Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Apr 1966, p. 6

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THEBari By EIIEEN DIXON Its wellknown fact that women hold the title when it comes to talking And now group of Banle women prove the point Approximately one years ago group of Barrie businessmen got together and formed the Barrie Toast jmasters Club Theirmaies became so interestedin the accom plishments of the club and the tremendous progress made by its members that they were almost green with envy Imagine any man outtalking awomanl Mrs on Hard whose husbandyis president of the Toastmasters Clu 5nd Mrs Mel Brass put their heads together and came up with the Idea of forming Ioastmistress Club SET THE DATE Last week Mrs Hardy and Mrs Brass along with group of interested future club members held meetlng to get the show on the road and set the date for the first club meeting woman who thinks she ndght be interested should ask herself one of the following questions just to make sure Are you making the most of all your powers and opportunities Do you feel confident and poised in failing unfamiliar situations In an interview argu ment or group can you support your point of View objectively and persuasively Membership is not limited to women in the busi ness world Toastmistress is designed to enable wo men so to develop themselves that whatever their sphere of living home business or public life they can deal competently with events Neither is club membership limited to women who are interested in public speaking TRAINING Each part of the program at club meetings Is training exercise Head table duties change at each meeting Members who are in charge of or ring meetings will change every two weeks the clu meets twice monthly thereby offering each member drance to chair the meeting two or three times ear Training in the club also deals with the total er sonality In small groups members receive indivi ual assignments for study and practice Beginning with simple situations and advancing to the formal speech 1itraining is given In voice speech organization and de Ech member will learn committee procedures and preside at meetings to gain parliamentary proficiency Sounds like challenge Club membership is lim tied to approximately 30 members so if you are in terested in becoming member be sure to contact Mrs Hardy at 7287215 or Mrs Brass at 7289935 The first meeting Is on May OUT IN THE COLD Some people seem to be born with the knack of always winding up in jac ot former wellknown Barrie resident who might classed in this category is Dave Wright and few Barricites who encountered Dave during his stay In this city will ever forget him So it came as no surprise to me at least to read the following account in Toronto paper Dave it seems was attending convention at the Hilton Hotel in Chicago when this happench Sneaking out of boring banquet he wanted to avoid the elevators and hotel employee advised him to use the fire exit But he took the wrong one wound up on fire escape 20 stories above the street and dis covered ho was locked out Ilc started descending the fire stabs but found the doors locked at each landing When he reached the lowest fire escape level was still 50 feet above the street Some parking lot attendants finally hcard his fran tic calls and rescued him And dont find this hard to believe hhssetoutto WED AT APRIL RITES Minn Ilalhau JAM Ierry Anurhlor of Mr and Mn hmcm IIny Irnanw lhI Irrho ll Illier Kiln mm Inn Mr and Mn liremllh Thorn ll Ilarrlr Thi wwl nmr ma pivc Iulllrr slim lmlcvl mm uml hi pm Illv HII Im inc NIIcierd It the rrrrmnny caption flvllnwfll II the turns It the bride pmnll 11w anvil will mlda It Ilarlnuwrlh Nnvn Ilmtlll whm Illi inlilcuumn mm lhe kllmualrr Nav al FIaImn litloin In South Fllullol GUESTS gunmen Before assuming her duties in the kitchen Miss Corrie Van Dalen centrewho was among the guests and work era It the Daffodil Tea ram pler the goodies The annual event mentored by the Bar rie and district Unit of the Canadian CancerSociety was heldatthehomleofillrand Mrs Errcry of Shanty Bay Road