Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Apr 1966, p. 3

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watermaran Published aycaiiadian Newspapers Limited WallyPublisher 16 Hayfield Street Barrie ontarlo Wilson General Manager McPherion Managing Editor mousemaran rareracer Attention IS Focused On Wdrk Oi Chcrmber This is Chamber of Conunerca Week during which oificials hope to focus pub lie attention on the work of this orgari ization In Barrie the chamber has been an importanb factor in the development of the community and it hopes to con3 done to exercise this influence In essence chamber islhe watchdog of the community While its central ose is to further the development of go commerce and industry it is also concerned with the genera betterment of conditions as whole Thus in Bar rie the chamber has an active interest in good parks better roads and lugh standardof living for the people here In earlier days thechamber played vital role in bringing industries to Bar rie Firms like Canadian General Elec trio were profoundly influenced by vrg orous cam ignrby the chamber and subsequen established plant here which has flourished through the years Many other firms that built plants here credit much ofitheir initial interest In Barrie to the efforts of the chamber While the problem of bringing industry to Barrie rests largely nowwith the In dustriai Commission nevertheless the chambers interest remains unflagging Its officers give the commission every cooperation in the increasinglydifficult task of enticing fresh capital to this area in broad sense the chamber is com posed of men and women from all strata of life in Barrie Membership is not confined to any particular grou We find retailers industrialists on membership roster in addition to doc tors and lawyers and private citizens without business industrial or profes sional affiliations The local chamber then can be said to be representative of Barrio Its main job is to work for the city in cooperation with the Council the Industrial commls sion and other publicspirited organiza tions DOWN MEMORY LANE WAR DAYS 50 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner and Saturday illum Iog April 20 1916 Barrie Civilian Com mittee to assist in filling ranks of 177th Battalion swung into action with Judge Vance as chairman and Walter Duff sec rotary Recruiting depot opened in Bingham Block Rev hrrk nar rowly escaped death when auto over turned Elmvalc Continuation School may be closed because ratepayers refus ed to vote added money required for more accommodation which inspector noted as necessary Gordon Steven son elected president Barrie Tennis Club of last years membership 34 have on listed or left town Colors for 76th Battalion will be pure ascd from funds provided by teachers of Centre Simcoo LtCol Currie MP donated four Wrist watches as rizes for soldiers who get most recruits or 177th Bn Grand Opera House packed for con when 3200 was real zed for regimental fund of 78th Bn stationed at Barrie Armoury James Clarke YMCA secretary at Allandale going overseas on special duty Arm bands supplied for about 75 young men who tried to enlist in 177111 Bn but failed to pass medical Boys KC reelected Bencher of Law Society of Upper Canada Thorough census of Barrie indicates there are at least850 men of military age of which only 75 have been rejected for medical reasons There are another 550 dnglo men in lnnisfii Essa Om and Vospra Cookstown will not have baseball team this season All players have enlisted Options are being taken on Pine Plains south of Angus There are rumors of military camp being established 157th Battalion will take over barracks at Bar rie Orillia and Collingwood next month when 76th goes overseas Detach mcnis at Penetang Midland Tottcnham and Cookstown will be brought to Barrie for training in machine gun and signals Scott appointed teamster for Town of Barrie at $50 per month Campaign proceeds to get retired fann crs back on the land so young men can cnlist Corporal Harry Morrcn of Barrie Royal Northwest Mounted Police transferred from Fatevan to Re na Fred both and Sid Shieriock ile tml ling off Fishermans Point caught 13lb trout Local roads in bad shape after heavy rains of last week OTHER EDITORS VIEWS WHEN WILL SPENDING END Oshawa Times Even the friends of the Bilingualism and Bicullurallsm Commission and they are dwindling are becoming restlve at the mounting costs and the insignificant results oi this examination of the two culturis which predominate in Canada So far llris commission has set record in spending public money At the end of lastlycar the figure was $3530523 About in only tangible thing the coin missioncrs 10 of them with staff of 225 of which 25 are drawing rnoro