Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Apr 1966, p. 3

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rainy son SEASONAL casual IIT ono No its not the hunting sea son bit lust Nidr Kamack at Om Station getting stifled goose ready Lg meagre ange rorn cu gy Es eon Todd looks in ad NEWS OF THORNTON Dy Mite sconce HOLT HYMPATHY Floyd Banncrmen oi Stayner it one time lived south oi Th ton on Hwy 27 died April 10 and Interment was made in Thornton Union Cemetery His wiie Harriet none was tor mcr Thornton girl and sister oi Elwood Ilene Sympathy Is extended to Mr Bannerrnana relatives and to Mrs Gordon hieLean whose tether John Foiherby oi Shanty Bay passed away suddenly last week Ser vica were born Jennetta his era Home and interment in Gu thrie United armo Calm Earl Cunningham whs seen out on the land April it Mrs lvan Maw returned Fri day irom the West alter visit tog relatives tor the part two weeks Thirteen members of Milly Unitedchurch Women attended Tioliyl UOW thankoiicrlng mania inn Apr when Rev Joan Huntley oi Stroud spoke on Jesus the Gardener nmn her at Cooksan UCW were si se present RED CROSS About moo was realized at the mmplctlon oi the Red Oosa contest This was iorwardod to Cookstown Red Cross and will assist to delraying emeosea In connection with the swimming classes next summer lormer Thornton resident Mrs John Eastoa in April 11 celebrated her 00th birthday at Georgian Manor Peneteng Most at her iamin were pre sent or this occasion She eli tcrtalned by playing some plnno numbers Congratulations go irom Thornton iriends ANOTHER DATE Only small attendance was out Monday evening in St Judes Church ior the annual meeting at Thornton Union Cum etery hoard Another meeting is called tor May Mrs Myrtle Donnelly Strotld Is now living at five Maples Nursing Home HOCKEY DONORS Thornton BPs hockey boys brought honors to Thornton by winning three trophies in the Juvenile League The iinal game took place in Bradlord Arena April 10 Trophies which see now on display In Brandte DP service station are inabili Esss Cup Thornton Firemeni Trophy and Best GoalKeeper Trophy Wally Sturgess was the Thornton goalie Congratulations are extended to all the boys Trinity United dourcb services will be changing to summer schedule hiny with Sunday School et in am and chunh at 11 am DST Mr and Mrs John hicGean end lamiiy Londtm spent the Easter weekend In town with the iattcrs parents Mr and Mrs Junnett hire Jeni mil returned with them to London ior week and her daughter Donne motored in Rugby Institute Names Officers Ily MM JOHNSTON Thomas Rodgers spent Faster wcckmd with Ill daughters Mrs Lillian Jones and him ll Mo Rover and inmlly Dorrie who him to Ilrnmptm lllile hu and Ormgoviiia tn llil rclnihoe and friends ttiint Christina llroedimt spent Enstnr wear with her grandpar cnta Mr and hire Ilarry Lnng Inilll WI ammo The Wl met at the brim oi the prrnklml Mrs Fri Juteirtm then normal Wfillfllll tn Arril Imdm emaciated lor the tall Garden lid arn Mrs Jim lnng mnn and hire Dun Mound Alt nunl reports were rim and shawl nmasiul can hire Ray 511w was out deio lnt to the DI Annual In Ollim liKtiVl W307 with Mrs Will Jtlmlm in the their wont run hire Fdwnrd Jim vim msktrnia Mrs th Johnston and Mrs Ilm lawman hoclehw hire Fatde Mum District in error hlrI Tynan Islam at Innate hire Norm now or Cont him Sartre llnrne lid hire Wittml thtm Auriltnrs Hillan hldmd ml lira Erin Emit Hemline mntttcs lionn Economer and llraltti hirl Juli lawman Aariuriirn and anmllan liviustllrl hill Jim Langman librmlcal mm hire Albert iiorrm Citivendrip and Extrication hire Kclth htc ind nbilc Relations hire Gnrlra Ilome Miss Linda hldtod Giaik Rircr Is spending scimil days with hrr gramtpsrcnla Mr and him Keith hidmL liting CW Federation oi Agriculture wrll mm lVlrloy April at one pm llTI at the home ill hlr and hire man lmgrnan DONALD Melth The mmnniity wna wirier last Friday cvmmg when word was rrcolmi that Donald Mo lArwl hnrl newt way In Tor onln hourlal nitri an accident which hat token pinto In the ni tammn while taking ham drum Don will be greatly mhv in It muunrintig as he will always ready to nip In any mlnprtwi In tho mmmii as well out Ai lien time is his tooth he was matched liiigtry htdcratiai bum mottry ll Rugby Fire lrolcci and mam new In than nturrlr when he todr an edits part as well as many utiwr organisations tirirnigtwsit the mmty Mint mnpsthy rd the mtnii goes to his wile hlartm and amlly