Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1966, p. 1

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Hooliganism Stirs Angus HMTHH mum Follnwlnl rumplnlnll nl rnwdyhm vloln Irn llqunr 11 ml mum wHunnlmi IIIn Tawan mnlcll pm lakm mm 1m lls Mira rlanm dawn on law Iwmklmz Al Amt My IPIIDNNIO hi Iln In Nu lull th cowllull nhl Mmyn Mum human ll UmFIX 705 El Ilrrvn mm IYII nlm MI lurcnml Hm rnowrnllm palm and nflwr Mull be much help Hm HM Hm wllru lnm punm ml ll ll don mum qnnl mny ho made Simon mnly hmmnry NI hum My and AIM mNAnu mm rlnl boll Yv dn uni ulnh In enum III In ulhmlllm bu um nlvmu width llu In In Imml 41 HM Wm mm mm manI ml mmflalnu mun la lhn May mullnl 04 Km wn rll yKllnlny nllmmn Miss Foxl nhmrnl re Irnsrd hrr lnwyrr capped day of qulck dcvrlop mrnlx pnvknl by copyrlxht Alnry In he Imanln Trleumm by mmlm Funk Dm nnrl Fm Inkring In which Hm l7ymr4lld ulrl my the undcr lnllnrnca vlll nml mm plummrnplml In ml with Ilm lwo ynmlu Illgwm nul pornographic and less cwllc than many rur rml mavlc Tho glrl In qucsllnn was given any drug or alcohol by mu or anybody mm he CBC Nor were the younu under lhu influence of drink or druu STORY TIONS IILL mu mm lhv 1mm lnvrxmznlu um The scene mn lur lcu man minute was found to ha no vnluo And will not be Included Tho girl was lylnz on bml under beddeth whh no two boys lhcy wen talking 1d nut engaged 1n sexual mm Beryl Fax yummm rmdancer undu conlncl In tho CBC uld the shown wal done under her direction The bedroom eplxoda was an unex pccfcd sequence in turning far Documml program tuned Youth In the prazrnm scheduled nr nm all Miss lnx said In mum llatcmcnl TORONTO CHA CDC di rectorvpmducer said Monday cameraman filmed bedroom scene last summer 01 girl In bed with two boy or the CBC prozmm Document but was not pornomphl BSKPOLICE ACTION Lac banter fell by the ways as when Dorothy Mac Neill 13 used vesiurcs In punc tuate her ward welcome In ASK RCMP PROBE Iolndeur No 103 CBC Director Denies Allegations On Drug The Hometown Dally Newspapérfior Banjie and District N0 LBNGUHGEBAHRIER HERE mm In be ymlngdm In Her Imu who rmw lvu mm ul IM tumble Mr Mllum um be In mlvlud 014 mm mm nlvpnym hml ml hlm In mum he fllflvlfllllll la lulu aver Ihe pul mum livid Int 0le Mn When ll be lhoum Ihu Clwlu llrllnnll nn Alum mlrunyrr lullml MrV MInn Iuklrm In Mmrll Iqlmunln udlun Wm lllnn Um mmlyltm vuu 1h wwlnlltm nnrl lllrlll The UN hall and UN lulm lull wm nrmni Nar rnlrml um rlmuunl Hlnnrl mu llwown mouth KM 711m lrrlltylnlln flmrrll IMer ml Ilsa no lhrmmh um wlmlnw of lhe Anzul pollm Kllco round in lnlIL flu Arum Honnl nl Tnnltrn Al ha luhl ul 0er IXHIIHML bur hull lwm lmml ml Um Ilrrrl Anll rnrrn mmllnm Inlv 1mm nllrr ulnum an The Exammer Inspector wuuam Iflldngton the Tnmnla police morality xquad said department also lnvcstaUng the allzgm Tom Hm alternate pggduccr MMlflflflilfififbflamm dummy ANSIn law vni termed outmodnd mlnlslm Inlay wsml incrcamInnd Llon in the story becmse ol Ihé rtgmn lo lwmwmwrmmmmw Anglican Diocese Oi Huron Says Divorce Laws Outinoded visiting Quebec student Lucie Ducharma And Charlotte nay both 111g 515 mm Pavimnii Marla Victoria Eli Loxpom om cm Mg Marryd CM vNeynZ Clnulllrdlo mum7 llllllldS llfllhnlo IdllnrlAll Spaml Thanks1 TV LIIlanIl anrnIl VrulthZ TODAY 112 11m mnln pmhlmu Mllwflnll to Hunt Hm lhrronmn Mun one larlwl