By lunislll Ccnlennlul committee held meeting In Slroud Com munity Hall This commlllcc sclup by last you Conncll has been glven renewed my year job In hrlng forward plans or Centennlal celebrnlinns and gel the mopcrutlon of all mun and lndivlduals In the luwnshlp Events suggested nrc lnshlrn than ullh nld and xva slylu St Pnlrlck mppcr paucanl llnwtr shnw huhby show nnd nnllquc swvu Fur Ithlols lrlmnl fnlr lmnlcnl nsllvul and rack and Hrld day would lvrlm pnnlrlpnlinn MI pupilg In xjcnrrnl calcuury lhcrn WuuM he nlchrmlnn SI Vrlznllnbl Day vlnlu to shut lnx and mmrnl In msplml and lhr Inkling ol grueling enrdx all home tnulrl be Ill pr oanMn nprcillnl layup ma tumuw nu ma flylnz Irmu Ivl lhe ulnvh rm Unln mmh up Unlur llky Itml In Tnmnlu Inward In he absence chairman Bah Cuwan the meeting was presided over by Mrs Run lan Mrs Goodiclluw scrrclmy npuncd an mccllng he ex ccullvc had nucndul ln narrlo where Ihcy heard Mm on plan ulna Ihc ccnlcnnlal yenr TM vacuum derided lhnl monlh Iy cclcbrmlun was the masl Imiblc plan and alumni or xnnlmllnns were xlvcn rhnlw plans In curry uuL Im25mm llnprcscnled at the mnellng ware ram the Womens ln stllules Glllard Mrs ll Kell Churchill Mrs Allan Todd Mn Saunler Slroud Mrs Goodlellow churches Gillord Mrs Kell Churchlll Mrs ll Stewart St Pauls Mrs Evelyn In St Pclcrs Churchill llllss lllnry Sloan and Rev llaldcnby ol lllc Angllcan par lsh llcv Juan luntlsy tin Unllcd Church Mrs Campbell of the Presbyterlnn Church Schools Ken anler from Lclray nnd mcmber board tracher Mrs Fraser 5uhcrlnnd Gulch and llruwn ics Mrs Mervin Booth Others present were flay Goodlcllow Elmer Pratt Mr Garrllncr Mr and Mrs Rccvle lléevc Joe Cothrnnc Dcpuly llccvc Eben Sawyer Councillors Allan Todd willlhm Glhhins nnd Gorge nur tnn INNISFIL NOTES An arflqablel clinic span sared by me Dtpmmenï¬ of Agriculture was held yester Will Develop Ideas For Centennial Plan ANTIBABIES CLINIC HELD AT ALLISTON FARMERS MARCH 0N QUEENS PARK Llh rtlrrrncc ma nnmml luwnshlxv plrlllc whrm Hm Imrr nnllonnl hrlrk nml rolllug pin lhruwlnx nlc III nu hvkl Cuunrlllnr nm nhhlnn MININP rd llml lrnrmnlmlm ram lhu nlhrr pnxllrlpnllnx rnumrlu nl Irml nml pmllrlpnle Qwvng rm 1150th In clmymlrlmllun unlnzl low pill lnr Mm wwluce Mm chrgc HUIIUHIChaiImflII of parks submlllcd plan under lnr lnnlslil Park This was plallnrm wilh mm evergreens phmlul behind ll am all cruss in he bark rnuml be Illuminated Ha HA so suntand Hm mch denom nalinm In lurn shuuhl close ll church doors an marlind Sunday nml go down lo he Park In hold Sunday School and rhurch service ulvln the people an vucnllun nn cppurum lly lo wunhlp will lhan MQDEIS ECIIUOLI Mrs Fraur Sulhcrlnnd mid xthoal chlldun Wch mnkmu nmlcls ul lhc llrsl lclmol In the tawnshlp um Iho prrscnl schoql an In mule of mint inks Slroud Institute is ponsorlng contest or Grade and and Sunrrybm schovl Thls 1510 bu or nn csay on planner clllzcn Simcoc County Then ls also Io be pagcant march and prizes Churchill Inslllule are building 11 planter across the lmnl lhe Cnmmunlly all and lllllny ll wllll flowers TM is ln llnc wllh he hcammcnllon program or lhc lawnshlp IAllK lllOGllAM For the Immshlp churches It was suggested that an lnlcr Church mammoth service be held on July with mixed chair that there be special mm for cemetery decoration mu wtnransjnradc SPECIAL EVENTS Special ideas or men to take over were to tan in township eniarinining senior citizens pancake supper bonspiel hock ey tour and baseball Inurnumeni Youth events would include hay rides