Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Apr 1966, p. 5

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ontr PLACE er WORSHIP ros ESCAPED snwrs This restortd log church was given haven in the area near African Episcopal Church once the place of worship tor acaped Negro slaves who wera Edgar Margaret Hinds ot Or Illla ls reading the inscription WI OI Sunnidale Corners Elects Oliicers By MR8 RDRERT HATES Mrs William Patteisons home was the setting tor the annual meeting ot Sunnidale Comets Vl Mrs Munro presided Report were presented by con venm and the treasurer The election oi officers was conducted by Mrs Fred Ford andare Past Pres Mrs Munro Pres Mrs William Eachern vice presidents Mrs Mac McGaule Mrs Gordon Euie secytreas Mrs Robert Bales assist Mrs Earle Buie strict Director Mrs rmthersi alteméite Mrs Ev erett WM ranch Direc tors tilrs ll Van de Velden Mrs Patterson Mrs Rains Auditors Mrs Arnolt Carruthers Mrs Ted chl Flower Mrs Art Gitten vcncrs nt Standi commit NEWTON ROBINSON Mrs ltoulditnn has return on home alter spending several days in Toronto Miss Suaan Rainshotllm mirseantruining at Barrie spent the weekend with Miss Gail lialbort largely alterith miscellan eons shower was held In the basement Silurdny ailrr or Min Evelyn Ominell tnidetobe Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Ted ltoughton on the birth at son Friday April 22 Walter Andrews ls home irom hospital HONOR mCAL MAN cwith Simmo Plrmnens As rto ation held social evening In the Orange itnil Friday he ning to pay tribute in Knilh ll0 hinson who hm hrvnight honor to this countyIn winning the Ontario plowing tonnwtllion and coming third in the Canadian petition In nulliwlick TLC Riga Sawyer on tuhnli ot the mLitIrm pmsmtrvt Keith with piece oi luggage Frank Meher was home tor the wetland Mr and Mrs Austin Wiggins Moan Smiley Todd rind lieath For Year tees Agricultural and Canadian Industries Mrs Gordon Buie Mrs Earle Buie Oititenship and Education Mrs John Cook Mrs Fred Ford Historical Research and fitment Events Mrs Munro Mrs Mac MeGauley Home Economics and Health Mrs Arnolt Carrulhcrs Mrs Patterson Public Relations Mrs Ed Spicher Curator Mrs Gordon Buie Press Mrs Roti ert Rates The lniant son oi Mr and Mrs John Weel has spent couple of weeks in Sick Childrens Ros pltfll Toronto Little Chris bolt son at Mr and Mrs John think was hos pitalized at Collingivocd tor sov erat day with blvnchitis Harold Wood had diocese tul arm auction sale Saturday Norman Gitien has purchased the term day visitors with Mr and Mrs Gren llalhert Saturday guest were Misses Kathryn Monroe llcnnie Nekkera and Gerry Neh kcra Oshawa llPlO Ry MRS CARSON Mr and Mrs Murray Carson nltcndcd the tuneral oi the lal tcra aunt at Bramptm April IS Mr and Mrs heater Rich ardson and Lorry were in Sud bury last weekend where Mu Richardsons parents Mr and Mrs Lawson were celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary Hearty congratulations Mr and Mn KrimbtI tl lowdaie tisilcd at Canons Saturday Jilin OIlollnran in males eing at hit home aim me lime in luispital Francis Ollolloran was In Toronto tor the wmknrl Mr nod Mm Brooks and tnmiiy Toronto were with Mrs litNl tor the weekend him it Slcphens Oshawa Ia with bu mm Mr Olinl loran who anticred trashed hominherrlztitnnnnltera tall rannil Mr and Mn Stone attend rr oi Barrie and Mn iimvant rd open bound at the nirmtn ii Ilmlfl Domini ilm and moiwt where their dalirtiler in lir Nihtrtrm were Sun studying moat Until hownmlfl lltlfllt lti DUNIDI ST llllttl STARTS SUNDAY FHATUIIH TIMER DRACULA II US 030 pm ZOMIIIHR It H5 450 ADULT ENT ALL NEW HOVMillLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRIIIIU fllfitlllllllflmltMlllmllllll OITVOIIMMII litttiltfllllitlltttlllll Ilootlliinty Vampire linttgtinl DRIICIIEI PRINCE OFDARIINESB wmiuruninurnuvnutmi menreason LAiT TIM TODAYi JAMES STEWART IN THE RARE BREED IN COLOR 1849 tExaminer Photo Present Oro Hockey Trophy By MRS MEL HOWELL The annual Om Hockey Lea gue banquet and award night was held at Guthrie Hall Bob Bouncy received trophy for most goals of the season Glenn Bidwel was elected league president tor the coming year Edgar Thompson has retunr ed home ruin