Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Apr 1966, p. 7

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WARM WEATHER Armani um mum Stile weather bureau Br 13 Columbia western Alber ta and Naufoundlnnd will have belownormal readings Pre cipitation will be light In the east heavy In Sasmchewan and Manitoba and souhem 110 and moderate elsawhero in the country 111 outlook Is II lpedlie cram Ind change may nccur Oma nor mal lemnmmm are New i5 uuunpl to fifldthayaccordlng Io tha soda the United mu pm Canldn will hl arabova Hormel NOW For llmlnd tlmo only SAVE $300 par gallon or 75 plr quart on Ill complm Decomlonl llm of palm mm UHUL vrmr mQn DIammul MIN Hmmnrls of Colon In choose Dvmratmm cudmn Inalymlnrn mm WITH Save$399 uurun ummnmatlo mlnrn Ara rropaml by nmram Ilrnlhm nmn blamnml MIN In more mundnllv BERTRAM PAINT Now IS THE TIME FOE circles LIMA Fem ReuleniIAn eightmin commercini minim rum Ontario herded by Lappin In ofiiciai the un numic and develnpmen deparb ment has arrived hero mid align with Famth industrial York 57 New Orleam 11 San Francisco 87 other normal predplumm New York 16 New Orleans 45 San Fran clm anmap NEON IN PERU or 75a pm an vlllllll mmmu enpmInIly for won from match your decor Call In Firivhn imiqu BLAME CHILD BRANIFOTLD CDHead In Iurle liveweekuld BranlInrd girl xulIered In her carriage early UIIs week vrere caused by lhreryearald neIghhornnod child polka saId Thursday Sally Ann Harris daughIer of Mr and Mrs Garfield Hmls Wu mm to Impllal with null IIpIe ladal bruises Her condI lion now lalIslaclary NEED ADVENTURE EDMONle CPI Cana diam am putting lon much money Into nvings account and too IIIUo Inln economic de velopment Conservative MP Georg Hm Iormer trade and cammem minIsler said Thumb day Mr Hoes In Edmonton In nddms the local ynung Pro yusIve Conservatives told cnnference Canadian need to Invest Ihelr minus more adventurously be mar canser condemnnllon of the loufbeast Aalln comm TRML ORDERED OTTAWA 0P Rodolphe LIndrlnult 32 was ordered In um lhundny on two count of canleraoy In an alleged scheme to fix mllle tickets but limllar chum against hi1 mother Mavlnuls Landrlnult 63 we wilhdrBwn mrs MlNumms BRANTFORD CHA United Church Cnnnda oludal 1d Thundny night lame ministers are avenlepplnz their aulhorfly In crlllciunl United Stale le ICY In Vlel Nam Rev Harold Vaughan pl Toronto xenrekary ha buard of colleges old and Brnntlagd brand be ministrative Mlnaxement Socr ely the bsuenn Vie Nam omcqmplgx and d1le un Ee Inger should per in dlan commmea ol the Interna llonal Society or the Study of Mcdlaeval Philosophy regelve $10000 Canada Council grant to llnanu the outh lntema llonal congress on medlneval philosophy at the Univmlly Montreal In September um WWIMN amqu Iommnrcn 11 wonmqunws INBRIEP BUILDING MATERIALS 429 BLAKE STREET um ocnam ndmumad mutiny 96000500 97 P91 FRIDAY APRIL 22 Common meets at 11 am EST Io cnnllnue the budget dzhale Th Sonato na mnwmw External Alfaln Minister Martin said on government In considering return cl all dependents of Canadian mlli my personnel In Europe to cut expenditures Dwain on Bureau Sta thflca mpnrled tho 1965 ms naflonal product reached $51 umm Theyllne reported ms muss of $914700000 and dim 0$3400ooo ulae trade and hall Jnflaflan Tho CNN comm gross enuu of close to 31000000000 Ind deficit of $25000000 in 1966 ans BERTRAM The ssue wnsa Conserva tiva motion saying he governv men had not acted to stim ulae trade and but Innmnn per lulu in mlnarlty leeral gov ernment deflated noncon lidence vole Lnrthe Conunml buuijgetdebalo 11 to 99 How Graham who tr um Jungsfl Quinnaside ma gonfiwstock Exchmgeéj mi prices of 100 stock will tin In the next two yam He spoke lhe Empin Club Canada In Toronto Parliament fit Glance ma éANAmm mm mm writ BROTHERS LIMITEE let Ivenuu hem to lean curiously Bu qulckzafilan cllyfiood worken verled dinner SCREENING WINNIPEG CHIr cilya entire central business diurch wuln morlal danger of be ing flooded earlylhis monlh Clly Engineer Hurst said Thursday The danger duvet nped Euler Sunday when dk gen Lombardy and Wu por PRINT ROLLER KITS I07 ALUMINUM STEP mums Ell MORTAL Mugs