9an mmn In rmmnn mump nu mm mm up Trnhnn 1m In hummu nmn Human mum WM mm mmw mun Mm 4va ur nunInn Inn JIMIIM NH vvll hunk IM mm mu 1mm mum lulu erhmn mm ml rm mnmh mild mm mm funmu mm 1mm 17 Want ACEHDan CystThey Pay nunml 021 nan um mm mm Iv lulu Mlllrvmry Dvmluu bl WNL um thhlv Wuqu Ivy ll mm pm pm um um um mum 7m vmu ï¬rm uum lunn In um rnmunun nunbl hImom nunu nunm ml mmn Mun nut nm mum PM mum rumm mm mu yrllnw om hnIduml ulm ml Irnnn am an mm IIIIm onru tmmma our Ind awn lvvr um um mm mm mlh mm mm ijullnri 29 um Mull lhmv Rtmnnnu nu 9s Colllcr st mmxnm 1w mm wm Ila 7c co or Imnmrxsï¬ The house at lino Innadloom DOMESTIC EASTER SPECIAL No payments UNTIL OCT 1966 $550 FORCED AIR Oil Furna es 105000 BTU rnpacity ln cl uglvlork Isunncr AND ovm ALL OPERATING McFADDEN FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE PARK LTD 72802 mum awn mower lampla nid 559 We also quarry complete 1mg 01 over 400 models of new aids with cm In suit your budgetwith um down payment required one super Ham on hand the followingre mnditiani aids onoycar gush mice Amusï¬wn body aid $14 Zenith body aid 15 afloat body aid 25 tsupm power Zenixh Main body laid H1 Telex tangle model W5 Acoustimn ONLY $780 PER MONTH lPhonu now or inlormallon No angalinn QUALITY HEARING SERVICES fllchppeifggnst Barrie p3 SUMMER RESORTS mmmmï¬ 3mm Won 151mm 73 mgeéï¬hm NI emuuh um um mï¬umm Ammanmp mum mum Mm 1mm am um um woman pnm nubu MM 4ARTICLES FOR SALE RbDM AND BOARD munronsmn swam mu hldxnom dlmllx mull mum Gunman Him wmp In mm mm Emu bldxnom mm Involy um mm um um pad um pued en 34mm my um mum Wm mm mu Convenlem bu Denice Telephone mxm mm and nixm well uteri or awly as lea sum ham IIDRDW unturnmm mm mm mm enerct own then mm cmuxned mumzed mm an end 1m flaw door uxu plzue Annb1 Manuela ï¬lmm mason Wm Hansen mam germu Imam Am luvqu rumlm nun Taxepiom moon nr map UNIVERSAL RUG WW mn meal bunben dram vmuan 911nm ï¬oved nail roirbunm 1nuc om Imry ea III 11 131mm Idephnnl ngmlvr woSEéiixeiEduJazna Rm muse nweunuu ahemeu wulm mum AEGL TWO Bedroom WEI11mm mnnmr And my wplled clot on when cm SL nu mum mum MI ma phm mma WALLWIN BURNER SERVICE 7201359 lplflmlnt or lent WMI rem 5114 m1 mu mun Cnmnxm an End snappxnz Talephonu 7260675 wwwmw wwm Axumn or run Mn Ind mm an at Pankin mucus 7y Taiwan mm may BEDROOM mund floor 5n or me Em mum on nmï¬o Amman or Hm unmishtfl Cent Mich mm 1mm lnlvmaflan frlephanu1m7666 Inn Whom ONE In Room lam ammoo um mum ï¬ï¬ï¬fï¬ï¬Ã© VII or Mll Dfl lcmlm lnbludcd menu mw Earned my Earth RENTALS AfARTMEmsw RENT 30 Inch USED RANGE Iinqmwélï¬f ww we no nythmotanlm Roms TO LET 11ch 17nd prim lhuna 72mm mum my run many I7 HTIH ASH HAUL TERMS ZENITH Hm 1N0 HMUHJ 1mm day Ni ll Foxlmml lmlnrln IArrnro Nu mm ka lnMngur lmI Ill1M FmCK lllglm prlm pnhl or lead nr 1ple culllt and ham Small nnlmnlu munmi Fur Ml mvlu PHONE IMHIUH 771l77il Iliullndl nr