With MisI Van Daien Ia Mrs Camelle Grurdlill It left Mrs Mchneml rlldlt was tea hostess Miss Van Daien was aslisled by Mrr DeKIyne In the kitchen Examlner Photo St Marys CWLiMembers Hear Reports Alf Annual lhe eonvenera reports were submitted at the Annual Meet Illg cl SI Maryl Catholic Wo menI League Recording secretary Mrs Hook reported lo regular meet ings held In St Josephs Audi torium with executive meet ing held In various homer Mrs liIcAieer oorresmm ding secretary reported 20 let for and thank you peter re ceived 24 letters and our cards sent out Stamps were saved for the minivan and Canada Packer label were collected and cadrenged for banquet violin Merrbershlp convencr Mrs DecIrIe re ported 299 members and to Canadian League subscriptions Altar care eonvcner Mn Jerry Coughiin mortal there were 16 sales of religious Ir tlcica with total receipts amoqu ling to $143309 Mn Schnurr sanctuary boyI ycner said za boyI were vcsicd and III while eastch we made in be worn by boyl Icar ning to become IIIIr boys In Decombcr dinner Ind movie were provided with In aItcn dance of ii boy lilrl ll Sriglqy thanked all the ladies who recited the re my and attended the guard of honor for deceased numbers very Illcctssful food shower and silver colleclinn were thd for the Iledcmploristlno Sisters uniqu giII of mcdicnl Ilgplics and warm clothing for skating were given to the Sisters Ihrougtwui lho year bread baked by the Sirlm we sold at the meetings Citiunship Ind lmmeIilon mnvcncr Mrr II uiflon plIr ed card with Mesa tlmcr In all local hoIcII Ind motels Ncnlyhlne women Iitcndcd Drivers Mrcahcr CWle ANN LANDERS Pr¢aldent conducted by Col Ralph Berry of the City Police At least two members were present It end Cililcnship Court In ihiI courr ly lbrce lmminnLI were as sislcd In starting thril Bulc English Classes hire in Swick hosplial rip by It convcnrr reported twenty lallirs made 495 will to Royal Victoria Hospital Home visits convcncr Mrs Smith repor ch 1J7 home min were mad during the year Education convcnrr Mrr SIonc reported the CWL bur sary of 50 war divided bob wccn Toni Zcilrier and Tom CoIIInI presented by preIIdcnI Mrs Jack Coleman Miss Jana Sriglry and IJIII Iloenalaer both Irom SI Illnryr School were winnrrr in the lilnllll CWL eo Itorical content Ihcy were II Waste Of Energy To Fight Complex Dur Ann LIndmI My hus band II so years old and he nirll calls his mother mommy Ind his Iarhcr poppy We have iconago drumm wtrom ho Ignores Ihould llIIl that he doesnt pay much IIIrn Unn lo mc clihcr lIII whole IIII II wrapped up in his parents III muIi Ire them every IIane day MIN 20 yrnn find mylcll mmllnu IhII mommy nnd poppy lwlllnul When we were married thouth In would nub grow II but hn mm to be rolling morI rhIhIIIh II lInrv rm Ivy Alrl Inulilll Io lcl Ill Mill met wilt follow your AIIIIN MinIn hIIrlIII PIP Illlrnlnrl Vm you an Illllllll In lcf Ihhv tnIhrr you III lilclru willie of menu You rim going In hrar mommy and poppy II lnnl his person live In sci uqu to II already How and that your Intllnml her no Irllrrewl In no murmur II III II in bar lccnw null Iln lglvxu her ith wont IIMIKI rtlHTvllltlll mommy llle lwllly Irn gum Thrn hell probably lmi In IIII Inr INHIIM IIIII II will In IM ler Mllllll MANNKIII llnr Ann Martini Kernel ltth Igrl Ivlnid of null In vilul my husband Ind me and Inn clhnr mupln lo wIId nmk dlnnrr In lhm van wild duck dinner Inmtlhind special It Isnt lllo come over with the Hill mi well talk hot rim nu ll rill 11 day Iflrr the hired lnviiM III the Inrphmlld In My lhal lb and her husband hull lwn Invltwl rly mam pally Ivy Mme ImIIIy Iliulllt want people Io she will Clml Iinl her dinncr She we run we would Irmaturd wru shocked My mother would not have permilch me to pull Ilunt like that what wee right years old The other women who had Ixcn unlnviini were aim oIIcndcd Some of the men didnt lIiInk II war so bad What iI your WInInnthiolilw Imr Mellie Ii INN clear your Irirnd receives In low Invi Inllnnl Ihni Illt Ihnply couldnI Iwnr In pm ml up AI urn ralr Ihnr going IhIA doing In rc ccivr even lower Shn Irrnlwt nu ml