Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 May 1966, p. 1

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rum Mmlaltt lemnn OTTAWA CHMl lilllnl luv Hum Iluu mnm mm Why Un lIul primliy Hun llIILlAUIm um smlrm House To Debate New Govt Titles MZaIu wl npm mm llnn rmtln nw IIUM ml lumflm lot Mx alum um Ian Tim Nhnlnlslnlln tJmlmup mu lwzun In Jammy uulfl whim nulm lml lnnny ul Hu rlmnm Irvqu parlilmmllry Apmnvnl Sam Hm mnum vlHiIllllly lmumny llllll nl 1m ullm dopallmml Ilmuly limo 1mm hpmfllm nu Mllhmltlu mm this nmnunt Dcadmyltrn loam Saturday mm mm highmm chase Drmhylrr 2L driving hi1 wdr Durham 25 lo hm ILIIL hum way thri Inn 10mm Jr and Gnmalirl Frramm mum nl the cm machfin mr mnlimml In lnrh lnrwani omen Dam and on up 1M IrgLlnlim loll nun III 11 rublnd dull Ind mnly mm mammmlullrml ry mo ma numb Ilml uwmmml mlnnlm my Mm owl muvh um lapping nmmll lorlml kpul mm ma mink ui mfmgnmiz wifes lap Menard DcndmIrrl mm wen 5M having Severn police mu pursurd Dmhrylrr nl mm of up mllu an hour lmlvre he Mud In mm In 3h Fullnn former Conserva li imlicc ministu said that ML HArvison told him Dec 1960 that Mr Sengny former associate defence minister had close relationship with known pmslilule who had un derwould connection and who ya horse rl doubtful security Fulton said that the com mimlmcr told him his muted murky risk about which th polka wore canccrncd comrfissioner had said Ha Munslngcr plum to leave the country and that mm the cam mluloners mint View this would be dmirable Xlrf Iiaxvisan had said Mr Mm had dwvm mme inn IDS ANGEHS APlA pm lxlllrl In his bed and hh YllAWA CPIDavie Fulton lcslificd wday that onMr RCMP camisinncr Cfiflml mm lnlmmcd him in De cember 1960 his concern an securin grounds war the rela unsmp Mlucen Gerda Munsin and Marc Sevigny Los flngeles FatherTmBe Dies In High Speed Chase Told Of Relationship Fulton Tells Inquiry 10an Year NoJOB The Homéjown Daily Newspaper For Barrie aha District ll wan prmnunml dud on nnhnl noan lwsplul AL mlnnu HIM his uih In In labor nllr mm lumrd uvrr In juvrnile Aulhmillu we pulnl In lml all drlmtr on 3qu hf lnlnfuwluMpy 1M lmhflkm mom or mlnhlbhmM llvu mznn 1m dqunrnu ml Ilm cru llm ll new ulllnrt parlhfllu rutalrle nanny lwavd MILD MIHOVM Mr Nlm said Lhe wlillnn repm to him did not contain much data about Mrs Mun slngma uUVillu More com Ing In Canada In 1955 as is com mined In some lb exhibit lgkd with the royal commis sum preached and ordered com WflHm llova pistol In hand hum hi5 head should and mm through Denduyler men win dow mm hf lxniljnnkry The car MIMme lurrhod Inr wan known lhw nnto and twin hln uislnl to fire lmnn Alnwk mmlwy In in rhml Hm xuy udd ha hm In lulu wllo lo hmpflal phi Ilclnllul mu um ba mmln pquc Indy In the mo uptlm mun Th nrw damnmu nuw ultt In Ind in Mr mm um dumva lIy lmlmmml Mr Fullon said the inlnrma lion given to him was ohvlwsly mailer lo be aken up with the prime ministermen John Didnnbukorand he had askaxi that summary report be pre pared 5v he could take it to Mr Dielcnhakzr report was given to him live days lam Dec 12 1900 but he was unable In kknlify my the document subtniltul as exhlhim More Ihe royal commission inquiry as being mg handed him by Mn Har The ca comimwd In inrh or ward min véu gain fun hn 119 mm nnlmd the unlu mn mum ml uM Milly III buy lit 1m merth Innkwl Hp llnm