Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 May 1966, p. 9

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zm Vj Ed was able to switch from crutches to canes fol lowing an operation to lock his lefl heel kitchen chalr fitted with wheels became his means of moving Earound indoors Ed became an exceptionally fine swimmer and wonce swam 10miles nonstop near the familys mt tage at Gillord He was also active in Cubs and during high school took piano lessons He showed consider bletalent here passing his grade eight examination at the Toronto Conservatory of Muslc while he was in fifhigh school IN I959 THE MEMBERYS constnrctod perman ltent home at Giliord and the following year Orm Mem fjhery decided to retire from office the and started building golf course on his Gilford property We AAMIIMT er lIITVA II II MIMII aan 0mm l0 mm n1 mm ml ll ml II HIM mum Ital Ialn me 30 II ml lqvnvluwn ammumnl lwlnuhy nu Amp II III 1M and Int mm nlnl flml vam mm Wl Krily mmle luryAlm rum Hunu IMl mum III Dump and mum mnmuum mulhly mum HI lnmlvlu Armlllnnl mm nulml mIph Hun mun mi mmh In 17 on lwr mm wky lulu wllh Snnnvl 1am unl Al Fm hilln Sulunlny lehrr MUnll nlll lw ll 1hr Slammlr mraX May 10 ml II llrrmuy he rluln Mll Irllnn In mmm fur lulthrr MINI May II ml 17 TIN IllllVflTlllr run44 Mr Membery dcsig he urse layout himself fithen nine holes Ed learned to drive tractor to help with preparing the land or the new gal course Ed watched his her and father praclisiqg golfar1d 21 decided 10 try it one day lie dumbed down off the Shack of the tractor hung on to one of its large wheels with his left hand and placed his right foot on the ma Echines threepoint hitch Grasping an old driver in his right hand Ed began his golfing career IT TOOK ME that whole season just lobe able to hit the ball Ed recalls My best drives went about 50 yards dewn lhefiiairyay llul Mnrh Ilny Krlhz Irini hr hrnvlrr nml nMrr Mmm mum Mlllnl mm 11ny lvrxnum lhr Amn In nle am all Hn ulmrnl lehnll Anna unch mun lluy whu nr rhrrl hrrr r4nmny nigh with Ilrmrrr plum nnl Nixon MIMI NV 1mm young dr NIling rhanmlnm will mnhnul In My hn ml nknlmk CALGARY U11 Cnarlm Imllrnlrd bill fl lmlknl runlrml In Innlxhll nprnlnl gmon 0m rut0va Annn up Ina rim hrlwrn MHP humku Ilrmm and Drumhrller Minm HIS PARENTS elected to treat Ed just as though he was not handicapped They joked about it when Ed stumbled even in public places Ed didnt ask for tsympathy andrrefused any assistance in getting back Eon his feeL In 1954 andihlzr an holes were added In Ihe course and last year the club signed Pipeline Moe Norman as playing professional nul hard work has been lrndomhrk of Ed Mcnr bory What else could you expect from fellow who hauled so long and hard to reach hls goal harl the opportunity Io play th Ed one day last summer and it was lesson in Itself His determination was very evident When he hit had shot he Immed iamy am am tngd it again lion WW When the course 00 over the pro shop and spent all his spare time practising Dunng the winter the family vacationed in Florida and It was here that Ed picked up many vatuable tips from the Ontario pros who also spend the vihtcr in the warm south He Image pyo ir 163 EDS GOLF GAME has now lmEroved lo the point when he shoots consistently in 805 driving an average of 180 yards and main with amazing ac curaq In lilJEFEAana lts not hard to loll that Ed and hls SL1ffSPcnd many hours day kcoplng the 18 holes in excellent playing cnndl The next year 01 Haven acquired an electric goll cart and Ed started using it and finally developed the stance he now uses one cane ls held in the left hand and the it as additional support 1mm Strategy Planned For Allan Finals very active youngster Ed was taken lll with what appeared to be just case of the lflut But three days later it was confirmed that Ed had poliomyelitis He was only sevbn years oldat the time and it was no easy road back tna normal life Eds parents Verna and OrmJ decided to care for AEld at