Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Apr 1966, p. 9

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Sutton Hurls Dodgers To Win Over Braves Generals Rack f30 2Win Bobby Orr Stars Don Mills Sulllm lookl liku hes nady to challenxo Dun Drysdale for the Big belbath on Iha maund and at the plant 21yeamld rimhinder in only his second yrar prom al bnscbml Sullnn empha ud Ms rapid dcvrlnpmtnl lWedmdny night when ha mled tho first complue name of his major league Larccr In ILon Anglolm Dodger vic tory am Mlanla Bravos Thornton was an allCanadian ddenslve halfback in 1963 and 1965 after Joining the Bomlmrs lrom Northwestern University in 1951 ow ra or play for Hamilton ngr Cats Tanonto Argonauts or Calgary Slampcd es and his quaierbacking aspiralions have nothing to do wilh it NW because bush nus opportunity he said here Sutlnnn place with he 0th ers romainulnncsfinnahle he uux his incxncricnrn unHl Dryednlc and Sandy Knulax hold ml during sprmu raining and tu anl Malml looked at Sultans mlnm luau nmrd TORONTO CPDchk Tham Qm conunversial hacklielder with Wlnnipeg BlueBombers hasnt changed hls him He still wants be traded But hes asked 1n be Iraded or switched to staffing quarter backwilh thenomhers mm is salesman for Sault Ste Marie on firm which um heavy steel casing and pipes but Ihe lir In office Sp Winnipeg We do have headquaflers Calgary and Toronto where wqud be possible or me By MIKE MTHET AuntJIM Pun Spam Willa Sultan has impnwed awry amt xalrl Mslnn nllcr the nlx Inobnno mundrr rhcrkM the Exam or flu him and Mmrk nut 10 Mile wnlklnl SHAWINIGAN Que CPI Bobby Orr came up wlth an other brilliant ullensjve perg urmnnce and Ian Young played an outstanding game ln nuts Oshawa Generals blanktd Shawlnigan Bruins Wednes day night to lake 11 lead ln the bestobscvon Eastern Can Idalllemnrial CI1 linal series The Generali Could wrapup lheaerica with vlclory here Friday night ln the fourth game or the livegame win 0rr the Generals highscor lng delenceman waslhe often Ilve star as he scored goal and asslslcd on markers by Danny OShca and olul Hayes Winnipegs Dick ThomtOn Still Wants To Be Traded CROWN DIAMOND PRODUCIS ARE SOLD BY anM Mos mu sum STBARRIEON1 nonmsou 110 coumowooo our Ragmg Uiflnge THE CROWN DIAMOND PAINT COMPANV LIMITED M¢¢ru Hua already poslcd lwn vie cries and also stealing some Drysdalea hilling humlcxn mg was the Dodgers lnading hiucr last year but Lillie rnl ltclod twn hils ngalnsl he Draw and now No ml the rink with six hiis In 13 alrhau or AM average Drysdale 11 wiulcss and hit 053 hear Bud laid the Stam peders hed wank Coleman plus Tony Pajaczkowski and Larry rippingn or me Thomlon only one Right now allth hm flartor Mall Sullnn after bigger filings BIG WINLESH 0an we olhcr Natlnnal League games wre playrd Nnuslun ASIIDI dormting SI 11ml Cardinals 31 hchiml Dave Giuuls mum plldliux and Cincinnal mm nulslun King San Francisco Ginnls Vnda Pinwn wnl Hnrl flhornlon said he has ap proached Ralph Sazia coach of Hamilton Tigercms to sue if he can wnrk out trade with Winnipeg coach Bud Grant but so far nothing hq naveloped guiss itwouldhe ough trade In makcyf sald lemon 712 might Ska Va enuple of frontIna players for Grant to let me go Thumlnn claims have heard harm that Calgary tered fuilhack Lovell Coleman or 111mm Pajaclkowsld Is former winner of the award to Can ndns uuulanding lineman and Rahinson defensive halfback was named lhu lop Canadian mayor in the Vcsmrn Foolball CanIerence last year Sultnn 01 mm than mouth Mllln nuppnrl hum Wu Parkrr Mm dmw In hm runs and Maury lIIIn uhu re thppa