than $10000 year have produced was pre llmlnary report turned out Feb 05 Done in both French and English It Is not rccomrrrcndcd reading for those who if off to sleep easily It contains slic irrra nation provoking topics as fnritfui nd of tension coincidence of opposites Anrblvaicnt reactions Tho sarno fceilng of compulsion All this may be necessary to get to final report nit what that rcport will eventually cost Is anybodya guess says The Sarnia Observer Even the first one wcighcd two and oncquartor pounds and resolved notldng The whole commission should be told to slop their spending spree and get down to report within given time limit To have more hoarin would only serve to give an adidlion number of crackpots and extremists on both sides of the question tailormade and high coat forum WHAT STANDARD WAS USED floterbomugir Examiner The British Columbia government is said to value the provinces 300255 srlurno miles of land at $2000000000 rich if nothing else is lot of money The question the valuo of TLC has arisen because new lndian nrganiza lion is being formed to present the Donn lnlon government Willi bill for TLC land which has been taken from them but not paid for lilifliriilli tuninninmniiiuiaiiii iiriivarirriuiniraanminmnnmmminmmnnwainiri diimf EUROPEAN UFO RICK masses corner Controversy Raised On Premarital Sex guest speaker who told last weekends lie rr Young Peoples Association conference that premarital sex In good when It Involves responsible persons probably couldnt have imagined the reaction it would cause Bill Sanders comulinnl at Torontos Addiction and Alcohob Ic Research Formlion told the conference that the Individuals themselves must dmido whether they are responsible The topic arose In group discussion period Toronlo dailies playad lira iory on front page an official at Mr Sanderl Toronto office criticized Mr Snndm statement and said he hoped Mr Sanders was speaking as an Individual and not for the foundation EXAMINER CHECK Then The Examiner rnado telephone survey of Harris oler gy with lho result that all con lacied were definitely against premarfial res But one Barrio clergyman Archdeacon Read elected lo blnmo lids newspaper with unfair reporting Archdeacon llend said The Examiner did not make It clear that this war the opinion of one Individual and not at the conference lfaw clear cm rlory Ircl llam Is the exact wording from the first two paragraphs of the story referral to by Arohducon fiend Delegairs of Toronto Dio rerun on ll Anglican Young Tcoplsr Association were old Saturday that pro nrrrllal sex is good when It bivalves rcsporulblo persona illll Sanders consultant at Tomnfoa addiction and nlcshoilc research foundation mid um individuals theme trim must decide whether Ihey am rrsyxmrlbia rllirem mImammamnuur Young Producer Of Seven Days Long Convinced Of TVs Impact tininng the rescue 70iner ilIt Iloliglnt frilcnnan an inn iiiricl mnlvn products This llmr II limm IinyI Kiri Iniii trio rnlmr mifly lssywiso uf IIII ur tir Irlllrnrnn IffitI hm years AIIII isiiiranr Nona lion ILl Iir iiul Ottawa lrcss fini lcry lie was winking rarrllnrio fur Trina nirio when In Sum can iliiiicr Miro IIIII linro on talk limit our nmulinnaiiwn no is In nimble as nuke It If ilNrLs with tie unith thr air Did they am Icnlmv Itclvrlrn iii 1an lion obs Tmnrdl Mummy mvi nu lair Divmnl ll ITiiliIM in Im hidintiliy lust nlIriif hail the nsnitry lry tiin Mir be sold In on Ilrlmirw flun Miinsrw ll lilif in llilnIlIl telcvlniviir migrant fin Ixnuf Alrinrtiiy slurred Ito nitrle lairulinl at and INI This mmirucil in llin irrriircmo InIiIII wi Iiltrlgllr at Ilrc lrlmlvlrir rrwluim MsIy lllf fins IINII nlrle in do IIM yo rm out rumor out mountain mi Arr itIIIIT murmur of no ltnhni city rl Ilirlldl InirlrLr ir Inrrmnu foltn Iiiirnllsm ml in my liliu Mm to sitliII nlulil fIl lilo nthiilIt liinimv nliiin nilrniiiiig mi in IIMIIWI UN llITMV In lttrl rler Iiil fellowship tur AI Harvard liniwrtll in we MFIJ tor lira lrmliisc dwl min on in liiin Fun fun friirirllirl uni snnilwr Irvin Barth AIM iii7 rrwluyi an offer from the INC llinro was rircirnntrin lva llmiil day fIrAI with iii lniio would niyl Ilinl nu siinallin IIll In In miniin in min olfmrr on Islili rwvnrnrn rllltlqull Iry Ilua lhlrnn lhinug his fqu year In Mr rrrrlraini IlllllKIlII tan lilminrlrr lurtiwimr ziinimr if IaIIII bl limllmli Makcmil fling llirhaid NIIIl rind Ana IIIillY lrIn InIIV lw rvmndml ANI View Irlliml llnrtriml Aral yrsfilm rlnciiirrmlnilci on Irvila Tunpa and Im llilfirm Iltrllwl Ill lIn mu Ilia llllo iiilcrurul Awarin Iw TV srlnalmrr In Wat willi rhwrirmnlaiy nil roriaf rmliirlfm Nine ilirrr WANTED N0 IIANIIH Iii incl lI nwl IMrkk am Ilcrvinywsl film Irm lirllnl ha Ir nm nodal no Iii hurtling In