Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Apr 1966, p. 1

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nny Mml mm mm not Inmlm In my my wllh the Km rnflrml Illnlr Irmwr In tnmmmu rvMIy bu mm 1anva tom mnrvm Fmth lu qu fluid poulbdny up wanna mm In ml ole In both mnunimwnl Ar pmftxfevuwha rmplwu MTAWA FWlrlmo MIMI lrr urmn lnlrnrnul In IIC lrlrvblnn rvmlmvmy Irlv thy ralllnu In IIC Ivuhlml MMphnnw Oulmrl In Illuum Hurrahrm mm by pmlur ml whnlullnu mrdln with pmlurm or Inlay umhsmnn HM Ihr pmnn mlnlntrr It ranvmml lhp Illu IlSnn In Irlnminr Mhrllvrr Hw lun Mdr mm mmnmn armmd arm Illvlo mu Illnmllnn hr mIMcIynmml rnnmuhnnu hlnlrlm Irn lru ll Inflml with Mr uinm hr nlmul an Imur In lhl nun mm painting mulmlnr hum nul wln Im public mviro Tho Examiner TODAY AM mam4 rny Mud unwrap lnlIIlell mamaI mumH any Ila malnlmmtl In Irstimnny mad pnlvflr Friday hy Hm Spent royal cnmmivnnn thnl mTAWA 1CIlll would ht impoulhlu no In rnmc nlhe mnrluslon Um with had nnl met hen Thu lurmrr Inulu mmulrr Coma llrcn wmmnl up In nplnlnn In relrmpcrl III mmlnlnnto wllh Gerda Mun liflKEf French official said the pres Idem sham fimnls views cx armed on his arrival hm from lamim mdny that uhnl was mum In 964 or own Inst yearnalmgu is possible and at the situation in Viol Num zone from bad In mm Thank uld he hopes the main turtles In um Vic Nnm conflict uilI realize the gravny at he Aihxmlon nnd show rpm ol xive And like fur Ihc lake of unrld pgco flu Iald Um urn Ihrcc con dlumg or molul mare Inlkn PARIS lCPlUnilnd anions SemmryGcncml Than cun IUIVWEUI French Presldunl dc dimlsrlorday on We Nam and other wofld problem Acquaintance With Munsinger Was Indiscreet Hees States PM Intervenes In Strike Threat Colin Cameron NDP mem bg Parliament for Nan mmi¢mm Islands 41W mum Ions petition containing 2257 names of constituent protesting the Thant De Gaulle Discuss Viet Nam 10an Your N0 IOI The Hometown Daily Newspaper For Barrie and District 108FO0T PETITION Thu lnrmrr Lomrvullve rah ind mlnlxlor rallllrtl In Mcfrl April In Mun lr qullu 1shnrl Fornm lhn Sulxrrm mm of Emma Mm ll lnvrwllv ullnx rhmm by Juana Mirr ivlrr fnnlln Hull or mnre unsrrvnlivn mlflnrl minmrrl urra inmlml MINI Mm Mun Almar Grrmnn blnmlr DecscalaLion would apply la all parties hr rmphasizvxl npv parcnUy including the Vlul Canal Amcrlcans and Soul Vietnamso hu mmmxuul no Imprnpricly Du hr cnncrvln hr Wm Indll 1p medin brr Undclcrrcd hy p15 failures llmnl ls cxpcclcd ln rxplore wilh the French lender ways ol slopplnu the lighting and brim lnu all llm mrllu lo lhe con errnre Able The willingness of some he Inuits Involvul to speak who ho am doing the tight ingm discuss wilh lhosn who nu damv he lighlin Cessation of U5 bombing at North Vivi Nam 7171th ecsalalinn of all mililary nclivilics in Soulh Vlc Nam by all panics involved 11 Thu willingness of some CBC decision to drop Patrick Watson and Lauricr LaPiene mm the Irlcvisiun program Thu Hour Has Seven Days The mm was from he Sewn Days commiuec Na mimu RC CF Virepholo AM handrrIl rny Mud 1AIIIHMH ll lnmlvlll IlldlIrII MIMIIA Fwd10 II Hutus TV IJIlIMIll Wnnonnu WulhtrJ 112 fl3am Examimr Tun LS plnnM Wm nhnl dnwn Ivy enemy Krnunvl llm Frl dny An Flm Thunderer wM Immth down 50 mllrs unrlh llnnnl and NW Cmsmkr