Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Apr 1966, p. 9

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As has been his custom in the past Frank will hold his annual lessons for club juniors These will start the end of May and consist of lwohour lessons each Saturday for six weeks The lessons are iron and be tween 100 and 120 juniors are expected to take ad vantage of the tips irom the pm this year iimulnin Whammy m1 pluy rprhmiu hp mm rol IlaFTllmu An munlandlu junior play cum and Oahu klllnl dule Um fro and Wrwitl War Mall Inf llw plabyvr lmulllrml ml uludvtp Dram mu WHOM Andre IA rrnlx myrvlmhl rmm lnr lrxlmlmlxll PM lhv mlan fHIKkry Awwmiun lunlnr mm In bun unmnl Mnnrr ho MIIII lllmlr TxLImI Mm Imam Truphy lur Illa mum myr slvc rar Iiinim mu lumll 1un he loun In mm In xlurlnl mu vrzulnr MNMI with um and nulul In thy Miam ubovlnla Ila drew For the more advanced golfer Frank advises that he should analyze his game every time he plays find out where his mistakes are then go over his problems with pm Golf ls one of the most wonderful games In the world says Frank You can relax have fun and Its verylcsfing game But lhe better you play the more you enjoy it and you should never stop trying do boner And you can practice without hitting golf balls he said Its monotonous but you could spend hours uSt swinging club and the results will be very bene vflcial he slid EVEN LOW HANDICAP golfers take lessnns ire quenlly When some part of their game is going they head for the pro to straighten out the The why prvwnlnl In nunlly by Tmmln ulnlm and Mull It 1nyflrmuhlljmi Mary Uvr Ilar Mmmmm Int lhhnwn Hrnunh nunw Irma and vnlin by marl wnlm In Hm mm MIMI clllu Imam yrrsltlvnl lnrrnu Calmhell ha had It Jung mum ullh rluh mum un ernl mam2m nml pormnnol db mlnu Ink Tum villa lhpiully npinlnn mmnz Hm lulu and cant 11 lung mnlml lnr tome menus Bward Trophy To Lacroix DETROIT 1GP Nullnnnl llnckcy Lenzue clubs numl themuhrs npnrl Frlclny on what lmmuhu lhry mil use In flock le dubs mining the lenguu nr um lhflm msnn Too many bad habits can be established this way She said Go to the pro and ham the correct way to hold the club to stand and swing Dant convince 10111501 you have slice and cant get rid of it and make allowance for it when you hit ball Learn how to hit the ball straight If youre Interested Frank 15 available for lessons at the Barrie golf cluh and you dont have be member He aso has pro shop stocked with all the equipment youll need Frank believes that if beginning golfer started off his fust year by taking two lessons week plac fisinga couple of times week and playing he could écduce his handicap from the beginning 36 to 25 or You cant overemphasize those lessons he said Ten lessons would cost about $40 beginner needs only hallsol of clubs thats one and three wood three five seven andmne irons and putter This could last for four or five years and good set for beginner would cost about 590 Shoes are necessary and good pair can be bought for $15 Every golfer should have golf shoes Playing golf without shoes would be the same as playing ball with running shoes Instead of spikes Anyone starting out for the first time at the game of golf should fixst of all 562 pm he said golf can determine the equipment needed and then the eglnner should take at least 10 