Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Apr 1966, p. 13

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3Liqucsr Is Blamed iln Indian Deaths TORONTO CPILiquor and nut some mysterinus religious cult was responsible tar tha deaths 01 15 Indians killed by lralns in the Kcnora dlstrict since 19m Allurneyflcneral Ar thur lishart Indlcated In the lexislalure Wednesday In 13 deaths blond samples showed high alcnhnlic content he saidMhIlc In another case llquor was suspected although there was nu ennugh blond lclt tops certaln analysis In the 15m Qasetlle person Involved was over so years old and at most blind The Niameygeneral was re plying to quesliun as to what mlon If any would be taken on suggestinn or research sludy into he deaths made by Ted Burion the Karma Crmvn algorncy nuuuss mum Mr Wishart said the malaria has been turned over to the In dians affairs committee In Lhe deparlmenl of welfare But hn indicamd that to him the blame was apparentliquor In an interview Mr Wishax said inquéss were held lnzu each or the 15 deaths and in no instance was there verdict of suicidn The attorney genera cx pressed doubts that suicidal tendency exists amnng Indians despnndnnt because of hair meagre way of life as has been suggqsted the Karma ca GRANTS EXEMPTIDNS OTTAWA CmThe federal labnr department has granlnd 37 applications or exemption ram the minimumwage and hnursaIwork sections of he Canada Labor Code The Labor Code sets minimum wage level $115 an hour and work week of 40 hours ILEAS FAIL OTTAWA lCPlDcspile plLas rum Cunservntivrs and New nnmocrals resoluunn calling or Naliunal Indian Day lulled came lo vole Wednesday in he Cnmmnns It now goes la the bullom at long list prl vale mcmhcxs business and probably wonl hedebalad again his session SBON MUST lKlSTEIl UPTAWA CPLDrug manuA laclurcrs in Canada will scan be Nqulrcd lo rcgislcr wnh lhe crlcml government llcallh Mm lslcr AlnclInchcn luld the cum mans Wednesday He said ulnlians will require an annual xenon by manulaclunvrs all their producls or sale In Can ada lmludlng lmporlml drugs MONEY I5 ARCH OTTAWA lCP Tlnrc Is BUMPWMC shortage or prnnle lunds homes built under Cen tral rlg ge and llnusin Cum Labor Bllulslcr Nlthnlsnn mm the Cnmmnns cnsxlny The unwrnmcnl was pulling much mnncy lnln housing lhls year as ll hm ln lord llul prl alt lnndrrs wrrc Indan nlhcr lmmmmu more allrnclivc dc mllv forum increase in Cll3s lclullnu rate To TAX TOIHIISTS OTTAWA 4IIF mN Min Nor Sharp will filmde lhal lhr MW of US tax on Amer can luurisls fining nbrmld had ll JAMIE EXAMINER THURSDAY APRIL 1m have our reserves in my riding Sault slc Harm he llmunl Infilly mwmk In mum III Iullellwv lur num wmm um ml Irnltl mul lanmhrulv ell mm Mn mmyrl Imilmrnl lllll mun Thu clvtszInml mu COMMONS IN BRIEF SAFETY CAR IS SHOWN said Ive never noticed my suiddal tendency among In dians Operation were switched rum twostorey black build In in Colorado Springs Lila has housed the command cen lre ol the North American Air Delonca Command since Au gust 1957 NORA Spuflsmfln mid the entire complex wont be fully nperallanal until July Work on it Was slarled May 25 1516 with the lirsl cxcavaliun blast been floated as Irial balloon some lime ago nul hr added in Cnmmnns reply lhal the USa gnvernmenl has not ralsed he subject in discussions with Canadian ollicials on balance nl payments problems AmThencrva benlre ol the North American continents alr defence system was moved Wedncsday to new under ground location deep Inside mountain American and Calindian lags were ralscd at lhcmain entrance the $142400000 Cheyenne Mo lain complex south at Colorado Springs to signal the change Opposillon Leader Dielur baker asked lor an asumncc mat the government will rc sorl lo inrce in the Rhodesian crisis wiuwm consulting Parlia mml Most of the Indlansvln Kenna were killed night while walk ing hnme along Ule tracks nlain complex under MOOfoot campy of manila ls descride as nearly invulncr able to nuclgar attack 0mm CPI Canada is not contemplating any action send troops Rhodesia Ex lemnl Mlairs Minlsler Marlin Kalil lha Commons Vcdncsday url Marlin said he does not believe the United Nations is mntcmplnling xcnding mops NORAD Nerve Centre Moved What was being considflnd the UN was an ulcnsion of the mandatory oil cmlmrga to other commodilivs The minister said 1hr nnvcrnmcnl ould not xend troops anywhch nbmad wilhoul mnsullinu Pnrllamcnt 2M3 HUN DOWN MSTOW Englan