Myra played gm game in the Shawinlgan nets as Illa Generals Inqu shots It him Including ZHn the opening frame rr scomd what proved to be the winning goal at 159 lhe opening period whHa Shawinl gans Jean Claude Marcvolle serving minor penny OShea fiavidflthc Gonéraln ahead 24 at 5M whilu both work and play Ibolbail said the zsycarvnld aLher of two played in Hamilton nunId commute Io Tomnlm addeii All mice goals were scared Kn lhe first gorioq Dung played key role lnuhe game as he kicked out 30 shot Im hls shuhmt including 12 in the final period when Um Bruin made 5mm bid to get an the scnrebuard mama OunuoIWMrmlcnIWhilll vorydnvaomoono mam now color CIm van Ima im what In lulu Ivylna lo plea ovmmul CIDWII mood un wllh mm flocculan rolomion lvllfln mi 01 my calm and You Down Dmuond Dunlor will much It on me gm mgr1mm drown Dramond DnmunmIm ultlmm In mini provoclion an IM Imidl cum your ham Ilu coluvlul men Diamond Ducaltom now In you II 100 on gallnn 750 on numl MATCH ANYTHING S1 Louis Bluél hes the may be with 0H ualm Jun 30th Jim Wynn provided Giusii wiih more than enough working mom Wynn cracked ivmrun homer In His lirsl Inning lhen led nii lhc sixth wiih single and evnniuaily scored on Bob Asprnmnnifix double Iurnod to he linovup wilh nurNL pnrlormnnuvnmr xi linz on our games because of pulled leg musclc Giule ailowcd only second Inning single by Tim McCarvcr unlil he Cardinals scam in the ninth on twwul doublrs by Curt Hawd and McCaner Ilnsnn who xcmpd lhm run and drum In two helm lllo Tlals hullll 60 lead lor Mlll Pnppm But he Giant mum hark lnln la will Vlllle Mc Cnvty hillin grand xlnm hnmcr and Ollie Ilrnwn MR shut Tht llcrlp MM aller lay In Hm rlnhlh lnnlnl when Tammy Harper walked and mmcll Around on Mcrlllce Dnn Pavlrllvhl lnlitld hll and lnrcr nul Hayes annexed the ylcloiy wiih hIs gnalaz 1557 asboth eamxwbre lull glreaglh The Bruins iacked pep in he first period and both cams scorned slow down in the sec ond poriwd mpsl the May1 was carried on between pie two camsiblue lines he Bruins came on strong In the final wind gumoflng Oshawa 1L7 but Young made several good saves ta keep I513 Bruins the Soonsheet PINEHURST NC AP mu Campbell seeking his fourth title in North and South amateur golf loutnamcnls since 1950 won malthes Wednes day to lead the field We quar terfinals Joining the 41yeaerld insur ance man double winner were Gary Cowan of Kitchener former Canadian nmaleu champlon and Amulcans Dr Ed Updegrafl Bob Gardner Ward Wemauler David Boyd Jun Gabridsen and Marion Mk teams were ah nit handed OShca bladed hard Hoot 51m past Myra after taking pass 1mm Onr Orr had chance to gel an other goal whenfhe was awarded penalw shot way lhrough the first Irame Hawevnr 1h wide of the net Girnifinfirwailr HeckBoyd Campbell Woltlaufer Gabriel wlUpdcgrg quan playing his first Norlh and South won mm John Hendricks nl Flumvwn Pa and then took up match mm Leonard Thompson Wake Forest Cnlloge freshman ol Laurinburz vNC Engineer hole matches tong shage up lhIs way Cowan Posts Two Victories 7160234 60 was um um straight wurna men vich for Harris and hoyj will meeL Vexlmlvlar lhe cham IiAnmIIExmmzn mum Arm as me Bérrie Mom 500m a2l my over George Bell last night 10 advance lo lhe linaLs in Ull Amm HockwTwmamcnt being held at Tamoshanter lln To 0mm Fax Plumbing Iluons letter Carrier Stewarts Wholesale Garys Toaslies Howey Electric Allamiale lumber Comolnllnns Inlcnm Club Clarkson Hotel Wellingth Halal Dangufidd Motors Lakevicw Dairy Sarjeams Group Mn Progrcsive Floor Firmnns Texaco Vallwins Burner 51 Barrie Frosted Foods Green