nll luf an uma Mu Mnm lrm In Inn 14 mm ptumlnu mmrm my cum ll rllvlrl Ilv In min In mnmll FARM MACH CHARLES CHUEIT Farm 5lele Sorvlcu vhv inf va mum mm whim gin IMP MN IVI dun hum mm N1rli All mm FARMERS mm rm rum uan Mun In In on TrlqImnl mum Wm nthrun ham mum III IMï¬l In In unlm mum Tllwllmt 16 1w lhllnrnl mum maxum nu ma nhmxu lawXe mm mm mu om Itmmy yummy mum nm ma mm pm ml mun lrnwn mm mndmnn Twin ptr 754b ml Trhvhon In Allman not nntncLM mm 15 ltd mp balmy dad mend noun unn Inder Mndvnleld um In MINI wm MMII 7a ham mnlnn luconulmonm Trem 1m In All Ior ms Hum FRUITS vaï¬rï¬ï¬ 1H1 Hllznaussnl Plywood nunmun luxly equle lul um lpnrly mm hp um Cum huun comm Much mm or wood nr mum yum mom In my mum molded alwa null um IM to rm Mnnma mow Mm deem nm or Good tondluon hm um Telemann mum Hum uno hon um hp Johmn nbo 111m napmo uva lnr anrude motor Ant Ana Sinai Burk rurnnncnur 12 ll Ilulnlnum ell20 hon Ind vwru muummL cc ric Johwn lmun Tu Ne an Inn unn uh new Mun be mm rumM sum Aplflmem pm macs Mm ARTICLES WANTEE TREESAND SHRUBS Wm Plywood boll 7284721 CHIHUAHUA nub Whole hm monm named madam mm mm buuuu bxux munmu mum 1034156131 New GARDEN SUPPUES mm rl id 31ka LEQIKI 01¢ 3mm at minimum pup um um mnvlrM vAcmm cum at lrpflnz clenlm ul meal1 xii 958 PM on yen 1wa of Wu vimumu ban an anen me molar 5mm Isam Nam mg other angle of med man nut nu pm And new Lola modeh from 319 up All machines mlly mandluoned and warmed 5mm of Bum of emlopeax boob Munlmn II MW vncuum Clonet nu my Munuum um arman rm uh our yumu mumm 7mm nlmcmmnun or color the brawn Xellher ax chair Both In nod Gammon mm mn RXECWPW Am Chllxl emu ml Mm mum my back walnut um mu mud In essmum MDun Wm hp cnmï¬iÃ©ï¬ BOATS Rglqud Boats Ltd mama wxln mum nu but In men Ian mu ex cellent common For an inlalmmnn Idahom PORTABLE RAND Dlm mm emsuue when mm umltv mm Ann chllr Roam divider sinLl Menu Must ll Tehvfllonl mnm VISION IV portbk mm mm um nu tube unlinked om nu only sm or gwmonuw smgn mm mu cowmu or an enema ux lo callm tonaluon vhom meL rar manna3 m5 nn Telephou 30mm 4ARTICLES FOR SALE mumm mine madman ideal 102m colt wm we 1m 3735 mm ORDAN eleclfl WI mum DRILUA minimum Phone 3256141 DOG PETS BOAT SALE up to 25 on all mi um Dnflfllam lvlnlMl in mm lumrm 11 yawn mun Ity out Telzybon Inr TH ITVHHNITIK WrNT ADS rm 127mm mwm Milnu rum Mlln ma 11 rm mm math SALE RENT RQSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Led Erurn Gltnvlnle 20m cnlury nines Park and Survlro huh Turn up Wan 1m mmrnN Ml 7M MM MOTORCYCLES runtn mu um Winnhm nlmnmum rmmnrunu mu mu 1M um um Vimm law nun Trlrrlmm Wu lm INTERNATIONAL um um rumI Ilm uum momn mr man not arm mun haw Nu nmmn my man nun mo mum mm nllmllr HIMn1 nuMum mm ym rumllilnn lllfl lwfl nflvr mm muwlmlp mm rm Irnnlml Tqlmnl 771 III Hum um um rynn an Iumlml Imummlnn mu ramlflnn mu vrlu No mmuy Mun munm up mu um hIuum mml mu uuumo vrmy