AlUmm nnuva Mmllalm Mr yrnnl ml or Iomn yenu Um UH II lb nflurnco ol nur vlsllau lm mmw NW nnhd lxh vlwu about Ihu Cnnnllnn pnfrrmrn winging mm no dorklnlly mm MK Mn rum Nirk ï¬mrnfllrh In Mm MIMIer nlm mum W1 drmnml nr mm ï¬lm II II muvmhm Um Imm Jyvr 1m mm nnp llur Am ulm Ink Iur IMV rum Minna le erVI IIIIIK hr MUM ah Ilw Ihll mln Mu 5M mum Man II in wrry IM mm of ml YMI pl lmllrr mm lnmue ynu ml nk lnr mvr lwl IMrr INI anallyr mu =1 mman Mannl HMVN WNWu Axum mu mm hm my mam nl nm llnu llulauranl uzrml Um um cmlrmwn mm or ruflm lml he IAIII Ila um llml 0min IIï¬llWllfll hum lr mum OHM Iar mm 11 ml Hwy uml lo II In Our rrdnurnnl Um vlmnmul cum mudl xrrnlrr wlnIrr ml murmur 1101th Slat 1mm In Um W11ch cl lmxrish or homo clhtr mmn Cnnmh at at has his part Canada brcmnlng milieu of Mouldnkrrl Ihln In viml comm to ma dorm auu whm mnru ma whl Wu n11 mmly Iva mm at tnrlm to every one at In nld Nrn Jmlo 11mm and her Inu luwl Dunch Multan All of lhn More Restaurant New Prefer Coffee Mr Priest who was rnklnx hlx Inwn when lnlcrvimmi said he appreciated tho had for tho anus to an Inlr share but observed that Jun life in man cadmium In uxmn centm Iodny In it on ho hum Ills wife Mary who was helping Mm with the loam looked up Ind cured my wtr married 45 yam agajn 1W All the average farmer want fab deal with everything else costing more it my right the lmnu shauld Imp up You cant pay $30 pan or leweekold pigs buy and and market them at the samu price observed Mr Priest as he added sympaqu will Lhu mn ers becausa mud or years down on the $0th Cmcossian and knwl tha problem ï¬rst hand People do nnt 1k to and food cosh rise and neither do But them going Io be Inflation ham no good reason why the armor should be lagging be hind ecmomlcafly PARIIY PRICES Thu Karma enlilltd to any prich But this shmxldnl Cltunpud lhlouyl blocking mad but rum negnliaunn and rwrmenlaliom to the proper whatinn is kept up they 3111 have to pay attention MINESWG Skim believe amen serve to ceiva reasonable prices or their products In line Ih coals but cant Ice any use lo the suggestion of Wading roads to get it said Jack Prim re tired mm mm living In 11d Vespra Townsth Jomxmmfly Five speaker in the Ontario publla mam contest toured Niagara Falls1 the day after the find the guests 0n Vespra Retired Farmer Opposes Road Blocks $EETON GIRL IN SPEAKING CONTEST Illthiy pollflml mlqu lulu II Dun Irlrn ImI llath Inhlc lqu IOII ml Ivy Jlm MM and Amlmw Tllmrr ll MII ml mumh by lnhn Flw mm Viclur JNmnIuw nnrl mm Mum wlnnlni willéunr Allianon nnnHer mvnnl limit Ir Hm mailman nl HA also rmml tanNMh Inl onl IIIMDPOHD Mall Ml ml Allamnnhhlp mp In lhn lmluflrlnl AMI dam Ihadlml DNrM Id MM drumnurnlm by hvw ulnmm Illwlny 11 mm 1er rrnvluru at Hmnnl llnulwm um Imp urrlullymuln Immln rJIalr he mil Ii MMrJlll Ilrhw ml My amnva num mm Lu rry mud Hm runrm ml lull Mara mu no mum An lnnnvnllnn II In new Mm mlnz pool with shin and mm Nick Kunnh he Caribou MUM In Dro Slnflrm unmlul Hm mics NIH Ulrro nlml our In one In mm mm Wu mm largo whxmo nl wr and mum trade In wrll local pmph Im unld 1n rnlumco ho Carflmu ml nuranl Sorm yam be cmmlul 1M 1mm wow Mnhrr lhnn co mmyinm In mm he pnmlnr wlng lo come OM opornmr mum lonely Wu dont count them Window Display Reveals Skills Bradford High