Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jan 1966, p. 9

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min In Innav In mum 11min I4 nlr mm it um um MO Llluhh If IIIHVI hm 4mm In fru numu nun mm 13 1M 11mm umu humn cm nu Ilmn IIwrv II 11mm lNMZ mun mm Mn Lucy mm rm l0 LJrmnnlann 7mm mm at A1 Mummy nmm ll an Iud Cunvul lrl um wnn Unrlc Mth Hum mm lM Allm hum mo mmr LN mnnlllel mm LIle vmm mm hlnmX Nm WEDNESDAY JANUARY ll um MI 9711 zTadny In mm ma synru nclhr 1141mm umm iLloyd nmon lxhllnl nny Huma iGlmmn Counly luxunl kWaody Woodnthy Inum mm lm ununy Show Wm 01 oumw Icmmel mm lnnu anlml urupm Hlfloon 3Htmnl huddrn 41 mm mm Howl my received only between Sept and Nov of his year Play must be between 25 minutes Ind 40 min uteg In length The hum of the winner will be lnnuunctd In mid March of 1967 Thu lhrco lop plny an In be pmdurcd by Ibo healro later In lhu snrlng centennial your Liitia Theatra has annnunccd the mic tor its annual piny writing competition 1119 competition founded in me by Mm Roy MacGregnr Wait who Itiii its chairman in for onulcfi ystn Engiisil finnounce Rules For Playwriting firs Cw Brough Toronto spun Jan 15 with Mn and Mrs thp Hammond When dld our put pheasanl go Sany no one could have gm such beautllul hlrd whlch nulxhbarn all have been lee dllu plnce he enrlx all Mnafia Mrs Bfll Parr Or vall and Mm Clara McCann and lamil Tommiv spun Jan 15 will it and Mn Robert Parr Mr and Mrs Davis Arnold spent Jan IS with Mr and Mrs 3x355 Davlguflradlori What cmdd havebecn ur lpu or am am accident oc curred on the arm mu George Davlsr Mr and Mrs Davis were bringing fresh COW name from barn across the mud The animal attacked George rs and Ihen Ruth They escaped wllh no bones bro ken but were badly bruisednnd shaken lug LBUFFALO SIJARME myx cmm ouaw Mrs William Hewlan Mrs James Mabelman and Mn El vmod lumen attended an olflc 0er mucking of Snulll Simcoe Deanery annna Auxiliary SL Pauls Innlsfll Wednesday In Week Mrs John Hamamrm via IanrlcndsA In Toronto VLsRm with Bruce McVannel were Mlss Marlon flannel Toronlo and Mr and Mn Gar Cangppcll Bartlet rand Mrs John Wason Mu Banlo amy Ivy Juvenile hockey team cd their Ira game of the sezsnn against betray and cam upwlnncn with score TELEVISION PROGRAMS ny mks WILMEII man mum uhlnufi Arum Alln 1HII hulvllll Shaw WIIIYNMIMI JANIMIH SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS Torunlo spent week Jan mm Mr am My LyndaSpem was In hosplla or tnnsfllcc TUESDAY JANUARY EVENING turn nlIIyBflnllr lh1rk um um 3mnrn mm 6Peulrun lunrllnn 5mm 55 1H ml Plumb 015 nu mm rumI Ina mu pm um um hum vlv IIKHMIHu VI Mum Ilr mm Au 1v up 710 Luann 1mm IU lldlmi II Ionlvwmnnl 43 mm um um Nunmlmn mmv mm II Imllr hum lmlrv lNHU lannllly mm mm Immu Ind rm 45 um Danunm mu Thy Tull luv Am mm Mm 1m lAhnrmahn IHD Murnlnl Mu II nummul Mum And bum Mr AM Hmh Ilnull 011 mm trv mm may Alltn hm HM ITundlv Mavll 1w zn mam IHHI Innnn rrmov 030 zMv mm uu Cu Jllonnl lhrflll tAmun Adunlun 31 showm Dun mum nm Fiellnn Lama nmm Land Hun Lcnic um um Hobo XlInlll BOOK 70 HUB lRUFFALO STORONTO llIMMILTON Army IF cum nrnn MORNING AND MT DYES FOR THE MILLIONS Como ILaly worldimpur an silk producunn centre hu mare than 1400 dyelnl vnls The former Irade mlnlslnr also IuggcsM that ho expan llmllauon on nbacco be re moved In more could be mar ktlzd use he mare research lnln the brccdlng coding and marketing or beef and pork products to Increase my mprgins or Iarmm axked that Ihe prlca paid or Industrial milk ho raised Funsircdmht Mr Hm said the object should bu la dalennlna why lb farmer 1521 getting his lair share of Iha prICE Ihe con sumer pays and la recom mend step