Man or Innham mm mm intEmu 01anan mm um um mm 11ml ry nwm nu an nwm nu hnhl rm Inn xm mo rALcoN Dfluu am lean ryllndtr llvtr Mm Hum nukth human 0n unIul mar mm nnv mm mum Dunn mm TrlrlleuM Til75L ma cnnvum ummrd lrlmmtp mu Mar mun lnw mun an bum mom May In marl tanxllfllm nu oil Tcmmmu 12 mo WHYm Sam ryllndel Aulamllll Innunlnwn mmmmy rrlnd rexmnon mom mn Ion an own Im wnn rm 39m Apply mm Phonl 7210905 inmlni mndlunn rounlry For lunher phonn 72mm CIIVIVMIIJAT mucxs TRAILERS muTm Imcyrnn nu puma pyl smu nun sun demons mom no man mu 17 Gown ml roan cqmll 1m rLHIalmn for me cyUMer mumac nun nu Telznham mnu DAYS ONLY 1965 POMMKJ COWBLE Odom sports VB nutmmï¬c power steering POWcr brakes power windows and many other was twice 51136 PIERCE morons LTD ll Essa Road 7235558 Your Volkswagen Dealer We Service What We Sell mflslfihusns Moron CARS FOR SALE NIN amcm cm or n12 Hemom Ind thleln crossed lmu mum Ind In men n11 Ewm JenML nude male when mm HDuTflN cows Ind mile lvdnlinl ox No down my men Ind yun In ply rm delivery In hm In onuno A9 ly Sun Ianblufll IUI lnuhlm out Phanl 3mm nwxsmzn Mm yam binds Ind nun colt Mu week old Ibo New ï¬lly 10 hind All Lhorwnhnd human Tc Dhom Slroud 0W 5° VIAU RAMBLER um um xour yem pmlnvzd um Ire Ind due to lumen mu Apply Gordan $21113 Baxm or Ielephono Itqu mm Cw dun my hf 123 an Imam awn ulephom mm 51 lmnMPz 14 EVE In Blbbtm strum RR 14mm HMMLD mun type ml mm ltlndudbred ere thorounu brad Wall bmkell wand Ind 114 mm to to mod Mme Nu evenlxxn iAUTOMOTIVE nummu bushel Hum GILL we Mm Chlmcllm Pen lulu vowerrclelned 1nd ï¬lled MhEninx 7231755 my auction we all Seed lur ule my men Muny 1m New 14mm me phan mmu BALED 51mm me An to an 5mm mum on mu ir mum mm mm 11 Ind 200 bushel Mind Grain Tel rho 7739340 01 mlm mm bay for me mm min For nmher mlnmuxon runmm mm mum mum of mm mm mm wnxly yen wlmd Iron our men Dutch umqu And renter WEN flln End In mu broiler mu to mu at uni turmnmwvm ma Iced efï¬ciency Ind oxalian flvxblllty 01110er next of brofln chick mm mom mum cm Van VESTOCK FOR SALE um xvr um mm In album Cnllhum mechan gum Mwnmm IN Cam PxM en mclu Tudor Dbu am am equipment ll me Also loo inch rum BOAKI MILK for uh huh guphum 1mm 7s FARMERS MARKET FEED SEED IA GRAIN POULTRY EHICKS1 FARM MACHINERY ownrf ur um luau rm or hm nmr mum Amm or Me pull my Im IV penn nunum me mu Mu nu ma 195349 135111 nqpr mm winchH our yur Ara lmnml Auwmlmi lmlnm ralnlm an Aw unwruhï¬ HIM H0 Ill ha llylmlnlr Imlnklml will lnmkliï¬p qmlllws In Amllw lmnnmlrlhly lml mnhnnl lle klll vinw llIiI mumnly rlullmzr allya skill will he lully mlhml ml by will mi luwnnk Irina mm unscran 1mm llnply In maximum wlnl lull mrlwlm In OX fllll llllllllll AllllNlION THE lllliAï¬Ulllrill Ara Hunml Mmummi mrrulm numb It IM fly 1mm mm In ammo If HHMVN In UM hmmlrr IM IIHiHHE Huhhlin AM InmuM ml pde Mmmmwnfl V111 T0 lulu Inr Hi my mm In llnmr 110 