Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 May 1966, p. 4

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Progress Reported By Cancer Society lheymonthly mceting the Barrie Unit oi the Canadian Cancer Society wins held at the home of the president Gor don Lsrktn There were ten members pment to hear the report trom Jack Cain the Campaign Chairman The cam paign is progressing well al though eanvasscrs were needed in some sections oi the city Mrs ll Wharton reported that It paLIents have been transported to and irom Toron to hospitals and two films and talks were given to local organ izations Miss Inla Srriith reported that six lilms had been ibown local iy toservlce clubs and organiz allows and ltlms and literature Mothers is an occasion 3hr the compleirnctivityithet en titles them to VA the Mothers Day cards arrivs with their meanings ior Mo I13 good time to vew where we are going as mothers and seek replenishment oi strength to do our best on daily basis In iobthat above others should saver be no xlected here ior Mothers Day this working mothers ior all Iolrh ng mothers to name in the days occupation and see wimv reireshed percep tion the eternal opportunities in lithequa Presented By Sorority Mrs Sadie Wharton and Mrs McDonagh oi the Cancer So ciety were guests oi XtBeta all year is prayer be called ledout where ioeais snd valueser0 rooted where minds srealways open and where standardsior living are let And in ihlsvera or moral crisis list me use my parental authority toexerciae judgment and discipline and let me neverinrgetlor amo mcnt that morality begins at home When stumble because of mviaiiures and the latlurer of others remind me no mother ls perfectand neither stetha children she rears Then let me see all over agalrtthat dolngvmy best tight now is brand new Dear God Bsl try to do everything and be all things to all lekeep me from giving too lit to my iob as my chit drens mother letme see my responsibilities snd their con stant dialleage andjmake me take time to listen and share my cldldrens worlds Keep me irom getting so overinvolved in all the de mands at my llie that iorget to be generous With such iml portant things as patience and lslndness ialrncss and remoct and laughter and good humor And when am tired at the end oi day pull zipper across my mouth so Wont take my wearlness out on my children Pl Chapter oi Beta Sigma Phi Sorority at meeting held at the home oi Mrs John Fair Mrs Max Judd introduced Mrs Wharton who showed very lnleruting iiim The Mil lion Club Elbe Wrought the many serv ces periorm the Barrie Branch oi the Can cer Society Mrs John Lovell thanked ltlrs Wharton and presented her with cheque ior the Cancer Society Aiter short business meet ing tho Cultural program Friendship in Beta Sigma Phi was presented by ltlrs John had been requested and sentto one of the publlc schoolsvtn Barrie Mrs IiiV Tribee vvas in charge oi plans ior the Hallo diiviea heldat thohotne of Mr and ltlrr Don Emery Shanty Day ltoad opportunity thatstarts wih the dawn at each day Andiinaliy let me remernv her that In changing world the loboi beluga mother still the etemalliieline that touches the next generation seems cunt suop 7289246 shampoo antler let s1 snsmooo ciune Rinse Mylo Set ll Pirmnrnts so is WOULD SERVE LIQUOR MONTREAL CPIAir Call ada and Canadian Paciile Air lines have iiled applications with Canadau lo provincial gov emments ior permission to serve liquorvon flights booka mcn or the two firm said Fair hirs llugh Doucetia and may Ml Gm mm and destroyby critical bicker lng words the tiunga entry ing to build sioos 11200 305 ozone 53 Dunlop St iv FEED BODY MIND As iced my iamiiy the short cutmealsthatareaboonto working mothers help me to take much longer to iced their spirits and minds Show me ho to make lmniivy tile so cuie and solid base tor the CROCHET TRIMS CARDIGIINS The newest thing in handknits Is to give them touch oi crochet These raglan designs can both he made irom the one set of instructions whloh are gluon ior sizes l4 la is and 10 Extra cars has been taken to make the details of the crochet as easy as possible so that even the