meiii llnvi mum linen and lintihtr to his parents Kritli anti Vera Mdan llttl Ne linliwr barrier and limit miringly as dad adjusts bar ness thiamine Photo London Sunday and brought her home FOOD FORUM bodies at Thornton commun Ity are reminded oi the iood iorurn Never Dull Meal In Stroud Community Centre Wednesday April ll pm Care will leave die corner at 730 sharp Pictures have appeared In the press lately depicting holiday activity at children Our atten tion was drawn to eight rarely seen toppedbuggy no straits pushed by some boys not Idcn tlilcrll on the CNR road which used to lead to the old elevator no longer therein Misses Randi and Denise Hill spent the Easter holidays with fride in Smiths Falls and 0t tawa Mrs Robert Prentice spent Easter vacation In Nasl sau being one oi the hicKclvey our Easter Monday guests of Mr and hire Dalton Banting were the latters brotherinlaw and sister Mmend Mrs Reg John Elm of Port Credit Essa Volunteer Fire Brigade Thornton were called out to as files at the Boy Soouit ampl71h Line Essa and to Don llllIs 8th oi Essa Apr 1s Harllcy Evans has resumed his work at Little Current al tcr spending tow weeks at his home here EASTER MEETING At the April meeting at Trin tty United Grurch Womcn roll cell was answcrtd by 19 mem4 here carton is being pieced at the side entrance at thi chords ior used nylons Mrs Scott arranged an Interesting program on Easter and boot The stories oi the symbols were read by Mrs Sander hire ll McQusy and hire II Carr The hostess Mrs Cunning ham was assisted by Mrs Harris and Mrs Cumming MIDHUIIST Dy MM NASH an and hire borne Greer spent the weekend with htr and Mrs Peter Oliiw Kingston RED CRO NEIIH The chairman oi the Red Gnu mpaign For hiiiltnnt nod vic lnlly gitlulu to all rnnyiuxcrs manta MOI oi £5150 was or wanicd to the lied Cross in Barrie Mirbunst Grinch anmial owing tea and brake sale Wedrwwiay tiny to pm in the sun day School Iran Pier Stuwioy May Mr Oil in la Waring apeslat Ill ilma The topic will he iluing tntrrslurtiru to Outstian Family week kmgrnhdnUona Mr and Mn Grades 3mm Xltdlmtf on the birth at daughter INN inr Sarwlra RCAF ASSOC iii mun BINGO Every Monday at 000 ram SPECIAIS JACKIOT 53 5000 Holds dUPDance AntiRabiesShOts Given In Innistilé lime DIViGHT NELSON April 24 dont forget to put your clocks ahead one hour Ialeraylight Saying Time begins en Over 200 dogs and cats were brought to the litre hall April 13 to receive tree nailrabies shots The iarmers are busy on the iiclds Lest week most at the land was cultivated and now the seed is being sown nice warm rein would be belpiui CARETAKER At the nicotth meeting oi the hall board April Vernon Ayres was hired as caretaker at the same salary as his pre decessor Vernon lives the sec ond building irom the hall which makes ior easy accessibility ior those wishing to rise the hall Weekly euchrcs which are at major financial assistance in maintenance oi the hell are held Monday at 830 pm dun log the year APPLE DAY Armed with baskets oi Mc lntosh apples local Boy Scouts called on homes and stores Sub urday considerable amount was raised for Camp Wildman development protect located on Georgian Bat Garbage collections in Stroud and district will be every Wed nesday until July when It will then be every Wednesday and Saturday 0n the last Sat urday at May June July and August special collection will be made at materials that can not be accepted In the regular collections This may include bodsprings mattresses iurnl tura that is suiiicientiy broken down or loading and otlicr sur pluses MOVING TO STROUD Over 100 neighbors irom the 9th 10 Hill lines and law armorneighbors irom Stroud signed the guest book at par ty given to Mr and Mrs James Leonard at their horne April it in recognition oi their neigh borlincss the group presented them with step end table pole lamb and matching table pole lamp and matching table lamp hirsIJamcs Wilson read an address expressing re gret at their departure irom the line and happinass thatthey will reside in nearby Stroud The evening was spent in nerds and visiting An abundant lunch NEW FLOS By MRS WANLESS Mr and hire Alired Collins Douglas Putty and Joanne oi Weston were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Armin Wan use hire Gamma Allrlmon and iarrtHy attended inmily gatlr sing in Sunnldhle Comors hall Saturday etming Thirty iour were pmcnt lPot Dor tilidiiurst spent the Bash holiday Willi his Ina Bob and Jdlnsori Elnlll