HIHDHHIU Slll xlmlmmn Inrmlnl mm In Mu pm MAN Int 101 Meru numm Mundane 10 work mulnu nm nu mm mm Ilu 13 mm Ilm um mm mm Wm 7a lunh xumlm Slock clerk and munlor man mr bullding supply wmpany Write flnx min Examinrr For lumber yard on was side of Barrie Expcricnccd shipper who knows how In handle men nne yard mm drivm Living In or outskir Harrie Tnp rnucs prnsion plan Sli days wetk Vritu Box 62 Harrie nminnr Chief Accouhï¬fgï¬yf mcmm nx rlhxnu pnpnrd Mm mkxeepw nmmm utu menu payroll ma countn51 human Weak Iur Ipwlnunen man maul QQMINION TIRE STORE ALA You DRINK am you huntsl you Win In mun mil our budncn mean or 7mm my lam 104mm Front End Alignment and Wheel Balance Experience Necessary 1955 mNInnNAL ruck lot Ill 15 mm phuann 1m um mm um Mm land nrw MU very low mlleue 1mm Hcminl RR Slime mun nuuW amp 1mm mm with mum luau mm Telwhunu 7289066 urln OFFICE CLERK PIdKUPS long do box from $2195 minding deluxe healer spare tire LEWIS INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS SALES AND SERVICE 120 PINE sr COLLINGWOOD TELEPHONE 4451611 1966 INTERNATIONAL 1700 SEEIFS DUMP COMPLETE equipped with 13500 rear axle 2spwd 55pcui heavy duly ram 345 V3 motor Branuozd box Ready for work 1966 INTEENATIQNAL FNN him muuu lord dump box Th ready or work IN smcx 1966 INTERNATIONAL F1500 TANme OOMPLBYE equip pad with Boshom seam 4specd aux Sspwd trqns 745 mum yu Weft Coast palm 12 EOOD 2mm GUMLLVHIIW PLUS MIMEKIDS HXIIAVSIVH COMPANY Male Helpï¬eeded Issamc bickup mo Jong box good Llres new paintJob mane 4W trans Mpeed rear axle ands onbvx Expeumtlcoudz Dn 1959 Ford7$0 Scriu Dump V8 molar 19500 rear mtch speed rearehd 5wa trans 990mm ply tire Thix lruok is hexcéllent condiflan ma Internaan mag Serics lo Dump Vs molar Sspécd trans med rear and Good cqndmon 951 GMcsmo Series Divan mm H360 GMC 960Se mm mm us mm mm mm nmhlnum 0mm Ed tram Hos like new This is one owner lrucklike new Must be 4157 V8 motor 15500 lb may axle sspeed VIIans xoomoxlz ply tires Good condition BRAND NEw TRUCKS was Chevrolet 960 serch 11 dump 18500 lb rear axle 7000 lb front axle 327 V8 motor speed tram tweed raagaxle 1mm12ply ï¬res custom cab xadl Only moo miles we fr dump xIE 95515on 6AUTOMOTIVE NEW USED TRUCKS TRucKs TRAILERS mi MAtï¬Ã©EF MECHANIC hm=lnrr hr Mil uwmmhlo In all meN Hulmliug mmmlz dalrwm plrzulnuun 1mm 14 lmdud m1 mum huka mmlunuy 1M no 62 Harm mum nn Trlwmnc THE MAN ml ully rqmlvlmz TQ $7500 315 Brm ms truck THE JOB Class Amly Tu ummy 11 IM MAI mm Hunt lllmll rum co um um unmm nmlnd Im mnumw mum mm Illll ruin mum Unm vrqlnml Apply ny mm my um All Ind sun 53 thIrr NlnM RIHIL um rmuu nuuln mllnlrnluw prmmru lull hr Hum 51mer Had Tmmo Ior llmwlturnrv1 our man In lam mu maul mu lmllcallu nr lnlrmlan lmmlmd mr mum llm mu 1vnIrlhlllrd Illul Anmh rm rm onla mug Urn14 0qu mm n1 mlmnm mum KIM um my Au um 1mm rum Inzm mum mum mm dairy mm dn luck unvk ml