Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Apr 1966, p. 2

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Residan in general and bus lnessmen in particular were said have been annoyed that there was no menilnn of Elmvale what ever in any highway No 400 dir ecllonal EiLflS Councillor Alex Currie repert ed when the mailer was taken up department engineers ed visud that new sign survey was being made lie said it was pointed out that places more llmn 1000 population re 321v certain priorities Elm nle was moving ahead Ihls disudvnnlngewould soon be overcome it not already Heller placing bl slgm outside bl Elmvale also was needed Councillor Naman Crane told of ELMVALE Stall Foilow lng prolesLs made to tha OnLuio Dapanmcnl of Highways EimA vale Council is hnpctul Elm valc will receive mare conslder Ilion in the future in highway Signs Wee wnl hmmmw yum day Mrnloon with racqllun dqle In numint new dwnlm momer with wlrr an mnrimm umm pml dm I731 Slqvhrm nnnmmwl that an new mmflxn Ind ban c7lMll1Hfl 0P Carnth Ban1e District Central COL legiatc held its Installatkm officers lm lml Present Rap Ignoring Elmvale In Highway 400 Signs The Kiwanis Key Club BARBIE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HOLDS RECEPTION KIWHNIS CLUB AT CENTRAL ELECTS OFFICERS In addition to Elmvalc the awnshlp F10 has given Ila endorsement ta signs directing raffle to the Zonlagical Gardens at Vnsagm The zoo 1115er en fine wrist attraction for the area but the slgnx were taken dwn 51de Reeve Mm Auley urging steps be taken to have lhem rcplgxpcgi The New snId bellcr direc tional signs chd be of much help to tourist business or Elm vnlo Naw that has been lukon up are hopeful of gob my air treatment he remark visitors from Sudbury gelling lost because of lack ol Elmvule difcclionalsigps It was mentioned signs direct motorists Lo Wasaga Beam via Slayncr but the same emphasis is mt given Elmvale mule George Hollmann of lhe Cham ber of Commere has been sup porting the moves to get action backed Elmvalc lgusimjssmqn nwmmfluip drhe 11M Ill be lemlnl Mr Helium MM Uw dnrp mull be Inul4l ulrrmcly ru mur v1 Mmr rum mm NW lmlnhrr Huh ltM MI ll Hahn Vin mmnmlcr JIM Mn acquired luring UIEHIFCCI mm the Barrie JGwanls club were past presidentNoxman Synnolt prcsldcnt Tony De carle Ed Taylorlnnd Ralph Nickerson Shown here from We incl lhi mutter of giving us inlr ireaimcni in the placing at highway signs is oi much im panama mid Councilior Crane emphasizing its business value It was also suggested that Elmvnlc dlmcflanal signs mum be convenience appredated by he motorlng public looking for Uni graning community village In flourishing tourist area Elmvale was viufly cancemcd Merchants and amcr have gone to gm deal of clrorl to promote the area he said Elmvnle luell has licensed lioiel line communin centre good restaurants attractive stores and considerable other valuable assets to interest tour lsls The summer iraliic low ihrough Elmvnlo of people motor lng lo Wasaga Beach provide considerable trade Now that he matter has been taken up think they will do 11qu Canadian Poms LN Bonkn Md Mayor knit claw lrmldmt nu mhvns glue in J1 lrrrln gcnfinl yhnnnurrvolr Hm Cnnqdlm 1109an lfqlqn rumfi Mm MXIIKM MU dd Vmnmgt lell am am Tumor secre tary Mr Taylor Bill Ed munds treasurer Ron Hop gunk mcsidcnh Mr Maker son My Christie past presi Your Aulhnvlml Tnnl Mull llllflll lulu DIPOI lekll om 72H Clly Tklul OHIu 716M Rcova McAqu 1i emme to the department Three 01 our car stolen yes exday havn been rccovezed Barrie city police announced to day Two ol the vehide own mind In the North Collegiate parking lot at 11 am by Corporal Roy Lacey The cars were ownedby Miner of 73 Collier St and Huber Irvine Essa Rd third vehicle owned by Mrs Arohla Sfbbald 183 Bayllcld St was found morning by name OPP on the second llne Oro Twp The remalnlnz vehlcle 1951 Chemlcl slallon wagon