Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Apr 1966, p. 5

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ln ulhl umm fvr Ilia rm lvlmk in annual ghh ml Im Hm lindH 5mm Iurn ultra dmm lrnln munlng Mm 111mm 1m mm in My 0M1 um hnmwnnl you Im flail mum hrlp hm Ann Imam Am I7ymr4vlul luvy Wm rm mm Imkhw vlvml 1mm unylnm mm mu lull M1111 mhMm nr Anything Ilka Hnl Hm ulvu urr 1an gun mu 41 WW mu gm 1qu mm um MM llmkc mu ul lw 114va llmt Ivmnl Nu Imllr kind v4 an Mun Ill NY nrml luau Ymn lkwl rml ml IM ILnl an lu auralwl mm mmdy Uun dau ll IMk UN Inw uh nth Mr um um tn nml Mm mm mm mm an In MN M11 my Wily wwfird nlml II Alrnkl mmlhim mum mm mm Inc ml my lnro whom Au ulmnim rm 101 Mr Jamey unk IIIW mlvrerl In lxmunmm Im mme ml lmw mum uvmly Ihww muy ml In ml dhlnl wvlk Nuw Hm how Im Mmml Fr 01 mm rnnl mnnk ym vnnuuh Ann lmulrm ywve MN rm fluvi Guldul mm rr Den Ann Luna want thank you 01 mum Ml ur lnm Hm nun vdm Wm dmd II mnlm 5an Man unlly Mum Hwy Mar mm yam nM mu ynur mer MM Hm mly muihh lnlmnw llm Im ovrr um In tho nuly Joe in nuwlpnpur nr anywhrm rlw nblninul nppmml in do mm he board nl health And mnlnx haunt Then can riled 11 of mmrn whn hnd arm mum1 or Mm wont In wnrk each day and lnvflrd ham to Sunday buffet and 1m it because it made me led useful the that useful Wu muc beau than the one or Who Nd mu So mu day hm En back to my mm home cmkad up the Mm of making service or wrking aim and hazy mlhm my plan WM lo ix racllm um scrola dishm ch mild be Ordered or may monk ANN LANDERS Whanovar visited my daughter his widow said took ova cooking dinner or hcr amily in Um evening She lfcd It bgajme it was such mango for the better by bor mwinx an idea mm one widow who tamed he lno mllchJima rach day into service she runsjmn home or wvmen with loo cw hours late goem to be tum éfipmxng cause discontent among mun Some may they have far boo much he do every day and 99mm say they dont have me who belong In he ZW WP mm Time On Her Hands Provided Impetus For Catering Work Either 010211059 mmu will suit Lhasa Who Inland to go yachting thin sumnor Tha While bell bottom and rib Knowledge Helps And Worry Hinders By ROBERTA ROESCfl FOR THE NAUTICALLYLMINDED Tho him In Path H111 alum mum ml MM Ivan Hwy lrnm In Wk ll llmlpllu le lwml mhnhwlrml In mad mm ho hmml Ihg atMn lww AM mm wva Hull Immt Owlme mm 1mm un wr laughing Ulal lhn Mll mm My how llerilll Ivy ymv Wu 1mm ul pilwilrzm In mm IIII Ink yHI Huh Mnk vw pumpm mlml mm llrnr NMMnl In Illx 5M Ila mt MHHmeml no to nnrl nvmlmmln lwnwrl with 1y 1107 lmn 1mm wlpinz llvmlchu In mr mm mm Ndy rIuhAm ml mum an Mlh IL Im mm plum lrll mo Iml Ill lmrr 0mman mun It II Hum ny 1qu may ha anl ma can hnmx In hrl lwhmu In nlhlnl mu llruluhu Tina are mllnu mmuam1m from wmuhuera mme my Mama you no on Mrunxor lmn yml mm In My Mum mo 11 TAKING MR Hrnr Ann Landon haw hm hm nxo Inuerlrm 1M ml Mm m1 um ereryflunu In MI 1mm 11 mummnlly prop mly 1m hnlp mmmxm 10 my mum Ilmr Imuhr Mir mum binds mm hrn Ill Mwny lhe Mum mehfly cnnl Hm hrqu of lhry ditlnl nrmlml to mini Hm luml Inumhx 11m mm Iho m1 my Imkltmul In In p1lr of MINXInLZ mu hmmrmnu 13 mm mnnk mul wind up look Hly As result he cooking unripe pmidcd by the enter prlsing widow many mmcn wilh loo cw hours are relieved of one at their daily dmrcs icn the Womtn are ready to serve dinner they call or the load may have ordered and since it come wiLh both salad and ruin the avening meal put an the able with