hell muk my dm mrlly Apply my mum mane Schmn but nxrnuï¬uiur mum crum 0mm anr Infm dtyl tunum Kuml ddvlnl In mmn nnly 251 umumd Mreel mm Mark Mun Ii mom Apply mum Tm ELIuCIRIC C0 110 BRADFORD ST phone 7260501 ext for interview on both ALPHA um iumzmc PUNCH Excellent working con dilions and image bmoms nzmsmnzn Numlv Axxlmnu and Pncllml Nmu required nu no pun Ilmn 312 per mm Laundry Indcklnlnl nelp re qulmd Ark Eden Nunlnt Home Mm wuan LODGE mm 131 ENDED bud girl or lunch munur also mu gm mumm Good working minimum Wm nox in 1mm Dunnm WAITRESS WANTED Ml tlmn emplaymenL Elephant 1220 amt WANTED my two chlmmn In my home Mandly In mm on Cam flown 04193 ma SATURDAYS SUNDAYS 830 AM TO RM Apply Business Manager Royal Victoria Hospital 76 Ross gr Tan mssst ENERAL Barrie Exnmmcr Local company rcquircs switch buani operator and receptionist Must be well groade and cap able of mating lhn public Pleasant working conditions and iv Write to Box 30 Switchboard Recepfionisf PART TIME Clerk Typist Requires Immediately young woman for position asclerlcal supervisor to as Knowledge or bookkeeping invoicing receptionist ability required Fiveday week usual companv 16 Haiti WANTED THE DARRIE Emimm SATURDAY Experienced KEYPUNCH OPERATOR mmnmn Wm GENERAL BOOKKEEPING EXPERIENCE Apply in persdnto Mns REAIHL ACCOUNTING DEPT VOOLWORTH CO LTD mumhufluiw rum LJNDERWOOD LIMITED MALE HELP Office GM week ushal ébnppzny benéï¬té For lnterviaw conlaet 7283421 MR JUDGES MANAGER numll My 3m myy 292 TM UMIINM WANT ADS Nd AlUIlON Mu MTlmIMY MAY AT ll NOON ur 1mm WHITE nrwmlnn Flu ï¬mniblu mne mm Iml IHIIIIIIO or mun nah and Elmnll 24m nl hm dull Mouton mm mu um madn inery my Am mi humde rfffdl Irlnu man No nut hm 144 micaInn 10 Eng Tuumhlv lhllu uni ul mhlnm mil nmh lllflh My In 5111 IlnMrin and Nunlunl mule mu Hm at Ann mmhlnA My My Town mm Nu re uue hm Mlll AIKIIIZIK WWI Aluflnnmr Mxmim in rm MM IrllAllln Hm Farm pm lenlcll ML Alhlnn Townsmp mHu mum mllu Mrs llollmu For Wu mntnd Satytdgy 011 mu calm Al 011 nul mm 12 Hrllm npcn 1qu nun Mm ham Imam unwiriï¬ï¬nm MORE MEAT FARMS Tenders Inrwï¬aALlEtulioNS TO THE ORlLLlA DISIRIGK AL lNSllllflE Harland Street Orlllla Ontario addrmnd to the Drillia District Collegiate and Vocatlonnl Institute Board Robert Sinclulr Akhl tcct 411 Highland Avenue Onl ila Ontario will be rmlvcd in the attic at this Archliuu up In pm Eastern Standard nme nu the menuSeventh day oi April 1966 Tender must be accompanied by Bid Bond in the amount live per cent oi the tendered prim Drnnimu and Speciï¬cations are lavnilablc tn the General Can trnmnr at the niilce oi the Ar chitect upon deposit at $1500 which wil be returnrd on the return at tho documcnts in good candltum The work mnslsix oi alterations in wrridnrl lloyn Washroom Mon Ttnmcra Room litalt ltonm and thmy Teachm Work Rooms The west or my tender not nocnssnrily ncccptttl li NWIJT