Prince Albert stores this summer and tall as part oi the chamhcrl observ ance at this communitys tooth birthday PLANS SWIM CiliOOlfliMl Que lCPl itobcrt Caustic paraplegic in his his said Sunday he plans to with the idsmile strait oi Juan do Fuel irorn Varicvuvar island to the mainland Aug 10 Mr Cassette has won number oi swords In Lake St John swims MARCH 0N EMBASSY LONDON APlliore than 1000 British university students marched to the Soviet Embassy Sunday with petition demand lng equal rights tor lcwa In the Soviet Union STAGE PEACE MARCH TORONTO tCil About 500 placard carrying peace demon atratora Saturday marched iroln Qucena Park to city hall to protest the use at Canadian weapons In the Vietnamese war Speath at rally organ lud by the Toronto Coordinat ing Committed to End the War in Viet Nam Imon what they rallid Canadas Indirect inmlycmrnt in the Asian boll Beneficial FINANCE C0 OF CANADA ORILLIA 73 WIRING IV POINWINT Phona PA 5931 thena Ire75 one ion lion Solution to Canada Trust puzzle on page Ami Canada Trust has been Iolving peoples Imanrili pinIIIrml for our 100 yrm For punlr IlIlIICIlI whnlc boat of punlrl for hour of entertainment Get your aI any Can Turn ntlira CANADA Millet 39$ one atom killed by what lather at 12x Jess Bowman ti control law oiweier Irom nounéed that ioundry will he my name summer MONDAY 11th useII 19mins By IRE CANADIAN PRESS hi YorkLWeRer 51min II US ambassadorto Brllalri lrorn 11130 in 1953 and retired president ol the American Ielm phonesnd Telegraph Co Miami Idanu Dorothy Fox it wile oi Jimmy Fork amcmber oI baseballs Hall oi Fame and one at the games alltime great staggers DEBT 15 GREAT Mesopotamias ancient elvlir ilatlons geve man the winch the arch razors trying panl the harp arid astrology When you turn 21 youreno longer cov ered by your parents Hospital insurance To keep Insured you must take out indi vidual membership within 30 days Get your application form at shank hospital or from the Commls sion The tamily Hospltal Insurance premium must now be paid to cover husband and wile Notlty your gronp without do layOR liyou both pa lemlumsdlrectnoi ythc Commission To keeplnsulcdioiiow lhoinulructinusontho Hospital Insurance ColtliicateoiPuynlcnt Foun 104 that your ploscnt employer It required to glvo you on leaving Your ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE Plan Valerie titloili Emil WU lately Well limsntas

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