Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Apr 1966, p. 8

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um mun um mm hull my 1mv mmm MM mum In Mml i4ha mm mm an Inn nul hum ormm Am mm mu Hunmu nqu lhtfl ul Mm HIIIMI mumq it lunyy4 nu wumv mm rmlu thnmul Jun III mu whim1 1In mg xum Top lvllnmlvr nm WM HIM lMlhl cum 20 mm mum 134 Mm 1M Lu 14 rumou mm mun lo scan l11 5mm 5al Mch 1i méu ¢Cwlfln hull ITodll lNuu sumr1 NUII nuood Mom 45mm 5mm NI nmnnlml Home IJO UUnhrnfly llnlulnen Hum um um swam tWuuhu lluult Dlnb 611 617th Shaw Th NC Gumbo lChlnnel Tmlln mum Imu unwm Wolmr Gpoyu 114mm zMm cam show 3wma In cmmt um Etc norm Il Lav Lucy xtnmny camprm £30 Hence it La important In help him through the early trouble if possibic Foflunniely is Micn possible mild sedation may help but oddly enough Wholly diiiercnt lypu nl drug sometime is even better on that glvu 111 This appears This Aupm vlly and lo qulet dawn as such child up yroache puberty Howeverby hen the pmssuru may hava beensuch that Ihe child In emannallly wyrpbd MAY WARP cmw And than children an no dull or Incapable They are driven by an Imm nervous pressure they cannot subdue Studies have shown that certain arm the braln urn super unsitlvo to ordinary aleulav Ion and he child react by being overactive or hmrkim ellc short span attention leaps mm on nclvfly to an otherand yuu have picture of child who cannot get Alon sighed no matter how bright £35211 lymE child perpetual annoyance to other In the schoolroom who are try Inglom0m sthlsmlhe aclfila the ch himsclf has There ls mph thing as an overacfim flanaid in chlldren Although It Is rare ll must he cansidcrccl But thorn L1 3150 hyperklncsia because of neurological conditlon the chlld so wound up nervwsly final he or she has to be doing nume thlng all the time and not necessarily something usellfl Th compelllng urge to be con Ilantly acllve finds IL outlet in iillcu fussing Linkcrlng talk lng leasing walking around 4W9 anr TO coon HEALTH have tried evorylhlng lo Mlle her down Her school grades dropping because or teacher says she relusc to do her work even though sha apparently can do It have tried punishment talking no TV but they dont seem 113 had Inquiries from mothers hyperklncflc or over active chlldren and Ive had letters lmm mothers who didnt know what allcd their ymmg Hers One described her Hear wun PEJMY AI ByJDSEIH MOLNER MD IHUFFALO FDARRIH Overactivé TthOid In Children Is Hard TELEVISION PROGRAMS RUN TUESDAY APRIL EVENING NM Am EV lJIrvk II rm mm In IHL X7 MORNING IV xComnmuon srmnnly In tmu Ikcm Illnxn 1210 Ann In ma IMMnlnl Kl judmmulMfi um Mr Ind Mr mrk vn Dyh Ah Alb Hm 1mm umumv mnmw mm mm mum an 9N7 LIMvIley 10 Inn hum 1n yr 1mm hm hm 3m mo lJmnnll JAlnpqyl rm mm um Ilnmnll TM ll nu rm mun INnfl vaI any mrm mu by Tom um nuuuu um hnHrv fillll IIlunUIvmlnl¥ly mm UnrlI um Ilnmymwnlll Yumn mman IIIn4 HunIll IIw Um Imwfl mun Mm Fnumu MM mum in In an Anny 740 1My Memo Cu nou mm LD IPlnn Dunl lill Tn 0mm 14m myom Mm Im llMovlo flavour Tel LuauManna amqunl hm tCn DMy Mother tho Cu 11 nm noon LMumx Shawn mun anurnio nronbxro uxmnnou THE CANADIAN PRESS Lands and oxas deparumm personml and municipal and CW ire depaxirans In Lbs Ab hmuc pmvmou had um busI est weekend of the year so an m4 mdzrmmd In mi purpose hyfinwarrylng Just Ignore Ihe practice Time will lake care no medical ream In belleva that masturbation Ln harmluL It