AIIHIAItnl nnmlnrl WWII nl Hum whm nwxl NHNI 11w mu rm rrlurlsm nmln HIM MIMI Hugh ll vm Mnlml ml Hm mp dulnu hour Irrvlcr ullh lhvrnmm lorm um mm In 1m 1m ll IWHM he 1mm In Inian ml our mum am It mun III 19 ymr mm Hm Dam who MM III mm mum mm In pm llcnl My WI unl nllonl lo wuplu Angm quIM Ix wuqu In nuunw mu rm of mining mum mm In Hm Hun lnrra In Mm Anzm Mr Milan HM ml Alum mm Angm wan In 11 Inww hlpu ll nub1va would MI wmlnx wns IIMIMHY Hm lumi Illlua 1M mulnlllly lull ll Ilwrr Mm mlm way mm Inlrpnyrrn luluhl xlmwvl IL MIHII IIHMT AHKIIII flour as Seven Day which replaced one finch month by Documeni announced lhal notice of libel had been served on The Telegram on half of Mb Fax and Donng Letterman exccullva producer Stvpn Day Ind 17 prodncdrf church unity dissrnlm lent sympalhcllc car at the openan Monday In m7lh synod 012 Angllmn diocese Huron Ilcv George Luxlnn mm Hurnn saId he churt nnd lnrllnmcnl should recunnlze ground nlhcr than ndulltry luy on the manlnl pnnnm nx lcnlllmnle reason or dlvnm In Cnnmln Ulvmu should be nrnnlrd In Ian 0leer Mm alter 1an mlum Irlnl have lurnnl an In Innurmmcnb nlly lvlrnmpnllbh ha mlvl It Is our job nnw la Mp lhc uvrvnment lo rcphrnso Um civil law on dlvmu nmvllr can wllh Just cause far Alix qulnn rnn nblnln mch rnn clmlnn Uull shlpMrncktl marrlauc rllhuul Iluoplng In collndun and In Hm lnhrlcallon rvldmru and lo Irunl per Jury He said he presrnl MN law no 10ml rcprcscnmllvu mos mspanslblo Chrlsllnn haughl Fay Qua wane among 60 who arrived In Toronto Saturday or weeklong stay at homes In the Toronto area lmlmllhvr le Hun MM mu ml vmlvlrnl ml 1m wu Mum by the mum lmmly tnm mgrur lelh ml 3mm nllvll Mnrgml Murphy Mul Krn Illnurlmul In rnHinK In uwrlnl nmllmz tn lnmu Hm nun ullh lhe mllrr Thu mu muzml lur lmluhl We uml Ivlru nunull palmL mm In Imk ullrr Evflyulhlfl Ive url roulwnlhm hum vamm rah Iron Unv lt Ihn ml bu mu mmn An 5w Mn nzm xrnmlly nm rm wuu Hm rivawa but luv nmwaml In In mu wl bl hand Ilvnro we antler wlm mm In Imam nlnnm and mal td lwuhlr val Id 11m mu nwnllnnnl HIM wn yva nun HHn mum rlmnpml dawn Um mmrll mu mmxlnlnu mm mm In Hm pull new lmrxh law mfwman In mnl awry mlxllc mummy The lllnssachmetl Democrat In speech prepared or the Senate sald mo commlsslon could be Asked to make recom mendations mu vital Issues Including llaw to lnmnse informal governmental contacu with China well tclcntlllc cducnllonsl culturalI nmletl and mum oracle Tho pwblem ol Chlncsa Commwflsl mambrrshlp la the Unlted NDUonsl Kennedy dld not advocate mum at malnlnnd China but sald ayath of representation were devlsul which would al low seat or malnlnnd China And gull preserve Tnlwnnn Furmosas rlghls lt should He said the cqmmlfilon could be headed by national leader vi lhu calibre and credentials ofxeiired Gen Matthew Ridg way who commanded allied arms in Karen retimi Gen Alfred Gruenther iormer American Red Cross presideni 01 Dr iiiilion Si Eisenhower Jahm Hopkins Universiiy pm ident who is brother of armor prgfideni Eisgnhower WASHINGTON AP Sen ator Edward Kennedy called la dny for sweeping reassess ment of US policy toward China and urged President Johnson to appoint blue rilr ban commisslon to recum mend newapproacbu um Holddlrccmr 51m coo Couvly IIccrLnllml Scr vlccl was charged IhI mamlnz wnlh um at over $30 and exlanlnn following complaint issuer by Mm Walker