churn ins rliabllxlial Nil Mr olfu In fi lunar own when mils Illlm pmpll am inimtcd In all mrr Ibo Milli im lllwrni rum In terms of human rights mm nilrn tn Inrarittll Imilm lcr mnnliy favor voluntary health innimnco rather iiwr ir vale pirlvnry government plan KXMIINATION NEEIII Hot as umnlkl wniil Ilium in be unnme ninr Mn ych fillyt all wind lr Iritmn am ii is rwl Suils In m1 the removal rd Mr Wuhan rind fainter In fimv minus 01 Mon liars tmw um ls wtni uio pm run unik fir Mr IIlirrrlwr sold fin will will Riv Days ll II IllC nranngmnflil annulth II mm file this has to deal with the rental Wtlfm of III lirrrcl whim Intlink lmldnma rd listn ml rmli Theyre as mill or pol Iilcs TIIIM fail if of ill Inl IM we with In IM Air ll elimth out til imi nus Mr Sanders was replying to questions from members of the AYPA regarding the new morality Questions were aubndllcd from the floor during panel discus riun which was held as part of the mlh annual ynuih conference at Trinity Parish Hall last weekend ONE MANS OPINION feel certain that no one can honlly say that after reading this nlfllerntnl that anyonea but Mr Snndars opinion was ex pnsed We ccrlalnly were not sensationallzlng the story in any way shape or form it was quite Ilairrncnt to make and It was reporksi correctly As for the statement Itself hlr Sander couldnt have beer can Ious Ifow does one define re rponsibla pcraorrslf In the first place who has the right to say whether premarital sex in right or wmagl Ccrlabriy no young person will adopt lira altitude that said It was all right to It must be all rlghl No smart of leaching or preaching Ir going to stoplho Inevitable We are taught to be lieve that this act is meant only for marriage lint we are also taught that it In wrong In rtrai QUEENS PARK RE iinuiunimirauauiinitnaiu cheat curse lie kill and hun dred other things If we go with the traditional teachings of the church then premarital sex is wrong in the same vein if we follow all the teachings of the church lhcre would be no such thing as aln TOO MUCH EIIIIIIASIS it Is my pcrsonal opinion that entirely too much emphasis ir being put on the subch of pre marital sex Theres absolutely nothing wrong with discussing lho sublccl of sex but would mark it extremely doubtful If Just one person at that AYPA conference and hundreds of other similar confermccs did not fully undorernd what sex about firing It out in the open ir lha cry of those In favor of dis cussing the subject Bring ubal out In the open Since limo began man and no mirn healed no public discu sinus in roalila the physical at traction between the two And the coriacqucnccs are certainly known What Is there to discuss Lets get on with training our young people to run this crazy mixedup world if they omild learn everything rise as easily as they do the topic of sex thcrod be no failure In Ichool Official Road Map Opens Like it DDN OIEARN TORONTOIf you drive car you mull gel new road map Even If you Juli drive hairy carriage get one anyway The map shows ihrres with In like little lhmirht to solve the problem In this world inhuman Ainlmrllrd iu rmnd clan irufl Poof filfiro liwrrl inenf drama and for var mrnl of mlnfo in rl Dally sinr ayl and filnllrlrwy lioilrlnyl uch Silrmirflm ruler daily by narrlrr tor verily mm yearly Mario mu In for mail ltrnia moo narly Ontario year under thmwoff til yur irrtaiilctmiuin lir your Aflkh IIrllHr um um an main Iinirriril Tomato out it iimlmi III that lendcr bl Dimitri lll IIIIii the Camillan Daily mumm minim Aurinlioir uw Ialll IiliAn ItMI ml MIIII IIIII can of linaiialimii nin Muslim irm ir orrliislrefy entitled lo tire use for republication of all new dispatched in this first fluid In It or Ayudaf Im or fluflora ml also Iho local new nwmi therein Book As you well know if youre motorist our hi may moor hrvn been pr rlcm most frustrating problem To look at them you have owned lier and inward and opened and opened And then to put them back you have tried in close ihrm and have closed them and timed lhrm and cloud lhcrnl filrnns mrn have went trying in info road map Now our ilcparliriniil of high way cnrlnrm have coma to The drprrlmmlr drrlfn rnrl rims did iiilio think or not rama up with now In for the nfflrlri malt furl now off the prmi OPENS BOOK lindrr this inlrnleur WW ntII you lint open it like iinnlr You run find your foull in momriil And you ran Iriil hr mlp had with low rininls filrlis of our Ilngtu The onglncnl dewya Al lml An arruirm award Iiul they will initial 31 cf no rel ward at all For the fold aininrsiilly ilni iv onyrlllrlvil Ami though If rirrdinliiy will in led all over the vmrld hm wli he an psy off urth in ulisfnnlmr lo Ilia nun who ImeIsI ii an BIBLE THOUGHT him no mam lay than In am that my minim uni In