rht rdcoon nun By JOSEPH MDLNER MD JD Doctorx My mothers isevere back pains have been ldlagnosedvas osteoporosis and the doctor has started her on hormones She t7 What is the outlook Will she Ilikely become bedridden is it Motor her to continuoher malvactlvltleslvara tairly ong irlpiin car satct is any spe léial diet nu our nu Mieopoross is problem at lazing bones Calcium is gradu iostby the bones and they lbséome jsomewhat brittle and porous andhenoo weak this condition is tmm three rteslx times as mount in women as in men and is often iassodated with the hormone changes which accompany more opausd However that is not the only possible cause Disorders ot the uitarythymid and adrenal ands can lead to similar up taets in hormone balance In osteoporosis may be related to idigestive disorders which pre vent proper absorption oi cal teium And one other cause Disas to bones in paralyzed arm or leg leads to loss of Cal eium The outlook is not unlavarahlo with proper treatment and Itinero is small likelihood ot be Icomlng bedlast unless some other problem intervenes Since activity Wages lstnngthening or the bones pariont should remain active Osteoporosiswlliore Frequent In Women dairy products also eontain pro tein Attention should he paid to diet that contains plenty of vita rains and vitamln supple ment with emphasis on and Calcium may be given either in the loan of generous servings ot milk or in tablet form Pain usually in the back is prominent torture ni osteopoo Mia But the ailment canbe present withoutpaln As to long automo rides there is no objection however pillow at the small ol the back only aiiord considerable corn or Dear Dr ltlolner am heavy smoker and am trying to quit am naturally concerned about lung cam and have chest xrays every year but triend says of course they can dotoct teiconditlon Another lriend says of course hey can ltL The second friend or course to right While any doesnt al was detect canon when it ls extremely small it still is the only way we have at detect ing it early To Mrs HA Media whether in beer whisky or nine is high in calories and cannot help but make it more diilicuit or diabetic to keep his sugar level at sale iigure Mu Betti New Low Fat iners jury recommended Wed ouaarir ETA is low at dairy apt as table as butter devdoped by the dairy science department it tho Ontario Ayicrdturai College may appear on the Ontario market this year it was an nounced Wednesday DnDervineothede partrnent said several Canadian dairies bave sent ropeW lives to see the new produet in the makingi and have preseed interest in its malarial ture Dr lrvine uho assisted Dr HBulioii tn the develop ment of the now spread esti mates the product could sell or less that buttertrand would be oormetl ve margarine Dr Bullock ldt the college last wedrtotakoanowpostinot tawa with the National Dairy ell Dr Irvine said new speead contains less than half the arth ol tat maid in butter sadmargarine but about seven times as much protein it has shell We at one to two weeks and will not run on hot days or ll mead on toast or hot corn TRY EXAMINER ADS CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER South dealer Neither side vulnerable mom euros Ale non Iury Recommends Heavier Insultition naiuumN tCPl Anew nesday thatmanufaeturers put heavier Insulation on electric heating pad wires end that metal clips holding elastic band ages he replaced with plastlc The jury was inquiring into the March Mdeath ol Agnes Henshaw 51 in hospital utter her night clothes caught ï¬re March 21 when the manlloflp on wrist bandage came in can trct withnn wire on heatirrgpad Drf Orval Mtretioose said Mmltensétaw told hiinmgtao lg armed mm said still bothered her from break two years ago with placed sponge and elastic bandage ani rested it on the heating pad She said she was awakened when the heating pad became too hot She was unable to get theclip unfastened before the bardogs and her mm caught ilre FIND CRACKS LONDON ANNavy Minis to Mallaiteu eon ttrmed Wednesday tiny crack have been disoovuedin the hull of Britains nuclearflowered primerins Dreadth but said there was no danger tor its crew You plan to duck the next dia mond it East returns the king or queen since East is marked by the lead with the KQJ but East returns the lack of hearts at trick two This is the point at which you DONALD DUCIK JiJLlET JONESt THE GIANTS BEAurIruLw HE WAS RAISED new MEDICAL TREAWENT WITHN 1145 REACNGF THE CANADAe Finer MEDICARE ommmarumorr or no rowtanuu Mt nus HAIRD0 Ivr WEUVEINTIE CIVIL WARS Mï¬ltï¬ IN Sam aw NoWsNrreeam swww ONE mat AT lamnet 5v M4592 HES MADRID WHERE sszs WOMAN AND CHILDREN SLAW IN THE 3125er 5y BOMBa RAINING FROM MSG8T PLANES hut more avoid hazardom Wm things because of the risk of tall and iraclure ot brittle thone Your mother should watch her step on the stairs and pery loan and avoid lad rs stan on chairs and must be careful not to make the automatic play oi the queen The temptation to ï¬nesse whenomr you have the AQx tacing two small is certainly great but it would be suicidal play to make in this particular hand Jury Finds Hedy Lamarr Not Guilty 64 KSGI 1109 or 500m altsla tthat sort at Loose throw traits are also menace Administration ot hormones is major medical measure estmgan alone or estrogen mixed with the