pracucahy nu limetomuming dlon on ha buyers part My client seemed to be pleased with vhls mvlce Ind receive an ncamo from lhu widow HM But Jun as Important n5 hm two palms Is he AnUslmlon to In keeping busy and cnnlrxhuUnx some my exlrn llmn to the burden of wamnn nho dont have enough In these imu hen he an ante cl hours nnd mlnulu mm untqunlly divided nmonu women many who like In cook and Mm have too much bull ruin rllor nml c1119 mm all bl 11mm but do you mmlznlg Handd CQN DE PROFITS which carved the ca scmlm pLmned to sell STANDING ORDER me Idea caught on with many mmcn and now have Handing order or 5mm nights each week Hmit the nmnber take each evening and ask that order be placed at the start of the week know how to plan and shop for surr plies cage top at left are by labelg Munlreal and sell or $1295 and $98 respectively In sites £015 we top at rm L1 by Jo 00an at blantreal 01 INumnl rrlulJnnmku uhmhl mower rur mm In nhmvl mul mrmllwl In 1h um um wind Mum wrw mul Int KHANer M12le nvmvhlms IGIUIMH III illillrfll MW OHM 0M urll lh lvll mr with IJII nlu In hm lvawL AI MDI Jammy ml MI MN Roda OHMINN sww mu umuually mnmlmm lvmn nwl Iuirlfirmmflm nH mmqu fwd mm In anvmu4th In tum 1mm rh Inuflnu ml IV mmI wk wr hm limln prlrmlw KimMr Drumin mul nul Mann mm In IntMM alar mum rmmnum mm lmu ml nu Imruu In mm at In luunnly m1 ml yhi pnmrru ummmlnvfiy swab Inn mu lulu July Mum Mlll hmn rnlemi My MW lml pcml MIMI MI ln=l or mm mm mm ll lunumrw ymr Human mn Iuwmm lmllrnm Hml man 1M1 wrrh you will ml rMIHntvnlh tycln IMny wran lur lurllwmz Hum mmlu Make llm mm lhll wind mm IXI wul wa Allnr uwrlmrn mnmiln mill mind In time Hun In Uvrou mun 11an will pick 1m mm mm Hm mzhvninn Mann ml ym ulnmfd mulinua And discovtrlnu In Hallo Province In Mthe Jab We luwe discount ha lrcnnh culslne my Idlllnn By HSTIIEIALITA F0 TnlOlUlmV MIaIrmling Influences hm lmminl an mmcrntjtl be mm anrnl In all mmmhm and have all MUM nmmivlnx In rxtrnw mm Mnu In all oUm rr are uzmm Infill plnnclnry lnfluum Tl Tl IIIIIHHMV The ulrla llncd up Jabs pllalx hm hnlnre luvan Ed manlon They nuw ara hamslly limnlul In damnlnwn luxury apartment hullxllnz cmnplcla wllh lemmlng pool and mum hnIhwhm Wir arrlvnl was lulled by weltemlnx an mlllee Barbara Charter Lillian Pad lubny E1315 Oschypok Jocdyna Picho and Sumnnc Diamond ah rived here Feb with the aim of becnming lrua Monlrcakrl woxlme Em r1 om MONTREAL CF Five munx Edmnnlon nurses have aeulcd hm got head mark an accommodalinns for the 1967 Montreal Wmldl air An anicmrising 3an like hi can be your way to rcbnlanca the scale that now show some women with too little to do nnd loo much lime whila other have mo much In do nnd not enough hour and minute In gel in done spare ume mlght also consider the pleasure and profit of pm riding coolan urvicn from the home Actuafly any kind of home service that appeals to lha busy housewile may be worh cun sidcrlng you are thinking venture of this sort First In Line For Expo Tour THE STARS SAY Amel and totlon it com in sizes lo 17 and sell lot ypout 36 The checks am in navy or orange cr Vireplioclif Mn Morrison of Ham Ilton sald she confident in the organizations luture desplla charges lhal womens volunteer amp Ire no anger usdul provincial vmsldent was Ipeaklng at opening sessions the annual meeting of the IODEA Ontarin chapter Womans role ouslde the home has become an accepted and necessary part commu nity lHe she aald Thay haveJnvadnd