Secrntnryrlrrnsurcr Ind Ilusium Atimlnlstratnr Orlltlu District Colluialo and Vocational Institute 130ml 3Aï¬ï¬m REGISTERED HEREFORD SALE Simon DeGroot Sons Dispersal no HEAD Hprnod qulcd Anmm ummlb Mull gamma women 31 do In my avcnlna mam reqnlmd Telwhonl hasmu l2 TENDERS Study In spare llme prepare fur Province of Ontario xnms Sup crvistd by high moo leathers FREE Isvolumo Merenoe Ii rary to students low monthly pannanny All books suppliat NATIONAL mums P0 Box 501 Barri Phone 72310606 day or night EMéLOYMENT WANTED emu Con pmunn westbmv mm Tatum nu mm In It IJI mm or my only No phone CIUx Nelle Mm winded boun primal tralnlnl hen any Bflnl Your wilt 11 you nu 10 mi nvor Inc or up Iduncement ubefll l1 Milk LI Hull own Cl AM bl IN um marl um sm ammo lllphfl but not nernury Turner xertnnJ Sale Imu Southwmam Xan Con pmglun wammy mom 1mm 13an on can am am TDSSDMNID Tawnflp Ax an School Band SlmcM County requlru two Mann lemm or September Ielnl 1n nzw mini IchnoL 51117 midflll In sum wrm In qulllfludam IM Emu MP1 Ruth lllwklm Sac Tremmm mu 11114 Luau LADY atnuzmn wnxltd or town work In nu wooddï¬ml aucfrtvnh un ta MM Wm c2341 wru lint1 mm MK WARM Cool IMJeM suunn Auandlm MM lull Mine ha new Rut Ely 35m HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME Tum mm FEMALE HELP TENDER Amino ma age 2535 years assist the manager proceduresand mum Im IM lmmllm hum Dummn Pnuummv ml mlMnIu In And mull IIMIIMI mm mmmv Amllnflm um mm hr undml ed up In IM rwmmflm lhlmmmlm Gmnllu nhu nun mlmlanvl Toy utu Mu Mrs am who Dun mrully mmmt mm Fin Idn mun Mm Mao 5mm IAmL Iqmnnc Noncss UC nl their Elmer mm In TucuIny nrrnlnl hml In he Mme What Dnu Em Mum In Yum Cohan nulllrd by Mn lxndloy um Mn mu mmluclrd III lmnmlw nnrmlp 1mm Min Franc llindlu Ann Inlnl Mn mer undlltlld hmlncu 1hr mmm rnnp All cur Inr ll Explorer mm nuppef Apr 21 Mwi lmlmlzm In Hunm LCMN Axwll 11 MW lnr kidding In July MI MIIrM Slovnnum nllninnnry nn lmlmmh 1mm Imlla wlll Um mnnlo Immunm my Mn lelM IN All lnlrmllnl nmxml arm mlulanl In Java mm r1 Doug on Mr nml Mn Elva Downy Mu Thule and dark Wilson was Hum Sunday xuuu nl Dart and Allred of Miami CAN lr Ind MU Hnrnld MrKll Ilcnn Mm Hmlcr Sunday gurus he lormul nurtnll Mr and Mrl 21le 11Colllrluwmdv Inn And Mn Flldcy Easter guest ax Hu humn nl lhtlr mu Mr and Mn Dang Flldny In Hmnlllon anumnMEL Mr and Mn Baker and Dwayne Andmnn spent Easin ln Fergus with lhclr daughter and sonrinlnw Mr and Mrs Allan 1mm MlSSls Sherry aml Shelly Gmn manicl wilh their grandparents or ha Easter hallday Mu Gerogn Proclnr mm couple of dny recently wllh her Aimr lllrs ll Simpmn ln Tol lmhnm Mn and Mn Pmlar wtre lu Oranauville hunday as guests of Mr and Mrs Wal anu mrl Kcn Midhursl and Mn Ted Tillin Mano Mllls whh Mr and Mn Dalton Tim Misses Linda Peggy and Belly Jean McKee Lindsay with Miss Janeen Ffldcy Emcc Shclswoll Niagara Falls with Mr Ind Mn