lessonsl The grip tance and shifting offiw ara lhg first things 4m 1olfer shuuld 13am Vihe swings hEYhKfiévénaufiuyuo ave the swing down pat for one club you eat use any club MANY ARGUE golf 15100 expensive game to play asked Frank what the ininal cost for the be ginner would be Differ On Plans To Stock Cllibs Its the same as going to tailor he said Hes the pro he knows what is best for you If you can wear suit off the rack fine But if you cant you 21s 1he suibspecially made Its the same with golf Frank claims the worst wayto start of the game Is to go out on the course few times then go to the pm Frank Vyse starting his sixth season as golf pro fesgional at Barrie Golf and Country Club wasbusy fixmg up his pro shop yestenlay when amved and ked him for few Lips to help the beginning golfer 04 can best be inéde Hy in Just as some hockey play ers shoot the puck better with different lie of the stick different golf clubs are manufactured to suit the golfer New golf clubs continue to up fivery year more people than ever are mama to play the game and if you are one of the many just starting or even if youre bogey golfer the way to improve your game is to see golf pro POINIED OUT Qatjhe selectionrof clubs RICK mumscoma Lessons Important Golf Pro Advises rmuuuiu WHITE1 Mulim on he mdmi Iv Wu Mw lo come up run Inmmln Ml will mm hut well In mumI uvl India An Aland remMm by In Jun annual Mum Monlml Imva mlnnw Mm WmIx tnnwnlulonwl by luau In mm And pm rm Um mum um ll In mm Mullen In runMd Man the June mm In Nominal Ilm 1mm dmnl uni lo ho and will lh ulle In IIHI Unn In an dull dmm urnwr mullnl IChld nhvl nr Monuml Turulny May whrn nmunuum HM nlx new rluln will lend 111 final docllhm on In lormull mll be ml by wrrrnl clubs mlyHrlrdx Manual Mom Now York Noun and anvnlu nm mvw cluln mil MIA OOOJKXI or to rumMm 111 mm wlmkd rm ln inyul Hwy run dmfl undvr llm tunn ula now Irina mrnvrd Mm wrm Irytnl lo do naw II In mmdwu nmubfll Id min In Ihc numb yin ram he mmnl rlum um In Mm lo mm mm We Mull tlnnl know whtlhar Ill numlm nl pllyru In In pm Irdwl by mh dull will in or 15 1H Mu wammI Lu ho modmnku flu lMlll Those present rmlvcd Ind dlscmsm confidenllnl re nrl and flu diuuulanl will he rnl conndmual unll solution has brpn nthIrvrd no IMan lho phn Ml he rrlcmrd unMI the nu Hum have been mlle of any Irrmum made VIMHI NIH ammo 9le fillrm lnrlund MIMIM ww flnlllmm Vm vlnM nunm Drllnll Culllnmln lllmwwll MIMI Walulngm Klmm City Yuk Phllm IN no I0 mm mmqoo lilo lkmnln 14 taur FMNHHII 07 INIHIN 1M and llumlky ll lha llwkrr 711 mle Nu INl lMMMMSIH llllI MDWIWOIzlll tlnnlnvn Mm Ilm HIl Sulhnlnrul Ill Iml Erma Nan ankrr 40H Mllluln Nu HHVMrllan nnvl laz firinnl Anton 7L ilmml May um Sadakl 1an null Mchrver Shaw HIV HUN Dim lrl Hhhrm II and axiom 5H AJnhmnn 27y Mllnll 000 I10 001 Human NOMUII ll HI and nnlexunn mm INIIHHN lfnrrnll UIlr 1m 4H and lhrr anm IV llll MlHMHIU II Cinclmuu momm uan 50090000177190 nTmio milwhnn llJI nml anirhd mun nml Tmburl Illl ML Johnson 11L lnull 0M MMI Ill HI Fun HUMORI ll Frldlyl Imulh Philadelphia New Now York Pittsburgh Ilmslon Allnmn Cincinnall lm NIng St Innis San Franciscn ProbMe Illdms Todny New York Fisher PillemrghfVenle 11 miladdphln Short Gulnago llallrman lluullon ichrkcr lanla lClnnlnzrr 2D lNI Cincinnnu Jay 02 Los Angelo lKoulnx am 51 Imls Gillson