nun rl he paid Mm dnu ha urn COULDNT IDENTIFY est in obtaining passport or visa or Mn Munsinger In um wnncction HERES ONE Red China Explodes Third Atom Device mmm or mummomm lionn dumUmI In Quebec pmwnl pluralist socicxy one its rccnmmmdnlimm Olhm nm or an overhaul local school mgnnlznllm and crralinn npcclnl unlu lat tho rdalcalion al Lhc rumian Indians Mnn uplndul but Mr clmr damn Orl l0 In my mm May It Iflun 11m hm IM holiele In hm lwm Mop Inurr Al 1AM ml mm In Sanklml pmvinm nnvl llm wmtl wnl brlland dmmml mm mva rkmz mlin In lhinme lanmme hmmlrml llvmlhvmd hm Mid Hm lhlrd look Maw 11 pm Mnmhy lrsl we In riflrm Ming MONTREAL CPI mn unuinx Quebrcs MunMinna revalulion is propoml in run of the last report the Farm rays commision an duration The 41 Nnmmendnlimh nnl nlficlnlly made public hul pub lbhcd by Ln Prom Salurdny nu mmntxmi CM first we Ian Lha commlulmll HM report Minn nnxmmrzwfryrstlny ll Im anw 11 um nlmnIE dc vin shawn In him police rcpor included the lac that Mrs Mun simcrs aparng mu in building which afsp was mu However ML 11 so nude it perfectly clear to me they the RCMP were can earned on security grumds Mr Fulton sald Hv said mat Lha wannaliun pied Hy fiendtradan agency Mr Fuflgn guych Mr Huff sch mu 3n then was n0 bread securily as between Mr Sevizny and Mrs Munsingcr Que Commission Proposes Change In Education NKYO AlL Communw Ann lAndrnl lly Nun2 InalflMH ll MINII TV Wallll nmluIl Illulvlrtl DHOIIH KGHMIIH nlhvrH The Examiner TODAY TlltSON M11 MUJVP lo lmvdul aptl Th llmllvr um um MM Hm Ithnnwl Wm fluHAlu flan ngu 9m Iwrn Imlrr hypmwl llealnmll Ihnh NI lhll wns hnw lr nn Mann mnllml Iho mfllmk Hnlwl Micn Mm lllll Sum day rum mm Inna mum le nonr lnm llvnl Gnlv lllh lmnw minnr lama hngggmn mm mm Ami mm In mmqu leplml huny Vm Mlmlnlh nlul llw cmurr Imrl mm 100 hr lhmzh Allrna mm mp to moon And ler mull bahta should be me Mr ox plmminn and mo by IL enun ulrs No country mm be per mluul mlvnnm dnlm Invcrrimly mm Lhnuld Il lrmlom nl wlvnmlc Investigation and Ill mmlrh Humid meg11 In wimlilic utlvillm nlallnz lo filrhllnl balm MIMI mini lmn Mtn ruir narnmu umlururm hand ranwmm Hum Harry llrlllllh nuummf mn Am mun lmlI Inmrlnl Intmulr II Nonmililan aqu in outer mm are nllninnblc Inhnsm Mid and In hi vlow lmly is needed to My dam mm or embrallnn the mnnn and ma heavenly bodies for peace lul moose anbf Johnson uld he My pm pom will be dismsud lry US Amhmndut Arthur Goldbcrl In lhnflvnwmhlr Unlkd Nn inns cnmmlllbe on mlkr span MW thl would Imnmn mnurr nl nrmnl nczminlinna among Mlinns nvnlvnl In nunr spam explnmlinn looking to wani lrrnly Jnhmon HIM lhl cllmlnLI of mm lrcuky wouh be Al Irma willI nhmild be mad mum hmmlul cnnlnmmnnnn other meprmidenls redec ed were David 6mm Texmm Midmcl Mammy of lmmum and Jean Ridnnl of SAN ANTONIO AWWash dent Johnson has Pmsed that the Unllcd Sinus Russia and num space powers Join In treaty oqllavnng milkyy acliv mm medals pm Want he Omarla fine1 Imam Mnfim Wm filth spot Rglph at 175am 1a fly on the moon and denying anyone or any nalinn lumrr sav arcixnly Johnson 53111 the Marlin mko sure Ihal uuonauls of 11 nations can lmly conduct scientific lnvrslignllons ol the moon Cancer Victim Was Optimistic Recovery Doctor States LBJ Proposes Outer Space Pact Allen £3301 nxmium la Andrew Thompson and Walter ml hm qwinnwn III In hwwlwkv culuwl