owned by Wllllnm madshaw of 34 Ag nes was slolen at 1157 pm y25 lerdny while parked on Collier ln lmnl kglon llnll Police advise motorhu to lock boih lgnillonx and door to weld than mm 2301 It minnxkgd war in leIa mmrr nnun Thrég Of Four Stolen Cars Are Recovered WflflUVER 4° KIWIan drawn or Ontadn Quebnc Mnrlumo Key Club and organizer of the Central Key Club and Jim Burke vicepresidmL RED FARE DNE WAY Tho umnrl way lo snvo nml imvoll Rocllnlna conch 50119 all resented In udvnncc at no nxlrn cosl For olhar economy RodWhlln and Blun lama call CANADIAN NATIONAL Sumo reminded that until re cent year all tho children had lo walk in chool nnd his rc duud the need inr physical lralninx 0mm polnkxi to he chian and ill brought him by larger tcnirnllzcd uhool which made boiler in sirucllun pmslblr but nridcd iransporinilon villilculllu Ilccva Alex Mclulley Id In 51min councu mman lo boost the prnposcd new uhool cxpcrl mcnl uhlch ha felt was only he beginnlngol more change or clcmcnlnry wheels éhimEMumfiu wlll bi blnyca Ratepayers were told ad unte bus nervch would he prov dud Rcsldcms not Iivlng Mar maln road wondch nbuu school bu plgklum nlopg mlyrqpm was pointed out um roguA Inllom mquim no child to walk more than mile to school bus sum DId you ever wan mlIL In stormy wlnl weather and wall or MM one parent askm and mo ques lon wax the sllnnl or buzz cl convmnunn N0 GAME There will be no Knmc It the Barrio Dupllcnlo Bridge Club Friday Ilny wul mum Wal nmday at Mm lhu sec ond 5mm ho Mnol put rum el ved great deal of attention with parent showing concern about the walking distance for their children Mei flown and Jack Whitfield were Eimvaie rcpreseninlives who joian in ha open lorum discussion EIMVALE sum Trans pormlon and other plans or proposed new Slmcoe Coun ty Publlt School No were du cussed by school trustees and parent at llvely meeting Elmvale Munlclpnl all last nlghl Gordon Turner chalrman preslded cenlrallzed school at Elm vale and Flu wllh 17 room was praposcd and numerous quesllom from ralepaycrs te flcgkd camldarabla lnleresll my éounci decide mm mm me Pm damIndian cl flxadlord Street Add Rubens said some pm eds Mums Brade Street rewmtrudlon mid ba set aside mm MAWthe mad mum in ca mlh an M3353 1n the Ex rateoianemammflhmm spending operate 21 Jeréemm Innis lo mews mm MIME WEEtaxed over longer period of time he Wednesday called for tuva budget cut that according to public wvflrs mainnan Fwed mume dday the project an 1968 orrlgfie Aid Roberts and his Ina pace mmmmee recommended 1966 while wrju budgat of $520700 against 9110051 or $0739076 Wflh gownagent Vsubsldles Med the difference in local uxq between mortwa Eiéntéé next year Transportation For Proposed New School Discussed WILL DECIDE TONIGHT Honslald my mid 9e 5e 310 mi Mge midget out sfill AskIForBi1dgétiCutf In RoadsVngram of that 11 Average wclgmcd price uhnlunla lo xetull In on dorm canons Exirn large M7 lurpo 61 Amcdlum 5849 small 4M om 0mm higher Oct 87 flux to 56 higher Mny 296 lye lawer July 185 rapeseed lower May 171 MONTREAL CF Agricul ture dwunmcnt quolmlans CITY PLANNER No provlslon made in he esumalel for prolesslonal plun nlng assurance however Aid Roberts salt Planning Board could come back or more money during the year decided to hire planncr Thu rzcnmmcnded budget for ma INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION The Barrie Indutrlal Comm slon will receive autumnal boos In funds ml year 11 the finance report adopted Elu males ca or Jump In the WINNIPEG CF Price mowed In narrow range in Huh early Imde lodny on the Winnipeg Grain Exchange CITY BROCHURE The 1966 budget includes un dot the handing Public Nance and advrusemean an extra $1000 or new city brodxure as requested by His Ghamben Commerce tourist and Industrial commlltee la meet the 51ng meeting link roads Aid Smith Mwever said the city should contique road 11mm and out in the