and sleigh rides wiencr masts youlh ser vice choir the singing of Canada as niien as possiblc and the use ui bulls and whistles sultable ilmes mammoth sport day plowing match day afternoon in the ï¬r hall afAllistup Mrs lamld Ven hhlés and he son Bob ErcEEE Tho lllR hallllnfl llsh lll ls next to the Inrymn lnr linhl ls runnan In the Gull nl Mcxlm The publlc lmalv nru nnlng out lomlcd with Shermcn many uhnm hm Mm been uul on he wnlcr Ivrlnrc my Icnvc lhn dock nbuul mm go out lrum 23 In no mile lar boyxmd any xlghl bl lnml and mum nlxyul pm It Hm much umxl the ï¬ll will In lumx nll nrunml lhn drcku mu muplp luck ml 14 Hu dnnmnrlmlhm It WHuno Mlss Mary Sloan asked for the moperalion everyone In gculnz addlllunnl hlslnrl wrllcups nnd klmlly hla lurlrs fur the mldillun la ll ancnnlfll houk Tncs slorles by and about nldcr clllzcns nnd cvznls are drslrld lo add to he lnnlslil hlshxy published when the lownrhlp mnlcnnlnl year was celebrated They should mu la rom mluce as won as passlbln so my run be tompilul for pulr licnllnn KIM Rev Joan Hunucy sug ulcd an Innlsii photography cnnlesi concentrating on beauty spots wllh the best II pic urea in be made up into ml cndnru or Christmas cards Mrs Gordon Rix bruught forward ihe Idea 01 an an displsy ol wnrk done by lnwnship resi dcnil Including schnol children Mrs Booth said that he Brawnle and Guidcs ware work ing on projcci it was sug geslcd ha all womens church organlznilons nmalgumalc on jaln effort lllSTOlllCAL Reeve Cochrano brought up the Idea township hand As many of the studnnls al Barrio Collegiate and Bradford High School are In the bands there they could work with other residents who no talent ed musically and make root adventure 01 forming town ship band mien Sawyer suggested that re shank he general cleanup oi ihe roads in lhe iownship wlih wrecks cleaned up or lawn down He also sug gesicd that place mix he township be made showing im portant spnlsronds parks clc and that these be given to town ship restaurants GENERAL CLEANUP lhelr pets for the antirabies Inoculation Examiner phoI MW Slmrou Cnnmy Hun llrcvdun bought clown hth at Hm rc Mcm onum hull mlo hch ah Illnyl Sales mum lhrse hullr nvuraaml wen nllmu he nwr Ina prim mm lhc rule which was Abordurn Anal $513 Sllnrumm 57 and Hm lord GGL number of up hum um sold hum lhr roun ly Inn good to UIcSu lop hrvrdln nnlmnh mman hark rnnllnur In Inmnno the nly Hmluslry This year Senlor Mcm bars project there will he an Ennlnecrlng Club in he Melon um Anyom lnlcmflld may contact he Dcpnrtmunl Au rlcullure Allislnn or further Infarmnllon you have not Juincd Cluh the nrnlmcnl In may he ohlnlncd mm he local club leader or lhn Onlariu Dopan mom or Agricullunu Allislon In nrflr to 10m 4H you mud be 12 by January ml year DXSTAIUOVIIULI SAM2 This week has been the slui oi the activity for South Simeon wilh organization mael ings biing min at Cooksluwn Bradiord and nccion Them will he dairy bcci shrnp swine corn poinlo and groin club In most areas this year More Swine Club member are nccdcd in the Cookslown ch so it you are lnlcrcslcd con laci Chanticr at Newton Robinson ur in ngricuiluml oiiice in Allislon White River Cochrane Ti magaml Mainly cloudy with occasional light snow today and Thursday Lillie change in mm pcmlurcs Winds light Otiawa region Cloudy will few sunny periods today And Thursday Staitcrcd snow or rain showers occurring mainiy in the nilcrnnons Scasonnblc tempemiurgs Light winds Luke Sin Cldr Lake Erie Lake Huron Lake Oninrio Ni agara iiaiiburion Kiliaioe Gnnrglan