SIIMfleld chlworlh Counly he Wam Ilown ll pm limo luday he Ilill had m1 hum 171 hm been 301 Mr Held was tnkcn lnlo custody mirrday by Const Cnnnfln Mom Im 01 Harrie detachment nnd was unml over Io Walmbwn Oll mnr Ilmnlltwn Ho nppcar In llamilmn court lmlqy TOWARD CHINA REC DIRECTOR FACES CHARGE Kennedy Urges Policy Reassessment Barrie bnlarlo Cinidi Tuesday May I966 BLAME TEENRGERS was Imilmml currng nlutlimy pnlke cwld ba mullu AM mm Iw nlhrr nlrr nullm um llhrmmL Mm rmnllhuMo MIX ll wnl Inchins he mnnrr qu bnl bu mien up wlm Hm pull HM Um puma nl MUM drrlvlnl ullr Um lqun We 511 Hm Moll gam knuw leva hm ln mhul mu muffin um lltflnlln MUM Aunml Mr Mllmn Iain ruldrnl rulnplnlnln llml 1m hmlr Ink had llrkml am mhun Milt 1er blamed may 1km lur the damn llul rm don In Iwr haul lhq lawm Mr llrllnnll Imam nm Inn hnk My am 5m awf III vn ink ll Ihn Illum gmrmny nlmw ml hn pnllm lortu lhry wtn Im lvlml IN It wnuh hnlll law lnrcrmrnl Hm maxnml Ho nunml Hm lawlmnm rmn plnlnml ulmul roulvl not bu nl lnwrd In tnnllnm undmlml Red China Rejects Pearson Peace Bid Inlvm an nl Iuptrvhlm wauld bu MNI or the wllhr drawn and or nrrnnxtmcnl ur Hm 5mm Vlnlnnmrxu ln chonm their awn mm of nov Chlneso government Ipokm mnn told corrmpondtnu In Pe king Pearson proposal was nor worthy of comment Penman Monday proposed ccnsoflra In bu followml by pa tulle phased whhdmwnls ol Imps by both Norlh Viol Nnm and tho Unllul Slates mud in al lkm n1 mothuom mmml Ila mlxl Um teasrfln or at nl nrmhllm nurecmtnl would be under um numch In Inlelnnllonnl Cunlrul Com misslnn an Vlfl Nnm nl WhlLh Cnnmln nwmhcr PEKINGMcummGflnu hr dny miccled CunndinnPrime Minister flier icnrsonl pm posnl tor censcllre In Vic Nnm us an old American lritkl receive urlou considera tion aWhelhar pruent US 5mmauevtrnda with Peking mould be modified In EDWARD KENNEDY Thu ccnsdlre sunxnsuan wn contained In Ipccch read nr Mr Yanrson he Cmmcll the World Veteran Fodcrnllon in Toronto Sunday Cnnndhm cxlcmnl anal spoklsmflll trrnml It more or blutprlnl nullinlng nccuutnble mxldilbm lnr II mmllrc and In Account whnl he smurnto nl nvrnls mm be ralhcr than mm proposal crmnmt Pearson Ipccch In Town He said Canada wa cngnm In diplomat ntllvmc In search of negotiations to end Um war He said also believe we should not dlscournge other na Ions lrlendly to In from extend lnx their own Lllplomdc con acts vIllh China Irmcy The senator anld any over lures probably would bu re kclod quickly by China But he added altered patiently and lmaglnallvcly 9nd persistently lmmedlnhly but eventually lhrwgh the steady eflcct chipping away cum acll lmposcd Isomlon Tmmnr lmldml mm Zhenmmr nml Mn wile Mum le mm lrnhc lhe lamlly ht prwm tr mllo dim hum lluerl In FOREEEES REJECHON mm 69 ma allow llmltcd trading re lationship on guods whlch could not be used lo fuel Chlnese war machinesl How ta Increase Chinese paruclpattvn tn intemnuonal arms control negotlatlons He said the United States should conltnue ta hold the door open or Chlna at every x1154 armament contorch tn the hope that eventually she will partlclpale EISENHOWERS RETURN FROM VACATION sald In mvallvu nmllon nml spnlkml procedural wmnalu nvcr wlldhcr ll wax In nrdrr or was nuh ludlcc xlnto he lllun slum lnqulry ls allll In pm Krcn Wllh all parllel but he WY mulion Monday Fnlr wmhcr PC11ml crlllclxcd Mr harm or Alnlslcr nbuso