five €5681de Md Robert said the city looking into me possib ility llquldatlnx in assets In the project dont think any member of council believcs wa should con tinue in the restaurant busi nessAid Hersey said Estimate include $800 or coun cil support of the Community Association which runs the chilies TELEPHONE COSTS Estimate presented to cRy council last night show telephone cast at city hall double this year over 1965 The city with cnuncll approval adopted new system said necessary to im prove emclency Total cost this year will $536954 said 11exe is the M71111 Hesaid public work Is not askinglnr anythingbede the wanna growth pauem The 8660 filmed by the fin ance pmmitlee abmzbd be added Community Hem an the brink financial dinner Ald Phil Saw told cmmcil last night He suggested perhaps the abilities thgre have outlived their uscfldness CONNIHOL 802 OILAVAILABLE ONLY FROM YOUR IMPERIAL AGENT Comiwl 102 In an umuhiilobla liohi mimual oil II In mad at lhv ml 15 gallon per new wim 15 in lboiim1inn 05W which nilociivniy connoi quacknmn nnd annual qmm tonlmll himmien mull over longs pullod CORNIROLBEZ has Iiniiamuna Unnamed plot mm and field iiinis om lhiouyuv mind and II now FULLY FANMPROVEN Ontario mu MVD chow yioid Incioanol oi mm 20 imiicin poi am when on oilmm nmuhlon in used with Aivnxino 15 lbLcompmd Io Aimino in wnlnr only Duim yam mquimmcnu oi Comm 802 now BE READY TO GO WHEN THE WEEDS ARE READY TO GROW BUDGET BRIEFS new product mm Imperial Oil or with Mmino 65W poshmmcnco treatment FARM PRICES Says Community House Is On Brink 0f Financial Disaster mnmfltrmfl M52 DEB llllllfl fllllll lemme minimum tillage mum pmfit McVEIGH BARRIE Cxty engmeer Wyni esumaled that Mad were made available the Bradford Sf prom Which inde sewer ln slauallons well as mad eon structlon could Anu 1m lRECEIHlDN bfvUJVgGE oungo or Moe 9185 and Mldhng meetings along with new desk and chalrs and renovations to the mayors of ice will ms $1756 il Imam committee mcmmncndatlons gain final awnm tonlm HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The Barrie Ilorllcultural So ciety asked in $1500 gun lhls year but will recelve only 31000 plus an extra $250 or centennial work in reserve hmdlo allbw Brad ford St recommcuon in 1961 aeggvflng lo Mum 5H Provislan Jim made 1m funds wllh which level Indu lrlal patknun7bcr out quested by the commission BARBIE ARENA Grant to the Banlo Arena Commission minis $6300 pins an Additional $366137 in write of insurance from previous years There no provision or heat ing tho sealing area as recently requested but Aid no berm said the mailer still un der study Aug i967 He an1 at was Md finial said Walk wrks Fin Dual mplul OPP for 35min Condition lawn Cant Prodvm IA kWhm nun 1mm up man 55 me new when you buy nur hum Iuypllu EMERGENCY NUMBERS hum MINIumanimalmun nun$16 with fisso WHITE GRUBS USE In mm lull IIcvnlmding Imoun th SOGREEN All IIIWSI Hl lawn lmihm PLUS Aldrln Fertilizer with White Grub Killer mm $695 mm$395 He said mad that Iead mm the city are in need repair the mod People me more filing on apex51 La donuts on smmd mad other EmmetI4 by havmg ll mad pmmam stalled Rfinxflan than many 0th service hgsald was bang mked lo beiu um 17an yadfdedpxpemsfin E11 Reaflza the highest returns for your won by patronlzlng your own OrgaulzaUun SHIP COILSUI To Our Regleered Wardwuse No Weston Ontarla Obtain sacks and twin wthoul charge from Spencer Thornton not ijthegm How io relieve mum nuns uvul Spencer Thornton not Mann 51mm RR Na Strum 51mm Dblrm UMP Servlm nM aim ACHE NIIBTHLHND Burris by writingla Canndlln Jooperative Wool Growers Limiiod st Clair Avenue Elli Toronto Ontario Plumth all 1M Stein mating Smlallm Wflfll INDUSTRIAL PIPING AND HEATING 77284601 For Any Un Doddl KHan Yul or may um um lyflemla landl non cull hnheh Soon you led MM mc hm no va vi Dodll Wt 1m

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