ILL Darrin Cmnmunily House ï¬ns place for most of ma jci mvic organizations will continue in operate long as needed Gumch stnn xdnainnanvu an Conmmin AP Iodlhon iald today Mr Wilson said that while um modaï¬on is need with rising 33 MI in ï¬nancial dim spokesman or mg develop ï¬rs Engerprises of Tormï¬o we plan cube shopping cen are mmenrinz completion mlhï¬ldixu wIlI Mart In May We Way Depmnwnt Simu Work will begin next month WM WWW be located beyond the ism city limits on Bayfléld Street it ymsknmcd Wax Aid Phil Sauve told dly mun eil last week that Oh association was facing finandal disasten He asked council to wider mhelher the operation had out lived in uselulntss Iï¬glnxflunity House Ll had in by representatives of th Barrie Kiwanis sud Lions Clubs and city mndl each of which contributes $800 or the service The old 10mm Street home 15de by mmy organizations busy weekend or him pdml drama is coming up May and when SimpsonsSears wand Annual Ontario collegiate Drama Festival mais will be herd at the Universiw nl Water loo lheaue ol the Am Sx drama mm ram hizh admls am the province will pnnkipm all wima their regional festivals On Friday mcmnz May Mdlard Secondary Sdmal will gesgm ï¬nds hll MIMI lnuld lukl nm In nlmln nu town Mm Int Iurh mm mm aul Ami pmllwlll ovwnmml Ilfnflrl ml Ihu mmmnrdl ml huhum inlpmu ul ï¬rmd by 11mm Jamm Parker 31 excava ndian heavyweight boxm and lormcrly of Barrie was relau cd on $600 bail in Windsor court Sawrday alter Fiendan guilty Lo charge mating glislurbgneg by ligthug Community House To Operate As Long HS It IsNeeded Midland School If Festival Inrkrr xx 3119 to have been lnvuhvzd in light in Norm an Quinhm 56 Windsor who died in hvspiml Saturday 11 Mn Inc uttering Mums in gm oi 33 mi um ham hplh olwbdwr have also been EatBarrie Boxer Pacing Charge WLNNHFA GP Prim mm In nm ranza in mowm urly trade today on the Winniptl Grain Exdmnxe Oak openui VI higher May 0s barlny 10 VA hlzhu may L19 flax to lower May 295 rye 1mm May 111 rapeseed Vi lower towndmged May 175 MUNTHEAI lCll MduL lure dmamnml quouuom Exp Averag szHM Mholmle to mail In one cnrwm laxn lma cu Amtdtum 567 Imnll 4n gtart Work 39°11 On Store Complex HTWM CWGonch Ion Corp will In Incle 10 trllrnlml In ll Cundlnnmndo 10M and m1 1th And flueru Indunlry llhlun hrury nld hludny In lhu Com mnnn uld Merl luv hm lnuml in Cmmnnn mid Imd Ixryultr rm hl minhlcr MM cmrrllu ï¬ll minhlcr MM cmrrllu lrllnn will ht lnkrn by mm MIN rmnmnlrl on llully nu pmlurul ln lhl lYnIlHl ï¬lllu and NM III Inndm ï¬lm llnxry ui4l drilling my III now In um um lull In Ushuwn Iwkumun Int flnnml Mun muln ammo Cmull MI ID IUJ nml llll Mull and mumu ml um Mnlru uni lnnllm an Invnlml IuIy mu pour mm 1mml€ lunmvlulmn all 10 mmd lulm mm llmln will mud Imwu In hm Umn ImM Mr In mu um In pmml Ibo lhvlllle Mun ll uhl he 1qu whim to all but II can an Ilunllh llnhnze dud nn pl In Ihnl upsand In Im quh mI IIer in IN lmxal Report GM To Fix Cars Twouolhcg men Mam Slay FARM PRICES LOCAL GENERAL Plans call for dewmew stare Foodeity MM and 11 PM mains senior 89d demopment be lock on An mm site west of Bayfleld sired mile Ind hall mm me city 11min chain ol discount mflcu em lipmd las mnnlh that lhe com pany was planning dewclap mg in lhg mm in the city for mecï¬ngs and ban Mr Wilson said wday then is deï¬nite need or the service and facilities will conflnue be Mggmd Ia pug min so He said 01 0mm ssol elation had an operating dick last year as In previous years but granu from council and Ki wanis and Dion eluln made up the 105 Wilson minted ml Ugat fluxes are used now more or meeting than banquet because of the growl other facilities injhc ama He said he associalinn will look for additional sources revenue to meet rising wsLx but is mt considering disposing of the property MENTAL HEALTH Dr Richard Shooter Tannin school sociologist will spnak on Teenagcrs and Parents at meg pl the Qanndjan Mental Mutiny pm at the Barrie Public ub Mary The public is invited to attend PRESENTATION Presentation to ï¬ve retiring volunteer llmnen will be made at dinner at Community House May at pm Honored guest will linclude Cecil McMulldn Jack OConnor Norman Green louis Caldwell and John Monk RV RUMMAGE SALE Ladin auxiliary to 110an Vic nria asle will hold iLx an nual spring rummage sale Fri day at Laidlaw residence bozim nlng at am and May 12 