lhu mu law In making straight equal or any scandal nr gusst that Um llCMPmluhl hqve anthem Th oman else is RCMP Cammlsninner George Ciciian who told the Munslngcr Judicial Inquiry last Thursday that Mr Penmn sought iram him in iala November 1964 any scandalous iniormnllon about any MP in the previnu xo rugs This wan only few day nflcr Erik Nielsen PCYukon made charm of Innucncu paddling In hlghLlhcral circle whlch led In the ludlclul Inquiry lngo the Idea lllvard nflair uumm MMM but lnm min llnmlh mm vienon In allmnlm Ell hmm looting In Ill Inn and planned to mm ml Mr Martin Isde MP no in come lo dechlnn until they hear from Mr Pearson who was home with thn flu llc wlll be hem tomorrow and he wlshu to take part In ml debate on explah what he believes In be the lntcrptdullon of siuallon that has bccn de wlbcd by smmone else In the Inquiry that ll under way Mr anlluald SOUGHT INFORMATION OTTAWA CPPrlme Minis ter Pearson Is In tell today how and why the Gerda Mumlngcr ile came Into Ms officeand possibly why II slayed here or 16 mumhs lqu explanation pramlsed in the Commons Monday nlghl by External Aflalrs Minister Mar tln could affect what shape up on of the closest voting mu in face may Lu oral govmunenl The Cnnservailm spotlilhied Mr Pearsons nileged handling the iii on the German biond with mouon criticizing the ad ministrauon or having the RCMP provide iniarmnllon to the government in lo the past conduc ol nll member oi Par liament generallya course action which would destroy the independcnm all member and undermine the inaliiuiion oi Pariiamcnl Th5 vote due by 315 pm EDT MP5 Asked Not To Decide Until Pearson Makes Reply No More Than IO Per Copy 12Pdgol Than Inhl the causes len alon arc the mbwcsl polllkal Ilruzzlc the growing up he lwnnn he have And haveMi ml Um he brcnkup he colo nial mum nml min discrim lnnllon ln neveml emu Ho Iald surh report should be dislrlbmnd as widely in pom xihla In all langunm la nm the nvcrngn person In the don gcra hanginu over humnnily dny Nu xiII Huyglgll thedmv Ml Wm Cansu we Assembly nl called an IM peoples of Europe lo devote their lalznu and go niu to cum to prevent In olbm global mflid The secretary general pm posed um he Unlled Nndan underlnko thorough xludy at he proble enacts nu clear war on the world pwu lullnn nnd clvillzullonl um My mum Cm ljg Wuhlnulgnt DC In Clear End conL winds gyngm so 1than d5 48 For mmplele sum mary please tum to page two CRITICIZES TACIICS Opposition ea Dlden baker atomd the government using tame um tyrannln members of his chamber on when gov ernment used the RCMP privale eye over 0m lives pur pose and reputation 01 MP3 Alvin Handilun PCQ Ap pelie direcied specific mum at the member aii parties in support the Conservative motion and in cried overthrow UJI government Stanley Knowles NDPWln nlpeg Nvmh CenLre said New Democrat mamber shall be voting or the Amendment STMSJOURG Francs AP UN SecretaryCentral Thin warned today that pollllcal eco nomlc and racial tension are threulenlnx to push mankind lnla um Mal dlsnslcr of mlrd world war leerals agréelnn the motion was proper Speaker Lucien La mfltremg upheld he motion the Inquiry but not to were trnl questions unlined In ln qulryn terms cl reference said tha Speaker World Tensions Threaten Peace Thant Says SEE PAGE THREE

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