male hormone in proper proportions Some flrysroians believe that women past menopause should have horrnoncs to prevent osteopor eels Diet extrrrnel important and it must be high in protein Too many older tolks some times because ot ddoctivs teeth linleky appetites skimp on meat and other protein toode Finely ground meat may be onsicr to eat Eggs tish and LOS ANGELES tAPlAo tress lledy Lamarrs role rm tor real and she played it with drgmty and smile Not unity said munioi nu court clerk reading the Jury verdict may at the alunax at Miss Lamarn six day trial on charge at shop lilting llte lury deliberated live iledy 51 Mild smile then another as her lingers entwined those at her lawyer in victory SHP Then she rose and walked to the Jury box Smiling she thanked and hands with eath oi the 50V men and in women lumrs as they lelt TELEVISION PROGRAMS LBUFFALO SBARRIE eliUlFALO ITORONTO lllMMiLTON THURSDAY mm EVENING 100 amln SMerv rllttu lhow awmn in emuii on Serra sum nr Lev may no Iluulo omi 4430 so Mnun Territory Leanna Tlirlttl 15m him run llAlau AM the 1H Null Show aam Ant llrlarniiy mm 730 Ihltman 100 lTrlr Rad Polly I40 lIluutlm Jill End In History Nm lpem aLmaa 900 tMovie MAJNow SlluhtlIyBrthhl snmn Arres ermn ttanlerl on Munnerl irnmm Daughul 2lienlri norm tTh Adonu Family pryHam mom uhte lipeelal lIClndid more we Lmiurm IClmn nummurk tiu Oclock mm klntrn To am 9in mm mm rnr Your um zQumnhrr club HILL rhyme lllouubolt Lemma itAownum Thuln no 74m mom Han 51 m2 mo lDnn Mutt Dun mm IiMm Gritlln 00 vAm qudsa Thebtddinz Souk mm 14 Pa Pass 14 Pa hp Pe 3N1 Opening leadclan 519 moods The great damr in some hands is that you may play auto maticaily at key point lnslod at taking the time necessary to think things out The hasty play may work all right in other gems but it is not apt to be ruoecsetul in bridge Assume youre declamr at three notrump and West leads the eight at diamonds You cant altord to go up with the ace uhich would leave the diamonds totally unguarded so you cover the eight with the nine whidi loses to the lock DAILY CROSSWOBD Across LConcetted Strike acuyim hm remain on ammo my ICompau point 3mm Record sum lied Umbrella mine It loltl it armurot lhow ktiovlo on annual Snolu num tlail tiov ti Gthli Imm lienon liiitll m1 084 turn Mint 150 114 cm mun FltWAY APRIL MORNING AND AFTERNOON 100 erooy oluu Nm it Good Mnmlnl Hit in Illllkn hultrrl House Hamlin Imam the IUntversiry ol an ll MN Null loo Iona Ill TW IAMII mil tnYeu IM Your Ta nation Alrhm an Allen nrrv IJlulime into llnrll lioth 00 ll LArmu 00 INn no er Pilriim trim lin unwva ll runIn 00 Mia Iltlttln llvm um um mu ltlll Imrm Utr ml 30 nettle tum Illul In no on than nun1 wmm illa cmm mu nn int metaIth Iv ivvsit Ilnra mt hit ll Iammv 100 It ltrmvv 1M mm It um Utvyutuul on Ahlndil harm no em mrmu sum Honrentnllon rNrtr Nm Hunarm iknoou anu mmn mm 47 McCoys it may Alton rim aiiominr run sAnny or Huhm liliulrnrmit Mum DMr and am it uh rnumu rmnm nu laillrl lilIO IAhflrldlMl xJurlmv urn and run nu mm mute Today tmnn Ne mummy Lsmu rm 1m FlllllM MIlll lfl woulan it an will rmm Liloum hrtntm lew tinttome HumorII flmultwts limitrni rlli llvnv itth or II um rm Imlo MM um Ilmmsl rm Iwl Loo I4 unfit Meditation 5min lnrnnl our llihutr and lint Thur nmr CuMIMI In our Line old hurt tenlfla cnniouo lne Melon Hm Wind it LLInnialrur llouu Ilsopll in Conflict ii non llud In lAnntnur World 17m snuln lrn Tell the Truth Na rmume rum leorle run horran Iirm lav mm nnr mu rm wan no lMv smm llmnineit mum mumr mmmn re may in hm Iittrtl Illnl at tlflrlen um umn um mum in in Flwlillhl ll um um um am only lrutll it Limin em Mail Mount In tum HM IN Trout lv lion It runny mm it Plus is llootrn 150ne kind or nun llSwAllowl mu roam right 11 rumo export tarI 15 bell my One hundred lrl mum ll ltelelln of lotto 105mm lahriu l1rlitll 2e Merriam mu 27 Wander as Unupinu realm 30 Dirmvrred in James Bond I2Dutrh meter as out so Itrtnr wt unimn lion in tinulitlnn en Marks tmniun millet ntu nan Worship Illlllen unurilousrunrmu witr names AHDA HM NON wmiMu mu DiNNnn cutoutv12a Miami It you go up with the ace you are sure at making tile con tract regardless of how the ad verse cards are divided You simply enter dummy with club and lead the queen oi spades planning to iinesse ll East tol lows low Win or lose you are sure at at least three spades live clubs and two red aces But it you made the mlsTake of iinessing the queen oi hearts as you might do it you were thinking at when you parked the ear that morning and late fate would await you when West took the king and returned heart You would have to take spade finesse later in an lotion to make the contract and the and ruult would be that you would go down one because at your lailure to think the hand out 21mm Sir Vialter and lamin 25 Max ln SECRET AGENT X9 GRANDMA 27 ltrlncll 20 ihnlo heteldayl Aeru s1 Kismet illair mm or Window 21 not ttlkllsh irenctrla as Europeul rlpttel rLr BLONDIE BUZZ SAWYER ovnor manner the wave THE was 64 Heat Youre wetpimour AV THE Hospirau IM WORKING lN FIRSFAID LETS PRETEND YOURETNE DOCTOR MD mill NURSE MY WALLET ATPANSFUEION WWW Imm it MW Wiilhtfll Nil AND intent on Fin05m Vim DUNN WWI AilitllillK MinnAW dulldiï¬ MUGGS AND SKEEIER Ill WAJYKKD TtFCWA amtEH Wlr FA MNEIUN MINI 70W ti SAID HI MW 1n ll LUCKY