Toronto hos pital Recent visitors with Mrs Ma bel Bierett were Mrs inn Law lor Sault Ste Marie and Mr and Mrs Young and term ily Sudbury Mrs Bill McLean thby and Billy returned to Toronto alter spending Easter week with Mr and Mrs iMacLeod GUTlIRIE RIMES CAMIREIL Remit visitor were Mr and Mrs Don Campbell of Toronto and Mr and Mrs John Futa and Lorie ct Etobicoke at Mr and Mrs Stephensona Mr and Mrs Lloyd Campbell and Iamily oi llillowdale at George Campbells Mr and Mrs David Campbell of Tmon to with relatives here Miss June McArthur spent the weekend in lirrnttord and Mr and Mrs Jamiesnn were in Parry Sound Guest is patient in Simith Hospital Toronto The congregation ot the Unit ed Ctnrrvch here had special treat April when Mia Donald Ferguson oi Rarrie was solo Isl Mrs Ferguson will sing at the church annimsary In Otto her On April 2t James Irar rail in the unavoidable absence of Rev Iiany Cooke oi Toronto ably mnrluctrd the service Tom lltmn min was npprofiinte Mist Rosemary liye Orillta who has been til it making good memory and will soon be returning to Mr and Mn llW Stephrrmnr TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mer slrrumuur ONLY SHANTY Bil BOBBYDSRI comma AMHALMVB All Colour STARTS SUNDAY lfltllvh lit Polion 36 Rich Lil47 IilmthHlVilJlll rum THE NINA AT IM RHOW MAR AT Itlllt showed an amusing film on rd Mr Leclrier remarks and TlCItNICOtOR rscnmcorr VIElect Mrs Start OtElmirqié catholic By Mrs ream The Catholic Womens League held their election of oificers April lsat0ur Lady of Lourdes Schood The executive tor the next two years is asvlcllowa Director Rev Fr Bernard Eel motor Bast Pres Mrs Grant Miller Pres Mrs stone Vicepresidents Mrs Jamar Co lumbus and Mrs WilliamMc lnemey Secretary Mra Ernie Mills Treasurer Mrs Gerald Stone Councillors Mrs thh ard Colunbus and Mrs Ken Ritchie OWL members were delighted towelmme Rev and Mrs EJ Ledrie along with ladies at the Anglican march to tare well get together Miss Oti How to eaten cold Father Beianger Spoke at how much Mr lcckiedid in the 00mm ity and pmenlcd him within larewell gilt The ladies enloy Bill sorry he mmt leave Elmvale he will be greatly missed Atlrundh time the new Mdent Mm Stonewas mamism when birthday cake was presented to her Mrs Robinson prmident of tire Wy clittoW thanked the CWL torthe in ion and good time together WYCLIFFE WA The Womans Auxiliary Guild WytLIIIIe Church met in the parish hall April 20 with 16 members and eight visitors present Presidait Mrs Rob irecn presided Mrs Manning read an appropriate address and Mn Howard Spring presented Mrs Lecirie with gift which egpressed re gm at her departure irom Hm vale but wished her and her husband RevMr Leckie hap piness in their new appointment at Scarborough The alteran concluded with lunch when hail hour of tellmiship was en loved Mr and Mrs Russell Stone Marlene and Colleen Montreal spent the week with Mrs Helen Miller and other relatives Mr and Mrs James Brun ning Chippawa were weekend guests at Mr and Mn James Stone Mrs Ken Dillane Barrie vis ited last week with her grand parents Mr and Mrl Manning Sincere sympathy is extended to the relatives ot Miss Ethel Drysdale who died unexpected ly at the home ot her brother Enid Drysdaie Wednesday Apr an Mr and Mrs Bauldry Bar rie were Thursday guests ot Mrs Terry Mn Lloyd Pearson returned after spending week with Mr and Mrs Stewart Alliaton Arthur Parnell rii 0AC Guelph is home tor the sim mer with his parents Mr and Mn Eart Parnell MASONIC SERVICE Sundny evening April 17 members or the Masonic lodge attended In it body service in lVyrlitie Anglican Guirrh Lal er Rev Lcckie showed tilm at the Parish Hall The Masonic Temple Museum Re lim and Jewels social hour and reireshments concluded the evening DEGREE RECEIVED Frank Archer Elmvair re ceiwd his Master ot lAlucalim irom Itie University oi Toronto recently lie graduate til the University at Wlslcrn 0n lano London having received his Bachelor 01 Arts some limo ago At the present time lllr Ardicr lo viceprincipal the Alexander Dunn public school Crimp Borden EXCHANGE TUIJITR Gordon Johnson oi Wyovrila nnd anriey United Churth DRIVEIN THEATRE lllrhny ii at Guthrlr Between Harriet and Orlllla