In San Francisco IInlm 21 Sundayl Imu Nuw York PilLvhurm Phllndclphin nl Chlcazn Hauslon nl Allnnln Clminnnu 1m 1mm 51 Louis Run Francisco Cincimiau Gulcan Pitubnrm Lo Angelo Mlamn San Francisco Philndclphla Houston Hummu ll thinum OM MUM GUELPH CF Shcrbrooke Beavers seem to be lollnwing the same script In the Eastern Allan Cup finals they used to nus Harrisburg Combine in the nmifinahtwo weclu ago The Beavers return In home Ice Sunday with lead in By THE CANADIAN PRESS SherbroOke Posts 43 Victory Over Guelph Pictured hm Ire the them bm the Banla Kinsnim Aim who this almost will meet chiord in the final of file Tam Shanlcr atom hockey Wummnl FRONT mw Amman IJVlur THE Nanonll 195qu BASEBALL RECORD BARR EXAMINER SATURDAY APRIL 30 1966 If man IN HOCKEY TOURNAMENT FINAL TODAY ll Imulh Ill Wu Null rmlm Mm unvlim Aml Tlnlllnllll Nlflhlllh John um UII mi 10mm ll nul Alum TVIINM WI Mb Fymuu Minnow1 nunm1 Warm um nml Munlm Ovanlln mm fill Nahum Hrldm DI ml Mm mu Rn mmnu hymn T0LInle la IMINMl ll vlllo mulch1 OI llullr filllh JUM Inn Mule nml nnnlumo TIIU JulmuvL nhlmhm W1 lfll 030 ll MMM WI IN 000 Knrxh Ilnhaufll hmu Iul ml lrlm thvl llmu llll Wu ml llnn llllmllmhfihy and Lo mumx lrldlvl llrnu Hirhmund Tnmnln Toledo Symum nlulnlxn llndlrslrr llullnln Jurkwmlllo Todlyx Glmn Twunlo at Richmond Ichwlu Synuuue IllMo fll Jmkmmllln llly 2mm Irlmmlrd bundlyl Ulmu anmln nl Inthumnllo Tom at ngvuu Tlmmln MI 900 000 lllrhlmwll M010 ll ll Cnlumlm Jmkxonn Ila Hochmlrr lllllnlo Turnnlu Tulnin Syrlwum IUrhnymtl PM 10 Lochr 117 and Mmlkl Krale llargnn KcIlry and AL cue mu mlJclcn Clo Jnvnlillo ll Kansas City at an York In California at lesion 21 human 007mm 90 DMer 000010 DOWJ 100 llunkcr 421 and mnem ren Manhmqueuo 22 Fox Amllnc GInddinK and McFaHnne mu Dal vaell floblnson Dr Vnrl hlfllu IWllOlMJ CIIVIIIMIU 009001000 R1 Minnesqu Grant 11 Washington Duckworth Ml Kansas City Talbot Now ank lstafllcmyrc Calilnrnin Chance lvl Boston Wilson Sundlyl Gama Balfinwm at Dcmi¢ Chicago at Cleveland Minnesota at Washlnflm 77 Balnmora many 20 Delroil Mchn 14 mango John at Claw land McDowell 30 Regal +8 hero Friday nighL At one stage they trailed in the series 21 and in the semifinals they were down In helm rclurnlm home to eliminata Morrisburg mum it Inrlmfénd nhmimn Al llnrhnlrr Rabble Tod Jeff Sumnous Terry Martin Doug Thomson Hugh Scan SECOND ROW Bob BlackAl Caldwell John Bobbellc Glen Ndmrdson Euoyed by Serge Aubreys flow left infighti Rddney lnlernnllnnll hqu rlGM nlm Loan at EDMONTON lClI Wll am and 1mm nmplrd um mudqu wllhnul hln Fritlny Her Hdmnulnn Oll Kim Md lisloun Ilrulnl lur In 20 Vlclnry In Hm Mlh unnw lmloluvrn Wal rrn Lannrln Junlnr hockry Innl mu llw name we had In mhl IAxnmulon ranch Ilay Klunuwlrh wnulrl have hem laugh In In lnln Hue vnn railing In IN url The Irlury In Kim kwl lhn lulu mumu Hun dny In fluwan wrnm Butch Marlin he Guelph playing mach Icmnndtd pen nlly ahnl from rclcrce Percy Show alter he WM pulled down 1mm behind by Guam 1on on clcnrcu brtalunwny Roy rape WIN lrlpplng minor and Slltrimxzko Icvrllod 42 mm Hurley mm Auhrcy lmd 27 in he chvrr MIL Gum 10ml rd htl Mn prrlod wllh no ho was awnrdczt halronféml Emma mink cut the lead to by sliding pm from Skov Ml Hurley Guelph plum the final 32 incond the mend period two men short but Smrbrooko lulled to lan advantage