Hay Algomn Sauli Sic Marie North Bay Sudhury Windsor Hamilton Toronto Mainiy cloudy and continuing cool with scattered snuwflumes today and Thurs day Winds southweseriy 15 lo Syhnpxlx Nothing him so tar developed In change the pattern of weather or Ihe next day ar TM IIrIuh In Amntmu Allulnla Mun Wnnmnflhl Mk Elan llama IMIIO Hm 1mm Ihun mum hy ll IMNIO It In Ihr HIM Thc Exnmlner Ulcrmomelzr xpglstcred 27 last alght and 43 980 this morning Details or Rhetorecat allow Who Are THE TRAVEllERS ASK The Ys Men 1hr lrnwllm Hum mm mud It Ilm Imvu lnmllul Ilw unrhl Ilnslnn Ilw wnrn Lmnlln ml Mr llmk Um madam nvml Hum Imul IIM Fumh mm nlwl Hum Th linllhh Iuhlml lhrnl IMnrn IVllllpl Hump and owned Ihrlr nmnlvy In llwm MI Immune Hm plural of IM Qurwn nl mlulMuun um no In wmmrr IM mnp hwltml lhcm hmm lo IInKIMUI Inf llan munaml ln lnlmnnrr Mml Innmin all llwyn mmlnl llmle Lullqzmv nwlylmlum mm AMI 12ml Dim mlu chl xwnumity In hm IlmnAhryll rnlulnln mu you Iinflnl MUM ullh ml and my um uud rm ham mm If re Ianmlim Ann mean Newan Mm dm 00 Adulll The weather pattern of the past two days will remain un changed it was indicated to day In the Barrie district there will be cloudy skies with scat ered snnwllurries 1m temper ature ranga willvirlually dup licate that 24 hours previously The forecast low for tonight will be 28 and the high amor rowriol South Simcoe Farm News Is Unchangéd THE RARYQE EXAMINER Vï¬nNESDAYVAPRlL ma DISTRICT WEATHER DISTRICT N£WS=11 Clllldunn Mollnn mm 50¢ Mr Trqu was nulhorlml bv rnuncll In Mind the Mnhnnry Hand Schnol or rand superinlrndtnll Guelph Cul lcuc Mny II In Hand accounts In he amount nl mum or March were lflsstd nml hylnw plating um pInmrnlnry mad upclldlluru ll 505500 or lhe year Also wn rpprovrd By CURRAN IiAXTER Special Ii bylaw engagian ii Truax as roads Silpcrlnlcndml at $5000 per year was pnsscdiby Essa Township Council at its Aprii meciing here Monday The ininw nim nuiiwrim iiir Max in nu his own halfion pickup truck inr lrnnsporluilon NW an the xccond year 01 year term the Madame Coun cll will are an clecllnn at lhe end or the year Dapuly Reeve Ingram Am and the three coun cillors Marley BnIL Boyd Ml cr um numll Brandon have all The Mcdnnlo Cuuncll meet the second Wednesday of oath month xlarllng at pm except far the summer month when meeting start at 1mm we may set the rates the sum RacchDallun Jermey How ard Rabinson clerk prepar ng he ï¬gures or council he receives mom By CURRAN MOONSFONE Special Me denlc annship mlll me for 10 cal purposes lhls year wIll be reduced by lull mlll but the overall mg rate wont be known unlil the next regular mceling on Wednesday Aprll 13 the mun icipal alllce here We wlll be diamsslng taxes nd in ï¬gures an all fend Essa Appoints Road OIficial Fnrgml Tempmlnru Low tonlghl high lhumlly Windsor 45 15¢ Thomas London Kitchener 42 Mount Furest 48 Wingham 38 Humlllon 45 SL Calharlne 45 Toronto 4s Pelcrboraugh Kingston 42 Trenton 42 Killaloe Muskaka 3Â¥E8SBE$325 North Bay 35 Sudhury 35 Earlton 35 Saul Ste Marie 33 Kapuskaslng la 35 White River 15 35 Mousnnee 18 35 Timmlns 18 35 Medonteï¬ Township Tai Rate Is Still Big Question Mark commrated In lrylng tn hold lhe lax Ilne Mm hIIIAfllmhvmnnrflqIIDIHI mumm Fallowlnx Ihe mneungl rc Klrdlmz Workmcn Compensa Ilon and the farmers word hu been rccclvrd from he boflrd thll he 31 rate per $100 paymll nppllu Io polnln Inn lnx All armm nhould he lubmmlnz their plymll mt mem lorhhc coming year wonxmaNs cqmwsmon payers and beneï¬t or mor ex perlence I19 rcmarknd In some