Minors Connie and Dorms Rae Sinclair Collipnmd spent film dine at the home oi their uncle and aunt Mr and hire Cline Noun hitsr Jayne titilllgan ie visit hcr uncle md Mint Mk and hits Jurors Graham Tor onto while her nastier Is ki lilonl Victoria Hospital Ban rte durumlino Milllgon is with hot grandmother hire Jami Gil nlrlst Ikirrlo concluded annular happy we sing in this Kildsre term home which has bccnvopen to neigh borly gatherings tor over car tury Mr Leonards brother Al bert and fondly iromKapus leasing and his elder Mrs olnpaonirorn Toronto were present ior this last party in the home of their childhood years BIRTHDAY HONORED On April ls Lakelend eucbre dub paid tribute to Mary Robertson on her Biltli birthday Four days later her compan psnion Miss Pollock wasmle bratingouiher birthday Mrs Ken neth presenteds polo bronu mums and birthday cake carrying gractiings to them both These two ladies who have lived together ior es years nev cr miss the weekly euclires and bingoes SHOWERS Mia Esther Morris Barrie abrldetnbeoithlsmonth was the gum oi honor at miscellaneous shower at the home oi hire Norman Willough by beapril 15 Glits were pro Gen in well to Esther who mm under tan made of pink and white streamers Wearing corsage made by Mrs Hertha Johnston the bride WM assisted in open ingthemanygtitibyMreW Canisters and Roo mar Miss MOITLI wTTFbecorne the bride oi Wesley Wilioughby April 23 in the Presbyterian Giurcb Stroud They will reside at Mlnets numbu irom here attended party at the horns of Mr and Mrs George Gllhem Her rie The evening was spent in cards and the hostess took her guests on trip to the Mari tlmes Intl Quebec when she showed color pictures taken on recent holiday trip there SALES April 16 James leanrd had successiul iarm sale with large crew in attendance Apr ril as William Butler is having dispersal sale at dairy herd and equipment The shortage oi help has caused him to make this decision HOCKEY Bobby Black site and Keith che lorwar who were chosen to play on the allrslar Kinsmen Atoms Barrie were In Brampton iour days last week playing in die international No vice Hockey tournament where so teams were entered some Irom USA The Strand boys won six games out of seven but lost in the finals on Satur day Other plays playing in the tournament whose parents came irom Stmud were Grant Wal iaces son David oi Kitchener and the lormer Norma Wallaces son Gordon Also Gordon Todds son Robert This ailstor team Is scheduled to play April 21 It the Tarn OShonler Arena Tor onto Thoy have already won elimination games April and Students home from the Unis venity oi Guelrli are Roger ills John hiayoa Rosa Cantp bell Graig Hunter and Cathy howman Donna iesn Watson Is home irom Kcmptvilie Agri cultural School John hliotl leaves Aynll 25 tor Slmcoe where he will be summer assistant to Ihe Ag Riv oi Norioik Counky hire lleien Mecleod has re turned to hcr home here other spending ilva months in Scotland number irom hrre attended the WMS theokriicring in Em Road Church April ll Rev BARRIE HU ONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE CitttDRlN rm WEE53 TONIGHTSUNDAY almost love story tillWM MilATS punu WliAM YiElS e4 isaaallectar mm Iiy MRS niULnoLLANo BRIDAL VEROWER Mrs lastIla Johnson had Mrs Stephenson were hostesses at bridal showerat the home oi Mrs Willoughby iora bride elect Miss Ester Morris who will marry Wesley Willoughby April 23 in Stroud Presbyterian Church About Isiattended and took part in contest directed by Bonnie Mulhollend and won by Laura and Sheila Thompson The bride was central at wishing well titled with giits and was assisted in opening them by Nancy Raynor and Mrs Carruthers Jr DESSERT cTEA PARTY Therewas good attendance at the CGlT Dessert and Tea Party In St James United Church April olhe girls pro vided delightful program with skits and singing grows loan New at thepiano and Jill bertson accordion entertained during the iotermlsstoas Simud Ourling Club held their social evening Friday night at DoVilblss Club Room Barrie hiusic tor dancing was by De vid Websters Orchestra Rice tion at oliicers conducted by John Cowan resulted as ioliows Pres Gordon Rix vicepru Jhan Huntley Stroud gave the audience splendid address on Pubmmn N0 COLLECTION The Gae Club held their monthly meeting at the home or the new praldent hiss Jack Young April in and 25 room bere answered roll call What do when Im vexed It was decided not to collect or the arthritis society as