Shclswell Mn and Mn Damn Judy and Bill Lflndan and George Furry Slmme wIUI Mr And Mn Murumd mix11 Mtluaslcr Tornan Dave Muhlnslu Emer visitors In town Includ Miss Marjorie Eldridge Tn mnla with Robert Eldridge Mrs Schmmm Palrolla with Mr and Mrs Willlam Ri Mr and Mrs Kidd and fam ily Toronln with Mr and Mrs Ar Kidd Mrs McLean and McLean with Mr and Mn Bruce McLean alsa Bob McLenu of Walefloo home Mt and Mn Burt Genaru Ind Llnda Aurora Kurt Born am Racbum and Miss Ellen Jackson Thvmhm with Mr nnd Mrs Rao bum Mr and Mrs Ralph Norm Bay Mr and Mm Knlkn Carllsle Mn and Mn Ken Tillin Midhursl and Mr um Several mm town amended the operelta put on by Banting Memorial th School menlly Miss France Hindle was plan st and accnmpanied the orches tra The parts taken by all nludunla wem well played VIITORS nks were Bruce 36mm Glen Sfmardawn Mary Sheri well Mina Wright Mnand Dowllng The Junior 0mm In town ended their season Thursday under the management of Mrs Doug Ross Their last game was flawed by supper Winner wem Edit Lowecrna Cole mus wma we high aggmgalc John Banrat 2ng ï¬le Juniors and Seniors uwuul am had bonspiel and Mm Marilyn Melellan Bar rle spent Easter Monday with he rather lwfllan and MIL Elaine Elliott Toronto spent Easter week widl he undznnd amuMr and Mrs Ken Faun All mm lawn churches calm braledEuscer services on Sun day with large cmwds In attend ance Sperm music was Inlay ed in all three churchesRev Davies nl flw Unlled Church continued sacrament sexvice In the tmrnlng Mn McMaslnr and Miss lune McMaster spent Apr 11 In Huntsville attending the Iunera Mrs Margaret Elm They visiwd Mr and Mrs Ilnlcy aner and Mrs Nichol Mrs Elm was ulster of tho late and Joseph Mc Muscer ML and jam wmiam Wm wonh were recent guest of Mr and Mn Dalton Tillin Misses Frances and Peggy Timbers are spzndlng Easter holiday with then parents in Sundulnnd By MISS llIcMASTER Mrs Gertrude Plnmy was an Easter guest in Goderkh gal the um COOKSTOWN NEWS winplmz and Mrs It In IN BULK bounty Mn hm hm blmnl the NM Queen mu hem we ullm cl her Mr and Mn IM Wm Mllnmm um um elm I10 Mr ml It Mal llama mm IIII lrandmmhtr Mm mu ul HHIIM kmm Winn Mr to Vlmver Mr and Mn any Gillrn vhllM nmrulay Mlh Mu Eh Graham Mmm and Friday mm Mn ml Mm FJmnn WAI lrr lMMnl mm uw nu Mrs IMIM Ihnwr Amun ralxlml In Imhtnr null nunkn Mr and Mn Llill mwln In ulp to man ml Mun ml hull Had Inlklny Kevin MI Haml Mm N1 lrmllnhur Clum Wm DOUGLAS HHEN Vuml lanmm luv lwn 1m uml ln llwir hm Mih Jul flu Mn Mnnkmnm MIMI WnMenl mzluclnl lmlml noun In which plum um made lnr UK llxnla lelrll Ihaw April 21 ml lmlml banqurl Mn Mm Inlcly lulu mm m1 m1 ho hrlvl In annk hall Apnl 21 TOMMITDHS Home Emu omkl ml Health Mu Kvl 1y Mnrulhlro and Cnnndlnn lndxuum Mn II Pamr Cn lmnsMp nml Hdumllm Mn Drlunr Hadrsz And Imnt Emmy Mm 1min WM mulr Illnry Mn mm Mu Walkm 1w mum alarm Mrs Gcnruo Hok Nmrnlm and Mr munblc