Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Apr 1966, p. 3

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rm ml or mum and $1 lor Ivnmlu 1M Ilcnnm um WM In mmJun mm muer mnko unqulm mm grant lmm Um hmen nmry MoasIm Orgdnluflon on Um mdmm of new flu truck This gmnl him n1er lnr Um me he equipmrm hr mamiv mum mime ho ms the fuck by up pmxlwlely mt was IURROHM um ll nocusuy thl mmmium K0 In tho Tarmm nflim HMO Md nwlnln ll ho lawnmth LI In lino mm grant MD OFFICE 11 nlnm In mamhlp rmds building the 81 11M udl lm lmmllod by Stanley lnknlnki ho 01 830 Ibo wk bu Mud by My NEW D00 HAW 7110 Animal 0111M MLW hnl hm usle And will ha lmivo Imnmllatdy having lwvflluly 31mm and Imdul Dug Irma nhLulml IN 1M PMUT F0 MASON natty mauled by Council mcmbm and tho WWI stall was held admrrwlodat lhu rrvicu Imm Vclflm 0b HM Gordan Mm Film GRANT Ih Xim Comde WM lll mm in nu n1 kot or some ymm mm the la hall Um we many by in The deaf lo the land hu curtain mstrkfion which 1an mm midcnla mth way but this vmuld not alloc the park privilege purchased by the lerdnp far that pur Mn 5a payground muipmcn awnod by Mr Bryce nnd which cost over $1000 was available or warm at about $100 RHCUMMEND PURCHASE Counde Dmion moran ed that the Council x0 into AM matter of the purchase lho pIer at Minoll Poim 1h pm perty mud by Tommie lrvsldent has been on tho mm whim 2° PM yr flu Dawns dwartfient of works He LI manled widh three childrm and Is member 01 he 1me 01m BYMW 0N DUMP bylaw which regulam he Muddy dump and colbecflon of mg was given Linn reading It Nor file dump to be kept lacked In 530 pm and on Sundays PARK BUDGET Councillor Georgi Forum chairman of parks enqulmd nbouz the budget mick WM romhw expuuiitums this year and was advised by ha Cluk is would tabled soon JACKPOT $23000 lEGION HALL COLLIER ST WEDNESDAY APRIL 27 RTMITIN AT run unm Won pm lEGION BINGO mmqu mm blmbm an AM flu wwgaMm nwfiwbearhadbmud dentally shot by hunm two nl the latest are fixes dfite 0mm in the Tweed WASAGA BEACH HA3 Samarium NEW INNISIII NOTES Council Engages Assistant Clerk mule might convme with On Larla uwndmy mm or mum lerlnta he Im My M0 willed with Hm hmdlan mvkvnvl and VII ho luck in our homo urn will Mk nlm vim mlaflm In Wainn Ontario tr few dnyl was In quick routs And in mm sum winding road was mam relaxing and day nbla than lmvdlinu the nun himuwaya Some of he oh Pmn 1anl1 hum Imu bcm chAn god my mm by mum mud NI at ha he only we might filer would be um the should arl be wldmod mile tnuk lane on hm whom hm ve hides hm mud up In low near One at two driven pullcd their Mela cm on the mould mv nmnm mm ADI 71Hour mun we lound those sommiary mad all All good condjum an well markml with mm Ma yellow palm that Mm 90le wrm not to he massed Many large fuck uwdflw route nnd uuuuuu mm Hams THE HEROES DFTELEMRRK llll MWHSSUN MICNMI nwmmvrmmm umwu Kmnflhml umlmulwwummnx mwuuw rm murmur muAvmoumuum cowl mum than usual through Mlbghaniol using suggostioru made by ho Ontarlu Motor mm whldn brought Virgina on Highway 11 at the loot ol Skyline Drive near Front RoyaL A1 Ihh time 31m we found that the bushes and too on he mountain an dill not In lea or 10va can poinL adsnsflamduutmiawaadm shortest and mod dime ml to nullalo Nlagara N1 and Tommie though soma no my mUed it might hava wondered more Toronto ls Nun Hams thus in preking Lhmuxh soil though it will robahly be comic weeks before they are in full bloom Tram were Sui hardy hating out and the gas was dwwlng green no ice coming down the river was arming mass at Ute loot the all and lhi could becorm danger but so ardldmtowearlobecaw ing any concern There wen many visitors ummd the Can Adlan slde and dawn at the Maid of the Reginde some peep wcm wa Lin river and the NORTH ALLEGIIANIES gum mm on dillerml BACK IN CANADA W3 flubatde ml or Elmo Fwd dog can Lrol officer flle cleaniqg gut flu and blatkbeafuta AM flu ar mkafimfmmm ysol hunm wfldliteoflidakbiynsnmmm amt an cubs to Wasaga are being mused by GM 69011 gfg H118 mma wmiiunmu by mm mun mmmrr would be led WM Med ha nmnldpnl hall ll him and maan om bv durum for Dome uwy uu Wang land NM cum Mum and Gray to lnlmm Iho Mum CM trunkl Commmoo that council wan domde with In drake 01 new mumial pmjocl uhkh remind to cleanan D11 And mprvvinu Illa rlwrbm Ind bflnhl at Nvmfllo Park In Rotary Club ur twimmina pm the vk Hutpt or minor mrinnm whkh omnmmm adjun nm It mulled la make Im nhg regulation are not nu mm to mango om Wildly mloptnl mm Max Mum not Now