School Boys had 11 horsu on my arm at one Ilmc Now here are lots of farms moralM wllhwl hor at all said Mr Prlcst explaining Ihm in M5 Inner years of farming he mod truc Wa no pfcscnlday Mintsing the closest to blacksmith man mom Horses aha warn the th means of truaporlmlom H4971 HORSES nuvu nu lflslxng or mun generaunnsx Mg ricst mum among the ï¬rst in the Man mm are to get cledrlclty We had In use olJbumlng lamp for light before ho sald marking on Iho greater fire hazard mm dripping nil il cam was not taken While most Imn homes In the area now have regulaled oil heat nearly all in me 20 de pendui on wood We used to under abo wood gumAI Mm nes smiled as she re ennui preserving berries and bakin on he old fashioned medialaim slave of the was lot more work Hum 01 the modern ranges she commench Io thch her hus band added But the cod tast ed Just good or better Then nothing to equal good home made preserves and baking F1551 rm AREA When we ï¬rst started mm In we didnt have electricity wrigeraflon or hundred and one other may which young people take or granted today said Mr Priest Iaria Hydra an lam Jillian Moat and Ranaid McGee both Fort Francu Ruth Connel of Beaten Corran Bowering Walkman mm Mayy Mor lauhmlv new ma will In atkml In up 0750 NM or hnnm Wuhan £unl PLAN lllMNTfl VIUIYHKM fllIumhr llennru unnmmml Mun day Ibal he VIIIh MINA aovrmmonl running MI mun tl anvml hnmlmh nitn Iuym HI Mrlnl lmm hy jam AIM ImI Ell indmr Iml III by Kn Illm BF and him9 alum Ivy Danni AynII In and Mm Km mm nlw rww mum Ihnn mdln My erMlnn ml Inmut Illa Jazmin IIA Allo mlmrlhy uhihlu Puknvrdn Mm nny Kenny salt the will mom coma Hum ea In lerllncd lo ullnuzln lhu rnUn Durhu ho mmnw Aha Inld IMP mun PM may In unusual lmmun Um am morn Uï¬ mum mum mm Ilul Around Mm lhms urn many Scolllnh nuvmmr mlrlrnu and my llko duelr Ion hero numb ran lit by Iho pool and drlnk calico or Ira while than 0911th swim We expect ll lo ho quHo an numb llun ha mlvl wlm rulhmlnxm puinlcd lo lumrlom nur ruurxlinxl nm hmlul pool lmll nlnndy hnl mlvrd comlrkr nbln nllemlnu mle Mr P1105 said he read with Interest about ONI Insl black vsmllh Ben Guul whom he had met snvcrn 11mm Located b0 side haum at Guthrie Mr Guests shop has no becn crntcd In rcccnl yeara In He was lino larrlcr 00 mm Mr mm ho cammcnlcd on the race ham once shod the Gut1 Hump At one time Mr Prion re cnllcd bIMksmIIh shops were common In Ibis arm Bcsldes Youngs he mlemd lo the 1an Dan McDonalds imp at Edcnvale ho Into Justph Gra ham 40055pr and amen It doesnt seen too mauy decades ago Iluce Youngr blacksmith shop across Illa 32ml mm Ibo pm Dum lnnl shop Wu kept busy shoe lug bursa There always seem ed be some mum of course every armm dbpended on them remarked Mr Priest For work on the farm hor werent usually shod but road horscs used for lranspor lalian had to hnvo proper shoe protection Wu used lo lhrlll watching lha blacksmith pound out and lil llw shoes It WM quite an art said Mr Priest as ho recalled the lnle John Young at work In hls shop Mr Durnlord who came to Mlueslng mm Midlnnd work ed wilh Mr Young or some ume balm going lnlo buslnes lvlmsel Garfield Durnford welding place when dud work In making ornamental iron works repairing arm and on equip ment and car panu nan Clanaward The com Lat