was revimsly rcporlcd T0 CONFERENCE Mrs Dough anknnr nurse at Slide sum Public Sdml will Show film entitled Dc women or Human Growth at mccllng of he Steel SLIch Home and School Association Monday ll 315 pm She will Ihcn mmkmlo panel discus xiun dealing will the benefit of the ï¬lm Aldermen Roberts and Jack Gamer will aNend the bmmumly Planning Association annual Inchng mmormw in Tommie Thom mll also be spelling mulch between our grade elm mp1 and lmxr pannu All par nnl Maple rnu Puliic Sdml am Influx ntltnd School Spelling Bee Is Arranged Junirr Mm 11 mo ymlo I2 Cmrul human Iman mm In rom nunhl awrlnl mmer mum ll walking The lur limlnilrr this wk Hm mm Imu Ml 1m mmka Ilm IrN 11 mm uly nn Nu In um mu min IHWIINHP In an Mull emir nmwnl Inw mm Miyv liuwivw Nihfl Imnl mm ma lmn Mn hm Hum laid Ming lwr min In lnr rqvvim l1 hum Mum mm IN Mimi nnllmr NW 3m 1h CMMWN low hm HI nmw In lml lvrn whit iv win hm mm mflru le STUDENT IN ADULT ROLE FOR WEEK laid against heo Randall Golden 41 Gravcnhum in connection M101 Ihe weekend beating of his wilo and another GUESTS AT 11 Canadian Na ï¬mal Railways reception in Barrie Tuesday viewed mm showing me rnilways pm Golden alsn aces wo charges 01 woundmx nLh inkn and one cl assault Mrs Dorothy Golden and Norman Mocks 59 were realm in Miler at Spnrmw PM mm miles mm at note PMER STARTED SOUTH The ï¬rst palprr mill In the qrjfl was begun in Mox icn in 1575 Gordon dirednr of sales development far Can adian Paciï¬c Aier at Van couvcr will speak In mem bet at the Barrie Rotary Club at their luncheon meeting an Thursday iii topic will deal with the present significance nnd Mum air inflamm lion ll DUHLOP 51 Facing Murder Attempt Charge Jnnim L154 INk leh Ihnll wnrlull lhrulthfl 0W 1mm mllnrmal mm pm my GUEST SPEAKER AOIRILLIA foPlï¬wp chqrges ml IM my mum IN rlullw Mum mu Sunrlmw my LN in yum mum 1M hm cm In Mutual WIGHT BlHNEflS New and Expanding companles have come lo appreciate the cial and economic advantages Central Ontario acording to Canadian National Railways ot kin alter IL Mitchell manager of the CNR Northern Ontario Area said yesterday in Barrie lhnt more than ever berm in dusky is examining the lens bilily heating plant In this area Mitchell spoke to civlc allicials and rcprescnlallvca local induslry during CNR dis play the railway lalesl pas engcr equipment ADVANTAGES No lnnger nre new and ex panding companies wedded to the larger urban centre In southern schions of the pro vince he said Rather they havu come to mm advantage Mr Mitchell lauded companies who have broutht the raiiway and other transportation carrier into their early planning We like to consider ourselves part tire customers production line he saidr The dollar spent in the movement of raw maicriais rind ï¬niahrd goods rep resent big riice oi the total cost oi doing business and specialists within CN am pm pared in assist industry in re ducing these disiribulion ecsi as munh in possible ms duning the year and had an oppoflunï¬s Injnspech CNs latest passenger equip mem with ONE Northern Om lario Sales Man Bub He said modern prlcing cun cnplx Improved Mrvice Ilan dards and npcclulizcd equip men hnve cflccï¬vnly reduced costs nr both industry and Ike mllway CUT COSTS Maiumny he lmdlinz small shipmunls has bccn slow and wally In said However Central Ontario Draws Industry CN Official Says Wan ml bean Iwomd you manna cmmux Mum my Innv an In monum IUJ HAYFIELD ST newly Integrated cxprcs ireighl service is unsigned lo providn cnsiomors with speedy4 reliable delivery at competitive price This means we make the best use coordinaind railhigh way upman based on he master agency principle using rail inciliiic In move goods be tween key poian with iruck deliveries to neighboring toms Because Canadas burgeon Iug ccnnnmy Mr Mitchell said one Canadian National prob iems continues In be lhe short age equipment The demands placed on the railways to mow export grain tho marked increase business and the ruck strike In Souuem Onlano all have taxed CNs im agination and ingenuity How ever modern methods of tribullng cmpy cars have kept the tralflc toning and it will continue to do he said anion mnamla Camp Bow den and Mt nabem who represented the city Ex aminer Phom ROADHO ENTRIES Fury unn mo mm Mml ano hm lnllxminx mrrch am or he Jayme Tomi 511 Driving IRWIN la held In Lvrlo Huwlnu llum