to correct lush Jnguce OTTAWA CPI rnyal commission lo Investigate the costprice squeeze on Inrmers was suggested Monday during the throne speech debate by Genrge Hens PC Nonnum berland Show Mn Robert liiiphy Is homé mm Toronto hospital We wish her capflnucd rccavcry Maw USMC CostPfice Inquiry Suggested By Hees Mnmp and Ulla are 10 Wsled 12 hearea lll Phelpslon Cammunfly Rink being enjoyed lheso winlcr cvn enings by young and olgiTha Ichaol children are having phys ed period the rink Several uncut ntlcndcd Illa Parenunght at EDHS Elm valq last Thursday and Friday highly By MRS mm nlc menu of 4H Club girl Andy Iha leaders Mn Juhn Mlnnlngl ind Mrs ONeill were guests at supper pupalM by the girl at the ham Gail Anm Quzsnelle Wentyone sat down to meal of cold mnat salad and pie Aflerwardu he girl who ara preparing or the CM oralorlcnl conlcsth gave Lthr apecches NINH 7M Mnrgarél Fixalr land E917 Spurllng For Credit and Miss Esler Downer Egbert vi fled Mr and Mn Kon Smth recently Jan 15 will Mr and Mrs Jamts McDermou Torunlo guy Iher weekend of mm nu mm um sum 1mm Ln 1m Im Ill0 tum amn mum Ln nown HHI my um mum on ll vnm mm In 40 ruin 0v In mm Ll Linrm ll mu vll lXlllahn Imlvll mu mm 17mm In mum 100 Annum mm 1n 1H mm Tn Toll lha hum 49 Iml HM me 130 lmyl out Llul tl mu IKMI IMle lDur nmnl mm lanl my Inn um mlhu IMornhu Mn 11 pm Imx LII Iln lltnry no anm Tum Zilmu 1mm PHELPSTON turn Mum ¢lnn snnw mm mm 11m m1 am 111 nlmn nmlnm vmhr Spam Vumu II nu mm 1L lTanlml snu tounxy In ILW lYnlnd anlonll nullh Tm ll Evy uMerv Gnflln 1000 Hwy uyum km Maw mm IM Ill cred wlh 019 miéén mum nx lrad In ml hand but even an Hm had chcmlo paltclly lo mnka he lrml dkrllrc Wu lnl the lh ms whim dummy cav Imlnnnmu mmnmm 1AMrhmll mum Nth 24 Milan mm my nnpnula nlullwl mumm4 mm mum awnmm my Mtnmn hme 311mm MI Illmlml mum Ihvmlnnl Vllnl 4n mm owner rven perfect Itadl must be pursued properly by tho IcIrndrra II Ithr cIIocIIrcntu not In he dlquuch In lho lubnqucnl plny Genarally lha Ialcr plny not so IIIIIirult bc rnuxc aura he openan land mmlc both ulclendm cards Instead or II and My Mu In murh hotter malllon In knnw what loIo nuL mum mm my ELY CROSSWORD 14 Plan phi 1m Pun Pu NT PM npcnlnn Inden hearlx The first blow muck by damntho apcnlnz leadl Ire qucnlly Ihe mos dchslvo rally at lhn hand Marc contracts are won ar lost on Am openan lend than any 01th man the why Iunm Wm 51mm Ow 1mm ukhrr all HJVIM Ln LYnunrrow The Horn you mention shouldnt bahnr divcrflcu lum which Is what Irritated Ilcnlynu have qivqulcnloslu munm Iia your usband will likely benefit much more by cant convince him Um he should eliminate thnse from his lood because hey must be Inl lallnz 0r mayba Im wrong Bur Dr Molner My hus band 66 has divcrclculasishbut not bad would like more in4 lormauon He has always been big cam and even like mue cxlm meal wilh his cake or pie Also he wanls mustard vinegar and black pepper on 11 sandwiches was us no 016542 5x Exianfliaalior vcofiiicxigmiileu items in masi cues provides Ihc necessary due or canect ing Iha trouble in younger pew pie In older ialkx the lame cause may in It work but middle ear trouble high binod pressure causing dlzflness and some other difficulties may also warrant inquiry Norm dealer Both sides vulnerable CONTRACT BRIDGE You da neea physical exlln naunn however and at yqur us would he logical in check blond pressura suspecting low nus 10 Xnvcsklgale whether your thyrold may be less active than normal and to have blood count becausoaome In nnga have rdervleloped ACROSS firuln umorc ubcclally at yourage quite unlikelyand anyway would give entirely Den Dr Molnar am in my early myandlor the lastch months