was sponsored Jointly by 0mm Hydra and the Ontario Schovl Tmstecs and nacepay Association Hydm photo RESmISI TRAILERS BRADFORD 5mm UN taller puman rcsldenm ls bannnd in Wu Gwlulmbury annsMn mm now an follow In Image of bylaw by tho lmmlp men 1110 bylaw dou not womb tfaljen by enmier tar limited Ilme BRADFORD Staff Since 11 game which meant Lo much to our lawn in the put we tea is shame we havent any lucrassl activity to monk now remarked Nurman Cow my leading Drndlord bus ncssman and naelime pm hoc key playez We have had many dum plonshlp teams In said be exhibited photographs of Bradlpxds lamed Ontado dum plazu M1908 TrlCotmly win ners 1m and other mud out clubs Sunderland MMIael Ma Kluslry and Lame Church are three former llcld Intros sum now In Lhclr 70 who can recall Bradlorda mmime arm in Car adaa national game Thomas STAYNER mas RATE INCREASE ileevo William More rqi rescni Stnynu Conniy Council while lilo muncillm bald llir Pool include Don aid iiiciniyre Ailisinr Mm Do William Knox Ken mm Ken and Km HumanIng Uon Oulham tron um 77 Mayor Eimur Dorily and member his council havo been working on he budget or some timei Councillor IL Paul chairman of ii nnncc has been giving it special allcnilon but all ha members have iaken part in discussion Lika mm nlher munici paliiim Siaynzr inccl in increase wiih uhooi laxa Iion highcr and other toxin STAYNER sum WI havent received all our school requisition yet but we hope is have the guru anon said Culham clerk ilnllnz was possibla Slaynu Council might mike overall tale the next regular mcciing May Thu iinrlx at glib We Bradiord Citizens Déplore Decline OfLacrosse In Area smoun start 1m 51d gr envy and THE BAFRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY APRIL Finds Retuï¬iing Home Best Part 01 WorldWide Travels DISTBIWW NEWS AUTHOR DIES mMWA CMDb Gurdnnv VI nulhar ol book on luhcmlosh mamh Hod hm Sunday He win the in Imu lnlcndrnk ol lbs 110an Guam sunlarlum from mu to 1075 Among tunm Bradlord marl lam them is considerable Inlcr on in mycamld baselde plflmr of pmmlsc Mike Kllkcn My who with Um Daron th ar orxanlmdan He muo be come lho next Cmnndinn to make nod In the Major nameswt all wish him well cammmlbd Mr Colllny Games like hockey nnd ia arose mquira mi conditioning and you have in work at iilo excoL mean sacrifice and con Illml pracliu star of Bradlorda ma County senior winners Bruno Carolin was recent visitor Now commercial xign artist the Wilma goal gm now live misudburyr Mummy opinion on cum Lson of todays iorwardpass ockcy with the older rule Mr Coiling laid Coiling was wllh West Town Junior whm they beat out Tomnto Marlboro or the OM Junior uu In 1929 His brill lanco right wing gave him his chance in prp pockcy mm my book rank in 1550 wi limeapox su en he signed conuaclbm the old New York Americans 01 he Haven and Philadelphia Arrows helm giving up pm hockey about 1533 Now 56 Mrfllkilings is with Handy Farms Limiicd for whom he does considerabie traveling liccenlly he returned mm trip lo ihiexica Mr Cdfllng said be well memberbd the last at the val JnntlMd lacmse learnt Ha himseu played Held lacrosse or Bradford and mini as juven il junLlorbclore he puppcd Bull retired bank manager who Is one of Bradford oldest rasldonu can go back to an arller peflodl