Corner llammcra Well Drillus Consolation Thomas Eledric Dominion Tim Barrie Tanning Iloys Firebug Texaco Chiefs ergma Cleaners Consohh lnn Mny X6 Banquet at Embassy llxmc to be announced KEMPVIEW MENS BOWLING Finl Sdleduln Shading group pan Inale bfistia 401 PLAYOFI scmmum 69 Johmon Make 59 ATOM HOCKEY MEET INDIVIDUAL AWARDS High VcragogmF goirivr nmncr upCarl Emm as High Trinlmlornn W335 879 runner upSleve Osnubuk 831 High SingleKen Saucicr runner uwack Silvmhom as High Triple with Handicap 1kmard HurLubise we BEZZHNT NURSEBIES Barrie Reqches TOfirnW Final BOWLING 0mm SHlJRGAIN monucls Garden Spcclal Food Woodawny Fond Bugawny Feed 11 Crabchock Llahlwnlghl Lawn Food PNUDUOYI CANNQFACKKII MIUMM At mllm gardmsupply and hardme dvalm clmrymurn Service meteen teams mm Meuo and Barrie started in the ourna gncnl whimbegan the first week In ApriL pionmhip Saturday andnoon thyea oclock Barriescored both thier goal in the first halln the opening period Lamauroux fired flue in goalal 511 on saloelloit and at 910 Simmonsuored on pas rum Richardson on Bar at play Georgina pxcked up three our penalties called In the pqriod In me second period George Bell had the man advantage on our occasions but couldnt take advantage They scored their lanegoal at 1909 BARBIE MOTOR SALES le BLAKE 5T 7260247 11de mm and cm Eau em Canada Allan Cup finals N1 game in ma bestoi Ieven Lenin hock serles is scheduled here rlday night with the Mn in Sherbrooka Sundale seventh game may it will played Monday night In Swdmoke The loss was the first In Vlayofl games at hmm or the Regals champions of the On tam Hockey Assoqlafion Senlor GUELPH 015 mmm Beams held all Mcrmined ally hie Ming 1W Wetplay goal by Bill Beckman nave Shmtrooke 31 lead early In maythird period gnd Guy Elan increased it Dave Lucluk out the margin two goals and Ray Ros put Gudph within one goal with less lhan five minutes remaining Guelpha bid to send the 11 km oveflime however Ia ed when time ran out scam you nmvzns Maurice miuude mid Jean Malena were he other Beavers marksman Sherbrdoke Posts Victory Over Guelph 98 DUNLOP Armstrong Hardware eaven wide luna galaws 111a Mo teams namaoul unless lirstperiodded at 11 Thudibide picked he top len hand corner You the first she brooke shat ol Ihe yerlnd just past the lhreemnuh mm II sevenminus mark whiie Ray Ford was serving penalty Maan wok emuHemline ram Wall Bradley Mn mm at ha net and scored onra club in drive Butch Martin counted the first Glyph goai The Beaver held 313 edge in lug my gun can in lhe Em period and draw thiedrfiva minor penaltiu nxnfLmn Sherbmdxe wok 11ead one in lron and he rifled hard drive p11 Harold Boat Hurley film that Serge Aubrey huh Sher brooke goal madq pointblank ships on Dick Chng and Ray lust balm the lgveVmmul mark the second period when Claude Cardin lounq mum Beavm outsho Regal 1510 in Lhe sewnd period and Hurley 7185573 came up wilh number sparkling saves Guelph Harry Shaw was tagged with dash in penalty as the period ended and was assessed 10minula misconduct or arauml the call loo slrenuously with Mam Pgilcy Shorez snare baked on total of nine minm with Sherbrookn drawing five of 431m my EXAMINER wm Ans WHEELS Mon Chew and mu nu mm 1952 to 55 mi Ford Meteor 52 to 59 11152 to 56 Dodge and Plymuum slightly mm om nu Intludq nmury Mdrlull work mm met or exceed new ur Ind SAE Ihnd uds Enquire Ihnnt CI xudlan Tims complell brake overhlnl SIMILAR SAVINGS 0N MANY OTHER CARS Inmln mm IIqu ma mum WEE 850 BROWN BARRIE LTD 110 DUNLOP ST Innm by mm 728244 nut with 541

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