Illlt John MIMI full mi II II followed ivy hensi wall Tnilh II trim in tire iinrlshlooul And ml to the Miriam dilution élnneaimd 0321 icing rimn heavmnt eon Canada even two gatdedasnoearnan laughands tha ofEn hieIa stand Harbor differ hx wife iobo Canadas nut historian sedan hand vblchjnakes fascinating of ammonia then into the scan the Weston shoreiilio only customar owdoundhndjowlng to dialog but lawn limo Iaotfbo explored along the airore heAaidlt was iha he Solar tell mm the lagreat river ahead led lo lira Imagine his de north shore ofPrlnoe Edward Island Gulf sailed saw lis richncs Then and up the Gulf of St Lawrence even warmer than he had lmown in the Rays Chaleurgd Its name Frcndr more wild maceberries and many of the same new in France He recognized elm ash an oedaéuzandyew Who they ambo na ves arrto appear gre nurrbcrs were fearful that they might be attacked so gtrm This soared the Indiana away bin they and trading began The natives gave furs Willie the Ficndr andcd out braceletsmade of tin ironetoois and some mi hats Carriersevered coats and hats to waded them to come back to la hl forlhe leaders Eventually two of the chiefs ms and red near the Sim At first the French lirey tired the shipr came binkthe next France with him Before he cft he went on shore and held ceremony in whidr he mold cross on which were the words Vivele my do Home The exact place of die mommy is not known buta oormrermratlve cross has been erected in cape that canmtbefarimmlt IircywcrebadtlnimnoalnSeiiembcr AT THE LIBRARY Use Of Locale Appealing In Recent First Novels liwn recent first novels by Canadians are set In the far corners of this wide land and their grcaicsi appeal lies in each case in their use of the locale nur wr ARE EXrLaa by Robert Kmeisch lakes place on hiacirenicdldvcr boat in the breathless space of the Arctic summer hemmed in at eithcr end by Ice not yet melled and beginnan to form again The lempernmcnlal weather which seLr limo limit on the action Is an element In the plot and so is the Mackenia River with is shlliing shoals and deceptive calms The tough and motley crew of displaced person of many orig for com lo lifaln their varied dcccnll Scot and Scandinavian indlan and Neafwodlandcr heir strange and separate tra vails are well laid in what they any and In the way they in each other In the fleeting corn panlooship above and below docks The place the people the nhnosphera and lha action are convincing and thrilling What does not Jail in the plot an important aarecl of any novcl The hero or rnllhem an Ontario college radial who has Ield civilization and who hair wan hir place among these hard duration for hla allcnt coma pcicnca river pilot ls lilie Ibla and believable But what he does remains lnrufficienlly motivated Kellie the lullhero lne the goodlooking girl of the North who speaks like school teacher and whore fldallfy Ir infidelity or is It the oilier way arouodflris hardly credible Tbs vlllairr Is already dead un der mysterious circumstances in ilhc opening chapter llia mem nry haunts the imagination of the crew who go to desperate lengths to recover his body mangled by bean and the rocks of the Mackenle What his hold over Ihem had been when alive and that Is not clearly establish ed the fear and fascinallnn the rIVermcn feel in his dead pres once is cvoircd In this story and contributes powerfully to the antitanan TOMORROW WILL IllI SUN DAY by Harold iiorwood Is xci in the barren Ncudoundland uul port of Cnplin Bight This is an ingrown community of fortysix families sordcprivcd that there Is scldom teacher for its school so lroiaied from the rest of the world that It can suffer fnmlna er plague without rescue soinsunr that It can mislaka Ila own religious hyrleria or Goda iudgmcnl There are low ways out Cnplin flight and young Ell Pal irher run of master fialicr man Ir lucky enough to find one of them Once again the story line is the loali fiduciary part of the narrative and the auihenlo background its saving rate To wilnesr the sirllls and limb lh courage lhri keeps the Irilridm alive to no lhe beauiy of their bleak wildernur of rock Ind water to hear the rhythms lhrlr speech to smell their dry ing firh and lulu lheir delicacy of cod tongues should be ward enough to any reader PRINTING BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR LETTERHEADS BROCHURES lNVOICES ENVELOPES PRIZE LISTS EIILHEADS PROGRAMS POSTERS OBUSINESS CARDS GUMMED lABELS OFFICE STATIONERY TAGS CATALOGUES CH EQUES CHAND BILLS DRAW TICKETS WEDDING STATIONERY TIIY PERMASTAMP CONTINUOUS FORMS 25000 IMPRESSIMISI TN NEW RUBBER STAMP THAT NEVER NEEDS AN INK PAD Eire lieurte Eyziiiiiiur COMMERCIAL PRINTING l6 BAYFIEID ST 7266537

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