We had some gnod boxla crosse team in he so and lat alter the war but our new ext lacxom lame cams mm tieId lacrosse he laid stating oldleen would relate when all the more closed up on the aller noan 01 games wlth Barrie New mnrlm or Orillla teams The mm might as well have elm ed may tell us because every one at the game anyway He Hid he exï¬ocu be sent in Lybia in North Africa an miss for Ml mpany soon nephew nl Mr and Mrs Wake Dawney o1 Runesing Mr anney had his wide and aunt and other relatives attend farewd dinner before relumlng to his New Yad affine all the plum have been dont think onjnyad seeing my much gelling back homeJor spell and meet ing relatives and friends 1va tech some magnificent scenery bothin the Far East and 50th America 000 Mr n4 uwlu mwncu um mr waney its he hastilyadd There was revoiulinn in Coi umbia when in visied Saulil America or his company but things wars quieter in Peru when ha Ipenz mm his iiil In rclcnlng lo no higher coun ly tax rate Mr Dauncy smiled ville and usually manalcs to gel to session or two every year His brother Cnrmnm Mm also was former nova mne llmc acumpnnles hlm th It has been war since he has on lhe council he cmlinged orfollow um county Mung over nssub monk Thnt In um quite an undertaking and It will be In lcrcsllng lo allow Iho progress made Having been warden luv great deal cl ympalhy or lho cmmly memben Then will be more problems than ever now and we had them too er responsibich said Mr Downy Who will be 73 nch 0c tuber he spoke about the county now locking alter anew men and welfaren We didnt hnva to balhcr about hat from lhu county level In my day MINESING Stall All ï¬le charges which are taking place prpduca prohlm whldt we new had to deal with xald Wai ter Duwney Slmcoo County wax dcn in 1919 when asked hll opinion of the presentday coun ty administration the ï¬gures is probably not wise Io try In predict the race but it looks as it it will be up some he laid School Inc are up and there have been other increases whlch more than all saving from light anowpiawhng wint er the county assessment and welfare change and other lac lars Because the change Vesprl willhavelopaynmlolha MEETING MAY Turnlng to other tawnshlp aln Mr Forbes said tha next regular meeting will be on Monday May Among other things he said he anticlpatod the la glues wouldperdimusod But here was no thought of cm It has been felt shmdd have our qwn 0mm Within Illa mmshlp or some time and Wu agreed mi would make an ex cellent ccnmmial pmject sald the Vespra rceve praising the good cooperaflonol hIn council and officials He made speck mmUon oi Ohe clerk Earl nich ardson and his 14 year de voted service He has been great help to us he nld ol Mr Richardson onetime reeve FixWarden Sees Great Changes MIDHURST Slam Wflh approval having beenreceived for government 5111an and the measure having passed council work Is expected to art loan on new Vespra Townshlp ï¬co was stated by Reeve Waller Forbes no site is Midhum next to the lmshlp inflate nnq equipment shed Midhurst To BeVSite Of New Vespra Office BESTVPï¬iCTIIRE OF THE YEAR REX HARRISON Bosl Adar WINIEfl 0F AtlDEMHWARDS IIIGLUDIIB TIM TolMh mm WILD WINTER ILIII Mimi run ARM MIMI lmoim Ml lllm Admlulon Prltn MugM lull STARTS TOMORROW oNlz snow AT