May 14 Jmm Station rry 0mm MW Mam DK Jnhxmn mm Havko Mnlmm mu Inmmnu Auuucy Harm Inlk Ilflmrlmml Aml All Elk In Service 111mm um city Mr Mllchcll cnulioned than shmugc is not om and salidl rd Industrys help to make lhu most effective use of equlpmcnl if dispwal Passenger business once thmlcncd with extincï¬m ls booming and we are exerting every 9110 In keep it that way the CN omclnl mist Annoximnmy two in dour ion has been received by the Baltic IYWCA to help cover he 3000 shch when news broke Into the wombcs on Excmlim dimclor Man Hopper said dnmngu la the build ing and rquipmnxu emcer by lmumnce will be in excess nl 3M Hm npcralm an nhoe Ilrinx budget Ind nny km nl rush mm the halo pro nram Mr Hku mid Us ally pally cm is on hand the but became ol the heavy regidmlon or Toddler Learn la Swlm clams war was In the tale lha oxmllvn ha mw mule arrangmmmn um no null MU ll MI in HM llmdiflfl and vanity mmlsioru ham hem Ukhlmrd Io pmfld mini 0an lows 1439 um are Go April In MKLIIIKII WI mklmu the MA mmny nwllnz nl Illa Opu mi=l Clnh nl flunk mm Skynuun Lllflvlrw Dally pm um pm Numunml Mlmlny Donate To Help Defray Loss mum wrwmsWWw mummy OIIIMFH MI qu IAML at lhc IltA Aa Null lull Illl on In My ul lht mm Ihnnlh cur llu MOIHERS DAY ORDER Now Sty bu or Fendleys Flowers rm mum Im uNEn WEDNESDAY Arm 1m The Barrie Public School Board will Instruct IL wllclwn Charles Wilson lo make match In uscertmn whemer him are liens against the second addition Mapie Grave Schonl before making the ï¬rst paymenlol fglajs la Bertram Brothers Trustee Jack Sugg pointed 0M that this was normal pméedm The motion was amended Iller he said the expense ol nieboam decided to inform city cauncu has no objeclloli tn closing of Adam Street ram Johnson Street School to Blake Street Council had asked the board or comments out the scam Ls Vï¬Ã©gï¬giblz compqred In the risk It 3m pomt out that the school boardhad he ï¬rstdzam lo purcharsrerthe property An cKay uper or public schooh told board that he dopanmmt of educallon will make ï¬lm on the new maths at two Barrie schools uds Thuls day Two teacher and two clas cg wlllï¬bo invphediil Ihef Sngg who aclcd as chair man last nlght due In Ed Nor mans absence said Ihe burn should be proud that the denm mcnl 91 education had chosLn Barrie Barrle Parks Board will be asked to carry om grading and Sodding near lhc newlywrccled school boanl building on Vin cent Slrnnll Building nrchilecls Nesbiu and Davies wrote to the board painng out that gradlng and soddinx required on 5L Vim cent Shoot on Ihe west to the vntucnurse on the north and Will Make Film OIfMath LCOurse CITYNEWS SLIMMINTGUM $149 GILLETTE BLADES s119 SPRAY NET MUSE and lIPSTICK NEW DAWN KILLER IIILLEII LIPSTICK 239 63° NAIL POLISH COLGATE TOOTHPHSTE 99 Ilium LIRSTHEKS CUTEX CUTEX KILLER DILLER HELENE CURTIS SUPER STAINLESS STEEL SPICED APPLEInd ALL SPICE 807 FOR BUFFERIN TABLETS VARDLEY LUSHTDNE DUNLOI SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK on ï¬le bdulevard between hd xldewalk on the south recewc leflu Him thepnlario Trustees Coun cil askingfor suggestluns as In how Canadas 100m blrlhdayman becelchrnled by local schonl boards Mr McKay xnld school pri tips are dismslng projech One being planned 15 gala evening with mass school choirs Parlormlnl The Ontario Department at Ed ucation informed the board llm approval of sanitary standards for Ike second Maple Grove Schooi addillnn has been receiv ed mm Lhe Ontario Dcparlmenl or Health Tmslee Mrs John Cackbum wasnppoinled Io attend comm nia committee mcwngs Barrie Jaycncs ollered slalucx Sir John MacDonald and George Ellenne Cartier or pur chase by lhe school baard The board hnwcver decided to in form the Jaycccs that m1 action FREE DELIVERY ORAL ANTISEPTIC 1401 L10 VIIUI HAIR COLOR was anllclpnted The brows Ill Iucs al 5153 per pair and ha husLs aux each are the Jay cccs Cchcnnial proJecL LAUNCH NUMHER lll MOSCOW RwLerslThc So viet Union Tuasdyry laundfed the 116th In in Cosmos series unmanned space research smel lites the Sovictnews agency Tau rwcfled Careful planning disciplined nl lenlion to dclall long cxpcricnce and solid rcpulallon Such basic services are he founda llon of lasting relationships INSURANCE AGENCY LTD 21 COLLIER ST BARHIE Gox Rug 109 200 150 VIIUI ITS EXPERIENCE THAT COUNTS $177 SERVICE 16 R09 79 32 53° 3200 7160106 87°