the oillcn in shoddy nlnnnrr and hope you will lcll hrr M1 In her turn Imlurd of boiling privnlrly BIIIIND AIHIIK Dnr AnI Landon Hour In Iorrn lhn cclln plwyrrn wlII Ihnl her Midland II suing Ihroulril the male nlnwrpalw Ind Ian who Is having an rwwlcr limo cl II Ihan had thrn my husband mrhcd lilo foolish M1 he not hllmcll lwolcrgnd rnllrl And they made Iwaullfnl tnuIr Inrrlhcr humw nlrhI ntlrr nlrhl iwhlne In of his IIrir mnthcr To bad Illllt who dont rraltrn Ihnt men so lhrnurll punl when they in not nun llmmlm tloyll IIr wit who wrote wIII Ive Illr hurhand lot at low and undcrwlnrwllm did and II paid oft My hue hand elvvmlnln me new than IV by wlnrvlinl by and pin llpnILv VIIIInI Inr him in II lhrIMlh mull locksI out id hlnucltoll lie ll hullrwl milk to munch whiml Illllllflllll tolu In hilllilng mmqu in ll mm um um Ilvwnkd for IriI Inl Io droaen In the Regional Con test In Oriilin to represent the deanery at the Arch dinosaur contestIn Toronto MrI Beaudoill social wel fare oonvener reporled four members helped with swimming lessons for retarded children at the Barrie At minimal gifts were collected for the patient in the Ontario Hospital at Pcnetang All gifts Collected In the city were wrapped In St Josephr Audllorlum Four memberI existed and served refreshments In all helpers lrlrtcur ladies assisted In the sewing for the Canadian Save the Children Iund CWl morn ban also helped in the llnlled Appeal Cmpaign Ind Canadian Cancer Society Drive Minion work consisted of sending four carton of clothinz lo the Sisters of Service at Christian Island Ind two car ton of clothing to the Immac ulate maceration Mission It Little Omani ASSIST AT RVII Mrs Veriolll girl guide convcncr reported that three wide will as Candy Stri pm It Royal Victoria Hospit al NIgIrIics and diapers made needle woman recipients were donated to St Vincent do Paul Society Gifts made by company were donated to the Cancer Society In BIrrle and Iunshlno basketr In Princess Margaret Ilmlial in Toronlo Mrs VIMDill also taught craft once month Mn Coleman attended the guide banquet and brought greetings from the Catholic Womenr league cx pressing Ihanlu to all be lead an Involved Program convener Mn MIurIcc Murdock reported on the entertaining and educational program presented througth the yen panel discussion by four Pastorcsidcntr Ialks hy uni Ipcallm on Ihc Iloly Land the Jewish Faith Safely from the Eyu of WomIn Ilrtvrr Ind iirsiory of Educa tion potlock new Card pIr lles alnricnl conical Inri rrirImII party wilh exchange IIIII Mil Allen publiclly rrporled on weekly notirel In the church buIIcrln hrtlclr not to newspapers of CIII mcclingi Ind mum of mminlr evcnla ml in radio and prpm TV convrncr MrI Mulder reported Idle approval Ind mm of dinmrovnl at In TV IiIIIonI during the part yur Inok Ind Iiricn inllm wm hIndrd out in vnrlrwu Indira Ind rent to the Diocesan TV rnnvcncr Mu Coleman lvrrshIrnI thnnllrrl III the Incmhcu Ior their mlrlnnco Ind monou Iim during her lmrl r4 olIIcn Mn nlcrnwn mnunird the CWL II many iraa Innchconr Ind menier durinr Ibo mr She IlIlrd II war In honor to llllll In plans for lho rnrplinn Inr Falhrr IAiwani Ilnrrlly of Si MIIyI lIrIIh who war or dwlprd In June rl larI wlr During tho rnr prrlrnlailnn and mnpllnn was held Inr IIIv INllnll who won IronIrlml In Margarets Inrirh Mld land Mllmllfll lo Mu Ilnlwrt Golda $11M lll ralwd lrlm nrnunwaw Ill uni pally Ind harwwr Mrs lnldr rrprrwd My rank In Mn 1w VIII who IndIIrd IhI bonlu NF ILA In Ill lhlrrur Ill Spiritual Illmlnr Mr Hair lho now uwullu was Inrllllcll ll Annoit er llrill lllfnl Mn hllltdnr Iruilltnl Mu IIIII Vlvuncvillcnt Mn Flam Scrum Vlrcpvulilnnt Mu II Htldlny Ihlrli Vire nident Mu II Murray munm Mn II lint Ito rmdlnl llmmry Mu rte rlnloulr Iumpunlnlg hm lrwy Mu llrnlnlnln lnlm lillllre Mu II IIllioll III Mlflnskwv Mill Ikhmllr MrI with All Column SpringiTheimeUsedlIn ecgi For Annual Dcliiodil 13 All the traditional signs of spring were ua2d in the deanstill theme for the annual Daffodil Tea organized the Royal Victoriarilosplial Nulses Alumnae An artificial Ire gally decked out