Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Apr 1966, p. 12

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295 MONIHHM ION1 Shh plmq lwlrvminu nl Jlnnrln hm mm In vukm mm Mnnllrnl lunmhmrnwu in All nthmm hp lummlr mm long Ilmrrlnm ulm unlknl 0H Ilm juh lnruLw In rrlurn Milk km Jr vlrurirnl Mum sum luraduy mum llw HIM ww Inhl Krill ullnufly llw ilklu Imp luHHml nlmlrwrx lurlleve Odingu and Im gmup wlll sll rm mmnuliun brurluw us Indo pflmhnlx Inn pnrhuwn rr nucmhll nrxl monlh unhl MW puny L1 fmuwd Inn um miun wm hrlu mlmlnn mum mul muvleh aHmH um The lornndn licked by lhc uhocl causing only minor dam age but ripped into neighboring homes Twister Hits Homes Some students had ldt the school and omen were prepar ing ln leave When embers heard tornado had been lighlcd they look Lhuir puvfld Into coma hallway and hm diam lie down with their hand nvcr their heads KANMS CITY Mm MPA tornado dropped out 01 rain gorm Tuesday bruhui by an cmcntary school Lhcn strayed or damaged at Ieast 29 homes in lhrcrblock area southwest Kansas Cily sub urh The students one 1mm each high school in the riding will visit Paxliamenl the US Em bassy National Gallery Na llnnal Research Council and Carletun University during their fauMay visit They also will be guests at flue prime minislcrs residence or lunch and mm Governor General and Mme Vanier dun In qur of Rldoau Hall Fuur persons were IDpflllid Injured nnno seriously All amcrgcncy alert that smmdnd Just bduro he mister Lruck may havn smod several livw Minister Pearsons Algoma East riding will visit Ottawa this weekend as guest Mr and Mrs Pearson He said he ltrmember mm cil headed by the deputy health minister would be the senior advisory body on health mat tom ha health minister and the Ontario government in and more wm be taking part Inpmvislan headth services to the public Beam Minlstcr Matthew Dy mond said 1119wa night as he spammed plans or esublisul xylem of an pntario Health bum Dr Dymond old Lhalcgisla tuxg during introduction of hls depaljlments estimates pha council was being setnpin cwpcrafion and iongrangu planning with priorities of phns ing oi public imam services can be anlicipaled the minister said flmlgovenunenl involvement and parlicipallan ln the health services the hr tuna will Weave an even more exLensive and complex pat Tickets Paid MPs Resign gummyAlma wanna mm to 1m To Visit Ottawa Mn inhl llw mm Mu NEWS BOUNDUP Amtqm Nine him ironom cm quem ALLMDIILE GBLF CLUB Ontario Héalth Council Planned BIO IAV POINY ROAD ensure cqordinafim ALLANDALE GOLF CLUB The anmu Slur mu luv nmmmml Mumlny in pine Th Ilnily Vuflwn lmnulM In luau MIMI the arm aha mumuml TIM My mGrr uh Tum dny Imlml unlvu lnr Illl nlx pm Mnmlm Slur Juhrmly mln mlvdnlulAHy nhmt nu nununl mm Hm 1me Wnllur rumlmlun mum my mm mm llu mw vapor mil pmvhh um um Inhur Mniu lnr lhn IAIM mu lrnllxrmvn nmvmnrnl Klu an IKIIF hr mhlwl 4va mulpnpvr mm In Wmuwl Apale LONDON LMfrs llnlnu 5w llwrmlikr year old rum and nmimm pillflill WIH lmlmh Hnlhh Cm mmml nm nr lhu Mornlm SK HIHIL IM IIuy 1lofl 11K LU IIJO Alllyll UK 31 HMIIULHJINIM UIM ILW 11le NH My IIIIIH Mmmzluulu nun Mm um men um mqu um smut Tmunmmnl mm rm 7mm Mum nm Im Ht M111 lllmh Mad Inr Thlsi lmth have been my peculiar 11mm 15 more mom lhun nwels he dont