Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Apr 1966, p. 1

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JnM um Ilnlllwm Inl lmml navy Mlmk um Um Hung mu plnul mm nnrllvuxl the ruy mm ulzm Hum Mr lum mm Imvnlm lul Kw ImIllo III In ml 17 miva mm It Hannl my hmhl MI mint hi my luklu mm mm ndvy In Huldmlrru Immlvml Inlay muck rlnw II Mmh Inlllllnllml lrml MWMI IIA MM rIIllhInl Im mum lamm my Nmm NI Amnlrnn upwin mm uh fluev mm Inlt rhwllrrn our anlh VIN Nam In Um Inn ll lwuu uln the numer Anwlrm plan lllnl Alum um Id hogan 11 nmnuu no lo In 0n of III pilot mm Um uum lwn wnuwwl wale nr dam Four Sawmill lullmehr Ilr mlsxilu wru ml In allnckarn lll luIMNI 1er mm wolmnnn mmmd way mli minim nrulwny mm mHu mlh cnunwp mm 91er SAwON CII ILS Navy MINI nwml Hum In AI plmnfl Turulny In lhc llllrd Illnmvl day rnldu 0n Nunh Vlol Nnflu VHM lied lllvu Mr Dhfrnbnktr rnIINl In the Tnmmnnx or nn urgent debate an rrlxls uncrrlnlnly and chm In ll nflnlr lhn Hr lnld Slnlo Strrrlnry The dlsmlssnls have sparked mounting umtmvursy among um mllc and In Parllnmcm osiUon Le 11 DIMn hnkcr nnrl NIlP Imdrr Dough but mun Tucsday lar an lm mnllntc Irhnlc In the hmmom ml Ibo Tomnlo Imducm Ax Aorlnllnn Urrcnlcned drnsUc mrnxuns ll the whij LI no ltnprnld Mr Oulmcl Mod firm In managrmonln dccklm la aka MIJWnLWn and Mr Lnllnro of the program It ud nnl mn Ililnle change In polIcy But he hnprd Mr Leilcrmnn would conllnM as productr US Bombers Hit Closer To Hanoi Seven Day will be back CBC Prnsldenl Alphonse Oulmct said an the TV program NW Magazine Tucsday MIL nxcdxliva pmduccr Douglas Lel krmn The program will return next season but unless lame is complete reversal by 0130 man axemonl it will not have ca hosl Pnlrick Man and Loul Ilerlallcrre and Innyljm cyan TORONTO CF Debate both within and mtside the CBC conllnurd Tuesday over welismissnl the Lwo host nl ha lclcvlslan program Th Hour Has Seven Dayx 7DAYS DISMISSALS Producers Threaten Drastic Measures Han an No 92 The Hometown Dglly Newspaper For Earth and District hr wnr lmnt lmlny mum VIM 14mg nuHIM rum Mer vm American nkllrld In An Khn in he enrly HImnlnl Minna mvl llml 51mm In pmluwl plan Inmnnmx lwu trnnwun nlr Mn Todnyl rlnml Ilrlkn yet In In umlllclnl mummy Innme llnlxlumg and anal 1M llaml minM Ihc wnL The Examiner rumball mu1 DlllvlrlS ll lidllmlfll flunkI lulu4 tutn MuC Wulhnl Mr Douglas said the CBC would ho steady harmed ll here were mas reslgnnflon by producer and pcdormen ohkprodumx went on mum MPP SUGGESTS MOVE TO RIGHT hnMnrnh had admitted the Seven Day dLspqu film the top an Iceberg sympto malic more fundamental problem Ann mama my qu htMMJn said mistake wns made when thry wm bull and nlnco 0m xuvcmmcnl that me was bond It wnx nMurnl 0m Um bulld In hpqu by 90 hr HI Think he hrndllnrn he told he Inglxlnlurr any Pally AMI Quoml Park 11m 111fo nm mcmber or Toronio Bracondnia Bid in ma legis lnmrn that 11 UN buildings wm moved nevrn in tha mi hay would line up pmme with flux mnil in he Miro cl University Ave NIKON CPV The govcmmtn shuuld