Hum Um 1qu lwn mutual lu rumor vmauh Mle him In mm mum mllrmk lmunl hll dinam nw pnllml lhmmhl Ml ha hml vi lhlnfl IIrkM livrn Mm Allmn rmullllon mmvwl lull uwk lm loll In up muly rmlprmllu lmm lhu mmrnunn vm llnm mm mubl WM NIYI IN AN Ilmlm ll Ilmwrll IMk rulinle Aalvl Hwy diAl nM 130i II In mm hml Mu In In 11m drum Mr MM AM Mr llrlHllh um milth hmr umkrunun Hula uhl llnfli mm In Dual MIwHmvl II but In In My umlmmlnl ml III prawn Awurmlly In mm Inn raw he ymmlme WM Itllln vulua am ronvincnd lhal we should do what we cannot only lnr nur gnncrafion hm or lulurc arnnmlimmn aeolo that minus While11 nnflicls do no nrisa mull mm ndivltiu Gordon firmer Lilmal finance minister spoke during he day the mummm Saulday Mr Thompson tilt the dele gates migm be the 15 lnne they mum be mgothur befare lhe wt pmviminl déction He said the party must CW No country should be pm milked to station wwpons of mass dcslruclion nn colesfinl body Weapans Ins and mili lnry manacuwes shoufld be Dr blddcn AaLrtmauls from one coumry should give any necessary help to Astronauts 41 another coun Wo mum cnrrNl flu Im prcuihn that lhls wintry to £1515 cxtlmivnly English aml French sn Md Jo uph He has mkul Imhthr firnrrnl JrnnIlrrre 01 In 1mm yamL1 ctmennlal slump uric haunting Cann dlam In vnriely of nnflmnl mdumu 11w dim mm from Maxim whm Ilium mud lo lmlmlu ha mum ol 1M munlry named Rulyk wilh an idea horn in llnlco wants man mum Cola lo ml Scnl ln kills Canadian mum SCOT STAMP SERIES SOUGHT HAMILTON IONA CHAIle TEMPLETON 11min Hm day In nmm unluh 1an mm Ifll HAN llw nmlryn In lm Wm Mm ude numkini rumm m1 rm mm mm 1hrv owl Mr vb Funky wlh mammal III Iel lull ullvlmvmh Vle rm an In Baum Mull mum aidin nl Fint Wm WM any IMN TVer kil In unlufilm In lrlum Im Ilalr nrl Im IV MM IIlnllfl IWI Qurm hum mm um um am 1me In Wk the MI mrnur livedny weekly xdwd ulna GM said he hm nnnmumncnl on by Ihz with mm min maker modal dmmum In markd Imk An Hum Imrmlialdy dlowod svmnd GM mummt cl mlumm phyla Mn Chrysler nod Amman Mom nnmvml rmth mlr GM Hunt are Idml ulul Im 11 mm wmk the ml 0m mrmul mul our other or 15 Iboyxnvnny mid JIM Invl Ilea INlv thlay min th um urlmml lry Knx llmhfin MI MN My mm mom winulna any nln Ir mm Mr In 1mm Invmv Prim Mil Klnl llmnlmlnl umsn munr Mik Inmw lmin Idm Inm1 Im mtka llryn In ml Vlle Mnlbm Im mud tvm pluty dune In mud ln mmwln II II livmrAnrA II mum Camda ts lmky tn have the United States as iLs neigtbnr he said but should nevertheless firm to keep my andinde pendent by muting on reverse the lmnd man loruign cmlml of an economy APPROVE CllANGFS chug ap eluded mm for leadership wavemm wmfin your at each Ontario am rqnfls mm eluded mmincial mcm has on he policy mums passed by the mnk mud me and $5 pmvinoial mem Imhip lees Wrens party Gum and numbers Dmon AmGeneral Mo tors Oormrmm mmd Sm day that eight its 21 caras sembly plants wm give up pro duction for mmds of one to than days In the mmnlndor megme of May no lnvmtmc with amid pawl dctmnd or cars an mmmi Ila assembly pllnl sdwdulos for the Is lurk day 091 mmnin In Mhy lnmliw mu nuXuLwim uan uvrk In nrmd rhod ulra mum NflNIVMfl Jhnlwfll filman rum in my Mfilllllh swim harriml mu who signed rmmndnlcly wens Mr Gmtlul and his firm muldufllsum Mn paid their on Mother Queen Philip Visit Belgium GM Announces Assembly Plans chltnm modung SAIGON AWA new