Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Apr 1966, p. 4

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Sympathy oftlnformed pcoplagoesdé the Canadian grower for the public knows that despite recent advancesfin fobd costs the farmers return is propor fiOnately tmsmall However the food toducer must be selective in making protest or he may rgadily lose the mpportha now has number of hfiddlesex and Oxford County farmers have declared that they will rblockade district highways by June unlesthey get $5 per hundredwelght for their milk They say they will uso legal iaélic going slow with tractors annoying areq traffic to make their pm testclearh Vhethettlils is the place for such mtgtjlsfdcbntablc The London Free essjcgmments The farmer seems to be aiming hisicampaign in the wrong dir ection Sympathy ofmotorists who are inconvenienced vlll probably be lost Because the mad is provincial highway doesnt make it provincial protcsL and it lsthe province that should hear thglr argument Barrie Examiner and Saturday Morn ing April 27 1916 Whirlwind recruit ing campaign started in town and county with target 177 recruits for 177th bat lalion All men or military age will be approached in friendly manner There arena least 850 in Barrie alone in that category who have not offered theirser vices which does not include 75 turned down for medical reasons Chan nen and Henry Sims elected wardens for Trinity Anglican Church At Chrlst Church Reformed Episcopnlj Robert Bu chanan and George Coles were chosen as wardens Ed Scott appointed town teamstcr After 30 years as locomo tive engineer on MandalaPenman pas 9ngervrun of Gland Trunk Rajyvay Henry Hawker retired Ben Collings Bradford memhnt who owns 600 acres marsh land Holland River said he would =seed awn300 acres with tlm othy for experimental rposcs Gur don Stevenson elect secretary Barrie Tennis Club Harold Glll George Clarkand Albert Gray of 55th Battery Royal Canadian Artillery home on are well leave Barrie Creamery started operations by churning 800 lbs butter Speelal meetiog of town council con vened by Mayor John Craig to present KWalls Publlsher WAR DAYS 50 YEARS AGO Hy PATRICK NICHOISON OTTAWA Doctors ultimate hat lwa nut cl Irma Canadians are ovumelm Gmrnmcm flrlnb minute that one In 30 db km Alnrmllon Ms ymr um dlsaxhnus drnmfhl nlrcmly musing epidemics or he lune rllnlm antl manpox lhm adding IL Inll com lry mu quurlm Hm ulllallon mwnyn no tn mm mm Ramp 1100000 Canadians Mn unhoallhy lhmuxth nvwmllnl who mHHnn Indlam nll brown llmflvlflllflfi 01 10 WflLfillm0 Willa will OTTAWA REPORT In It manz In you ya lhnl p111 lxyl Mk he mMe Mlth Io 120mm Mllmu lhnl lhr om thrh II Hmnrnlnr Mr uvrn rmku Nun he llvu memo Imllnns llul roman It mthhm la la made twin rnu uumtmn mmom In In umber lo rrHrvu Ihn Mum lamlnr Wilh that lnmwy mu Indln mum Hum 5mm bume n1 hrnL nInmz Mlh all lzrinlhurnl mmlusu didnt mwl Ilm Mlmu unulvl ham pmch nu ulvrnl Iml Hku In hrrp llllllllnMn rushion nmom Imphm canymrr Juvl In ntr uI MM per um mr lviMo IIInIthz rm Just prr rm Il lmhnn hml MINT IMMJW Three mfl no mu MW Mural 1n lmhn um In our Nunflm Hun AH rm zrmn Nn yrau Ann mu momma ml mr plnllnul Io land only 0009000 Iowa to mum by um mdll In nmnm our ollw plan lqur CMMvamlm mintle lulnau Mamba pmnml Ivn In mmm HM our gym n1 llmml pmhkl la mcr ram Hum L000 inn our ulomlm nlxl Hwy 1an Hal Mark nu ngainao llw tha rc rmnumd an mun But ShouldBéfWeéll Aimed Admittedly farm protests in the fist Most People Of India Go To Sleep Hungry Phbllshéd Hybanfiflikn Newspupers leltad 16 Bayfieldfitreet Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE McPherson Mnfiaglhg Editor SATURDAY APRIL 1m PAGE4 35555682233 finniwivaiii can one mm of our Mth Ilclp hose In nutd mukl aim mt ammo but $50000m000 an one hing Canada inch sufficiency nl melnn cur xcnry one thlnn cw Cnnndlans hnvu allaqunln spending mnnry Hut unr lhfnr Mulch rnmr an our our ls ML Vr hmw nwny or nlhcrwlxu waslv mum lnod we con sumr rhnw livnny nnlulfivb Hm xlinlng tanks nur minu mnls licked dun Gonfl