MIHIRK Richard Boone and Tony Franrluro In launu Amp and rolor TAUT TltltilitIIi TIIMI W1 tttt littetl Ii MICHAELCAINE tillmundane ltllitlllllill was minister at St Johns Sun day morning Rev Millei con ducted lion torturinnion at Wye vale and Waverley tractor RONONRED Wyclrlte Anglican mural members held pot luck supv per April 23 in the Parish Hall In honor Rev EP and Mrs Leckie Mr Leciiie has been In the parish tor almost live years where he and Mrs Lerkie have won the hearts and allorticn ot parishioners Ihc iirst presentation was made by Mrs Wade the oldest member of the dioir to MrsI£cklea dozen red roses The second wasby Mrs Ruby Omwe silver tray irom the Sunday school to Mrs Leckie William Turner rectors warden aented Mr Leckle with Jim al sum ot money donated by the congregation and some interest ed friends Mr Turner expres Sed how much the church icels the loss and wished them every blessing in their new charge at GUTHRIE By urns cairnnon Mr and him John Capel en Soloid isiteders Gilchrist last weekvon their re tlnn trip from visit to Mrs John Lee Braoehndge who is recovering from broken hip Miss Sylvia Rattle is prac ticeteadiirig at Hillmst School Barrie this week Mr and Mel Jarnieson spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Ray Hawklm ParrySound Mr and Mrs McLeod ot Glen Huron were Sunday guests oi Mr and Mrs Campbell and also called on Mr and Mrs Alex Graham Fred Hastings had the mister tune to break his left amid the hockey tournamein at North Bay recently tilts Robert Andrews is com lined to Bank hospital Mrs llowatd Campbell and Mrs Campbell attended meeting at safety representatives inOriilia last hiday In con nection with the Farm Safety Project ior Simeoe County 1966 Family day service will be observed at the Presbyterian Qturch May RCAF Assoc in WING BINGO Every Monday at 000 pm SPECIALS JACKPOT $36000 SHARE THE WEALTH AdmitIon 50c I4 HIGH ST Above NUSarvlce Scarbhrough Wycliffe members tound Mr and Mrs Leclrie kind in orr encouraging In Christian endeavor and in source of inspiration Mr Leckie thank ed altior the donations litany citizensvot the village came to say goodbye IN MEMORIAM Sunday morning April It at Wyclrlie Anglican church Rev Leckie preached his are well sermon to welltilled church There were two bap ttsnis Susan Jane Copeland daughter otMr and Mrs Torn Copeland Colleen Yvonne Stop ey daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Storey lr At the close at the sermon Mr Leckie ded Icated sum otmoney collect ed by relatives and triends as memorial to Mrs Belt Hair or who died Jan 1966 The money is to he sent to Synod the interestto be spent on prayer book or theimlirma lion pupils NEWS THE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY APRIL 1m AUT ATIC WAS Swedish manutacturer makes coInopcraled auto matic car washer MIDET MOVES FAST The heart oi the shrew small mouselike animal beat 1200 times minute Good Still Av able It theDoor rzxnnricu an SERGIO rnANéHi DICK éBNTiNo rtus ALLSTAR snow $600 $450 $350 $275 Mail Order Now Mat cheque DWublo to OKevl Crotrl Mall to axed Centre from range Sn Toronto om cox Vomct OPEN It tun to pin Dally BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE roman SATSUNiMON loltD iin ISA HANDSOME srnawuuo EYEnitric ROMANTIC ADVENTURE FILM ILurwrorxialun mint tone iiM Is on or THE onear novenruna runs or ALL TIME is armaments GIVES manna armament WI nu LORD JIM Is BEAUTIFUL 10 won maritime UNUSUAL MOTION ricrunrim 13 rarer to LE mines ciohnrrciutv Iiiiieiiiiil surzneoi ADVENTURE VAMPILVMM Moons iota III mm WIS 01MB Miiii Juiiiis Mitten lllwiiis LUiis maintain fit and Mill mm Iltllilitt IIIll lrltln or or mint lthllIiili BROOKS Hill MID Ionin nu rum md sun moon Minnow nanunmanava imam um Hes Ilia PERIAl paybcyphotogiaprar who always macta om dear to ur on STARTS SUNDAY Evening Show At 700 ond9Z GlenIla will 17 SlEllISlEVENSDAUAH IAViVICTUR BUONOARIHUR OCONNEllRUBERIWEBBER JAMES GREGORYROGER taillilliniiviomMYD CHARISSE mil WM twanttlm mummmunhmmlm Imhhlllhtflr omnmutn uuumm itmaxnmriu COLUMNACOLM Em CHILDRENS MATINEE SATURDAY AND 5U NDAYAT mo AND 3230 HANSEL AND GRETEL DOUBLE FEATURE

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