Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1966, p. 3

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WHII nu warhmlm mum uunnuuu pavlltll lmly In mo pmmnm mud he muth luvml Aprml TIIINIHNI llm 11 mm hm In ll pllllnhl IIONIU TbTho gav elnnvvnl Inllinu dnvm In HI 0er la cnnlml nlr palhfllun in Onlnlln Lllhml Irmln An duw nunnpum Mk In Hu In Mnlmo Munulay Mr Thnnumul ncruud llw mm marlan pmmlllnz Mrmllllut filmu IIMI mm III illu Ihnmflul In wminrn Ky mm mum mHutlmL Mm hmnl In Hm hmur wm Invl Whirlw 1I muh wlm Inirl mnny unlvmlly urmmm Iravm Hm quuvlnu 1w lwllrr 1m 41mm mum mum Dylmml 1m muwlmnl Hm IIIrVIIMI Hr Mm MN lral valuw lnmrnnrn IInn 4n tny Our lmunlnnl In mi mulhllllgn umnlllu an nrpko nl nll In Huldaqu lhh pmvlnw wlm mt Umk mg ml dyinl mm the pull unimnlnalrvl lump beinl umva um um BMW mm 91h puvmllmrrll In mer Iv ruImnmnlntlum MIN avmtlrg 114 lamlulu mm mm In thumb pulmzlum mulllvl Inmm mammal um um mm nv uwrm lv um hm In mun Councillor Carl Duran Ix05 mm no mm mm for hurry ume thru wnx lill real dml lo he done Mm Due cmmly MMSUHK wm mxmlded Thcre be Appeal unhl mnalhd Ilam Wallrr mm said Ihe Nutty nmwncnl rmmllltcr WNKh is hemltd by Nye WH Il Mm nlStnflur wm fSays Govt Failing In Effort To Control llir Pollution MIDHUHSI 184a Some of the problems which might be mnhomm by the new calmly nssesmum syflcm were discuu Id by Vesprn council my meeting here ymcrday The malla mm up when the clerk Fm llidlardwn read MUM about he profmed mmlly mm rulan la hear 95w nl Appeals and Wm rnunml svhmil nnmu Inr cansmrra Ion when it come to Ipmim DIX mm Vespra Council Sees Assessment Problem conmmcnon well un der way on two pmjecls ln Barrie While work on um 11er pém MAPLE GROVE SCHOOL ADDITION BEGINS TO TAKE SHAPE lllHlHd In wnmlllnx IIMI lmlh In In wminm CONSTRUCmNiRbiECTSWFLWNDEBWKYTHROUGHOWBARBIE In my Inn lnlmlucnl llml would quit mlin mm rmmwml um lumI In wlulr hm llmu In tumu lml II will um rlal wammm with uan nwnl 11w mm pmvin Hull mywa my nl mm mm Ime munm in mum lnan rmhpauy III nlalmmu mowing pull Iur In MIMI Iml nmmnu lnvvrlstl In ml In nr luwnllnl will he wluln mamimlnn llrzmlfl wwwan Mm IIqu mm mm runum ranmnhzn many mum Ml niNn hrr mum mum Aulnlrlumlun ma Ml may Mm Hm leooo Imuml ml mum mmnm lu llm plan Iml UMSII Mlhlnk hnvl mind Iran Immn nu vyan nnnmumul ulm=nn In mm In lrnu lnln Ihn 43 III lbw who um um rum Ivy Ihe my dull lluv ml at mum ANNUIMICI EXT RIUN Wn um rmly ml lhrir mv km bul wo nerd Ihrlr lnm Wu mlll Imy Hnul In NH wzl llm hum lnr ll Um Mi drme mvr nn mm Han In 19 mm wlm mum Ulrm Vn mnnnl nllnrd In Inna lhnn In Unlllornlu llanl Iln lmlml 0M xlrnlmn rlr This WM we Ike mum niwrrby be minty mindl hunt on Um new nwsmwnl pyncm will Mp hrlna nixm more Vespm um walnlcd In dmlbllu he would be asked la Judge Vespra prapmlu naid Deputy flcevt Dabscn In reply lo Inquiries of Cnunciflom Cawmuxh Md Rum llarru Our man 1mm be 51mm In judgment my permit tkowhmy and Wm unuld be deciding on npponl 1mm local WHIL Vim where lam people in judumcnl nl Hynfimflt nl nzighbnn proper tl In In be Bholbhtd Deputy Reeve Wellington Dob ma he was told than would be Emma appamwd makn up two mum Icvision and mm may even be more My wanted mum mini pmom lo sit on he mun revision tom each municipal 111 but compleled Above em in Ma St Mary Sebar workmen and finishing oh Ale School ad nllkllnu Mle Milan uni ll IrnVlnl mm drm