of mo almmion ASKS PENALTY SHOT Sherbroake grabbed the lead on Malcues screen shot at second 01 Ihn second period and Increased to will Du prcx second on on maul mm Cnnler The cam turned in asl skaling hardbilling Hrs period with Worm upcning the scar ing before he immlnuta mark Dunn led the score min mcs later when he bounced shnt aff Guelph goaltender lnr old Ban Hudey while balh lcnmsplayed man short Giles Cartier lmssnd an op portunin to glve Beauta the lead law In lha inst period when he mIssvd tho open side of the net with shot nncr Iho uck rebounded all the goal Aubrey robbed Worrall and Walt Bradley with key saves shortly aflur Sknv netted the Regals third goal at 1324 the final period Ilfl HARD Rejcan Mchar Maxed what proved be 111 winner Im asslsled early in he lhlrd pc riodjus after Aubrey made closmin stop on Butch Marlin Guelph Jean Malelle scored the Dlhux Sherbmoke goal while EX mar Skov Dave Luduk and Keith Wonall shared the Guvlph markers Edmonton Blanks Estevan 20 For 32 Lead In Final Series préa twégo painnuance the Beaver staved gr Guelph at ma AL her last perm savu lngoalrand BU Du my tlackln the dymx minutes my A1119 Lamorcux Jim Hamil ton Craig MacDonald Scott Robertson BACK ROW Ed Lam manager Doug Fr lelgh coach and Tom tom son trainer Kenn wee Grahgn 135m play goal pm nley early In the um mm Hmulllnn nlm lll up 35er em Kinzn 11$ ml Inla In no lhlnl pu Hamillma lwn polnll avfi hhu nllll nun 1m Hmo um finallrntlm Don Mrle nl Edmonlon Hacked mu ml mm gym rlnn 11 TM Ihrvhm ian Oshawa Grnlrrnlu in the Mamnrlnl Cup nu MANNING ElfMI NHONFO CF Toronto Argonauts of ma Emmi Fool bnll Conlmnco munch Irl dny lhal lrlu Manning lulncd from 111an Slumpcd us In January In ourplayer Imde has and lvm oneyur conuncu my nmssary ll wlll wind Hldny mm Pomn closed uorinfl with hi acond goal wilh less than Lwo mlnulu remaining mu Bruins ahead at 11 the wound period when he Icored unassisicd However Orr iicd um count with mood remaining in lhc period while teammate Nick Beverley was serving minor 05m me he Gcncruls lhc lead or the first um In 111 um with 11L goal It 111 the final slants bind made 05h nwa 542 and Hnyu rllnchcd the Gene 11 vlcloxy with his BobbyOn Danny DShca Bill Icindl and Chi13 Hayes ware he Oshawa marksman Normand Pepin Icorcd boll Shawlpizan The General scared three goals In the third period ll clipch the viclqyy SHAWINIGAN Que CPL Oshawa Generals downed Shaw lnlgnn Bruins Prldny night far win of the bestvulva Easfem Canada Memorial Cup nu General will meet the v1nntr Die Estevan Brulnx Edmnnlnn Oil Kings series or he cup symbol of junior hofikey gupmqacy in Ennnlda Oshwwn gonhe Inn Young made 4a saves while his count erpart Philippa Myra upped 43 shpls game Gnrdia Hows the Wings matrlxhl winger ls Illa play of scoring leader with 155 puma Including 65 goals Maw rice Richard annthcr rellrcd Canadian is in second spot with 126 polnu Including mmrd 82 1011 In mulching his first point of tho playoffs against the Wings the Canndiens am also moved into third place lie with lormer Enamle Bernie Geot irion in tha nillimo Stanicy Cup nearing mimics Each has us poim Geol rian now mired scared 56 goals mi had 59 assists 111127 Hnwzvu hi when buy 01 lava been dufemzt slnry Er Bellveau and hes awgre ol IDglxolt Rgd Wings Who lead the best seven