3mm Limit mm mm Truscott FOR NEW APPEAL Will Empower Ontario Govt To Take Over Court Presxdcnl Johnson losing his 1211 and 12m personal assistants ha has about damnnine ugns rice in Mambo 99 um mm Ilale department has resigned on heath grounds and Georgi Ball Na L1 believed In have submilind his resignation altar live year an the but 3291 UliAWA lCPlTho Cmm will pay all cash involved In bringing lhe Slcvcu Truscoll ap peal on the Suprtme Court Elm hls laLhcr mid Tucs 33C Dnn Truscofl warrant at licchLh he MAF hcre old preu mummy hll urnin II pmlnularly gram to Sullcl nrvGeneul Fennel and he jus oo hawum in mmflnulha mm1 mm or mescnling thc case Mr Tnmnu xald lhu court ls pmuml MIA hear anI mm all lha Nu 1ry prollmmnrlu nu com nlelad and cmlnsel Mo Indy prnrml TORONTO lDTllc movin rinl nvrmnwnl wul In wumw nwl lulu uvrr llm manna mnnlctpni Juwmln nml hmr lly mull mum hm lulm mm In lrlhlalurn Tnuv Ivy Mwmumm 1mm Wan WASHINGTON CF Thu lalesl dropouts mm United Slam pawer apparatus Ind cate an unprecedented cm Iuppliyp mammal ï¬ll dues nut mean flu gov ernment II couapsing Some 5mm 21 serving life unlmco in All Ontario prisnn lnllawlnx Ml rnnvlclinn in 1059 ha ux urnnullnx 11 rarold girl Mar 117mm cm In was ll Al ha lime CIIUXIK donhl on hll nll In cnunlryMldu do no and promnlrd ha cuhlncl older the Summm Courl ol Cantu Imr munpxlmnl The nrchminariu included lhn prlnling lhc lrlnl muud mumm 2500 munand lhl taking new ulllrnce by he mm wt to be Mormlrrd huw 14 mm Mll hcnr XM cvl drnlEMhrfllfl lry An nppolnud cnxumluluncr by In M1513 hylhv MENU NOT KNOWN The cmrl qu hear ml nvldrm In In lJyrnr hu lmy Allhmlzh In ommvrrml in sow 1mm and nrlo Itlwnay urnrrnll om qu Mnrl mainly nl mullmun Tnunm Mm IN lnvrlmnru phu nm In In ml rmyhmrnv mrr Ilu h1th rnwl hwlnrl nuan may Mw In nmvliwl In mm mm Muulrllmmlrl Ihhh Mk III gnvrmnwm mm 11er mums and lumly mum MU to mulml tn Mnhlbuu In HI ll mu ml mm The lrmunl mu mllnl out TM EXMIlMle WANT ADS PHONE 7281 thsical Mental Pressure Cause Of US Dropouts Eflc Schmidt 31 year old Ed canstrucllun mrkcr ormound remn ed to Edmonwn mcsday chunk he had been impris Crown To Pay CLAIMS EAST GERMAN IMPRISONMENT my ever are in Ihe US have the lever of the power structure been concen Iraied in In low hand or mark Ipulaled busily mun mkesman laid Tuu day he case could be heard In June lawyer am ready in proceed The cam now huldlnz Ill sprinx Imlan and ma Truscou appeal will be given Madly the altrlllnn simply enacts the amnion mm the Inn pres dem Kennedys New Fronlicr tn Lhn Great Society President Johnson But no doubt hard drlvlng limits and oftenim clblo prcsidnnk cambined with world evenls and domestic prob lems spell unprecedentzd phylh cal and mental pressure or the mgn onear umAmpï¬ live lawym arent ready In go ahead unul July the mun mm pnmmy cum mun nlhough um jutlnu munIly an ucauon uw nvmlh are In make submlxslcns lo the mun to what new avideme they ulah lo pmsmt Mr Truscnl laid Tomnlo lawyer Athur Marlin and Joulue will npmcn Steven It Ihe appeal med 15 day during mu to East Germany last year Mr Schmidt says he was med to surrender $5000 helm being allowed to leave East Germ Qny In May 1965 He seeks THE NEW RUBBER STAMP THAT NEVER NEEDS AN INK PAD POSTERS OFFICE STATIONERY TAGS CATALOGUES CHEQUES CHAND BILLS DRAW TICKETS WEDDING STATIONERY 16 BAYFIELD ST LETTERHEADS INVOICES ENVELOPES PRIZE