nnl quad nunM man ml My nu3m dim rlllu and the thr IIIn Inning umrm luv Ihm mm nmlnhlu llrmm uld Immv WWII In um nr My Hm my Inn nwy Mu dinII kflml lilh wmllnnhquu 11m yuar ho munnlinm haw lnrlmlwl Many HIM Iwuw Tlmrnlnn In hllflrrlur mpnul 110th ml II 107 am Mmhm mi lu HI Ml luuv Illunllll llmnr Ulrru Illll qull or In Mu warm IIIIKVIIM 1mm woman out Pllllll llnnl pllvlluuly mum mm 100 yur Aluml all mmlm IWIONITI Itill Cumin Swimy llmwn pulel at Mrh mull Tnmnto lnllu Au wrmlnn My nlllml Ilgnnl lad Innfll nlml il wank be ImlnIr lo put vrvpcrty owner Hvlnx uuLuldc Lhe llanlu men In the ellm lnv wnvenienru Ind mer nl making umlr Appeals hm Pmom who am not nod an mud mvldm rullmz mid Ull lake mclr can mumy Mm lboy am Id WM polnltd Mr mam nnld hu dcrnlnndinx was that mrmbm Hm mm with Wald bu pnd ml 11 Mr rm ml mHMKe bank Mn MM Um Mln now waner mol mum of Ilnflnlrlc prrmn draw 1mm alum ll cmneu lime lo make Hm ameannu slmllnr mum ha Mn In VMPII alm wml not In nfltrr mmibipullllu Uumflnl Ule manly 55 Metro Police Olficors Resign In One Month Whm the poinl was ralscd lo whclhzr everyone withan In aypeal would have go to nur rIe for me purpose Donny cove Donn nnld he IIIden flood nnL IN HOUR PLACES mwncnl eqnahly thmnghmfl he Nmfly The new assessor Smuley Sy mordx had made an excellent mu and Ram Falbcs xaid he mm good Impnxsian But here urn many delaib lo dealt wil and pwbkms to be new 51 1mm mm WM khléw MI fill hi Mlllll Imuaflm Sam lmlnitlanl Unite PM 14 wlnl An alvan nulMpMn um mm mm mm Mm Nanmlvlnk Imwll waving an flmmlny In Mqu mm In no nth IMummim Nil r9 wflnul Ilu mum RIVNNIIIAM TIIIYHMIAI fimnldak oflmu ll Holt IllaInn vim Illvl lmnflllm ml man uwwr out In Move mun In mmatlnn Ind um Iw hum In Mm mum MM nl rhlfll IWN Vuwll am My em um mu WIN mm Mun In munml Cmmcnhr uumu llama mm lrnrlll lo uvu mmu mi mm um mm mm mm mm mm uln um we malumuly in Int MI mwm llIlMlIH lhlnclllvl lm Cuvlnaufll men Honing Iimv Vle Wu wllhln lm nnumuim mm wuld Imp In my Ila flu llali llldmnhun rink nlnl Vrvpu plum wmkl mm In My mwunl 10 but 07M at year hr 10 yum pullclpnlinx mmltipah Iu In the Nounwmx Connr anlnn Aulhmlly qun mu ukul lo nmnuvr HA Illl will mum1 ml the pnwhunl gownmm van per rent he Am NW per munluln Simnldale In ukrd Inr IM lml Hu mnnlnlm ha hy rer lelcmnuln Rum m5 Fodm durinu dmmxiun ol Vu Ina mulcll nppmvnl Ior $101 one dam mm rtunolr at New lawn In Smnldnle Duvmdm 9mg Mdjdfkrhr hum MIDIIUILIJ Isum 1th in not 1mm levy an but Mn womirrm il are Id The ropmt dank Wllh specific qu Irnm Ihepublic alter at an miler hearinx in Barrie usurvmz Judgment on me Ind mpmnrz album The nnly prnvisiun Dl UK by law the OMB mld ll ddinilcly wanl nppmvc In Me IhM wwld Mayor Les Cooke Ind Md Hersny snid they were an peeling final daemon mm the board at Ihis limt Ald may chairman of coun tlla city developmcm cnrmnmee uld devclnpmenl in Harri ha been married because he delay In coming to decision The board adjourned hear an an the bylaw unul on 25 In give council chance or mr thevr study Bylaw 2380 was sub milled to the 0M more than My war ugli Study Levy For Sunnidale Dam The suggmled regulations would add considerable amount Mans and administrative war and would remove great deal of the mm we syslem iand use planning according to the Ohm board disapprove of systmn of special me zones contained In the proposed regu launns designed to eliminate nan canng