hum Hmsa rtwon hiIily It Is to launch study bul dn lhmk Mum study should he mmlo Mr Hurlun mid lmlixma wnlk he continually became Limo rr no rum links lmd Hwy ullrn Ilrmk inc and hrmeL hmw llmt lhn AINIUII have nmrml an 7mm xmlrh of 1M lmrkn INNKNI Mimlki mud lexil nonll ul Kumm T111 Ilurlml Cmun ntlurmy for tho Kmur dNrid SJ in lelnrhtme inl numlwr at Indian killed lying on railway lurks while whom have been man and many pulled mm the In lhc last we years Mr Pearson told reporters after cabinet uweling he has driven by the home whlch he taming out but 15 unsure of lhe street and address was all gage 1111 was all done Waugh rust company he said Pumhuse the home raised speculalion um Mr Pearson who now lives in the residence set aside for prime ministers planned an early rcflrcmcnl Cnnm ullnmoy said Tuesday he Mlievcs scientific smdy Should he made of he doalhs sewml Imlians under rains in norlhwnslom Onlanu lllegally called out on shike allegedly because five or six lnngshorcmen were Elven park lng tickets by he harbor police or parking in forbidden areal The lines were pald In the inlnrcsls of mainlnining pence wilh View to preventing vin Icnce and the mainlaining ol law and order Tho walkout began at much time and mark on an estimated L5 ships in the harbor was find OHAWA CHPrime Minis ter Pearson confirde Tuesday he has purchased hnme in Romhue Park but snid he has no plans to move into it Or some years Launches Paper Confirms Purchase May Study Deaths Na viulcnce was reported KENOIM Ont 1C1 Spatial Rolal Fov Spring MATHEW DYMOND lnm mlm nnlllll 233 BRADFORD ST BIG LOBSTER CAUGHT 5mm Cnrsica Reuters kingsized lobsler more than live ice long and weighing paunds has been caught by local fisherman SIGN PROTOCOL TOKYO MlChina and he Soviet Union signed in Peking higsday goodsexchangc pm local or 1966 ihyeloificial New China news agency reported No details were repnriod SEAL Ul JAIL DROVHLE lalit AP ericmen welded bars oifcr iootwide opening in Butte Coun iys new jail Monday ending Klimttime visiis of young pris mm with girls Doputics waJLi ing outside ihe window in the minimum securily dormitory watched as our youihs ciimiiod WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF What when one rm halter buy Hun mmihu Hsnoljuslpzicufllmw ilmlfiuninlllvinlpm taut WIN its not what iln Illldlill Iilm whatilmzoinnohrmotlhwhvnyuulmrlmwin Then look price tmtluin IllnHlil and the linul deal Whnu you Lulu lwnl Ill inlumcuunl youll mum In llm wmu COIullli0ll thmmnrlf of Inmrhum much my yJlCllVlUl builds nun lml inln wry mu Ha mus 10 you no it drul wlwn you buy Wlml Chuvmlut ml hrjvytImm rrlt may min wu call it JCHIIIUUUILL CHILE DANGER ID MQWQRSHLIMITEQ BRADFORD ST III mm to mum on Hm CUE1v notwk ranch Sunday Chrtrk your local sling mt channel and UniL out and arréslcfl lhnm Jnst what changes they plan to brin remains ayqucslinn SECOND TRIAL POSSIBLE QUEBEC CP Quebec iusllcc dopanmenl official said Tuesday it 15 within the calm pussihifily that Leopold Dion may ace second trial uncapilal murdcr Dion 44 has been serving lilo prison term since his death sentence commuted lust Dccembér He was canvlclcd of the slay ing a1 mm of our young boys whose bodies were found in lhu spring 01 1963 PDSTIONE VISlT STOCKIIOMI numeral5w viez Premipr