hark In Hilde ulfld qunlnllhn nihla which mm lhu um tllha In dmllly mme dmuld ulrwrvn lho anic law nrul onn day In urry wrck Or ml at ml ulllmul ny um mmn mrnl Wu uuuld all law ulrll mlr dndIIn wnuid be Iclumlml am My slung that nod to India nur nmmon wmllh lollmu wuuld ho nldrd MIIUOI llfl Klan Cnnndlnnl luvo mmln lzrlr mn prrmnnl um llvnl llw unvmnnrn ultr nn1 nld mm hm lm melvni mun dnnnllum dincl mm 21 undlmu nwlmwnl nvrrn mnlnl nnl Hut lhrva mu cnnlmllnn nllcmpunn In mum Ivrml any mlvnln Invfl In nulsl the vlcllmx rullal lnmlno 1me mm yahllrlnnl likn ho mmm mm pan on nu nlhrr why ma pay mm lumfl mum um mm mm um whlldnm Idvm nrl nun nml mm mu rnwuym Hm Am1 Jlrnb In Ml III hen wmflvd mm Mm mum In mail In M1lnd man an plm IM IN have urn HM In rm um my pm Illd Ufnnll Ill mm mm ho mo mum vlvlnvy In mlna mm all up my BIBLE THOUGHT ord hey mp ght ing the Farmers protested some months ago that they wanted $4 for theirmilk Now they get $4 minimum but more for the product used ior fluid use The highway blockade programia be ing organized by the Ontario FarmlUn ion one of two farm organizations in this area Its oiitdals say the rival Feder ationAot Agriculture is not doing its job so they are forced to act They mayget results it they are astute in their pro testmethods But if they discount ex lsting consukher sympathme the food producer is it pmfiublev exchange fhave bmuglft mints aridfpodmgbt wfll be continued Articulate expréssion of 3121 case is obstrucflon is scarcely artlng glft tollajor Alex Cowan Vord received that LanceCpi Fred Kirkpatrick of Elmvale had been wound ed in France also Pte James Pickett oi Lefmy All of last years cham pionship Cookstown baseball team have enlisted Alexander Speers kelled in action He was nephew of Mrs John Ness Barrie LanceCpi Jada McGann wounded soldier of first Canadlan Con tingent returned to home in Bradford Grant Hanmer got letter mm son Ernie just landed In France Falling received word that Lt Paiilng British Royal Fusiliers had been killed in action Boys KC reelected Bencher of Upper Canada Law Society Next week 157th Bat talion will go into barrack at announes in Barrie Drillia and Colllngwood Toronto Canoe Club Minstrels played one night at Barries Grand Opera House proceeds for war funds Fred Loth and Sid Shierlock tmlilng near Fisher mans Point caught litpound twat Allandale theatre showmg full week of Charlie Chaplin films Mr Bean of Toronto sumeeded Capt James Clarke as secretary at Aliandale¥llCA Bar There is also concern that politic ls entering the dispute Direct lie of farm organization to any political party has not paid dlvldends in the past farmers lobby either federally ox pro vinclally ls weakened if there is hint it is inspired by opposing politicians who thrive on unrest nc Patrioflc Circle 15 worrkingrhrard sew Ing and making hospital supplies or French Helm Wllson Oenern Manager In mum nnmqonmn Lu mnrrzs wager Enbxrlwoa ram daily lry carrier we weekly mm yurly finglo In Inc ny ml Harrie mm yearly 0mm no yur kw lhrmvdl yrar muIxh 0mm Ill run MAW Canada Mllfl muminnit Him your AA m1 mum var Fill Wiriner Ike 1le new mum 0mm TM CnnulIn Im II uclmlvely oMIllod lo Inn for mmlmm of III Illwan In MI ram croqlla In um mdllal to 7m mmm Im or Reddllsfysmring OldyDjaYs Allhom he has been nthed or links two mm Hume liraflre chld Rom rIrwin sun wonla about his menwlml hehears the wall of lha In firm the fire truck speed their way to paprle dun always wonder how minus mm be or flu boys and hope no an will be rap ped in thelfiu he uld wm ha started In tho BinIA limdepuhnmt mms Mr win was the only fulltime am plane Itcwas hiring the on years and III was hired as driver because of his abil lly make napalme mar mm and Ha nld ha changed from be lngan auto medium to the ire departinml because of the ow portunlliu Wm ovaWing Into it Id It gopd chance advancing he READ EXTENSWELY mfxrwm 1m huJob very sedously and read new bank on ljrdighung and fire pre He lived in an Apartment above the old firehall on Col lier St and was on all