nrmllnrd wm guest at Coakslrrm Vomenl lnsliwu annual mOCHM Mu on can duclcd hr Nncllm ullicul uhlth mulled allow Im Pm Mrs Mankmnn Pru Mra lmnd VinJm Mr Dmpcr Sccy Mn Tramx Cor SmyY Mu Cook Tron Mu ll Smith Ulllrlc Dirrmr Mr Mman hmmh Dlrrclurl Mr Calm Mm Trnllcr Mn dd Arrn Kirkgala Mn hand Pull llc Holmium alllcrr Mill lrcnl Altmlrr Mr and Mrs Mad Ind chiMnn Vhilby span lhn wetk m1 with Mrs Wilson Vrlzhl nml scd Mr Wright ha ll pallcnl In Allislon hospllnl ANNUAL Mrs mic Glut rammed home after vIsit wflh her sister and hmlhcrinlmv Mr and Mn Shaw SL Calharinas While there Mrl Glass mlondcd an organ min by the walkan organist Vir nil an Mn cppard and Mb Sm dra Fildcy spent Easier week and will Sandral mother Mn Doris Iilday Terry and 1mm Fildey mumm home with them for Basilr weak Mrs mic Glass Munml Mr and All Powell mm the Euler weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs Powell Sr and Mr and Mn MLMann Mr and Mrs Art Hansen visited in milk Sunday will Mir Gajrge Boyer Mr and Mm Dermot luvs moved to their new harm on Queen SL which as Drmerl owned by Mr Reuben and lat Mrs Battenn John Der molk Toronto spent Emu weekend win his 12mm rcuun Jean McFadgen and Mr and Lindsay Toronto were Easter gucslx of he or mcxg parents Mr and Mn Earl Meiqu Nils ï¬annle Coburn Toiontn spending 1h week with her grandmomeALMM Patton Presbyterian WA held thejr Easter meeting at the home of Mrs Tumor April with J2 members present Mrs Lloyd Hughes and Mn Doug McKen zie led in the worship period stressing the pnrwer of the rent reggun 3nd lave Mr and Mrs Ruben mans Woodstock Glyn Evans Mr and Mrs Vanderbcrg and Miss Marian Robinson Toronln were Easlcr guest of Mr and Mn Evans MfWilson Prlng and Miss Lola Prtng of Bowmanvifla were In tmm Saturday as guest at the Irmugcau tea or Miss Ver na Cale Mrar Howard Cole entertain edala trwssean tea Saturday alternqu and evening tor her daughter Miss Verna Cole who will become the brldeof Roys dun Prlng April 16 The tea table was attractive wlth wring flowers Mu vDawney was ten hosts asslsted byMlxscl Mm Jar an and Vrndn Geth ans wllh Mrs Iva Roblnson and Ma thsan Prinz aunt of brlde pmlng tea ln the utter noan and Mrs McComb and ltlrat Willlam Riley tn the eve nlng Mrs Willlnm Prlng nssist ed In recelvlnz tbs guest and the trousseau roams were at tended by Mrs Madul Missr Verna Cole and Mrs Ron Cole man EDENVALE Mr and M1175 Simpson Copner cm and IL Caulfleld spent Good Friday and Easlet Sunday respectivew wllh Mr and Mn Doug Mrlh rgplisqgnu TEA Bolham nee Irene Ken have returned ram their wedding tr and will shorllydake up ms deuce In Guelph here Lloyd will enter college and Irenehasa posfllon nun doclnrireceglloqlï¬ vwnflALfl Barny almar Lakeshora Tandneu College and Donald Wilson Toronto were Eastcr guest the 1mm parents M1 and Mrs lrnflilson Thumlay or in Easter canon In Mayan andmnca mm