LISTS BILLHEADS PROGRAMS CONTINUOUS FORMS Costs THY PEBMHSTHMP 25000 IMPRESSIONS BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR COMMERCIAL PRINHNG President Johnsons band of helpers consider roullnu work week ol six days 12 to 15 hour daIJy wllh hmdw thrawn frequently Sundayl In he third year of the John sun relgn the president Secre taryol Stale Dean Rusk De fence Sccmary Robert Mb Namarn Vlce Prcsldenl llu hart Humphrey Ball Donny Defence Secretary Cyrus Vance and presidenual nlde 11m Mayers are the hard core he eslahllshmem Both McNamm Ind Rusk have been an the job since mo without much break and uh menu Io thrive on more wark However here have been sign cl stress as when McNamar recently snapped anflily at press qulelonrr regarding pos nlhililics American Imps Europe would he tappad or Vick Nam McNarrmra nld no and lhm 15000 speciallm were diverted Mcanwhlle 11 of lormer help lengthy and Muyzrl pm secretary And trouble shoolcr Ihe only Johnsnn hand left from he orlglnnl nu nun nl 1961 Mchome nundy lrom Ken nulyl llme luvy lnlemnllun IdVlSN son to head th lord Foundallon Jack VIanU clanst personally to Preslden Johnson luvan In ho pml The state deparumnt an equal um pace depending on just what pmot the globe arer outing im the noun mum oclnnon oernjAchica In lnd the hlghullrlcd po Illlnnl mmlngly nullnbla lo Johmon inaldtrn 31 um Iatlguo Mono not Hm only MI NH he lurnovrr an apology and compensation from the East German gov eminent In lhe background are you of recent arriw 11 In Canada CF Wirepho GUMMED lABELS BUSINESS CARDS BROCHURES 7266537 Boneless Slewing BEEF 69 Tablerile Cooked Meals ï¬g 25 Smoked 01 FILLETS Jrï¬u 49 MUSHROOMS MIXED PICKLES SAVEllcIGACANNED son DRINKS 12 87 13 79c 155 WHITE SUGAR Maxwell House COFFEE SAVE 10c ROSE SWEET FOR THAT PERFECT SYEAK SNOW WHITE ICEBERG lETTUCE GREEN PEPPERS 29¢ STRAWBERRIES SAVE 8c GRANULATED lIku ollodlvu Mn 61 mom Io vlth lo llmII qumlllln SAVE 16 PRODUCE OF USA Canada No Gudo FLOFIDA FRESH Pmluu U5A PRODUCE 0P U5A CALIFORNIA II In lend Jrl ol In nud Ind nmp 1mm Hwy CHRISTIES IGA nmnuNrn EAR l8 Dan Iln Hud HYLMEB 50 W25 WHLKEHS SMTINES TOMATOES 119° PRODUCE OF MEXICO CANADA NO GRADE VINE RIPE Wllh Purduu Om Pllf voqullr prch 99 MIDI NYLONS MOYHERS DAY SPECIAL Pair of Loop 00 Ilm 9H MARKET SQUARE IGA mum 11mm HIE 24m Ju Mornnns cSALE In Ila mum 7m 310 has Inn Convanlencn ls lhe password fhlt week GAlull feemru are purposely planned make rhls Moihers Day day lo relax and remember This week drop In fa your frlendly IGA where you Ilweys lmln more than you expect 69° Mn Mb DIL STEAK 0R ROAST THBLEBITE WING PORTERHOUSE Sirloin Boneless Raund 29 OR RUMP ROAST SAVE THESE EXTRA TAPES FOR FREE BONUS GIFTS FROM THENEW GA GIFT CATALOGUE 2401 ll Ron um 36 Donna Tun wllh TREESWEEY ORANGE JUICE 4801 Iln SUNNY MORN TEA DAOS Pk ol 100 KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP 20 ll Rlulvo um $4 Bonul Tlpo wlIh HLACK DIAMND CHEESE STIX 0H Whllo lox Rlnlvo um 32 Dorm Top whh EIROSIEVE AWAKE ORANGI MIN ah CELERV HEARTS Produtu UA Cm uh N4 Grade MINCID BEEF thly ground Pkg Rlcoln um SIO Damn Tape with THRIFT LIQUID DEYERGENT 55c dul Canndafl Flnm Qualify Rod or Blue Brand Beef MOTHERS DAY FEATURE LADY BETH ASSORTED YOUNGS IGA FOODLINER morn mum HOSPITALITY IA MI LDION COOOANUI PIE Damn M0 Ol 1H MARGARINE 930 MCCAYN mom CMNKLI CU FRENCH was 49° SOUTHERN ROLLS 55c mu