he once allmale sanctuaries golf and curling clubs in great numbcrx nuxfllarlu lo servica groups wamcnl who support of the arts the inwhlng to day HAMILTON CPIThu pru vinclal prasidant ol the lmpe rial Order Daughters of the Em plrn said Ioduy the IODE dncsnl Inland to go the way 111g dinosaur and become ex home emnamhl per Ion who hold universin de gree In home econamlcl and applies lhls knawledu In no Md tducnuon dlelellu nunMun parlor decorating IHE BARBIE EXARIINEIL THURSDAY APRIL HS The Canudlan Sugar Insu lulo wllh headquarters here felt men women were con usod about the meaning the three Ierms and asked member the Cnnadlan Home Economics Associnflon la expluh them The number explained that homo economics in gen eral term whiie dieiiiian and nuiriiionin are nvrcini ized term The iaiinwing dc inition 111 terms were given MONTREAL CPDo you know lha dillerenca between home economist and Hlu at how they diner again mm the nulrilloanl EXPLAINING DIFFERENCE SHOULD END ALL CONFUSION IODE ANNUAL mellmd Illppfll reunionbk lhu My makc molhm Ihcyn milking nu wn pufly cloud AM molhm llh lhnl ruling llrunl lmmlmdl my My because lheylc mmmmml Mwlmhlu Am mum of Knumml mlunn plum mu mu J0 DUNLOP 57 EAST DUNLDP 5T WEST VOlunteer Groups Are Necessary Three ways to say love you on Mothers Day MAHER SHOE STORES NORMAN SHOES itl lllcm lmlml Ilcpmmcnl ulnm and Al chm fme Ihuc llopl Complete Inc of Klufmm Foolwur II Sn Dllplly Knutmln Foolwur True report showed $160500 was Ivan in year In scholarships bursaries nId equipment or school pro Thu valua of ovemu Hhip menu toys clouninx and bed digg wag Ema at Ono chapm pmvldod Chrm mas toys and candy or as ch dren In an Eskimo Moment with names and age being pm vldcd by an RCMP countable whn playcdisanta Cllus Mrs uxllng on treasurer reported mu mm last year of $106000 Next yearl budget allow 30 per cent of expendimmu for education wwwumforservloea at home Ind abmd She said that lo alLrad women In thejmme as well as he 2000000 wnmen in the Num tarce volunteer organlullon must have an uModMe 2nd woghhwbfle program ecu Thu nutritionist is an tdu callanlsl Nutrluonlsn Inlarm people what lhuuld be calm or balanced dim and plnin the chemistry of food Ind 11 working In lhe body They promote good health through good eanL dietitian xpminiized home economist whose main concern is the actual prepara lion load or well or sick people 1119 leading large number oi pmmu in lhcir spginliyi Sha may lhmiora be homemaker cod editor lood lachnoiogisl dietitian or nuiritionisl She or he may work In food companiel hos pilaly niillly companies uni venllies weilara annciu in health Ind walrus or agri culture or with the Irmed forces lamlly living buxinen mm mgpknuonl mum The meeting end Friday mlthine 159 bnxadel come out the min mnhim Ipnklml cknn1hc Lnlouu hnxll um um he wlu wont upum And loamuud lllppcu hlve Knuhnanl exclulive hul ounlcr Hul umply mll um um why mm pm In the mm mnlhu you knuw7 Kaufman loulumr Ktkhrncr Manual FAVDM MST now The Home nfle veteran adms Shirley Booth LI Hazel Ihe Ted Kay rarloon dumm shc flayed an lelavlslun mm 359 If the device prevent the fertilization of the mate egg by the male sperm tht coplable contraception However the device pre venu the gran the 111 zed egg in the ulenu then lhh could be construed abatllon which man arrested develop ment of humu 1m The report tabled in H1 Iegir lalnre Wednesday also showed an Increase In the