home rather than have him hospitalized He spent six months Ilat on his back and was then fitted with avsleei brace on his completely paralyzed left leg year later he was back attending public school Throughout his years at school Ed spent hours each eek taking physiotherapy at home and swimming gwith Gus Ryders classes for handicapped children did will never forget the assistance he received with Gus You an never repay that sort of kindness ghe said While at the swimming classes he also real ized he snt as as many other youngsiqrs cu Six years ago at the age of 18 Ed Membery start ed playing golf He is now golf mfessional at Go Haven Country Club at Gllford is in llselfls quite an achievement but when you take lnto consideration that Ed Meniberys legsare almost completely paral yzed the eat is almost unbelievable Andho golf with one arm 11m unmnmnzn mum my 1m RICK FBflSERS CORNER Golf Havens Pro Masters Adversity mum mum MVrhr nm Mm we Mum In mu In INCH IIHTVIM NLW VIVIIK NHNil twk Anlrru nnl movqu Mm lumr ml ralliwr Flank FN mm Tnldn ul flu lulu ermnI lulu m1 mlinn Wu nrlvlljl MIN 11 um Inll um Ihnl Ih rluh nu unalflp In mum uqu rurhr lfT llHlllill ATLANTA In AI AL hull llravrq Ill Iluh Illww of lhrlr muhini lmlrr Wman may ml mu lh flvuvnhl Mllmmlrr in Mr rlm MA rum Huh ll lllrhnlnmL In NNDJUVIMI IAMM IIIUIWN llllil ATIHZ lIlHHK Wm llrmn UL nrtanhrr nnvl vaMvnl Hum Anmlun Am Im llurha Faunu tlirvl mmm hm mm at hll mm Wulumlny All hm tun lw Shulaka Mn um an lhn mm Ihnl dumle Nphnn Maple MIA In drum anu in In yrnrl Allan un lmnl llny ducnlwl he Aquml Almnnrr Ihan Iul rur Mlnm Mrnlwl lfnlxnry 5pm Klmlmw nynnmnrr Mu SrlHrk Hulmmrn In rnlcr 1h llnnl nmrern rlhpmnl nl 5L lynrlnlhr Qua Mwnlh bum um and HleM rmm 71 min and mum mumd hmkm mlrhu rillhaull nu IerM Illnlmnlrd nhmxldrr 1an km Iniury SCISSORED SPORT um um um mm In ml mu IIIIMI lem MM lllrhm MM lhnl Allrr In mum Mwn Tmmln ml Mm um in MI MIMI Unit llluml III III ml Iuvl Iwn Im wlnnlnry lmll AM hi Allmml will nlllrr myrr lh mum at luvml Ilw in all warm up nknlr lluurwr and IAIN Wu Irv um Un nnly lwn mmlm IM IN MI Mn In hmlr hum mliu nnrl nhnnunu mm Hr lhrI Mnnlull rlxlh MM mm mm hrr Vrlumlayx Ha nmwmiuz In Im MI pm mum um my and Il unyan My In JIM Ilrllvrm In pluynu mm on Ihu rumnt mm Illh MM Iml An all Hnwevm lho Imle rrnlm uh II lho Ircnnd hlnhonl Nay In yolnlA xallrr an Hm nurml unudwm MN luvrt mm AMI In nmllmnl unmet nmmu Tmnntn Maple AM Kw naiml HrlrML mu rnnmum drrillrd all lollnl lhn hm lvm mun nl lhn nah Hwy rnuMnl wnll Ilnuml any lonm Irwy wm lhu nul lwu unmu ml lirlnul ml IMk lrml in lhn min In Mn 11 AI Tuwlny night Mum MI rnHNIMI nnly Hun Hill In m1 plIy on mm Mum Amrh Tue Nah laid lvdnra Ihr imlMurrn Hinnry up hunl nnrnnl unlml Dalton er Wlnxl um Illdlnnl Mun minml mxmlm hm mun Nntlmnl IIncluy luau 11an hrcnuxa Imu Injury wmfid haw In In hark In nnrmnl Mnnlrrnl WM In wln DETROIT CPIHran IUrh nd one Mnnlrul mm prnlirionl Knal mum II alill wniflnx bu lhu Clnmllrm 1m lnuldnl Stcwaru Game shearfark NO FR DA West Bend Mac Morrimn Park no NNIGHT any sumr mun Fmr This the biggcxl game Edmoninns ever wnn said Bill Hunter the Oil KIngs manA agcr western learn hasnt been abie In win cup final in the East In l7 yearsi The Oil Kings have been In it In ihe last six ynars and in that time won it only onceat Iwm In 1961 Theyre ciihcr lhe bust out he West In long time or were ihe worst in the East in long lime said an Illnir Oshawa managcrv The nii King nod on to be one big ng mlskated bumde and OUHIUSHEd 05h awa General for 74 win Wednesdaynight to open the Memorial Cup finalsand im medialely shallcrcd the image 41 he West being my pickings Richard Still Fights Slump Sonmwrs Gax Queens Park Oil Kings Count Decisive Victory of Edmnlan 01 Km played Important parts In inst nights Memorial Cup Final opening aama conqugsl Thyweslnrn The 15am no il axain Fri CPD Edmnn PRACTICES Nu llhlal lm unhl nml mulnwl MI Ml hur In lln nl llnlun lml all yM Turulay nllhl mum huvy hundalfll