with pink and white le blossomla centred the stage at bireEmbassy all where the annual eventwas staged last night TomPattendens Band providedthe music for dancing from 930 pm to 130 no Bouquets of yellow daffodils and pussy willows glued the tables which were arranged in cabaret Among the rueII of honor were the president olthe Nur AhnnnIcPMIs Crud Ind her husband Director of Nursing Miss JI Arditl Dr and Mn George Rented Dr IoeraWJlntIIIeDr Lamar Mn Illklenby and Mn has Mrs Gibbons Mn Beam Amanz time who Isolated Lil MnPIrmblmdooBlg with decoratingwereerI Dave land The guest of honor wII Hill Mn Bob Watson Mfl recipient of many lover gifts Roy BurmIIter Mrs hub from frielvia and cards from fiméé Mangeer dilrgzjm mam wiflrerI ha eass anhISrwmoam Wambold and MISS Anannth mlttee of the Ladies Auxiliary Outofiown guests were pre to the Loglon also held fare sent from Toronto Kitchener well party for Mrs Drake Ferry Sound Million andCree present were Mn more Dickey Mrs Diamond Mrs Ada Mrs Lawn Mn Greenhnlgh Mn Hamel Mm Graham Mn Bhfi Mn Burton Mu Audrey Ridrardsonn Members of SI PaulI Ana iliary lnnisfil presented Mn Drake with travelling kit It In inlormal lea held in her honor MENS BREAKFAST Ibe quarter mens breIk iIst It Cent United arurdr will be held on Sunday It 500 Inr VisitorI Ind newcnmerl are welcome Following the breakfast which Irunder chIIr man Bill Mosley the program will feature IIIm entitled Profiles Promise SPRING TEA Annual Spring TeI will be held Sunday afternoon It Ihp Officers Men of Squadron Grey and Simone Foresters Regiment Gust will be rt celved by the 0C Capt Harris Steele and Mrs Steele Ind ol cd MrsMC grab van We IS Mn Mrs Il Adams M11 AldlerJtIn Mash Mn Burke Janice rr Holdcrofl hire Can Mn runs or passen BACK HOME Its not every year woman her the opportunity to return In her native IInd Elxhtyfalrr yeanold Mrs Margaret Hu Iet Wellingon leave lire city today enroutc lo Enc Iand for three weeks holiday She will travel with her daugb Burke Mr Webster thl tcr Mrs ll Close and logetii WI er they plan to visit Mrs llav IctII sons and other relative In Londm Surrey Ind Lan cashirc Ihis Ll litrI Ilaswtls first trip back home In seven years DINNERDANCE Mr Ind Mrs George Gard nor of Nelson St were among the guest who attended the Governor GeneraII Ilom Guards annual dinner dance party last evening In bonor oi Iier Euclklry Mme Pauline Value The party commenced at oclock It the Dcnlron Armoury Downsview IION VOYAGE PARTIES Prior to her departure for London England Mn John Drake was glint of honor It Tim Voyage tea held It the home of her daughter Mrs Audrey Richardson FIrk St Assisting the hostess were Mn Dillon Graham and Mia Kath ryn Richardson Guulr Includ Evening Party Breaks The Ice At Yacht Club Color Ilrdcs of lire Bahama Islands viewed by KIIerII Il lcnding the IceIlmkcr IIrly II the Barrie VIrhl CIuh warn mcd the ItnraIphcrI for the evening parIy The event was held in help Yacht Club member rt Ir quainlod Ihe Illdtl were shown by John Fitzgerald who rercnlty returned from trip In th Ilnhalnnr and IIorIdI Mr FIIr lrorIId had broken Icw hm rim on his own during his Ioulhrrn varrlion Ind brourhi back with him flax lllurgrcl from tho Cocnmlt Grove Ynchl Chit turf In prove the polnI To Ihow tillIr IpprerIIIlnn mrmhrrr of the Ilarrie Yfllhl Club Irlurncd lhc complement and mu Ilurrre from lbs Iluril Club In tho Soulhrrn VIriilerI tillill were rrcrivrd by Cum mndorI IIIrohl llrcll Ind Mn Ilrrll and Hear Conunndnrl Iivlllhaucr Ind MrI lirrllthnurr lirnrInn rnnrnwmd at am nrlncll Ind hIII lon Curio will Icrlrd at midnight by AJ IAill llIIulhlon Ind Manull Inwrll Ill um MilIrv Ivy their WIVII Among in man Iru Ind gutIII Illrnlllnr were Mr and Mn Mmhulrr Mr will Mr IInldfl Mr and Mn rpm Mm imge Illnllirrrnur Klnunlrk Mr and Mu John lIIrrlwirIrk Mr Hill MILJ llllllanl Mr and hits Illnlhlnwl Mr And Mr Iimian Itr Hill We John lllchl Mr AIII MI II Ilium litul and Mrs Ilirrwmllan Mr and Mn I1 lulu Mr and Mn honiwy Mr Inl Mil Idealnhl Mr ml Mn ll Imtil Mr IlIl Mn lmla Mr and Mn Marianne Mr ml III II Maril TII Illovn do In Mr