CPIIIumlwr George Brooks is up uilh being the cap Inin rhnirmnn ccrntnry lmlsmcr nml nnly member North Inmlnn Oxford House Rnwmg Club and has 0mm he Mmlc club in anyone willing mm thdéSiaw Martin Says No Troops For mle Grammy nulem Im Inmnu Wilhllr Iry llw linhlanun hr lum puny Mn lwmvmnlu mum illug 1quva hr rmrm Wulln mm 11m mm Ike rat mn pam 111 newan Commmo SPRINGS palm SMGON CHUS bombers Wednesday launched major attack on large mililary in slallation in MM Vial Nam destroying 100 buildings and communintions cenlre US sp csqlan Ennnunccd Iod One pilots who mnk part in the raid said the whole men was an fire alter US Air Forcefifhunderrhicls hit with bombs alidrockclsi The mid was seen by nbserv crs hcreas conlinualinn the sloppcd up pressure on North Viet Nam by American pIrncs which started nine days agn The installation was shunted in Junglc covered mounlains about 190 miles west 01 Hanoi and only few miles mm Lhe Lans bordcr In those nine days USmr craft have allncked to within few miles the Lwo maln cilics of North Viet Nam anal and Haiphong hilhng missile 51105 and the countrys principal war plant HIT PASS AGAIN us air force cts renewed heir assaults on he approach In Norlh Vic Namu strategic Mu Gia Puss alter Ihousands Vietnamese wnrkm reopened the lundslidcduxgcd funnel In the Ho Chi Mmh Trail US 3an man sald Only eight days ago 115 11513 dropped 700 on homhs on the winding mounmin mm on he Laminn mnlier milks somh ul Hanoi WlllNHHIMY April 20 1966 The hmle MIME nnlm unl In the Commons and Ike governmrm immhlrrd lhrcl now mu nl IlKlilfluml The nnw ianx would In ruam Ihu hndmg capilnl flu ann Tmlil Com spell on Ilull Nmlmmdlnnd cm hum In nr xpcdnl 91000000 gran mm mr and murals ulslinx nvemmrM pmdoll plans ma Canada Im mm Im In OllWA WW Tun mn ngm um phnhrd 0mm Um lr mm my Wnlnrvlny lnrr llwir cur phanNI all Ihn HIIINIII llrldge uxl nlww mllnn ANAL Tluu llaun MW Mllreu um Ilny llnyI nutl Drlxu lyflw nllrr 0m rluu In war lur miuum my um mrpl Hmmuh Ilnnir ml Her ledwm flpirh TAKE TIMI TlHUHHI WI mm IMII Nlunl MM Qulnrulny It in Nuaimlly Impnuihlo Hl diuuhl Wm umllnl umn the 1m mumpd Inflnnv Mum Hm InA IMllrkM lllm In mmhlo Iuhl nlrm Mummy In rruh MW unl lmndnliu Mm elm llmn mul marlin WWT All TM IIW JXMH rm Apr Actress Crawford sémples he savor of her first sip of tea as she stands next US Launches Major Attack On Viet Nam Parliament At Glance Inmn Mlnlshr lvnmm mm uuHco lhnl xpxlnl cum mmm hrnrinu HI hfld nu mlkchvr Imrunlninx or llw mil mvim Thr mlmllnn Man Imtlll ukrn Imml lrlhf mlhm or dnry lvll ummln In nlmmlon lllrh pmml mammal In M11 lnr Ihc 1151M In Ilrlkn nm Cumlnwm mm Al no rm mr In lenunur um nulng Ilrlmln 11w 5mm Ilamh muuumwl unnl Mly For the first lime in days WORLD BRIEFS WHEN AT 10 DOWNING STREET D0 AS THE BRITISH D0 gnvemmcnt troops were parted in hard light with lhe Viet Cong Elvmenls oI gavcm men airborne and ranger bat Ialinns killed 20 Vic Corn and cnpmred large slora or wean nns when they jumped bat laHOJ eight miles northwest 01 Quang Ngai City on the unrlh em coast US ollicers perm navy IN Skyhawk from lhe carrier Kitty Hawk was shot dawn by ground fire miles rmth Vinh Wednesday lhe 2l91h Amerrjcan plum lcpnflcd lost In the JSmanIMong bomb ing or he north other you saw lhe pilot parachute and land safely Hana radio saidlhu Nurlh Vietnamese shut lawn three US planes bringing the olnl down over North Viet Nam to Government lumps and police broke up dambnslraunn by about 1000 sludcnls the mountain clly oi Dnlal 140 STUDENTS PROTEST to her host and 11051055 Bril xsn Prime Minister Harold MM and his win Mary Listed Here Are Your Local Agents For Shut Ruin LEWIS HHBBWARE 0mm smutmm MODUCTS Gndcn Special Fond Woodavmy Feed Bugaway Food Crabchcck Llnhlmighl Lawn Food IONIC 07 CANADAQMCKEM MIHHCH lmllvr garden supply and hardware Ivayrs cwmuhvra AllISTON ONT miles northeast Saigon as agitation against Premier Ngu yen Can Ky military regime continued despite promise by the Buddhist leadership to call all the prolcaia warningnf possible coup came Wednesday night ram represeniallve 10 th Viol Nams leading political monk Thlch Tri Quang at rally of 4000 Buddhists Snlzon Quangs deputy Thjch Tign Minh said the uprising mlgm be staged this week nulJily udgel hisIStb hokl accliéniin lhiEe five mnnths Minh director of Buddhist youth allairs and cochaimmn of the antigovcrn men Buddhlst Struggle Com mittee did not identify Ihe al Ieged plotters bul