OrrWA CPI Peruplla consumption Rd menu In 1965 declï¬md In pounds In Ibo mevlou ytar the Do minion Bureau Slimllu parted Monday On average tho Individual Cnnadlnn consumed 761 pvund bed 192 pounds of pork eight pound veal 43 pounds of canned menu 14 pound um and 15 pound mullon and limb Iali guess BII tease was only to be expectnd other cash probably are up loo Advised lho county also 15 committed to helplng lo estab Us university Mr Downcy that pause People are looklng In the county or mare services and they must be pald for Since they luff toqk over assessment In dug lhoughh Mm an mum 24 years He said lhcrs was con llderable demand among Vespra residents or Lhcir own ofï¬ce in Lhelluwnslgip andrcoundl decld the vanship and cound decld ed to go a1 with the rfquesls an Mr Ironic and ma Tawn ahxp beg rgnupg omce In nu cwncii received an ac damagonlnst Dgcember ratepayers have berm good enough to give acclama Hons when they feel we deserve he said as ho hastily added In explanation As 11 council we feel it up to the ratepay and they should have the or not Unlike some municipalities Vcsma has not adopted twoyear term for coundl um any nclllï¬n seven have been helped by good council he said giving crcdll Ia Deputy Reeve Wellington Dobson and Cmnclllors Carl Daren Russell Ham and Leo Cavnnaugh Gï¬rgmmunoxsr county as will the other man ber municipalities hvpe It workswt or the but It must be realized hexe are many problems to be lead to assessemant which lat lo Ulmnghout the unly thereeve rcmarked Now serving his Isth year as member of Vespra Council mm 15 In his second Mal3 mu some Idvmlag CO UMIEION DROP In 1mm nmmhmnmmmav CANAUIHI DAIIV 7000 IIHVIOI IUIIAU NWMLVMILOII HIM Snlnd Forocnll Spring nun bnwh will um ï¬ning lnluan Mm Illmld wnh um um mm Ind chm moulno Yo tun daily low mum ma cup Ilmddod Chadd chm Kcupuulnudcmlhod pmuoplc um unlupm IImon lulcm Chm mn Ind um ovv lomd ulndnmnl Ind lullmm unpl Mod mm chlmn Porlact Potatoes vmmm lm mm mm tIkunnanMIanIaMd wilh hm PumaI AMI To msku lhII any dilh Ill mmiumund pomnn lhinly Indm Ileublupooru bunu ANIan In pomo ï¬lm In onunlvla Ilclu In rm and Iqum tumult hmlhlng Inch luv mm molxud buns Ind uuonlnp wlm Ipvlnklu 909w Ind choopod union Top wllh lIblIIponnI Ihloddnd Canadln zhoddu cheuo Ind only Clylnfll In 400 mu hum 1in Ind bmwn FOR All YOUR DAIRY NEEDS Wedding Ihawm In ms nu Inul Tm two light undo mavinuuu Add ungv men all crunchy Illvond llnmndl Ind 1M Iptclnl main flufy whlpm mum to damn du nm Fm Iwo 9Inch round merinquu count on ï¬rm plnl whippr mm 15ouncl mcknuu mun Illud puchu Ind cup xlwmd limonda Shonly bu luu Iovvlnu Iluw th puchnl Ind duln wall Whip lhI mum unlll mhlv um Maoltnlna Iliahlly Ind lnynr lhslngledinnu on yourvuul ul caka Man as both ways but overall our awn ofï¬ce was considered bel erJ he sald stating the cen tennial grants Presented good opportunity lAKEVlEW DAIRY Dairy wuv lap choéolm Dmll Food cm maiahl om ho own In Mar mlnmu anl by 13lnch cakacomblno cupuaurunamkcunhmwn luau Ind cup calmly chapped pecan Spmd mm hot uh and mum In tho wan to mlnmu until Cool thorough and um gunllhud with mm nchlno chum or Ilicod bunnm Cloud Nlne Torte ngllluh Tapper WE gJACKPot $22000 LEGION HALL 7L COLLIER sr WEDNESDAY APRIL 20 snmma AT my Domppcn Mm LEGION BINGO