had been the clubs practice Mrs Helen Mulboilnnd entertained by shori ing color slides taken on trips to Holland California and Mex ico lunch was served by Mesdemes lowry hiulhoiland MacDonald Keuncn and Martin May 16 the group will meet at the home oi Mrs George Young Palnswick Gill Carsoadderi and his stall or tour have been at work in the Lake Simcoe Park ior titres weeks cutting wood and rak inli getting ready or busy summer FLOWMAN Tribute is to be paid Thurs day April 21 In Newton Rob Insonhall to Keith Robinson who has returned irom Chilliwack BC where he represented On tario in the Canadian Plowmens tournament April 11 and It Kalli won over the 20 contest ants two irom each province He Is now champion plowmnn at Canada Patients now in Barrie hospital irom this district are Mrs Rus sell Constable Mrs WW hire Allan Martin irs Webb word Fisher and Shall Bowman Secy Stewart Fisher Irsas Bcrt Mulholland or nosrmu Mrs Russell Constrble is in Barrie hospital under observa tion hire Ruseeii Lowry is un dergolng an operation and Con don Rlx Is also undergoing sur gery ST JAMES IiCW Visitors ram St Pauls WA Paulettu Stroud Presbyterian and Churchill CMMITO Unit ed churches were guests at St James IlCW at their Easter thankoiiering gflie meditation Great Easter Words was presentedrby the Christian Citizenship and Social Action committee Mrs Parkci Pca cock Mrs George Goheen and Mrs Allan Todd Songs by trio Misses Janie Small Joan New Cami Mulholland with Miss Glendsvhlrson accompan ist were enjoyed An Interesting and lniormative address was given by Mrs Kelly of the Barrie and District Childrens Aid Society Since It is tell that sound iamily unit is the ba sis oi sound citizenship iamlly counselling will playan increa sing part in the societys work The Instant Supper planned or April 30 with takHut Iliad plates and candy card and apron booths was announced ior Ilatware trip to Hillcrest Lodge Orillie endluncheon at the Birohmere Hotel is arranged tor June Members who have Canada Packers labels are asked to turn them In as soon as possible so that an order may be placed Following the meetings social hour was en ioyed in lliechurch ball VWWWWV STOPI KILLER Avoid costly crop losses with McSORLEV FROST BARRIER NEW PATENle CHEMICAL PROCESS incorporating FOO UNIT adaptable with it to steam generator Ideal icr Criteria Details and dealer enquiries call or write JOHN LUKE RR SIMCOE Pli 4263955 AREA 519 The Harris District North Collegiate presents THE SORCERER By Gilbert and Sullivan CENTRAL COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM FRIDAY APRIL 29 1766 at 600 pan TICKETS $100 Reserve tickets $125 may be obtained from Glee Club or Jane Stationery OEEFEfCENTRE FRONT VONGE GILT6631 ONE WEEK ONLY APRIL 25 TO APRIL 30 The internationally hm Singer and Composer PAUL ANKA EXTRA ADDED AIIRAUITON IVs Beloved Crazy Guggenheim FRANK FONTAINE THE SWINGIN SIX lm lull Mats Monnu re IL 30 011 Oiliee Open 11 llxl am Daily men ma arm one see nala snaei nucoly near numy has Mast Wedth III use you use 012 It ma II It it II Important notice to all dairy farmers To get your cheque you must register Have you registered yet Romombor iogistmtlon to essential It you are to obtain tho bcnollla undor the recently announced Dairy Support Program allocilno Iluid milk producers as wall as cream and manufac turing milk shippers Full dotoiia and application forms can be obtained Irom the processor to whom you deliver your milk or cream It you have completed and lamented your applica tion no further action to roquiiod on our part You will receive your registration numbers only ocean NOTE ON PAYMENTS Fs mi Onvnmment Cheques will he paid monthly to pro ducm msnusrimng milk as soon as your local plant reports the amount of your April shipment Payments in cream ehlppm will be melts onra querme haste Payments to Iluld mlkpmrluun will be made monthlyINITIALLYl SOME WEEKS MAY BE nrouuiso TO COMPLETE REGISTRA TION AND GET UP REPORTING PROCEDURE8 SUNDAY MAY at 0130 PM ONI PIIIORMANCI ONLYI iotiwiv IOMMIDI rlrtmii SERGIO FRANCHI DICK cimriNo nus AanAl siww $600 $450 5350 $175 an IIst Mt0 rm or rumt am mm It SIIAIIE Tlil WEALTH Admission $0 IllaceeaaseaaeeeoaoslooaaaelaaaeeeeeselOl CANADA DEPARTMENT OF lliilllwlTilllE IIOIU CHEM Mlltlmfl COthtttA N3le rum TALLUIAH BANKHEAD STEFANIE POWERS bees are MY DARLING l4 ION ST Above NilSanka Cleaners at Ameannauamv Inhale

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