move my Ontario legisluluru buildings to the right says 111m Gwyn ncn cietyassised TODAY Nthcl Fltinllnz wrlunz In Nm math Illflv Mu Ilvp nmmhy mnuld mm nln llw Ilvrmnn fullwllc Chunk Mu Inltlnla pnxvu mt rmhallm He mynl mnmklhn IIHHIU Anmlnlml In cumin Hm QHMIII unr va ml pm my all mo 11er mm nmuiuglm nu mun um mu Tm runnnnnlnlm dump Hm unmu 1mm IA llw Ill Ahrwv rhmnlnz mm lnynlly Ma lumlm hvr um mumm nhvmhlm In nullWM My numlmr nI MIMI wvllm mmnuhllr Imu lan Imklnl nlmh nummdvy In Mr hlnhdny mumt Hrr mum um ymmm rltlr wlUI Hm ml nprnm pl lammnml LONDON WI 11m QImn Myrnlnl Ilvr WI hivllulny nmndny In In Immm film puhlirlly Imy wunml mulrl Murrlmn Ilm 1le NM wnmdml mm mllldlo nun TV Wm hulnllwl In both novormnenl and lmnnlllun hlm In HIM mtmlmrn cnulll lrrw lmlh the ammo IIan Hm Ilnnlry mnNinnl unim mm the amum Um Lil cm awrme mxly with aloud Um mu of two nunconlb damn mmlrma lnsplml by F14 mncu Minlmr Shani March 29 no uprch OTTAWA CPIFrom mm lldny Enslrr holiday MII divldul their limo Tmsdny he lwllfl he Commom nml lhdr television ltLL Queen Celebrates 40th Birthday In Toronto 70 member of the Jnfnrmnlly organized annnlo Prodmm Assoclnlion son an nlllmnlum In Mr Oulmc In Halifax lbwHoning Ir1x lc monsurc Including if necessary withdrawal pm ducm inrvkc II nrgaflnllnns on the dlxmissal are nut opened flawi2 Examitwr current budget dcbaln have been dealt with Thu mouon vim ddeuled but ha subject oxpcdcd to bo taken up In 0w standing cam mluce on broadcasting which probabiy will start hearing Thursday Wnrks Minislcr McilmiLh op posed ihc moiion while Com mon Speakcr imourcqux said debate wouid be in order lri day alter noncaniidenoe wereiha quit in he Liberals Withstand Budget Motions OI NonConfidence dy jab While Wayne Var me holds the dog Sandy however some limo appre hensiva abut Lhe necdlem the of the pidlfrc Mme illnlnn innrrnla In Elm mu du Quch hum In Invl nllnn fimllny while thou uwdmln ulna umflu dem nmlrallml auLIJde lolllull lulldlnn mu mm min filament MIN all Qutiw flwlmu In mlflkly Huh Ill Indu NWIll 13 Qnrhern Hrnrrnl Hnlvm ilmlrnu 1m lnvflnl HI HM lnrmllll Inunudnlr In Iran ha pm Vlmlnl lugldatum FINA rmwnm 4er In llvlku rl lrdmkll MIMI ludi In Ill plmlnll mmlnl nlllnml lho trrrumlnl lunflhm murh lnnlmun nl Innnnrrllqulmp murh ul Hm mm or llwlntt WHIM dluppmr we um Mlu WM Um lnckoy Knvm was close 00044 Duranmu vole In the Commma wnml Only five lelllflu and two Indo ncmicnt mm jolnod wllh Nuw Ikmocrnla in mm or lhu NDI Inollnn Mllrh lald UM hudm npuuch would hnvn rnlwl mmml Income up anllfmx Que Students Seek Settlement 0t Technical Teachers Strike bumm Chicago mark mum and Dnlrofl Iml Winn Nuw dont you man My wnz begged the xroom Im galnx tn have cnoum Imuhle upmng you In hu tomor pair of Mirand Mcppei In their howl elcvntor Hello darling mummd the putty openAlma There was chill al Ience nll the way up but when um couple wasdeth per the bride uphka Who was ml hm Finance department omeinfl say the money collected prob any will be deposited Snldnlly tn federal