um REGULATIONS Barrie zoning bylaw has gained partial 313va ram the Ontario Municipal Board but the OMB wont hand down ll linal decision or at least anolher six months ThepMB conclude in mport made public Ioday that he zon Ing bylaw produce ram nlzle set 01 lagd In regg in However than still ma in excopfion according the decision Pdfllfffippréve Cityzoné Law WORKMEN NSTALL Mr llhlvmkou NH nun Um ern mm In pm ern Innvlnrlnl nw mlr pulw whmhy Ike pumm yclnl man all vim IAN lnImdln Mlvme prim AIMIll 11v Minn My Man run have I1 yw In my NI Ilia liUI II lhvu um Move7 rn 1M no hum ll mva In In maul AM tn sh 3w ml within mutually um ll Inclwl Iwndillm nnmirl mVily Mudflats ll WINK In my hall of the runalmlrr flIMI 0th ulmkipllllml uw am will mm ilmiu Inva IIMMI mum MI lhlvnkal NH INN nhlflllly ho mmluuiun and law nrqulnllwn cost would Iv rvlw 50 an marl Inu Inle nwdal wmlminl wu hr unwiy amrvulr mivcy whim lflvdhr It Ilw Nil lhll yr Hui nlfllmlly will wm in por mi mrl 11w Inqu In ll tn he MN nmwlyunuu have run mnp mu lho Inrllxmualy ma ulhnalu And utmmxnl xkxun mnh have bun don by HIKIMNI all ma Mail nwunod by In uninter Iru in Ontnlia III mumm Enouy and Re nulmmnem lvrrn AdJnunl Lml Will be dnvrl mm or hmmlrr mrmvnllm pmmul at Tn mm nemwny awmlmh ml puma land The Vmpra mmflmrs Wm MA ncd um lhe pmkd in build old dam New lowcll In annldnlr Tuwuxhip and ma no rm rflmlva waltr nwa reservoir on hr MD prov virlo permanent umply nl wl or for dmntxflc mankind nu mmdim mm mqu mm dnnrulrmm flmd tunnel NI whrm In hall loaded llcev Lloyd Iridlmm In head ywejurnidnla mum Indicated Unl ll will approve mnlmz to permll and upmtmcm 1M Emmy nay llquVlncauvrr Sincl nrcn Iluwever ll was recommendtd lhnl rmlmll ulva cnmldcrnlion Mr Wilson 1an the proposed zoning would permit the ianslon ol mullipla dwellings wlllcll could complelcly change he character Mai nzighhnr hood and suggested llml zan lnx slap ll palnl about 300 Ice ol WclfinglonASnerl The 0MB mom Iayx lhal Wilsonx nhjmllon reasonahu and mowed decision to permit council to lake second look and 110551ny establish more re lrlglvg toning Wilson had auxgcsled at he earlier hearing the am lying between Welllnglon Street and Sophla Slrenl lrom Drury Lane to Bcrczy was subslfln llally single lamlly and that DI proposed mulliple Iamlly use was Sun on Ihe rezoning of land south or Wellinnrnn Skeet fiapermlg oouqd Ionicsludy the situation lhEOMBsaldlldoeslmmm Ippmmim lo Impose type of Ionic which could change the character the ma Owner oi land in Lh block ablated in the propaxed apari meni zoning on grounds that Ihe single iamin character at he neighborhood wnuid continue or some time 3me mac it would lppelr that this arpn can exist as single family area for some limevta come the 12me says cigmnficmumx permit aéamnems In an area bounded by Toronw R031 Mary anLDunng streets Tha OMB momd judgmenl an elghl suggested chanmJuva approval to lha bylaw ub millrd In spllefl complalnlx In dfllm cases and Indium am it muld go along will the re quamd Range in one imamn The hour nnl mun rd from the evidence lhal wauld bi an Imprvper me of land lo perm mulllnle dweYl lag is be erected pnga ocu dual wim mar hanzs campllInLl mm owners In Barrie Tho 0MB repm says howevar In reaching ill deckian Ihe bnard miss that no abjcclion was recelved from any prnnnrty owner was Vancouver Street and it of the upbninn UNI the most