beginner has lull opportunity oi creating IlBi own stylish Jacket it you would like the leaflet or these de signs simply send stamped selladdressed envelope to the iiNN LNNDERS Greedy Relatives Cant Expect Inheritance Dear Ann Lenders am manbimylateoosandthedoc hlrn pull tors have told mo dont have great deal oi time left am not feeling sorry for myscli lve livcd lull lite and have enjoyed most at it The problem is two at my three daildren They are airch lasting over my money lvo always had good re lationship with my youngest son and his wile This son has han dled my iinanoes tor the past to years and have complete confidence in him have given him and his wile money ior an niversaries and birthdays be cause they have been wonderiul to me The other children have not been so woudcriui and have not done the same for than Yesterday the two older boys and their wives came to tell run that should stop giving away their money Acconiing to them any money have be longs to the estateand they plan to shore in it When told them wavnt dead yet my riaughlcrrinrlaw piped up it wont be long now limsa tell me it have right to give away my money as please or it its considered part oi the cstnlc because am old and illOld Tinirr Dear ltld nmrr So long us you are mentally competent you can give your money to whomever you piano urge you to are lawyer at once make will and ionic nothing In chance it would be ashnma II that It py tIfllIflltirInIflW wore not real with according In your wishes IJYIIIAIIIII ltrar Ann Lenders Please rcvtnrd iny lrltnr and mine It printable int not much oi order but urcd lirlp lsnily rhu inyenrolii vlaimvlcr has some illlIHIIy cute girl irtcnilr They sometian spend the night at our home which is line with me lm lesNI nur dnuchtcr tins surh Imp irlcndi The problem Is my liudiand tin just cant krcp Iris howl oil Sorority Chapters Mark Anniversary 11m Jun nunlvrrsary oi iiid Sigma Phi homily was upirknl Ivy the If llsrrte droplets Al iuuulvvr ltny ltnnlplcl Itsit at live lmlllmnlnl Inn Mu tinry Morgan prnnidmt Iii Alplm lhl rhoptnr was ltltitrm oi teve Will report at the hmwnlngs oi earh rtvnnlrr was giwn by its oi thel Ittrre rheprpdvlmla Airs l1 llllvboul Mite Sondra Gillie pol and Mrs Judd lllvi oi the Var awards were prmvvlnd by live director oi rnvh rIiapirr In Mil ll ltrr Mil ll hitktta owl Mir Sandra Ivar Ipl Whig Ilia bowpth llorrttla Itrrt Nil livl Mu vhvvplrr was alrcn Ilvn Ilrval llIIuaI rd the Miss The innnaUnn ni lhll rlvspter marlin the ultimate goal imIII Ivy the merrily group and that is In have all three nlude rtvanvlcta ni Itlla Hgina Ilit in ltarlte the young girls have seen them on his lap and beg ior hugs and kisses The poor things dont know What to do or say On two ocasions spoke to my husband tprivntely oi course and he tore into me like wildcat lle insists that am cvilmindcd and Jealous and that he is just being latheriy asked ldrn how he would like it the lathch oi these girls pawcd his daughter lie said was crazy and that ought to see doctor it you think my husband is rirut please say so it you think am right ld appreciate your supportN near ltl You are right that cighthandtxi lothario thinks hes being fatherly sug cost that he talk to physician who has some good psydsinlric orientation iio may learn thing or no Rx THE STARS SAY lly ESTRRLHTA FOII TOMORROW Do not mix business with picaurn Thursday lirsulis could be tar irom shilsiaclory lu Incl whcre business motion are crvrcerncd It would be well to stick to routine hurl kccp your nose to the proverbial grinduonc Dont count on the roopcrntlun oi nihcm iu ony thlnc II nlll be in day whcn youll have to work things out strictly your own F0 TllIl IlIIITIIlMY lI Itilflltlinw LI our birthday your Ivtvrosropo Indicator ivue prospects not only Ior tho rom Ing your but ior nine years alter lhnl llvrn It you have not math in good lltidrs as you would have liked during the you IIIch yran when you on trinl nu rricllrnt ilyenr plan etary ryrlr keep trying nu have now rrnrivrl tluv WitCI moment in width to pour nll rvi your energies into lliIIVilltl utvlrh ntll put yvvu nntn Ibn hlrh road nI nrclmspllshlvttnl