Mun day He only received two days or mum Funds services he was paid $1000 per year as wall as receiving no My Int 15 yearl until 1549 11 Irwin was the only luflfiirm NW The ma WW4 men were volumes of these men he says had he beat bunch ol JIrdlglteu man wk have hose vakmteem were wonderlld boy who 19qude ONLY TWO mucKs Mm he arrived the town of Barrie had twn pump trucks one of Mob an old Rea ch is skill in use is vohida was fled into service during the Elfin in term 01 false aimm1 ha said Less than one per cent flue call sent 1n ram ha boxes Emma Muuat lime ma mm had the lira box alarm Iyslem AMIIbo only use we got When can cam in am the telepiwm Mrs lrwin who looked alter the nlmn system WM push button which would ring out Um nunher of Mime box The wle 111 din rush sum urea There was also big hell on the tour at Collier Stmc 11 number at the fire area was niso rum out on Ms hell Mr bwin womd mowed to he in picking volunteers who spar tad Ibo truck along the way FIRST FIRE CHIEF then was much Um name as It today althouxh the equip man L1 far better and more mph tcduwdny he yfld In 1m Mr Irwin becama nmfies first alllime In duel Ha look on an addition ull time driver and 51x month liter be present fin chm Dan east was hhcd Mtle windmill Ml um mum Imm ly In Ilrlin land Irma mmmdflumunwu Ihe melhéd 13101113 fix PICTURESOUE WINDMILLS 0F HOLLAND saven fullLime men an the stall ol the Darrin we departmem Mr Innn ku Ilso Instru mmlalln the lnrmnuon the Simcoe County Mubual Md fire pmam look hhn two year to convince ha mnlclpal coun cils in media oi such the 25 munber nl um pin but munlcipal council give lhelr 1m chlus we nuflwriw In move their equipment and may at mm non Prior lo Lhe mutual aid pro gram mayors or reeves had to be mad balm2 help could be given Mr Irwin was 51m coe Countys first ire coordlny alor and this position has bnen Iphcntnd by BanI in chief Dan Kean Mr Iéwifiha be at Mount SI LAqu In 1895 All hls schooling age 11 flqugd as apprentice laundry Braccbxidge lia spent our years there working 10 mu day Foiiowing lint he sinned working in his own iminnss in Uilemn IS an ILIM mechanic BORN IN COUNTY mn In Mimi Nvmdnyu dnlrlc slum no um mainr pm ml QM land dulm ed lml 0a vulgar In 1110 WWW em VKROLLIE IRWIN mm hummus Incidenl which stands out In his mind during his mam days was when he slel In the old kayak Four volunteer used to sleep In the wstair portion of the bflding during the nlfilt About am one winner momhg lhvy received call It was below zero Mr Irwin mafia on fellow was little late ln geulng dressed and while we wenzlesring out on the truck he was still lrylng in put on his pants and sham flme he was mm on top of the ham esyln hll underwear 20 be low Irying to put on Ms clothes It wasnt untilwo ware almm the scene of the fire that be was fully dressed in is Won laugh Lnsw Mn My seld One at the most tragic fire wk Macs just bum he re tired worst fire am had lo allnnd was he one nvcr Lhe top of the Pied Piper Store in whlph our ohfldreq and one Jiimiien rour éhfldren adult lost their livcs llr lrwin said am when he arrived on lhv scene his men told him there worn people trapped in tho ihini floor at the bulldlnlz My bays lrlcd every lhlng but uniartunaldy milling could be dam to saw Hie oc cupnnu Mr lrwln said Somalhing like this will bmhu ircllshlm ior long limo ul ierwani The first mmmrbillly nl any firefighter 15 lo assure lhe salcly the occupanls Mr Ir wln suld fighting the Ire ls sccandary Fire pmcnllon wan alwm major concern with Mr Ir win He sald Illa most Hm could be avoided people ex crciud morn mo and adhmd more closdy lo maven nalcty procedures Nnvlwllanh HIM will on ml lllljllfl Authen ulem Iumlng In In an tammudo CANADAS STORY By BOB BOWMAN Dullmlehmn story Ibod Canadn khINapaleou flamed tampuueCanadTaformee Heldzuflflwtmmto HallHn the Well Indies and It was kflnlnzrmm forum hunk inn Camda mumam was waded gum 801w Mumflmdmmhlmbmmehflmmmmmm ada mm hMflmfich theva kid who book about Napoleon was 30 interested II had In book translated Into