easterly this vnw of hauses would expuience he greatest Impact from he prapw edapamnent house Residents nu ma had posed apartment zoning In the are on grnundn that he exis ing apartmt house cmwd park lng problems on Vancouver SL that the proposed building would Mock the View of the exlsllng dwellings and that Immdudlm of multiple dwdling in this 19 cation was on lnemive use of land for the aren to inneasing in number of park lng Vspacex or multiple dwell nmlo Inmh Imll Shopping le lunch All time Mm Manley Onku mvclkn lxqmannlNy Dc ponil and Sufckccping Servim chign lixrhnngc 4mm mm of CmdllAANighl Dcpmilmy Suvku Money Tmmfm lnchmem SCIVKCLJCHHDIMI Manhmnny olhm lkpmll llmlpu huhyield lmn Ikpoul Inlrml mynblz II mummy Suiu AMfll nudyuvinu and mumuInion of lumen 5mm Ammnl II We Royl can in mm lame ol wuvily Your until It uwmbh ll my hue and you njuy mmpkm mm Fuml haulu Atmll Joy myinl hill wilhnul Ilhlulhinl you Ilvmu Vou an me much llnnl in Icmce chum loo TImi Ammu he hulkn my to imp umple muuu monk mum pnynmm you mde cheque mumd mnnmly Suing nllflnlfl yud Iclm Ikmul dunM111 lull Mr Hm mm mmm mythk hnlr yally Mrmi ma IIII ma comman ncighlmuhnod hunch he Roynl flunk Remember you run Mal an Mr knynH Youll find xarlly lhe type of account nr dcposil nrnmgcmcnl at any brunch of Ih Rnyal to sail younnculsplm wid mngo of other useful union on Dmp in yum can Royal Iimk branrll time trouble money ROYAL BAN Among the dairies Increasing their prlcu were Borden Ca le Silverwood Dalrles Wil liam Neilxon Ltd Devon Cream Ld andPurily Dairies Mr Klnile polnud out ihal ih milk mnrkeilng board com posed of 12 lumen has com plete conirol regarding the price increms of milk and ice cream The dairies and retailers have no bargaining power whaisn he said Sixty per cenl ol all ice cream manufactured in Canada it American manulaclured There are only handiul oi ice cream manuinciuren in Omar ln and none In Barrie Wlfllrd Khule opgntm Lakevlaw Dirty lermed he in crease very modes In cam parIsan wilh the new in crease In the retail prch of milk wauver hue maxe in the ct noveflizs such palm pay or ad cost 014 hullgaan size containers Jumped from E9 cenlx $105 and 1mm $109 to 115 dependlng on quality The fetal price of helmet Bankl Lnkevicw Dairy ran from 29 In cent for low priced varletlas and from 39 43 cents or the mediumprlced lint 1M1 ninja pmduc unnpjmc ed law week thnL the coal of kc cream would the by about 101m cend and the firstmdrk up Want enact Monday Cited fix principal iguana fur Balm lie creamlama Ire the ived had new yestefday es PORK CHOPS SUGAR BUEHLERS THE BAIIRIF EXAMINFR TUESDAY MAY 1M WHITE LEAN LOIN Increaswe Price Of IWIcg Cream want to CITY NEWS Wednesday only OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY ammuu Mm 10WIOLIMmr re was no In cost 1mm drumxllckg mine at eflher mud bothered hnzluhu Ind um mun Whm lum an Anluunn of an m1 Hm luck un mun In huhgh um um Iullvm hick Bod Kan me Emu flln Dodfi nlmum in un mum mm Ind llnd lull mm Mm mu mama mum Dcdd Kldnu pm mu dMnd on mad1 Innl um manly nagging backache we have wfiehlgher cosLMl mnk labor paper cunuinm ahipmenu REPORT 55 Haunts Yolkswggelrg Egroyalllarmt mo mgxflulmum ngpaip Vprfldllfld 1447669 vehlclas Jug yeir momma Plumhlnl Hull Lid Slum neltlnl Speciallxh Mb Big INDUSTRiAL PIPING AND HEATING 723450 For Any 39e

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