and what you achieve during the next It llltvnllll wIII prnvo nl Mttullug worth In Itunnrtul luntlru run Ilnuiivg iipwnril Irruit should be point between Itth and the curl vvl torHuber It you are rarrIul to avoid speculation during early August November NIlI ecrvvdvrr vvivvl ntravagavvrrv dining Itu Ialirr lwu nvnvvltvr Ill writ ivvnrnlldalr all gains by Ian lirwraln lvvuservativrly Iiir inn ruvvnthv auvl lvo ally in pick up the Ilirrndr vvl expansion Main on the itrst ni neli ltlarrh wlvrn mI will eulrr anntlwr rpleuvtlil Inur nsvutts ryris Irvr Increasing aurla llert perilIr Iur Intv advsnrpivvrntt Mdcuviwr Niirrmtwr Dmm Ivor and nut llnrrtv Your Itml valivvvlre happia pm In your personal his Iivo ltrunedlc social and sentimen Iai Interests will be gnvrrnnl lvy onerous Influences with special onetreats on the latter botween nuts and late Scplrm her also In late OcIuInr and nut April AIM Iirnpllloue pe riods iuf trend The out our ruvmtiu vlaln DHIHIIII llllI January rod April UN Representative To Visit Stayner itlombers and guests of the Stayner Womens institute are in ior treat at the regular meeting to be held at Stayrrxr Library building ltlay l3 Ammgemeeu were nude early last tail to have Mrs Elva lice ry member of thJNotional Executiveol the United Na ions as guest speaker at the Institute meeting Mrs Henry will talk on one oi the subjects presently under discussion Owing to change in dates on the part oi the UN ltlrs llenry will be altcnding Sem inar in New York next week but will leave it iiy to Toron to and accompanied by two other UN members one pi ihern Japanese ravcl to Stayner io iulitli her speaking engagement here it Is not neccasary in be member ol the institute to hear this speaker Anyone is welcome to come and hear talk on the alialrr olihe World Needlecrait Department or ihisv or requesting CROCHET NIINMS CARDIGANS Leaflet Number 666 Hold Annual At Alliston Collingwood Elmvale Midland Drillla Port lllcNicoll Uptergrave War mlnster were all well represented and SL Ptzulp cotmcll Alliston were hostesses to approximate ly coo members oi the Northern liegion oi the Toronto Arch diocese oi the Catholic Wo mens League Penetang Phelpslon Waiibaushene everol ol the parish Spiritual The meeting was held In the Directors were in attendance al spactousaurlitoriumol the beautiiul modem St Pauls School with Regional Chairman hirs ll Juppin the chair Father Bolger who is both pastor oi St Pauls and Soint uol Director tor the Northern Region welcomed the ladies and praised lhcm ior their ex 0n the Archdioecsan levcl hirs Begin and ltlrs Flahiii ticket convcncr Informed the members at the schedule ior the Convention in Toronto Mrs Tipping stated that the Provincial Convention TllE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MAY 1966 Northern Region Oi CWL lights and iancies oi growing up and the spreading oi youth iul wings Vhiiel am rushing to do all the things must do keep me sensitive to hidden desires ior guidance and unspoken cries ior help And as am conironted with my childrens problems and the crises they have to lace give me the wisdom and discernment to know When to get into action and help and Wisl M05HERS DAY lt but ior ORDER NOW Send your love with Item ers to any part at the world through our lire service Fendteys cellcnt attendance hiss Kay iirst VirePrcsiden oi St Pauls Council also ex tendcdya weicomovon behali oi this council in the absence hlrs ll ltlars who Is abroad at this time llnll II by Mm ilarl rcvcaiJ that the parishes oi Allandale Alliston Angus lI rrie Drechiu lIcgiunal Secrclnry GAY AND YOUNG ilvcres new and special kind oi younger than spring ilmnI aura to this delightful ly lay empire evmlng drcu bright orange silk nnrnr rlrslgnnl Ivy AIIIIIII liolnn tor lran lolrvu larla itut pyra iiilvl shapenarrow and tiny at the pturulders wide at live embroidered hrmltntulr tine trial with three Entity gather rr acrllnne Inlrscnplng Into lhsr Wu ivoran labs BEZZANTS uquuanrnns run SEED PLANT FOOD POTS AND CONTAINERS Everything hr The lisrden BEZZANT NURSERY FlORISf at him at mam Mom the middle section out crisp bow accents the bark ui