FORECAST No Mlxlng quulrld INSTANT PflLYFlLLH OFF ON ALL CASH CARRY PURCHASES THIS OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 30 ALUMINUM and FIBREGLAS s120 s1004 $1000 $1115 $1350 sum the pattern 12 what material buy when and when use 2board nifls amen The from entry was dcsigmd or German Shop herd Collle or Babelman but It can be cut to sine desired wnuvn pplness of your pal in mindl slimd yearround protection An interim partition placed at right 711E168 to from ng keeps wn rain mm bfmling into sleeping quariers Body heal keeps sleeping area amniontable even in bad weath er while removnble end panel nut onbr simplifies cleaning but also pennit in flow ol air during hot days Directions also suggest bulldx and installing Tm palm1 offered bdow has bean deslgqed with lhg comfofl Whlla animal lover oflen quea Uon he health hand at per mitting do to Ilvabuldoora all year round molt vaterlnarlana agree its highly beneficial lbs dog is prolécled again drama 11 you wanHo keep your put out 61a hwsa but In hesi tant about apendlnz money re qulmd to purchase may dog house wa tan help solva yaur problem nQrITYOUBSELFPROJECT mm me In skill or experlence PllLYUflETHHNE SAKRETE CEDAR MAHOGANY REDWOOD TEAK PIONEER RED pEcAN ALL WEATHER bocHousE SAND MIX CONCRETE MIX MORTAR MIX 375 or flBlJBlTE LO LUSTRE Hl LUSTRE thou Anomd Colon REZ 50 my EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mzm MEETING SET NEW YORK CWTwenty eight Canadian and American govnrnmenl houslng oflidnls meet al Columbla University Sunday in begin fourday con grence designed In htlp them lean ram each olhera experi ence llerbm ngnell at Ola awn madden Cnnadal Central Mnrtgage and Housing Cam and Robert Weaver lec mary of 15 Housing Ind Ur ban Devclvpmenl will lead par tildpanu In the closed d1qu am mm ruuem Na 29 to The Harris ExAmlner EM 4093 Station London Ont Sum 80 cant Iddltlmlal or catalog illustrnung over 300 other buildilyaurscl palltln project and ham improvement books Onarlo Residenls please add per cent Sale Tam no erym can follow while mmny flun Hon help vimdlza Bldl mp Send 80 cents in coln or man ey order or Dog House Pattern 716 0154 Uul 10 Ampcu Sun 0L pm pm5nl OnLv pmcxc SAL Sun No pmal Sun Hnl Hckou Ind Inlnrmallnn DH 10 DAILY Lmcxc Sun Ho pmln Colllnuwoml Only MIL51L Sun Hal mmum Sat Sun 0L pmS1l Colllnguood mmSun Hal an no oaq ca 1030 AmyDally Sun 01 735 pmlnlly cxc Sun TO MIDLAND PENETANG DAILY 30 Ampon Sun Ho an H113 110 pm hidays 405 pm 340 am 850 am 1030 mm 145 pm TO COLLINGWOPP OWEPISOUND PIIVCD HD 510 am 850 am 1030 am 835 am exc Sall Sun Hal 800 pm FrL Sun or llol Irlp will not run Irlp wlll run Mon Sunday May 22 day May 23 mu qum loan lld dwulon ol PEG Swim will lamlm mm and he your lawn ma cnbzvlgmhilumhmd meanswymknow wlul lhoym How my know which lenifim la un whpn la uu momma hnwln Im Iham Spnyw opmlole xmmmnl licensed lo Inc lnncllcldn Indwead killur chomltaly ulnly Ind ullmiwly In 75 YMUM hm Ilwn likl thick luxullnux bmfllwm his mr le Spnjw Iva prom mm Mil Em 1025 am To Huntsville Express from Huntsville the AIMIn attorneylemurs department Intends to report an Canadian Underwxjters A5 enusmvco 3mm EXAMINER WESTERN CANADA TRIPS EACH WAY EVERY DAY TO SUDBURY TRIPS EVERY DAY HO MmEXPRESS Grnvunhum 735 farmEXPRESS Grlvonhum 55 MILVII Hwy 103 EQAOH LINES Rom Bulldlnl Ind Remod thl Sen Flnlnclnl Arrlnllfl rum aulldlnn Ina myth1 CONTRACTING DEPT IO Trip Every Day low Fares Good Any Diy One Way $190 Return $3 TIME TABLE CHANGE Mupll Ind Slmm fin Ttlophom 72 By Aw nus rsnmmu T0 WASAGA BEACH Way $190 Return $545 TIME TABLE CHANGE Effective April 24th 1966 DIVIIIUN 0F IllVlEil DENIS SHEARD lTD EXPRESS SERVICE TO TORONTO DAILY am pm Sun Hol 150 045 pm Fri Sal Sun Io lEAVE BARRIE TO NORTH BAY DAILY TO TORONTO DAILY DIAL 72859 TORONTO bybu Eu our Illlworl Devi About our Archlletlflrll muwoxkKluhen Clblnm Custom Wlndow Ind DM Pnmu Cullnfll Slllrll ARCHITECTURAL MILLWORK GRAY ommuua unw ron cammwniuu 735 pm mos pm 230 mu Walkh amtmemlqny ulna mmmmmn ninth In ha mmwBH fifl1nifi Tl mm Icumu mmm pp 55 M54 Zia DMPLUIDIVAIIl W31 cmmh

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