NII Mr WIM Inllrr Mr and Mn Illn Mr and Hm Ilrvnmnwn MI MI It lIlully Mr Illl Ills ll Mrkii Mr and Mrs Imrv MII and Mn Ii Ii Ilalvlmll ticerI of the lqlndron and their Va Final social event of the rec aontobourangedbythaasv IociIIc membm committee of the mesa will be wineInd dime dance party on Saiur day evening May It VISITS SYRACUSE Mrs Jessie Cardweli Ther esa St has returned to the city following weeks holiday In Syracuse New York Mrs Cerdwcll visited It the home of her nephew Ind niece Mr Ind Mrr Jenncry CANADIAN PRESS Mr and Mn Wells Il tended the annual meeting of the Canadian Prue Ind the Canadian Daily Newspaper Pub Iishcrr Association IIst week It the Royal York Hotel Toronto For the CF annual dinner and reception thI maker us the lion Avmll Harrtmln Roving Ambassldnr for ihl Unlch States Mr Ind Mu Rabat Arm strong have relumcd to their Vina Crescent residence alter holiday In Bermuda they were gutan II III New Minna Golf Ind Colrmry Club In Fact Jansen hII rrturnrd home from VIcation with friend In the annular db lrict of FiortdI lie made the trip by Air CInIdI to Tanu OTTAWA SYMPHONY Mr Ind Mu Alien Firhcr of flIrrio IIlcnded Ibo InIulur II Concert of the mill Civic Symphony hold II Ottawa Twin ntcrrl lilnh School April It The conductor ll llIlIord IlunI wcl known In Ilarric director of the Iloyal Canadian Air Force Illan which er lint rIiIinncd preceded dny Weifenden of Cundles Rd Aflernrrival there the travel Ian hired car and toured var Ioua Ircu Including the IIoovcr cmlm ii Camp Borden In Ihe early war yam There Ire two former liarill people In the orchestra vie Ilnlru WIIIIIm Gribble and Mrs SyleI Middiebru who Is the daughter rd Mr and Mrs Fisher 111i Is not prolesaloual amp III musician being from the DIIIWIHuli area The In augural was given fine re ception by the large audienu steer IN LONDON Prior to their departure for England Where they will con tinue their studies Illr Ind Mn Donald Gidley were week end west at the home of Mn uyr parents Mr Ind AEIwiuanueenStM Gidley will bedeth It HoyIl College of Pbyricianr Ind Sixteen In Inndon Ind Mr Gldley will be student It the School of Economiu Ind Science The couple lllled Irom Montreal on Thursday menial dmrd the SS Mludam HAMILTON Mrs Wilbur Dobson Provin cial Grand Mistress of Loyal True Blue lodge wII among the guest of honor It the pro vincial sessions of the Loyal Orange Benevole AssociItiun held in Hamilton on Wednerda Mrs Dobson passed on greeting from the Provincial Grand Lodge to the IDEA mem burs who IiIcnded the session It the Connlugiit Hotel GOLF PARTIES lhe I966 IociII selson prom Lie to be the most ambitious that Barrie Golf Ind Countg Club has ever Imderiaken all begins with the big opening dinner Ind dance on Saturday May It The urtenalnment committee Is providing In or chestra for 16 weeks every weekend during the entire golf for town It II planned to hold the usual four bl dances but there will be four piece com bo available on 11 additioan weekendI The 11 Informal dInce weekend Ire being pro Vlded freeddrug with the hope that members and guest will feel no to drop In for th cveninz Mn Huether returned lo her Dunnvilla home after spending monlh visited with her IoninJIw and daughter Mr Ind Mn Lang of Collier 5t nornrav IN LA veers flian to Las Veglu Nevada the two weeka of Mr and Mrl Ernie am In Nevada They Illa vu iled ArimnI before the relum light boron TO NEW BRUNSWICK Following holiday la PiiIh burg Miss Patricia Landry re turned thII wccll to the home of herbrvherIrrIcw and Iisler Mr and Mrs Stan WrIy Grove St Miss Landry lcll or IthI today where she will holiday before returning In her home In CIrIquet New Study wick ACADEMY AWARD WINNER MOVIE THAT you SHOULD NOT MISSI lUDlIH CRIS all NBCIV IDIMY lbw runner Darling mmrmm STARTS TUESDAY Watch for Our Kentucky flied dhickelt SPECIAL Saturday April 30 FREE delleloul LIllvaew Quality Chohd CREAM PIE uIh lilo pinhm of my baht barrel burn Fried lichen lllllIiEI IHI TI llIInrlld $395 of Krmurky IAIUIH Nlr $515 Lakevrew DIAL ITS5 RESIAURANI

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