places hu conceded It may not always work out Anflslnclnrily but when them am good council ll Ira delinlle advanlnge he Iuggnslcd man year In leam what expected of him said tho reevea We have In adhere to the provisions of the Municipal Act and flier great deal to learn Asked his opinion on iiicdnnlea experiment wilh lwtryear council tenm litch Jermey said he considered it an advantage Thm was an clchansnvinz every other year but oi more consideration was thr heilcr con or administration fllmre wll be Willem lu get all municlpallhes assessed on an equalized and lair basls but ll lhls is done ll wlll be well worth lhe trouble sald lhc veteran councillor who has served an Simme CountyCoun cillor 15 yours essment super visor Symonds wha slnris his duties with the calmly on April 15 shouid be given full support and assisted in even way townni speeding up the chaywvu Furs cted to Madame Council In m7 the wellanm uuvuluusc the long nul sald Reeve 13314 on Jermey ohMedonle Town shIp when asked his opinion the new county assessment 5y lem and In meet on rulja mun Icipglllles There arg govd many things In be wnrkcd auI bur progressP paid he 19 Sim me Counly warden tho ex plained the changeover 1mm municipal county assessmepl was obvioust lorerunner tumlllng cmnpquzrsa Whnle soma en the change over should have bun done on more gradual basis Reeva Jenney was nut one of Ihcm Thls would have made un necessary obsaclas or hose trying to make lhu changes CILANCE ovan be ULSON Specie By CURflAN we van2age chm 5m Wu him 25M DISMMINGI Hour AIMEl wwumvu MAONIFIQENrNn SPECIAL IND VERY ENGA GINO WA txlrmcuimer Riki IA5T TIMES TODAY 7H KNACk RESYRICTED mum um Them hasum talk nbmil electing cnc representative or every 5000 peopch This would Involve changes in area and olhgr grobl Ramona govmn has been talked abduta great deal but there is great denl of de tail to be worked out These The lnrmcr assessor John Drury ls new wlthhe ccunty stall and is Wilh he Drillh ice 1n refgrcnce lo the committee study ol proposed election chm gnu nlthe connly level Reeve Jermey mld DNA GROWTH Tne board win assure dairy lmmers ct mung air price or their milk produclion Muslly rural munlcipalily Madonna Townsh depends much on gmd arm condiuons pmspcrily farmer president 01 um On ml Ayrshxres Breeders As sociation Reeve Jermuy is now mm on the Slmcoe Caunly Milk Marketing Board This will be much beneï¬t to the producers he said the board Mpdonle Ayrshira iaxmer was subcal lmslce or men years boforp that He has been reeve Mn years mm was deputy lur sqvcn befuye moving up Reeve Jermey has so headm Ayrshire came on hls Insacre larmandlhn bbKd Includes mnjn outstanding mlbmirouucr crs Best known In cattlemen is arrhycarolrl cow named Gr Llly Denlop lwwcarcld his mm anndinn remrd as apmduccr Md 11150 set oher records as lhreayear old She is one of numb of rlze Ayrshire on thaJermey army 01y gunxluomn lllMflMIVMV MADE1P MflVIEIl EVENING SHOWS AT us Ind 9004 SPECIAL PRICES FOII THIS GAGI MENTI ADULTS 15 STUDENTS 5L0 CHILDREN Ma NNN BENIN ANN NNRNREI VAN NNNN JACK PNNNBE Once aIhief alum mm In um III ml ADULT ENTERTAINMENT STARTS THURSDAY mnuers em to be thevwaven mmm Ag cerlam bu II is difficult to say us whal 11 Involve at Ihls stage rsa AMImalls MayMn JACKPOT $20000 LEGION HALL 71 COLLIER ST WEDNESDAY APRIL STARTING pm Doors open 7pm 900 pin SHARE THE WEALTH ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE Evoly Thulsdqy 35 Cnlller Siren NOW PLAYING $29006 SPECIALS JACKFOT Shown at pun lEGION BINGO RAFC