rate diph theria and dysentry but other mmmunlcabla disease such Is chicken pox mumps and whoop ng tough were reported 1w mum in 1965 than In 1964 In 1965 14 persons had diph theria compnmi with hrce in 1964 Twn children whn were no vaccinated dJed the disease The asswialinnl case was built on the question nl the pain at which the dwlca hall the MM process TORONTO OP The 1nd dcnce of measles hemlet eve and Influenza lmreasad sharply in 1965 compared with 19M say ha annual report ol Onlaflol department or mm Every new Iechnlquo whkh laid to he contracemivo should in be Imam In compettnt medical nulhorfllu or approval In as lo mike me that techniques which my first mm mm contraceptive will not prove to be in Int dligulud nborlltm the brief NOT FOOLPROOF OTTAWA CPIfrheAnocla lion at French Spanking Doctor at Canada snld Wednesday du rlbullon of Inimulerlna birth conlml device should ba halted because lhcy may produca abor Hons 0n the contrary Iccardlng to several competent authors what we do know abom these devices suggests am It highly probable um they bring about abortions he said brief to Parliamentl health and welfare committee md by Dr chques Balllnrgeon Montreal sold abortion canbe condemnm onboLh moral and legal gmundl Therelure the distributinn nl tha devicesor insertian in the wwmann ulerusshouid be inr bidden or at inst paflponad unilivlhe way they work has bean expialned preciaeiy anny inexciude Iny possibility abortioni If iar rum certain ha db vices Invariath prevent con cepllnn Dr nnflluleon Hid New DeVices qu Cduse Abortions Measles Disease Increased In 1965 72M 71430 mu INDEX END qaLhoHc Church But MAIN VATICAN CYIXIAPJA cal min Cardinal Ollavlanl thnl dlna iald Wédfiudiy Ihai the church Will sHll malnlaln sum Index fmhlddén banks 15 kind or surveillnm of public dead leuer from lhe Roman Hons er llrl Who beu beluulnl Women wllh Vlllu Thurman lnlnlnx Hu Ind der of ICC include Mod EXIIM lll Tvromn Ind Ntw York Ind the PM In lollowlnl the DUI Them er who beam Mum Ind llvmon Jam pm nug tamhon Cnnldll Lugeil Ind Flnesl Model Ind Charm School For Informallan eonml local Wallar Thornton Model Agoncyand Charm School Rapresonlollvo Marlena Andermn Phono 72652 Monday In Frlday pm Do pm and pm to pm Clam are hold at tho deon Tmaaulo lacu 0m nonlly Hnud with fun IHmmoI 01 ton ploulum padding In lhu cum Unique honuycmnb olnslornnl bonanlh nllnwn 1m mnxlmum movomnnl Snlllv covmd Illalch lmpI too Sim 3230 Whlln onlyl long Ion 71an Glldlo cl 30 Lycm with lummv comm panel Elastic lncn cum Slum 54MIL Colouu Whilu lack Nul illuslmlmlu lullon ledlo 1600 Pllvnlo Filling 0011 PETER PAN from our foundation collections chosen to enhance the average or junlor slzo fluuro Slur Noun mm In pm OPEN FRIDAY LM lo pm GIOVANNI AND PERRI SALON I43 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE WALTER THORNTON Um 0500 anin Glydlo 01000 21 Dunlap Phone 71605 PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL IMPROVEMENT counsss NOW FORMING BARRIE AREA Than n1 mumuLmodel when buulflul mm woman um you In likely Mann wnur nwmlnn mum trnlnmaru 1m nun xl omenl but In haw lnIn um um mlku he dllleunce Lu you on your man of mm Yuulru cllmhlnl In nu um Ill musm or om yumma um law Personzed enur or IMTum 1m mm Younl Mum ma Mm And Chlldren rum TIIEJEST lNVESTMENT GIRL CAN MAKE FOR HER FUTURE Lingerie Cotsetry Hosiery Sportswear Accessories

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