Frendhhelpflm plan hlslaflvdm madnlwwabgadeamImSpm Rance hadflventflsiufifioryhswhlnlmmmnwmdmm it under the Treaty on Paris loan as Napoleon Ed loukim he sent mannyhflnlmnerirendxwlwymi mm taverns mmmm We was Wed Bail mm mmmwuy mssissipflmdflsen hoCamda The flanku very like mm mum tor invading Europe the of Mddgtemgnean Instead of mnInxam hm innmhemmme Mtadmeausedtbefianhhvtdefianadalobemefled mhfldflmpcoplemhnmm¢swemloo lime They killed 60000 Fmfll tlvopsln two yum Second he British powerful unhinlo West Indian waten and Napoleon mawfimhwouldbeJoorqutokyw mammfmn my It wn mum he decided tuullladsiana the USA on 97000300 and Met about Danada Minna then mm all the territory betweenfmo Whip and ha Racky Mountains Spain reulned daims on the Pacific man as far norm QR whld an humInn bearing on the future dewloiment BrILish cum MHEREVENIS ON APRIL lmohmje La Tour and ion given 4500 square mile Mm Smilax IsalLuka Fvx beam search for thwest Passage 17Hcy Ward om under Penman landed naar Imisbum NS lmGeneral Wolle on my to take Quebec flopped at Kalilax 1335511 Mud Bond appointed Governor 01 Upper Canada MalDelegaqu 1mm Caugda Mariam Went to Britain to try an muse money or mwm 1mm Indiam matted mad Widen In mum Oolurbla REJ legislatum unmixed delegation to diam proposal or Maritime union with Nova Scalia New Bmmwick and vamndland lassm universalg nl establishmt ol usl sdml in Momma MMmm iiourgcoys lowth amwelsary of 01m Own Rifles ol Canada TORONmDo we have In build our arms on rock and our lnctorie 1n path or chard We are doing this now In On lurio As is polnlcd out In the cur rent km Thu Groweroffl clal pnpcr Illa Fm and Vegetabla Growers Association much nl Unlarlox but agrl cultural land in bolus laktn uP by manuladurlglgl Hunger or dollar the root of llthe hunger indul lry Iar he choicest mdmos promahle lo lo pm blo and Ihe hunger ol lhe Indi vidual mum no make Hi profit on their llndl In Europe And lhe UK with Amnll mas and large popula tions land mmllnl It be protected III the tour munlly lnkml As yet In um province havent mu any need ta tonlml hi type hunger Nor In liker to LAND PROTECTED Bu hm we havu so much 01 llor lead think we hlVI 4hn our pgllglen atalpmdlnl would be nracllcnl lam Alp In step wllhdfccuva land usa plnnnlng now to many poop ndvocnln Ind um Sfimly and derrqu In in derlylnz principle In pollUcI ll wall economlcs LIEHXIK an Itlual crhll In landI ulsLI whlrh In View our Inrnc ma cnnl be nnllcl mudll mm unlihly II will do thi SUPERVISE VOTE Tho lovernmml xupcrvlnd mnH vol In Tumm flit lhll would nqulra lha navemmrnl lake Dream ac Unn QUEENS PARK Napoleon Planned 3° Céptiue Cafidda Manufacturing Takés Best Ontario Land 39 25 gram mxzmx zo oxomx 2526mm 223 uxulu max ol2uo By DON OIEARN PHOTOGRAPHS AVAILABLE x7$l25 8x lO$l50 vaindal Ind Fodml Sales Tax Extra REPRINTS 0F EXAMINER sonm wr we mum Accm mmonu 0mm THE BARRIE EXAMINER 48 HOUR SERVICE BAYIIILD 8T Ilrlhpoufl turn no sign dcvelppngnt Xilr Inbur Irfilsiisrlhe um um the gov unmenl has supervised my result of request lrom wwld be welcome innu vatlon all Important vans in labor were through secret bal 111 under thirdpuny lupervi nn Th 15 Aomethlng that hardly could be forced lnza labor rela Uunl But lead hu now been given in the lumslcn Kiwa uon And mu lead cmfld mean slowly would be ndapm in mher mu mm CPIPrime mum ler Pemon Indium ln lhc Comm lmnday hh mm mm does no awr the emb Hshmen myal minim Inquiry into nrzanhed crime In told Erik Nlehon PG Yukon hat Quebec the on province Imam Ndl an W1 WW 5er wnn Imhoriliu had mid on um an inquiry might be uni Nwlmniimi had no yd plied and the remaining xix province hmi exvnucd doubt that an inquiry was memryi 1110 six we vniiln diuuu ornnizod crime Ii tho ltdmi provincial wnltrencl to be held in Viciaril June 1511 nnd ha ledrrni Kovcrnmeni would In Kind put it an madam klmr mm wmlun 10 pmflndnl any murmur11 mm quest MI Han on mum of nlrrnj ndnl lamb PM Indicates Govt Favors No Crime Probe inin Vlfie umlcnsodd 215

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