government accnunu In the chartch bankx This wont have much cum on the moncy supply at the start but it wet Wage companies postpone xclnvcstmcnt their profit Ln new plant expanllnn Its novel Mural wanlura Into taxation as dampencr an wenheating the economy 11m EMA motion Barrio 13 finii Cu mm nml our mm mm HERES ONE Onurlo CamdapWoHnuday Apr 20 I966 The lludrnl lemnmlnuu Turulay mndwd lo lem lnllu bulkllngn and nurtan multh for About an mlnulu mu lhnlr mp1m In km the null Now luvnnmenl PHIMWHI lumen IIUJM and dure mumal noon Il ya llh mun1 member at 11 Indie du lnlumul dc IElnl dn Quehu the cube gunmen dohm unlog lmj In me In vhwn 1h uWanm Mr numb mllun um All hr wtutlnn at um cunllkL to ml nilnMA wail lvrwlr inn unxmxinc xi Ibo mm and lawlth II 011an wmruc own 1er 14mm man In onukulmly nnmllnn 1mtllimr mu mil Mr We VA award 01000 lvrr Hm dewmu Ha MM 23 full Ifo wlkkn slnlklnf awrrmivu In lmn mrlllgcnl lmlmmlmm nml mpmily lwr lunldrbln II Mm AWAIIIEAIVIOHTII 000 10 um IlluhA nunhurl mm 11 um um lwmflllul all muman Mu ulnmon In both mm unl nlrkrIA running rnlr Ml mum at Momma mu mul hnlllly new lilunnd prmnhl mu wlncrnbfllly uni bmm dove kl mm 5mm pram and mmMed with qulmwnl values mmmm lo ally mm and Inc an 1113 wanna Mme 010 Queen on Unit mm wlll have InAc madam on um back mxlnlncd by Mr Cul muted by Alex Gzlvfllc 46 Sackvflk NIH mils wilh an lntcrnnllunnl rupdnflon nmkm and flair were minded by ml 11 member Imrd LE judges In companion opmod two man ago 7mm cm Wu 1907 centennial manage will bear Imam by mum 11115 wildlile dsxvlmng var km sped the country SOUCIIOMENERAL Pen ncll Is seen talking to report an following his mmncement in the Home of Commons on mm the use Stez ma wLH be mriewed He said the form the review will lake will be mum Finance Mipisicrlsham any FOR CENTENNIAL Wildlifé Défiiéted On New Coihage mm mm ELL mum lfi It 00lth dmrgru are the first mmplclo cl nl mw dc aim since um nlllmml me ulnl mtmnmnurntlvo nltkclx ml Illvcr dnllm ham hem minuvd on occmlnn nbo minunz 020 gold win with ho Qumn likmm on UN am my Um um of arm Canada on lhu bark Mwwupu ML Sharp nnouncumont hu chose wildlilv to armbclim the cmkmlnl Walnallon be came of in mdurinu and mean lnrful mlu lhmugn all he yuflrl Canadas New wins Ilepid mayh kam Ibo beaver the Nova Scull 5anan lllucnoue umllnnd caribou the Cam dénn cm of mu um um In arx and myng In up Mm my lm Ad LA Im flgxucenlcplnl Qanndn Friday foDvwixu Mr Pcnnufls meeting with Ontario Attorney General Am W15bafl Tum can nvw serving We sentence or the 1959 manqu lation at 124mm mm Harper near airman Ont Wierol Hm 1mm mums ron mm Mr Hmflmm Mme Wham observer 1110 wudd mm mm prwm dayn make to the mural mth dlnncr nm Aumdm Imm 11 dmxflve but we run al ways hope hr Guam he said Wnrld mnmunum knlmhnx ho Swim brand mm mm wnrhvridu ntmmkn and nut mansion ml Pruldmt do Hulk Frm may find ml suntdhm about II orth mmlnx run MW he mu dicta the VI Nam male in mg near but are nwvlng Sn the rim mien Amen mm lmn Arrodour nnfimsudor In runway nu 1mm mid mutiny