luv noticed that Ibend oyer ta plck up snme lllng or move my head as get dlzzy and eel Ille Im Lug pass out THIS espe clally true durlng my menstrual parlodl Could brain lu mgrMin My mm Mpman 9991 Exfiyminifiéni if To Determine Causejl M5301 HEALTH Qd KQn Q9 AJIODI EAST 34 vuu Kma +Qasz 501ml AJWQM on QAT +3 04 wh winmum mm ulnwa ll Cnurh 1041nmn lultnlmml lnny lllld Mwl mun Ilrh 131mm Mlllly mum wonl 171 IYMH I7 1qu numnum nun Mllol scum wm By JAY BECKER mm 17 Manual AVIIH upml Ha mk 21me Mom Anlm 30171mm mm 111111 27 Ifan 25 Pr nury color Mn lIml plrk avtr an unexpected EDHIC Inn nl hlnlorirnl wuponl lurnrrl ln lo lhu pnllcu durlnl Illa mtnl nmnuly nn Illegal nrcurmx 0000 nun In aneclrd lhu muslum chose 500 ranxlnu Item ul of mldA plnloln German Illhlnr plnnal unnnn es tad tholen alhelrll thrrclnrg Illd be doublclnn ham the lin glelon lcn because that would load In lhe Impossibl conclusion that Soulh had bid hm llmu and lupprund hurl holding the jnplr Thus West had the 1052 of hem and drclded In lead thw wuld lend the tun the en Wm lhcrcloru could not halo mngAhpnm Is 01 actually dilllculc ur East to dedqu hat the of hearls and from douhltlon holding tonslslem with lha Md dlnz ant If East had taken U10 ace South would have made the con tract regardless of what East played next But East realized that West had led the en hem from doublelon and he merelch refused ha lrlck the same time xinnaclllng ho nce by playing the seven result at thts ptay Saulh had to go down out Whether he lack panic tncssm or plnycd the Ice and another xpndo West was bound to gel tn with the klng or hurt return to the am Ind heart rutl MUSEUM GETS GUN Lo nap cmm Im yum 5n iargcr en urlher Invesllga lion including blood count and chest may would be advisable From your dcmipllnn and the dealers remark they aound as though they might be small lymph nodes lymph gland which hm swelled because ol 1th oflheclon Mat they finally got lhgylyersis or flu Bur Dr Mama com man or bays ur 14 to haw 50 tumor or kernels in ht stomach and between hedhow and underarm The doctor laid they wmnt Anything to ba alarmed lbaut W111 you ex plnInVMn wwnynm The second possibility Do you man cumum Or do you smoke brand wllh some lpeclal type of Up Just pIoln ordinary ones can lrrImg the 11 these Ilmple but oflen ectlve mehoda dnnt help see ladcrmalaloglst skin specul sl mm all cmlder the Iblluy olbexnu Allernlc 11 Mick or qven toothpam or mnuthwuhl you morgue Such aenslflvlly Is lot more com mon hm you mayfihlnkcom man enoughno henna31c lip stick an nvnflable Or just am cosmetic entirely or Dur Dr Molner 5mg Ind lho In year have been bathmd by dry chapped mu have never had fill or any akin problem More In he Ins coupla mohlhs it has become worse have tried petroleum My And 9th mm but they donthelp Is there Inythhiz 21E In ILB avoiding lands which leave rent den at residue aiier luv ing pnswi through the much And upper inleaunebnn nub com and bcrriel with seedsaru iha principal such ilolm mm hm NM 33 Anmnl Imper WELL LET IM LATE FOP YOUR MDTHEQ HA5 HER RESTva CLASSWHAT DAD HEADACHE MORNING ABOUT BREAKFAST warm or myl glowingants mm mm ans WAT TAKE was AT KINGSVILLE our rum 13554 MINER puns 70 away nz 511 193an mcammmq 35Fmn1 mozn $3 Jinnzni 12m 10 9550 2qu nzpmrfi 72 959 gig 1rm xmwmflkd rr 2652 11 1502503 mm flmmoc as plows 77m BANDS Ros mmm Munfin mwu an DENTW THEM THE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY JANUARY 15 mmzk DELIVERINa TO mNDMA Es FIRST LESSON an MAIHDHDER COURSE 5475 V05 Ir THOUSANDS OF BIRDS HA EEN gANDED HE EREC16 HUGE Mg OF mm AMERM OWEDE HIS HOME IM1 51 P3

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