dun In um can Um lnbmry pmjocl the variation nuch that the mild Ibo islrr mum moved by Coun nwm Md Fran Mormw at special motl ina asked for urfllm 10an ppinim Mayor Darling nignud solution nllirminz it carrlm byfogmcil ALLISION SLIM Follow luz mum lmm the Womens lmflmk tho Alliston council awaiting legal advlco on re quest or huldmx permit to enlarge he hhmry facilities as cm 11 project Council Asks Legal Advice qMI ed was the lowest or some yuan be said kmntiL was dlndym road mum ed lmcta mower and Nader had been complcldy paid all In 5002 01 street wrks was raised Councillor 0min 503E Ihis be 10 until one budget was decided Rave McAuley said attmuon should be givm the road In mm of the past office and by the High School and also by Lloyd mum place Snow removal oasis wen way dmm at the past winter gmncfllor Ken Knox moon ISELMVAIE Stall It WW1 commn Been Geome McAuley an special M11 Birth vale Council alter council Inr Alex erle moaned An operating mm of 3mm from the past years llydxo apexMom In the village It is good to learn some nt has made prof it marked councillor Nor man ham Coundllor Glmie remHug Hydro dwrman said rev enm Walla 3465u1 flu um paid Hm was mderable capital expenditm but am wgymt lpvolved ELMVBLE GETS HYDRO SURLUS Norm 1115 NOW PLAYING EVENING mow AT 100 AM no ysmmcssr VMISSICCJI BA BOTAGE UNDER MIDMGH SUN THE LIIIVM deals iwr Kids and Budd obsml secretaries and Fern bout and Mode Woodcock treas um Gmrge Jackson the new m1 lwisler will Mayor Jnsoph Maganl amistnnt while the nmv lion tamer l5 Eric Hall with John de mm mismm Dimlnu include Tom Evans Jim Tharnmm lslhe new pres Idea Iha Bmdiord leu suc wading Lon Fanr base Ind ership hu hem mud caman lmdon Ont May 30 and The float will aim the form large ham plenty valuable display calling unen Ubn 0w quain vegetablu mm in this am Mangemm have been made or Omelet of ancient vintage WEIa the exhibit Lou Hm IL Swagcrman and My Colanmo am quofits am mu PM 1307 51 Una church UeutCol Blgalow and reclma warden Hereward Martin Hewitt Is the lay member the Synod Mrs Nora Caldwell head an acflve Vov 15qu on part of grant and given the church by wt Cal OBrien from gov emmnnl grant to Mm the church relan on tha same xiw nle pgoperty subsgquenlly was lumd ed we to lhé Church $00er 01 the Ditmsdjbr where BRADFORD LIONS TO MAKE VEGETABLE PARADE FLOAT We have special anniversary serviceaevery few years said Mr Flynn ll wasnt certain We they muld be held this mug mulauuumfl Paum ocafiedvon Shanty Bay kgkide the churd now ha Mum over plAsler and day but 11 general dnlclurgl outline has been 019 same for yeals Graves of pioneem are memorial to thopast Amman We fiava an active chuflh membemlp 41 Quilicsl said Mr Flynn whn explained here aim are marw olhm who anepd during the summer Fl 11 recbr St Thomm warn Augfllan Church The oufidahon of Ihe blahxicgmrch was mg on June 29 lawman 19am SHANTY BAY€S¢am We mm It In line to remember the past but believe also in pm 3rlrfl for the future said Rev THE MERLE ESMMINER TUESDAY APRIL Honor Pioneers At Shanty Bay Ming won wm Our locality has lot to ofifcr Good shops Good services Good people So look first to home or your needs Let your fingers do the walking through the Yellow Pngcs to find the nbovc people nnd mnny others 501 TOWNSHIP COUNCIL BRADFORD Wcsl Gwilliny bury Towan 00de will hold M4 next mztdm meeting on Mon day May arming at 130 WASAGA IIIZACH CHOSEN VASAGA BHACH The Gmgian Day Development Ml sedation has dmm Wauga Bald or its meeting on May In mug mmunlly Cenhe an May called to sum plan or he Berfmd and DLerlda observance of Oomedcrationl 1001 birthday next year lac Bob Fouls Jim Dodda Bernie Home Mcnle Woodcock Budd bson and Wally madam Sixteenyear pcxfccl attmdance pix were presented Mendy Arum Kncoshzm Ken Wood and Tom Gardner McMaster oruyemper Ih money collated by Misses Em ma and Marian Anlagh and was Installed on January when Lhelr lama Hav Ardagh was rector 101 line the parish includ own Hill and East 0m eno conducted the first servlm The chalice In the church was prim won at Cambridge by Sharpe In 1905 and was presented to the church by sister of Mrs OBrien mflagon WM given to the church in mm by In OBrien family and the registry book was first used by Rev Thome Raglan In 1809 punt nlher pioneer Walk er collected money lrom lntnds In England or flu bulldinz the dumb FotIJJme Denice Wll held In prlmillva bulld lng which aflerward was mad lnln mble CLAY USED The building the church laokjom