extremely common among boys at some time In their lives Among girls the proportion lower but still hardly rrnalL link you are lnrlnrlng yaurrell in use medically far long Lime Thcy Add arm of massage to the loathing film hot bath Tha Important Ihing la know when the redness and aching mm mm same underlying cause that need other lrcal munt Atlantic Provinces 111m no way for average 57mm to diagnose overactiv Ily but knowing mun about It can help them decide when it lime in get expert advIca and diagnosis lien Manner WhaL do you think whirlpool baths for Ur Ichlgug muscIesL Brush Fires Hit When the chlld genuinely averacllvo nelther demand that Ila uso will power nor pun ishment can cope wllli his Inner pressuru Punishment will merely make hlm rescnllul and rebelllou becausn he lsnl be hnvlng in 1h way becausa he wants to but becausa he cant Isz 1L Clem1y this requxm expert dlauusla us well as kmwlcdza about what medleauon lo gm and how much The truly over acnva child must not be con used with on who merely mega dlscirpl1e Child psychiatrists or piychu logically mphlslicaled molest innals can disunxmsh botwmn the two and linen Some real pr ms Possibly In help the cle loclis his un ruly enemies into useful ncllw illgg lying ramjmn mm Nola 5y xym when 15 Rummlly mm um yum nun 1ND AFTERNOON NO hmfi 11 Im knum Mum AM tumv mu mum Jo llm HM EM lAnomur wnM ITn rmln lTn Toll IM Huh ONln In lMInI lnu hnnl My lTI mm LTI Mn Nlnl Van Mm dunny mmIn lnmlt In Cnnmu llDmml mm Mum IMO IN my Km IIMm hmln Inc mum mm 1m 3m ILW lIhc Dada lTM Wind mum Hm mm Maul um 1mm 1441 nul World Tulnl nann um on le Vln mud um rm Mmr tnmm Iuavx ulm am In Hun1m nm HUIu IMnm le rmr sully 011mm Loo 40 Cum mun 11mm an lI Otlock In tIHD balm III II lIlufll mum KM lWll only 5193 134m Ill OPtlucell luntllou 00 ccus Nvu 5mm LI XlMzn Edi lam lPublle Lnuln In hulk mm Ma or 10 mu Lulu Dun THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanley that mthkvg unbl 00cm But East goo mm up wiUI the am spades and return heart whld Wm rulxs Tho dclcme by now has threw Md and aflcr th mm dia mond you eventually go down one when you durum the club finesse and it 105m But ml an meticulous 0penlng hadco hearLs 142 say youre dodarcr at our spadu and West sham with the ace and analher heart ll you an um worrisome type you win the heart it dum DAILY CBOSSWORD mam 201mm Pr Furl 4Mend 2516459 91 In muldln 250110 or am 1010011 nmlmrnlll tdglng llJVullknnvm nuuy 31 flumu Inn In Melon Ihbr Summ 35y0m klnl humid My LMeuun ol puny mm mlpynni lirnum Inhmuifl hxmlm lumpounly ery wan vmmxpam lenlnl 100flklnlu llFtnmul Swed 131mm ll Fred nr hrlkn a1 EArIy FKEVI 15 Unhxppy 1mm Mmms Cammumsl govemmcm efforts to split Polands Roman Cam ollc Hawaii he Polish him ops have signed declaraflon solidarity with Stefan Cardinal Wyszgmld chutch official db clBseXlr Sunday Tho ddeiate elected lanky Clair of Waterloo mm to sixth Icrm as presldent of tho union label drpartment oltha congress CLO Presldent Claude Jndoln sald unlon members In Canada hava dIspnnbla Income ap proachlng 000900000 and there would be slgnIIlnanI guns In unlon label ales II Indlvldual unlans would slop up UIOlI el arts In thls program Acnoss mmy 55 mm 700ng WINNIPEG CWA renewed cm to mate no Inw lnx of unlommada loads wu urged It wnekend labor can fem The union label pulley unfer ence held prnluda to tha blennlnl convulflnn of lhe Cana dian Lgbor mums decided