implied luy yrcro member the ruling jupgn Mlnhs words are usually re garded as mnnclion of the lhlnking at Quang Who was the ccnlral figure in he momhlung Buddhist campaign against the government at 10 Downing Street Landau The actress in London as guest of honor of the Variety Clubs International convenUrm tween he Canadian Unlon of Postal Workers and he majnr civil service stall nrgnnilahons widened Wednesday alter re lease at namecalling open lat ter by the postal groupr The 11000member postal un on in Ms biucrm attack In dale scnrncd the mowmember Civil Service Federation and Ilmmcmber Civil Service As snciallnn nr nut pressing or the right In strike In upcnming bar gaining legislzlion The letter by Ike national un an accused he lwo hig groups at raiding pasta membership lhoncaunlcrcd with an invita Inn to lhnse 75000 lowpaid Veinssilicarljmu Inr he ranks at the C517 3er CSAC lwilflthebxl cepfiun at time Mm have jolncd or are in Hm granss ol joining he Canadian Labor Congress In amlinlc with ma Canadian Union or Posal Workers now Dolh he lcdcrailon and asstr ciallnn have said they will sclllc lnr truly compulsory arbilratlnn in propnsed bargaining legisla lion They dont want specillc slrike ban in the legislation and hey wont accept sysirm whereby ll cabinet could sci aside arbilrallon awards went to he prime ministers ofliclal residence with party or Variely Club dclegalcs Postal Union Rift Widens AP Wiméhoio OTTAWA OPEThe in be 69 Jalmlan Bllko SI 9H DUNLOI BEZZHNT NURSERIES Hrmslrong Hardware OTTAWA CmMM fining ler NIchnMn saw Wednesday he has mad represéxtaflons g9 he American Federation of mm siclarishe didnt Séywilin what resulto allow he RCMP band In be recorded apExpfi He said in éCn to he Manama Wesl that person who are no member of lhe musiulans un hm are noLallmvednlnv mum because lhls would vioialelha agreement between he union and the record cympanies Military bailds In the 15 cauld make recordings because lhe musiéians gr members 91 the union he nddcd 5mm Emmy 51 Neil Hamilton Faillay 74 wha helped develop gnllv rmalmnl drugsm Alled lmops in Asia aim we chunkadmins and World War Wm Pllm Belch 141140 seph Edward Kidder 30 chair man of lhe board 01 Kidder Publicafims Inc which pnlr lisha the New Ymk Journal ol Commerce Yam peveral news papers In thefiinidwesle Unilcd Slate and Calkomi New YorkWflljnm Chodor wfl 56 Winnipeng execu livo vicepresidento uxg Pm denlial Insurance Co Naw YorkéMax Rahmol B7 an impmario who pioneered in Ihe presenlauon of luweppnccd opera In lheUnited Scales more than 30 yeafs ago own City Inn +1 Maurice Maury Kent 30 who mailed or he old Brooklyn Dodgers of lhe National Lengua in me 1912 11 baseball seasnn on Mu anrmopher Young wife of fins editor of tile Oltnwn Citizen bondon Moss DeYoug 08 on pl Bdlainl lop boxing re areas or mum Musiciqn Union Rap RCMPWHBanI By 1112 CANADIAN Slit53 inamairsaamoas And jflaslaum 109 BRADVFORD STREET REQUIRES EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES A902535 DEATHS ButfiMVP baud nct dojun be ongla the union firclrbarlicipatinn In ICCJu ingwoud lhcrelore violate life agreement between Ihv record producers and he union Hmidge NDPKno on asked whether govemmnh agreed with the declsinh of the inlnmalinnflii WANTS TALKS If nut wuuld the minister conslder discussing the mailer wilh hj apposite number in the Us in ordcr la provide appro priale guidelines to meet thn situatlom Spcakcrrwbuclen Lannnurcux shld the questions should be placed on he 6rdcr paper In ldranlo last month record producer Kennnlh Warriner said he had been denied permission by the AFM to record the RCMP bandlor file centennial year be cause band members could no ioin the faderalim AltWarmer 1130 said he en countered lmuble win the AFM bver plans In record he centen nial tattoo program Expo 615 115de ha was Md it could only be done it all nonunion bands left Lhe laid and he mid Jremninhg union musicians 21 unibn permimon he wouid be blacklisted he said BUYS FARM BRANTFORD cmA 1m acre farm on the much aide of the Grand River ante mmed by George Brown rounder alwhat now 5111 Torahlo Globe And Mnlland one the Fnlhcrs Cunqueration was pumhased Wednesday by Sibren Hart Bo prune about $450000 mm Canadian Carmen Ltd Mr Hm mmap who came La Canada rém Holland 15 year ago ma flmflcd company will be armed to openale Bwpaxk Farm rgcord wilhou 260 7202441 ms Way 35 in

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