Alexei Kasygin has postponed sixday visit to chdcn to July 13 from Jul 1108mest foreign ministry an Aulhouktzd Chevrolet Dealer In flank DATES SET OTTAWA CF Nallanal Fmst Cunscrvnllon wnck will be held May 814 it was an nuunccd Tuesday at the Cinn dinn Fareshx Assnclatlons nn nupl mccllng CONSTABLE DISMISSED QUEBEC CF Constable Arthur Vachnn president or file Quebec Provincial Police Asso ciglion has fibccn dlsmisscd 1mm ills jab wllh Ihe owe Justice Minislcr Claude Waz ntr nnnuunccd Tuesday Cun slable Vachon had been sus pcndcd indefinitely April SILENCE CHEF LONDON Reuters Prin cess Margarets innncr Che has been slapped with legal gag to stop him rum tallling naunccd Tuesday It said Kusy gin put off the engagement be cause helmd to attend an im portant meeting Whnlr Clmonulu Uplllvlliull likv Inwa mble Chuvmlul llLpumJ1hilily is lcwmd in tho induuhy1lmlwhyso nuny llvvluchmsu illtmulot And whats ll mim In In umlh wlwn you lmdc Clwvmlulz Imvu lmnhliumlly mmhmz that shuts at 155 hp and top off at 425 hp Body by Fisher lhnls Imtlnppnr ninlrvinrtlmlsuhumnmlthrs lnnd My equipment such 15 outsiduinuide mir viv Ininom Ilzltikllp liuhlw wrldnd hmhu mInt palm and sun warn 241111 wipm and wwhun and wit lllflli huh hm Hun In print on the semis of her ilDUSOhOId The nrdcr was made Tuesday by high cuurt judge on Ihc nppllcnflon of the as ycnwld princess and the Earl of Snuwdon urbndcszycar old Leo Gmdcnju publish any iniaranion he had acquier in his 3V yCflls as hr at Ken singlon Palace the princess Landon residence PARIS mummCamdian and French members of Far lpmcnt approved Tuesday the creation 01 Franco Can ada Inlarparliamcntaxy Assopi alien The members so ui study groups to rcporz an en tuml dml unnoij relations bcheen France and Canada and French immigratlon to Can nch TRY EXAMINER VANTVADS PHONE 7W7 OVHV NEW GROUP bmunhl lliuhur lldlllblll lllOfillllCOS llm 15 to the deal Yum CIlLWUlCl dealer in in the middle of hi punk mllinp ptmndCnr lluyuu Field Days so hes in puuiliun give you Hm but 5mm lnr your tmdcin no mallrzr wlml llldll model the heal lml in 1mm and puma lulivmy on juul about any Cupwzv luunlu An hacaynu Now vlwn are you confirm Make it soon became Ilium mm dual waning luv you nl your Cllllvmlul lmlm during Car lluyuw Field Day Parliament At Glance rThe molion was to hoid discussion on lheJiring of two hosts of This Hour 1133 Swan Day 11111111 CANADIAN PRESS DAY April 19 was The first nanen unu mo tinn the budget Mme wept down dcleab in the Commons 170 votes In 20 The issue was New Demo crat molinn saying he gav crnmcm should have in creased incumg lax exemption lcsclsiln me budgets Conserv vc attempt to hold spcclnl debate on squabble between the CBC and program employees was ruled out Sblicilur General Icnnell Impah Sport Coupe dcpnrlmcnt disclaims haLUw Incidence of vcnsr disease is greatc among Cw tario Innach than amang mncr age groups Health Minister 11th mom told he Icglslalure Tues day night duiimg dnhnle on his dapnrlmontscstimalks that the ncwrrnncu vnnercai dlscnsa in 1319 2040 age grnup has qvcr the years caused greater concern announced some form It View would be held into an murder conviction ol Steven flruscou Dyinond Discla TORONTO CPLTr 7261811

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