uml xhwn rm rm IM phnnz In lhn Tnan nlr Thu Sovlrl MM thy Tnu In lkqmlvfl mm Nnmvl MM Invrn Anmricnn plunm we brought xlnwn In llm shun my rlelmco Ihvnvlmrnl in rlllll hmn Mruullnl Ihn MIG an Vldnnmrxr flown Ivy Nnrlh iflnnmflu pMA us Amhiandor my ram 11 Ml lnr Hum nn um hm In Inn In Wuh Anolhrr lhnnmm nhnl dawn MKH1 uilh mllnln Ftlxlny nml Anolhrr MIG Mimi whllu lrylnl In ucnno dunnu Um mm encmmler llclnln nnlxl SAIGON AMA UK Mr Fnrco Idml dmm MiGIT over Norm Vlcl Nam today ha lhlrd cncmy Icl dmlmld in the lust lvm dim US mokesman mid an NC hunlom hil he MiG with Sidewlmlar mini hon our ha Jcls nuncknl mm or Phanmnu Mlh mum in mo mllu nnflhwml of Ilunol ouryear old boy walked In to his house one day carrying rag Vhal dunnndtd his manner are you doing mlh Ian mg Woflwore playing ouLsidm my flun My and 5th Id 550w Vlum main lean b6 farmllm had sdlmd major loss homehf belong ing and more than 400 had been tvncualed Michael Dculy riding in car with his Mixer Mrs Claudia Burke and his lwn sister when lhe auto suddenly plunged Into creek an the edge of Dallas Thru men removed the mmhcr and two girls but mild ml at mp Floodwaler clméé In Dal th Rcd0rau said tornado hit Fort Worth Christian College with an mllmenl of about 1500 lust hue buildings were damaged Orlcqcrsonyn Injured Dallas County and adjacent counties were declared disas ter area boy drowned ln sub merged car while th mother pleaded Please somebody get him wt pilot perished when his plane clipped guy wire of cloud obscured lelcvislan lawnr And live pcrsnns were klllcd inn rainswap highw Nam persons have fled in the Dallas Fort Worth area during the Iwo days of violent slam Eight of the victims drowned Mum mm May mm Hxaminf Him vdll mum OM pr lnr 0n rutmm PM lth pd Jutlan um In In ynn unler OVER VIET NAM arms smashed across north Texas again Friday tak hug seven mm lives and add lng la Lhe millions dollars inproperl damage Thain lmkifigIEMard day or some sign cl rclifi saw only lurk cjnudy Giant Storms Hit Texas More Die ljnnunlllnl lmmw In BARBIE EXAMINER PRICE ADJUSTMENT mm Tex A13 cm US Jets Downy Third Enemy Jet HERES ONE cONDEMNED BY MIZXIIV ITY AWJIM Mm umlrr way Inlay In uIlln lha hllklml sink Al lho Nu llrmal Unlvmll nl Mulrn umrh nhul Ilnwn mu hurl IHIINHUMI ml In prlvnlu 110011 In Muim my Thu Mullah lendluu labor unlum MI have ml £0000 dcmnmlmlnu Snlxnn Almll In tho pant camd nr Ilnnl munh Sunday Snmn unlnnlnll ern mmvlgl prepuh lmn nm war nmclnln um am rml Imnmlnnl review nnd per hnps produce mmo new pollcy xlcrulonu South Virlnameso nuflmrnlu In Snlzon exnrvmd nnxicly ln Dy rlqnnu union In minw Vlcl Numl mounun prnhlcnu wlth Pm danl Johmm ln talk my or Agriculhue Mlnislrr Greene iml cabinet member to enter the debalc accused flu Omaan cnmmlssioncrs mating Par IInmLnl and the people with great contempt CF Front benchLrs on both sides 01 the Commons Friday jalncd grow lug chorus of criticism aimed at the non rcdlslxibuuon comm ans IIREMEN ahcck can fill Fm Wonhs South Side for Apossihlc vicLims alter lwa 1n Mexico Moves To Settle University Student Strike ml mblhhinl mm wlnl malnlnh In du Ivrlmlimlv new runway and luale mnho lhla mm nlhaflnml mummy In nnlrr In mInllln and In umlmw In lmnrm Ih tummy ml paw ml Mu rnwrm In lhh nanmam