slx or seven year wlth considerable clay med Rev en Panelangplsh on service ll held cvery lSunday at mm and morning prayer service at 1115 wflh 1115 communlon once montfi lineme ol hdmrdi lt self is the story at shanty Bay Col OBrien who ullled here mo 13 hohofed In the name of mans Auxiliary and Mn mi wring gm Ladles cuua Spring cleanup heerup Right in our own neighborhood we have 10 cleaners and dyers interior decorators landscape contractors and gardeners paving contractors and iustahout any shop or service you can think of mm 35136 Wm With me Iome good Mendy wt wm abla Io bum our mortgage within two year and to our uverllshnz ram didnt extend lhe libary As Ibo enurc was too large In underla ng or lmall group of women we de cided lo continue the baseman In Audi way top could be ndd lany ulurp Mme our excava lion done me council lnlmmed us they would llnl give us any money We lhen had lwn choices either fill in the excavation nr compleer flue basemenL were No bellev they would give some financial uppork The Department Az rlcullure drew our plan and started build Abom years ago we could are llua library was not arte quale for the growing popu1a lion and we stand plannan an addilon Aller great deal preparation and planning we ware ready K0 ahead seven yzara ago and me commillee from council In 192 Ule Womens Institute built libraxy memorial to than of his cpmmunlly who fought Ind died In World Wu mi they were justly proud of it Since that time II he md shows the Womenl Insd me has lupporled every worth while undertaking in 1m lnwn with both wark nnd money um Our members eel ry keen ly about thin and are very dis appointed laid Mm scum as she released join Ilalement mm he cementum wmmitm which also Wu slgned by Mm Margaret Mama and Mrs Gladys Pelexman Raised Tolho Citizen Allixlon thohgmemenl said The anIargement constitqu conxlruclion of second floor on the back pm of the building Ibogt to feel by 44 ea proposed ding en llrzemenl conflicted with 9113 mm toning bylaw which it wu shied required parking Lpacn lor downtown buildings to con inrm with floor mace Mrr Slu an uid she had been advised mace would luvs in be obluned or urn Earlier Ihe had heard an uiimnlo of nomad at megflng rile raid Butvtha figure doesnt mat ter because there just isnt that Engfipaoe here she oom sinco Womenl lnslilula had tentatively oflered tom the librnny pmpaty to the the when were keenly dim pollutedat ha gmhof vents We we oplnl la hear some ling more ram lha council but we have been refused per mit and that appear to end 1Iarga ct Marrow Annflle member of the puma AI+ISTON 1mm Wa have given up all hope Any further move will have In be from fill council said Mn Mlna Slew dullman ol lhe WDmElll Insfltuh centennlll commi at making of flu plan or bulldinl another 11611 no the hack pm 01 lbs library as Allislml cen lexmlnl projgctr Library Project Plan rum gag v11 in town 53 mmmnwum sums TOMORROW mo yearn pg when the ten tennial grants were announced we Ippronched he council and asked or fill grant Hill time the council ind llw lawn hall prom in mind Alier the vola defeaitd the town hall pm jecl we slain mturned to coun cil and they agreed In consider lhis exlemlon lf Lila Woman Institute would glva the lown wyear least This we agreed to do Then lheycume back to say they would have In own Ihe land We1were In hive them deed collie land and in reium womb hays lease at bile basemmclfor 25 years with the right In renew or anoihpr 15 mq ml raising the lunda at building Again naked proposnllou asked Mega lhemght to renew the lease pay the taxes and mrgspogsiblzlit for Ihen we hadnt anticipated um latex dilficmly are coming SAMJ SILENCERS The 53 Mdwv Watch For THE RARE BREED Dd you citizen ammag he coundl with nolhing to lose and everything In gall has treat edus with considerallqn 1115 Womens lnslllut has hadnulh ing but many huarmches and the own Alliston Myles what would have been only library Thu statement concludea Lid his comment In the clliicru Allison mum ww ped bombshell on Illa who plan and lnlormed ul we could not bulld unless we obtain park lng space or 46 cm llow ndlc ulous can you gel Th1 draw broke the camell back since such apace is not available on the property the motion was then made and paxsad by council that Vwa be given tin centennial grant Alter year otfrustralion wc felt we were about to name out ambition Then the can my than lASI TIM TONITEI AT PM

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