pollu cal Ihrlencd Premier Nguyen Can Kys mum re gime today following his declar ation Ural he expects slay in power at 10251 another year arms were being made to minimize the South Vietnamese prcmiors words Although the gmmment cen smd Kys weekend enactment from the Vietnamese lammago press it spread rapidly by word uf mflulh mug SnigmL cal groups hleaiennd counter aclivm agniml me ruling gener Titian Midi told mm 000 persons in Da Nang ha flu EuddhisLs walla ornaan an other wave of Most if the gmmmmt backed down on its Pledge to hold clecfinm for national amnfly next all Minn leader of flue youth movement Saigonn Buddhist Institute pmlogc of the litioally mwumzl monk Thich 1h Qmmz principal figure be hind the mm unrest that creed the junta to pledge elec Matmcmdmmmm The Buidhist 151ch In Da Nang lhlnh Midi Grit old reveltor that Ky had made quxy L9 be past EXPECIS REVERSAL expect he will mvm his dmlamlim also the monk mid Rut he warned The nov nmom has said mm will he elmimu in three four months If the elutlom are not held there may be roam mien appeared lo be allmfing Io Kys Ihreal to seize Da Nana and olher mflm Buddhist hounds last Mm and eanlé Ila Nnngn mm as Commu nist on The premier Inkr said hc was misunderstood Ky laid press mnlercnce Saturday expect to slay ln pavmr lam Another ycur pcrhaps until the middle at next ymr There is no doubt argon ml said he pmmNd cledion his all will only dxnse mmhly In draft mndilutinn ll mll lake nl least year be fun he mcmbly 1mm the and inn wflhdrcw Min IAMMA 14 1M plum mm mm fllubvul II Unnl MIAMI Ikl MINI mm Ind hr Midland Print lhllp mm nnnuln sun or muhy m4 Mt One Buddhig leader Thida Buddhist Groups Threaten Couhteiaciibn Against Govt job and can appvint civilian government he said OTHERS SURPRISED Same Wcswrn diplnmals in Saigon believed Kys slatcmm hook the nther gcncrals in he lovnan dimclmy by surprise 32mm electicm mmmluee began dolibcratims under thu juntas auspices last Wbck In yrcpam the legal gmundvmk for the voting It is expected to complete ils work harm the end at the monlh and he junta will be called on 00 ralin it mmmmdaliw In Washington Stale Secre axyDcfvausk said lfyu corp his sludents hmgland Killed by gunfire April ml Dow Vfison Local leader in San Francisco Slain Murday was 14de Green financial sec nlary or Local 1173 in nearby Hay mm had opposed the naliannl leadership of the union to Nth he painters belong the Brothth Palnlcrs Deco ralm and pcrhnngcrs Both had led their lands In refusing to my assessments to district councils or Lhe waxes ol business agent Bath said thclr tocnts would my their own agans assuring their loyalty th 9190 amelmlc Rusk laId emowers on ABCs Issues and Amers program um it had eon anticipated it wmdd take at least year In In stall civilian govemment However some gwups in 53 ng took Kys statement as betrayal and hogan new cam paign against the government Len wing unions distributed guvorqmmn leafleLs strike Wiper odxtm M99 gum his home SAN FRANCISCO Am1m reward or cnnviclion in ht in ol lvm AFLClo whim1 uulnn shying reached 312275 today but police 5H were with out sqlid clue bannUy for polmcil reasins mm It mmm b9 Im Im mum hm Mn rm Mm mum war II IAr Whygm by AMQ mm Emaall BewardMounts In 18 Slaying tuty In mum MI do Nphln mug

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