RedistributiOn Blasted In COrhmdns Ivy firisisulrjp U8 Opposltlon Lo Barrla donmndmgnn ml with Ontarlo Canduksuurdlyy April 304966 Dixlen Tm May mm by about um Alllvlml Man In In law Irhml whm Dean Cour SmuL ml mom lhl mm mm llrn nl nllmvln uupmlrl slu Ionu la main Munc lvy AL Inn ulmlmllonn kmlmln um um rrllltlxed or lmln Im my nflrubl ml nlml Trkfilllk HI Mm nnumnMy hum Ill klvlllnl unlmdly ulwlmu nhn Invml mm at Ilw rllyl Mule Idnoll to 6m sum murrm laid both the prlvm uth nml Hm Imivrr ultylnrml In ImHn Amorlu wllh mm uludmuIMIM HULL Inlm anday nu mmvmly Hmvmhrr lavminx Mani Irhnlulal menu In lhu duty mm of II building ulml by urlllnx law Almlanh Int Tmully In hall wflh rmunu pout 5m drnl lrlumII he mlmy In 0L llrlm Iny commhslnnl and Mr mn allowing Common corman lo xlmw up naw mm mu done Ir pnjvlmu mljgltibuqom Dcnplia lha hllltr mm All pnflin the Commons mmA plflul lllxcluxlnn 70 lolmnl nhlcdlum In Ihe pronoun mam lrnvlng 01le Ma be firmed up ncx Wtdnrsday whm Mnnltnha MII will him Ihrlr lum leppy dehnlu II lchmlulnl Monday and Tumlny opening lo lnualuro nnnvrmiltlmcn mm llml llmnxl My Merl Graduate Lcndar Cauucun camplnlntd the Quebec commit Ilml tnrlurcd Ind dimmed rldings n1 nvn lhe province Ind 15mm obJMUnns mad at public hearings last year Farmnr Julllce mlanltr Davie Fulton PCKamlmpsl nlrl the urlllsh Cnlumbln com mission muted monslmu rid lnus ml Ihould 1an am nflnlna Alvln Hamlllvn armor Con scrvnllvc agricullure minister said the Saskatchewan cvmmiy non curved up rldlnp In his pmvinm as mm acadcmtc Exercise ullhoul rcunrd In demographic Inclou rmcvmd his pmpoml nhnllsh milslrilmllm bake looted ma new electoral map or Snskatthewnn or lumnlng wheat lumen and clly dweller another In common rJdings He suggcslcd consllA lulional amendment la prolch hls provinces rcprucnlulion in the Cornan due to drop 12 seat from 17 WIIE COMMLKHONB ycsimiayj Busing GIMreaIi lad floodixu No km of life duofrain fellinanhour Hula HquHld lam 51 OWN Midl NI may aim and ml Navy urlmm run cm mums nl um mm It flu urhvd In WI Thu new tonslilmrin had no bui 1n llistnrlcul Kurt His own rMimv lrlnu Mbm hm hem mlnrurd in In logical way Mr Diclcnlmkcr said Sal knlthnwnnn population has gmwn mpldly in menu years nIlcr duclinlna or two decade and he conslilqun should bu changed In pmch the nav lncel lch rcpmmlaflon He an objected to pm posnl la mm flcuirm and Saska lnnn in lwo riding each all lhnm lnclmllnz lnrgn hnn nrm Urban and rural areas hm Hunn problem and medal ummln rmrmnmlinn lie accused me Onlmia com missioncr oi lgnuring the spirit of the ma act scuing up Um commissions and oi ignoring nrnlcslx man hearing last ycsr Mr Grccne objcctcd strongly la proposal la carve up the wacm and his riding Ren rcw Snulh and add porllmu In two neighboring tidings was rcporled Many motor i315 had to abandon their cam AP chmto SNAPPY SALUTE FOR NAVAL QUEEN mod url mlfum lmn tubu Hm mu Inn Med Mr kn Husk Mar44 LemM lwlvuhlmnhipIlm chcn ZANU momhm were killcd In the Inuit E5 mllu north of the Rhmlmlnn cnnllnl at Salisbury party Ilnltmcnl mlr DAR ES SALAM Tanzania MomThe Zimbath Mr can anlonnl Union om nho dulnn bannM Mrlcan nullnnnl Isl panics clnlmul today that 15 whllc pollre and mom wm klllul and 30 hounded In mn nlnx halllo Friday