Ito nrclt line as lhruurti nut IIIII rrrml cullrrllun In Irirato roaming and stmpllclty ls oi the ulinurt Import is to be held in Toronto this year at the innonttiedark The dates sci aside ior this event are July and The Presidents oi the various councils in the lteglon read the yearly reports many at them placing sprcial emphasis on the many activities in which ihcy participate that are relevant to the new Social Action Program Faber llreen Archdiocesan Spiritual Director congratulated cvcryone bath tor the work ac complished In the past year and ior their excellent altendanc lids meeting Panel Discusses Religious Vocation Parents Tcachrrs and grade seven nnd eight pupils enjoyed an Interesting program Including Panel Discussion on Voco tions at the monthly meeting of St Marys Catholic larcnt lcn rher Association In St Josephs Auditorium John Murphy lmsirloin oi the newly iorrncd Serra Club In llarrle Introduced ltio panel ohn Komar school teacher John irnham lawyer and mod cralor Dr Aikenl llir Komar gave brloi his tory at the Serra Clnli iouuilerl In loan whose main aim iv to iovlcr vocations to the Religious Lite ltir Graham pointed out that rnrcntni objection prevents arge rrculngo oi vocnllons br inn tivilllcd Some parents seem in think that they are losing son or dnurhtrr stun rnlcrs the nllgiotu litc nhrrrar In actual Incl those arc the children who remain closest to the parrntl ltr Mirror in moderator ii the panel was oi the oplnIM that too much sIrrn win no the material advantages ol In and that aman lirlliuun and nthollc lirrnlurn In the homo amid do mum to inetrr mention Ilu sunlnaiduvi ivy atntirvg Imt litorrtum and tutor mollnn wmrlll be nwtiablo to any lnimrmtcd parent rpicitlnn and answer prrlori iullwwrii Dycks Food Market I50 Collier SI Mm Ilsrrle Ont ltll hittilli Iilli TIII lltlsmltul IlliltiT hllAllthI OUIWSI TELEPHONE 7201513 AND lINQUIIIF AIIOUT Ult TOMIIJTH F001 iiN our room ouanrsns lb 38 IEEF HIND QUAR IIEF SIDES ms Ib 58° 48° HM Archdiocesan CWL President ltlrs Matthews stated that oi all the Regional ltleet ings she is called upon to al Iend the Northern lleglon has the largest attendance despite the many miles encompassed by this region She mentioned special Teachin Program to be shown on television in con Iunctioo with the ecumenical re lations program out iorth by the Vatican Council ShIl also invited merrbers oi this region to attend special Jubilee Mass in St Michaels Cathedral and one to be held in Barrio later in May stressing the im porlvnoe oi the spiritual duths oi the league LITERATURE Father hrrcn explained that Ihcro would be special pam phlet rent out to the councils to assist in putting the new Social Action Program into ¢l CC in response to recent criti cism appearing in western newspaper and in many ol our own local papers regarding the CWL Father Bolger ielt that this crilicim did not apply to the CW1 oi the present day at any rate not in Is region and he hit that the writer at this particular article was not iuiiy aware at the work accompllslv cd by tho CWL or at how Ic tlve large number the CM members are In their commun ltlcs activliirl as was witneo by the many Manuals quoted in the reports oi the when to keep quiet and wait Even on my busiest days let me raise my children In the kind oi atmosphere where wannlh and love are prevalent Flowers 14 Blake St 71H ANNOUNCING NEW DEALERSHIP FOR BRIDGESTONE MOTORCYCLES SALES SERVICE AND RENTAL OF MOTORCYCLES AT BARRIE EQUIPMENT RENTAL ISI Tlilln Rent All 72832 For Storage Cleaning Minor ltcpairs Camnlecly Insured 111 mo in 7260259 Insldtrl ofan jurorL PROFESSIIINIII IlllMIl lliliii illitllil the perfect gift for MOTHER Futuch ls Iiouslng Irvw mine level Ill mist Wick Ilonnti lordAmway rm mm Cerryliu man and Is nice adhistatde nnmm ellvaliant hill will Mariusn IIIr Voltsivo at hllnlnnlil clnrily Wealth to burn Mil HIM ilvxiinl IIvdr liunrnsvnuv ml ills Hit overall bl MM measures tI dis drop pleura his lln Compirtrly ea Aprroved lnIintta Ilrat loulmi lemiancotly lsihrtrniui llqilmntvie Air Filter Atlvrcaloaisla Ilaatlc Cu Unrr

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