an In Unwirr mm mm In th hm mind ul lnmlnyl Kmth my hm um Hrmlml mm AM nnld nun rmlHlmu mmlnuu In and MI 1me MI Inr lhl Inn 1qu nlhunI In Iin prriml Mlnryt lmlxlh Mr hm whirl mgllal mm lhrn vrlrrml Whml 4Irlrmw man um my will pl In nluN IIIIVIJ Ivuvlrn Mr Ilclul nnl mlrnrd Turn rlny nlzhl vlun In an Illmk hy Hm 1an lly 1ch mm lhr nnmlinm In 10 Ii wllml mmth uni lhn mu lwrnuw Illnuldtr anlh rnnrhrl MM my Mill in wxlh hmlcnlly 4h Mm llm In lhry rmplnynl lnr an rlnyl mnr IIMNI Mul Inlrl Ihal loll ulnnrr Ah MHMMM may lm Iratly In wmlm hi rrnulur plnre munqu Andy MNMI Aml Imwl Snilh uml mnrrr MAI mil an Mlle Um nnmlnzn lmuk purl In lllrlr vnlunlnry Aknll ha Hm Inn hm given lhr day thrir hnnm tn mlmll hy Ahrl ll lmdrll nfinlnal mm In Mm In their mun In Iurrnleu rlrrnl ll Tulnlm Olllu llalnn plrkrd anal and nnrhrtnrl nne mm linra Um lhreunme Tm mraun Inulhrr um um nnjl nmr llicmrd mlrl lhnl hlx winnm Dav Hnlon nnd Leon Rnrhrhul have come Alxnnn and he Lol xurprlud Ihv llnc hru Hrkrll nanlml the meu an Ihe knew Alill nkny extort uhm nmylm mun lhn wrung way MI ml nlnl If anal Lansmrry Harrison and TM Chief Hndzsnn nllslan with Estevan min of IM Sn kalchrwan Junlnr hustle lirka up by lJdmnnlon lnr Ihe nnllnnnl final llarrixnn and Centre Russ Perkins he lnnms leading scorcr during the regular soasnn xol of Edmunlunl £011 In the third parlod Hon lnnsbcrry Jim Harrisnn Galen Head am Illnn and Garnu Bailey were he olhcr Edmonton scorers Orr lirml more than half thn Oshawa shuls al Idenlllnn nnnlic Dun Mrlmod and gal lhcm la 10 lead early in he first period swing blue inc slap shot Chris Haycsyas he other Oshawa scorer Only 4510 fans turned out to Edmonton utshnot the Gun mls 5210 and puncmrn the Oshawa dtfonce Milh case de sniw sparkling performance ram OshaWfls defencunan Bobby Orr All games ollhe series are being played Maple Leaf Gardens as Oshawas home arena is nccupind with previ nuslybonked allracnnnm day night stanlng at pm EDT the second flame or he bcsl 5evcn series lodeier mlnn the 1966 Canadian junior hockey champion The third game will be playnd Sunday at and lhe lounh next chnesdain champions whipped Oshawa Glnerals 72 at Maple Lea Gardens Relaxing in the dressing room lollvwing their accomplishments are centre mylnrl Ilnlimw mu In Inll WI luulml You can tell mm In um sending bushcn aflrr Hobby Orr tracked Hop Guldnlin Oshawa mach The light brought charges from Ihn rival reaches head hunting Edmunlnn coach Ray Kinnsewich said he Gcncrals wenl allcr hmds because Ihcy couldnt lake Edmontons persistenlbod king Wren has proleslcd Edmun luns use the Estevan play ers to the Canadian Amateur Hockey Assnclalinn but he pmth IHIl expcgleri to an third period isbswinging enlivened proceeding and rclcrec Frank Daiznnull aflcr lcfling the players light it nul assessed bun with six mailer pcqallic Iodgwn each had No assists All three figured 1n funk of Ed mflplong goals Ross Perkins 11d and gaal keeper Don hideod Perkin bagged two third perlnd gaals In place the name well out mach CE Vircpholo SELFSQ OYYDUR EM 58 DUNLOP ST EAST SHOE 30 DUNLOP ST EAST NORMAN SHOES DUNLOP STREET WEST 72 Foarfilrcad slippers are so comfortable rhat Ihcy make mothers ch as if Iheyre walking on soft puffy clouds And molhcr lik lhal ruling Elegant Foamlreads slay that way because lhcyrc summed washable And because of Kaufmans exclusive process vcn here fine Three ways to say love you on Mothers Day MBHER SHOE STORES Get them leading departmenl stores and Allhese fine shoe shops Complele ine of Kaufman Footwear San ll Dllplly of Kaufman Fnoiwur If Tease 5598 complain flock of Kaufman Fofwur II Chmlaine $5495 brocadcs come out of the washing muchine spaxklinu clean The colours wont mu ml the wleswonl kparile And Foamtmd slippers have Kaufmans exclusive heel counm that simplyyill not crush Why not get pairjol lhc nicest mother you know Kaufman Foolwtar Kilchcncr Monlreal mm 593 72n2397 HMO 71838

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