nWL NAN Mum Franco In i4 mulury lramuwmi will be 11 dlfocflve but we run nl Mr Paine said he could not go beyond his announcement or mvlcw because he ndmlnls 1mm Justice Ontario was lnvalvmi and courtesy required that ho discuss the mview with Mn Vbharl before making ddaflcd Announcement Oppositbn and er Dielen baker said the reaction to Mr Palm11s statement would be gcnmlly favorable and re newed his call or new trial Tho carbine has Rm power order new trial whom nddl flunnl vidcrlce could be inlm ducnd There have been report file cabinet will ask the Supmme Court 01 Canadn special revicw the cusp and an wink Inn mum gui or hm MEL Harriman Claims Viet Nam Struggle Is Not Near End Inquiry pardon or new trial new book by Mm lsn bd Allowdais argu thal Truscolt was he victim at mucanlage of Mike Thu fiuscofl case was raised in he House almost daily be ore the Easter mass when of all parch requested an MP5 banged lair desks in approval when Solicitor Gm eral Penn announced he re view in the Com Tuesday He said the exact mm of we review will be ammmced later alter th meeting Ftiday wiLh Ontario Altomey General Ar thur Wisharl 10 19 mm of OTTAWA CHSteven IIus cott convicicd of murder at the age cl 14 in sex strangling will have his case reviewed after spending the last seven years in prison MPs Bang Desks In Approval Rs Announcement Is Made NOIMOTI Than 10 Far Cop 24 P59 Cannda and flu US had mod nuclhcr clmcly In Ibo past and deruly Um an deslmwd In mm In do an no urnmini understand lmz over the mm in mm 5mm numln Incas mot xxmun to tmpmvc mud tkm nnd the 3111 with Irldtu in mm extmt L1 driving than othur nutawn but only fatlum will mmilm them In cnd Immien mid Mr llnrri man He drew on personal exwlemu will Jose SmLIn 5mm PM Huier Kosymn Iku other world leader on mpmrt bk camWon Lmt curman mu balm Kw In be the eviu cannole 1115mm oncr pmbably told Will he be old officially UMchdly we will get some dimlon 1mm lb mmmlsslancr Mllmlllflcsf mid Deputy Wnnlen Du Asked Truscdt had been laid his convicflun and life scn once on made conviction in tho slaying Lynne Huper would be reviewui the Min replied KINGSTON CHWe havn rmcivcd mofficial miuflm as yet Deputy Warden Ros Duff of Collins Bay Mum um sald Tuesday when wld ha lodezal government has de cided on review of file Steven nuscou case In 1961 the Criminal Code was mended to wipe nut ma dualh penalty or ynudu under Tniscoll was sentenced in be hanged in i950 flier being trin as an adult in criminal court But Ihn sentence was commuted to like imprisonment by th Didenbaker cabinet view Sfie mu decision wwld be made Friday and royal commlssian set up lli1 mother commented Tutsi day she was quite plused with nynougcemmt of re Hle senterice Comm Bay neal Kingston has always insisted he had nothlng to do with the xlnmgung of lZycnrrold Lynne Harper near Clinton om June ked 17mm had radio fly ndjo then Cloudy with shows GYM on MW Low mm so high My 65 For ownpletg wealber wmmary see page two

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