serlu warn poison to hlm until Thurs day nights game when Bell veau got goal Ind In mm In Montreals victory Ems Mme Emmi Since 195556 the in Imoolh skating Canadlen centre and captain has led his club Ia six StanleyCups Last year he won the Conn Smythe Trophy Illa best pedomm In 3m playom DETROIT CF This year marks the 10th anniversary or Jean Hallveau first appear ance on Slinky Cup team Montreal CAnadJeMare hopefu hall celebrate the dqcaslon by being on unolher OshaWa Generals Top Shawinigan Eellveau who scam ugh ABEL RECALLS Beliveau Goa Turning Point has 51 while Orr was serving mlnor pegaly Neflher club worked Friday Blake inking page from Abels book on rdaxallon be tween games sent his team all to the races The day of or both team came as result prepara tions at Detroits Sladlum Sundays mm game will be leleviscd in tha United Slates Ln color on the NBC net wrk we as the rzgular blackandwhile telecast by the CBC in Canada 0min look right o1 the minor called In the mem Ing game Beflveau nld Can dim dil kred in Thuysday nights game in that they regalncd their in 15h around 4m net But Abel said Mammal hasnt found Iweakws in goalie Roger Craz er 51 leer has any weak nuses wed have found oul nbvut it and the other club would hava been shown at by now Abel said Whats more he had we that bad ha wouldnt be plums in the league right now TAKE DAY OFF When he scared that goal Just belore the and of the first period you could hear lhu laces openfill alarming bomb Coach Toe Blake Mu Bel veau played large pan Mmkcals victory Wurs and Delroll coaqh Syd Abel agrges goal and elshl assbls In playoff games last season now has mm goals and live assist Inscvgn gameingi yeah Illlllu DVUMAI AIRWAVI WMDHAHM WIIM AIR CANADA Illlln AWINNER EVERY TIME DUNLOP TIRES Blake lament Dolmullc Rnl 993 In Rod 935 no LOO CzHlnur Rand Sench 0A Complrle link Strvlce aunon An mam 7232245 s21w 16 Barrie Sports Ltd THIS SMALL ADVERTISEMENT CAN MEAN BIG SAVINGS FOR RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS dALL Traval Snrvlce Ill Dunlap P2 72 Am ma BOAC un mt you time And also money So find out aboul noAC fun This Iummcr than an record 29 unnmhnlic jel flighu wcck mm Tovonla Hows Ihut nr choice In dim Landon by magnificenl HOAC RnlllRoyco 707 or Mr Clnndn gilnl DCBjtl From April lit Eumpc In he Ioucu cm Enmple 21Dny Econnmy Exmninn Towan Rome mll cost you only 3465 mum Plan now Ind me $40 See your Tnvcl Azcnll Imam luvmun mamL If youre planning trip In Europe 0K Johnson Rodi fly Ambldu Dolmofic Flu Spool Told 3090 7BOAC Specials Rev Rul Um Early Season The Red Wings will 11km dress Murray Hall in place oi Ianwinger MacDonald who Is nursing sure shoulder Hall who will Icam wilh Andy Bathgate and Flnyd Smith was the top scorer at Piluburgh Red Wing farm club in the AHL Blnke said Friday he plans nu lIneup changes which mean lhal righlwlnger Claude La rose will in out hls sewnd game his place he MontL real coach will draw Leoi nochefarl from Quebec Aces of he Amcrlcnn MAgue who Solncd tomes with Henri Rich ard and Dave Balnn to form an eilccllva cnmblnallon 1n Thurs days win Wand m4 Tun Avunununll nuke those worn red looking than Incl new lulu Shnkupnrc thing Outfit 120 DUNLOP EAST DIAL 7239155 nul 595 50 00 ml 243 11H SHIIE SHflP Av

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