to Inancg an Increased advertis In Program on tha look or he union label theme Norm dealer Norfllsmh wkmahln Noam Antony Juno OAK +62 Q52 VAX 0Q 11097 Renew Bid To Buy Union Made Goods no biaan BACK CARDINAL CONTRACT BRIDGE val 12 MM mm 90pm 3m Ermkllh lllll Ion By amid Son IComlzll llall 1mm of muhlu Ponplu Mynnd llu Hull ms AM vomz 0qu By JAY BECKER 0111 Yumay Ann 22 Inlllll Worth ZJJXOW Mme 151pr an Above Mm albunhy try OJII Lalrll Mml 110w umu skellon 19 Thus no nflan bathe curd 2an 111mm llun nyllnblu 18 Mr In fact naw ha nniy six oatds left all clubs and he must lead one at them right up Io your 10 Your my pmpm Ham In cover all omntuaufiea did not succeed in swpplng the heart full Mn my did however succeed in brhgm homo the cmrfmct The moral of me hand that one is that maybe it pays to worry waver My pom West hknsdl unabk exit with diam due to your insight cd effort early in the play in or hand Ignd o1 um sue You cannot sure that Ms pkm will mowed but cer tainly wamh try Accordingly alter winning the head at trick um um cash the MK dia monds and ml diamond Now you phy bump which East win with East mm heart Just as you Qat eduhe would and West tulle dummy Wow you wind up mak the contract At trick two themeoispadmundgmhh pamagwlmm luff andtyyou worry this possibifl an extent that ym eventual fymneupwimnphnlhal might save Hue comm even It turns out that East dam have the ace spades wiv Mrs Brlxcna lald Gunn 1m Lied that us lawman would bent to trust her Ion Glen or alleged evulon US lnwx mulrlng all Heirold lo reilaler lnr uelecllva urvlce Her sun was not an Ameflcan clfizcn Penna said precedents have ésubllshed reciprocal cotperaunn between the FBI and ROMP or Investigation either farce nukes Vin Am oth 1301311 FBI sin have no junMIC 110 In gannda hersald Hewu uplymg ta ques Um by Ron Baslnrd LVnn couver Bununi stemming mm complaint by Mrs Au son Bflscae or Port Moody 136 who nid Gunn Impllad during ludden vial in March fihat her son was 15 dun dodg taken In ROMP amoer along wiLh 3mm MrLPjennall sald Lang alandlng mangerfienl dlculad that Gunnrshauld have ked Roy ashlanca and UIlAVA CF FBI Men Am Gunn did not have author lly to enter suburban Wu tauver home last month and ask questions SolicitorGeneral ennell told In Common Mun TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mun rm Agent Had No Authority In 36 uLaHDAEuDoWU nuuzg WAY NO TWO wow HAva THE GAME FNEERPNINTB MAX 15A SUCCESS WIWIN MONTHS mmRMAM BETHUNE LEAVES WAN HIM CURED BEHOLD GENUINE EGYPUAN TOMB 24x 323304102 xczunmum on nmonrm 210mm Fsz nm 3376 29 mm mmu zum moim To REE QXJEJHEM EANI rum or ml WI WM ANDMY mural Juryu BOY wounirzwaxrril AREA HERDGLYPHICS MUMMYIA mswlj valerush KWDA LIGNT FORA W6RANDMA ibis Mncmjrmo MU IV NY YOMWI SW Wu 10 MM 5M nwummuou Mums mmwl Am nccvcun Inuv 1A NW 155is can éuwo EQUIPMENT OPERAYION mamas moms 7w won waLLu aooo THING 11m 3mm EXAMINER mm mm as nou 111 IN 21 THEREARE SO FEW PICTURI mun 51 mn Ismnrm ILONDEWMS mm nu mow in 93 mum mmkm mmui cu wasncumata CHEBT swzsnv AT Nor SACRE can PILLS as HOSPITAL IN sauna CARTERVLLE nus Bur asaprs ALL 415 succssscs uzmir mu54r may JTWAGAWNTIOFMW swam gammy HE WAS ALVIN3 5mm vuu wouLo uzvzn AMOUNT Auerwc ammo HE WAS ALVIN3 5mm vuu wouLo uzvzn AMOUNT Auerwc ammo 205 2er 59 xv 4o ax nnx 02 win=9 4n Surfing 8132 511 $5252 23b En24mnu3nzzn $51551 SEA mvf 4za

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