ncnr Sincla nhodcxin Earlier in day the conven lion agreed Io discard pm mil that 1mm aukqmaflcally he cxpelléd from um congress lheir members aid or assist an employer during mike lagpgivned by he Cw This meant In cum that unlon whmc members mssed the nickel lines another union wqulg be boom out Delegates Monday Iv have resolution support fur the publicly owned CBC on lnrgvd lo Include an endorsullnn of ha TV program 111k llnur voted oven whelmingly nxcsday In send the resoluflon back lnlo com milleo or strenthening Thm was applause when speakers said civil disobedience policy should beadwplui Fewer than of the 1600 delegates were in the hall N4 day when the new proposal emerged Most of the other had lei to meet homebound plane Lrlln and bus comm mcnts brie debale Them was no mention ot Ina clvil disobedience theme sounded Tuesday when amuscd delexalas aged floor revolt against the uriginal injunclinn resolution It had urgedjhe use of every legitimate means to elimlnale injunctions WINNIPEG CF Rebels iurncd into rabbits at he winéup session or the Canadian Lnbm Congress Friday spurn ing an earlier clamor or na llnnal campaign civil dis qhedlence agalns court Injunc use or lnmnc nns employers to limit erike plckct lines and calling on CLO officers or strung mu militant campaign against Injunction law was mar munimwsiy aim Report 25 White Police Shot In Running Rhodesian Battle gamma coqdcmnhig he Strong Militant Campaign Is Adopted Mter Debate No Morn Than 10 Far Copy 14 Page murlr who live but munl lo Mu th his Ihllmuu MM 1mm Hm In Lamas tor HIM wk and lwnday vw um an AP Win Chin and Sovlcl wrilmni Mn nmnnx Large umnunl of autumn mnlcrials mowml hy lho pollcn Um Lmktsman mld nhmlesllm WIN Spoka mm In Salisbury said Friday llro securin arm shut and illrd mm Mrlcnm In mm nlngflxhl ZANU members shot dnwn hm Ir lnrcc helicopms In major clash mill hu mmmunl qur lnned by Kim hanncd pany nflirp hm day at VPoinlr CHMr1 boxidc sislcr Mm was killed acciden lnlly in 1961 In Hull sandpkf Four olhnr inrchcr children Including Diane 12 the eldul whowas baby sitting and MllrieSylviv at 15 day he ymmgesl escaped nr were re cucd Fire Chief nogrr Pnllras Iaid it will be Monday boron the cagse of lhc blaze is known Thi ifinlfiérs More at buago when we ragcdyaccyrrnd Thu schIifldrml Larc or chi drcn who nmgcd In age from qne lo lDMll be buried Mon HULL Que CPLA profili clal investigator has been flown in to look for the cause ire that Xcll clght children dead haze Thursdgy qlgh Seven Lho ll duldrcn Mr and Mn Gaston laxchar and the only daughter of Mr and Mrs Daniel Emond died when fire swept through lhl Laxchefs twn slarcy rams home When prnlcsts erase CLC President Claude JodoilLagrced to have the exccutivc council take new look at the matter after the canvemion All unlin shed business goes to the coun cil for action rewarded vcrslon Fnday put the convention on recnrd as unndcmning any acliwn ol the CBC management which vlo lales standard union proccdure in the hiring and firing of nm ployces Has Seven Days now In div puge with Cpg manqgcmgnl Investigate Cause Of Quebec Blaze That Claimed clearinggradually Mildelj Sm ay low tonight 42 High Sum turn 00 page this

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