Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jan 1966, p. 8

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NI Gum VrHIMn WV MI Mde lllmu VH rm llflmu mm mt an 1m Presldent Kennedyiave qeverA bpen fiisowneg as avi donned by he cantlnuanu dimrd with Presldant do Gaulle to Frame Persons who usually can be upeclrd lo hava mm cm anhng hive munsz Hpuslmmic view about 2h Inpacfly or the Communwulm la pndur nmo vlewlflgaln game An ambmy apnkasmnn de mth mutinx mnan at Ford MIMIC brM but MM the talk ranged over both hxlnlm and lntemnunnn quay mum Arhbahldvr 113 Ford and an Premler Aleer Kolyuin Mome Ind delivered two mu uxos lmm Prime Minitar Iurm mlllclnu in be llm nwmm AnxloAmerlcm datum filllu bean held hm Thunday Brllaln wanu la reducn mill my coal and tho may How prevalent view It In Mliclal Wuhlnglon In unlmovm Thera no public evidence fl but pawl the compr nl These relnlom Yanku skep finism Uul Ihe Commonwealth ever was IHechl and xtrenztllen convictinns hat real flyax seen lhrnugh Unlled Sme wascalls for number fiBriHsh elmt to gain Iho Euro Lpean Common Market and let lhg Cornmongveélt WASHINGTON CPD The American penchant or tidy alignAmen line globe inln paliLIul and geographical blocs ha been sllmulaled by recent events within the mills Com monweallhp Nation Canadian Ambassador Delivers Messages To Kosygin From PM Av Mllxgln Soviet annnunw Moscow 1c 77 Canadian 5mm url mm mnu Church In midtown Oshnwn deal yearold n5 istmt Umled early Hondumchmch ml was CommonWecllth Nations Strengthen US Point VET CONG ATTACK HITS US BASE UR Mm DI Null Mn of 5M VM Nam My wmlxy 1m hurl In mum II Pcarmn undmhod lo hno mnzrntulnlcd Kolym on NI athiavemenl whlch has bun well received by Cumin And Mher Western cmlnlrlu The official 50le Ann rm mmt laid the mud thanlml Koxyzln or manmp lallnx Puma an In Cnnudlln Irndorl reclecllnn In tho No cmbnr cum clownn will primary role In lnmlmz he Tuhkenl declmuon by which Ptkllll nml Indll Agreed to to um um dlmmm pencclully The Idea of translnrmlnx dbinwzrnllnx Emplrejnto an mnhly of lndependmt English peaking nlllon VIII plmnn dru he writu Today mm scarcely mnflrlhan that Sulifierger ma New Yuk Times My II air to ask wheher lho Commmwullh cmn exlsu Sullbcrge quote British Con xervnuu Enoch Powell say Also clted are he rem min revolt blow to the mlllsh legacy In Africa llu min of troubles with Ghana the departures from tho Com munwenllh of Burma And then Soth Allin the llhodeslan rebellion Illa Ile belween Singapore and Malayxln and even Evidence that Cnnadl New Zulnnd and Auslralln lean man now on the us Ihan on Brllain SIGNS OF BREAKUP wealth seen in nut event as ha IndianPakistan war bloody lamily Lquabble which Soviet Russia of Ill nullnm cnndlinlcd have to take on some of the financial burden to help keep her major any on duty In the Pacific and elsewhm midtown Oshnwn destroyed and an adloining hall fire Origin of VIM fire was The church ml was heavily damaged In the not known 01 Wirephoh filmno whim Hl1 an WIW MIMI AF WingMm by lltllu mm 5am II THOMAH HOLLYWOOD MP Ink 5an My IN not Prod Mum and my Gmnl any In its sixties nml Mme 003mm ale Sulzbcrgcr suggesu Mal Can ada Honduras and Guinna join the Organiznflan of American Status 119 no Canadal dz lence link mm us In lhl North Amerlcnn Mr Delencc Command And he xayn Aux lrnlia an Zenland and Edwin should join lhn US In grand Patlnc alllam cxlendinx all the way up through the PMIip plnu lo Jana Syn led columnist Joseph Kn look simllar line re cently In urging Prime Mlnisler Wilson lo um his Labor party award Europe and another ort to join he Common Mam lamina dcspita French appeal uanlas lime Hrilaml world role dimin mm and In endanger Bril Iinl special stalux with the U4 ayl Kraft MOVIE COLUMN Prelbnding there is Cnm monweallh when there Isnt has both hampered Britains free dom of diplomatic acllon and upped It waning ecanamlc Kym lng he Lime In coma hen th kidding has to stop About Britain and the Commonwealth adrlhuzJ Show Business Marks Birthday wa Mu hum lg me pt 1h Jam MW 17 11ml unmoved nlmml mrmm MI Imminl cum mume IM ll IMM Ih Mada mum Ii IM dmummod lelxr HOW uh mu Illh Human ml Ton Cmnnllmlnunl HDTV MM mm Him rmlwr 0mm lit av Ame Wm In In Dan Hum Ilw an ru Wm ww Ml Mm Mn and mm Imme at 010017 m1 ml ham mm Ill nmlunl Inmm Rum My Fnzr Lady In lhll Ill 10 In MUM val ulmm Mm mum lmld ho mum TM thw Mnu mm mm In mom ml mo alum lud The mmm nun fith mm 1va rim fllJKLmn 0mm um um ulrlal mvlllnul um um Inuitm um um Muir tn M4 III 1n uuntl nl Muuk MmM mmtm mly nwlerw muaxrmmu and My pm Mann F6 mum Nn umlw Julio An dmrl mu udMM whom an nmtn Gum nl AM ml hn an you Jun chtm oMy Pair mt hm Mm Im in Omvhmod um um lmly plm nmmz mp lm nmmnnk at all Haw 111w mum nm mmpany mtuh or U5 and mnmln mm morally enxm In Ln nmmm nvmru Vnr ukuan Mnry Pop vim him leMy dram $3501 om In Us Cman mu wth Mmflnl Sm hwy II mm mm um cm Aummn the Aman may ltfljdmfll Hm Always All main 93qu the anniversary mom Vb mayl asthma film or gear The imm In mme mm plum hlm mmplmim nlwsly guard lhrir lMfln But many kw Hm watch on hum huaimn In hi 1mm of nccuncy 5mm dumida the Hum wrld Though may you provided with xpecial clothing an or nid lth have been absorbing the hormone dnm lull In dun form through the Ikin or by breath It Dr David Anderm 37 chemistry expert who pro ducflon director in the Inc lory slid The mblem In no bearing on he My elrecllvenul my firm firthcontrol pill Evans and the other men alfectedwcre heavily ex posed xynmelk female hor mone used in the pun Switched to other lob they became it Infin MlddIe aged women oak over lrom mer gelling head nches Evan laid Then noticed that my brew were surfing Io well also felt completely impoknl HIGH WYCOMBE Enflmd AmBab Evans 40 uy mango thing happened In him and name MI work mm In factory maklnl birth comm pills They saxled to kmw curvy CURVY EFFECTS FROM THE PILL 7m nldln Null Nil nl nu lll Amman Hull Mm nmnl I0 Oman moi III 11 unll Murh rm I6 It LIL rommnn ll null rm II mun rm mum um mu Mm ll mm llmh mi um mumqu mm mm 15 Mm Dy Tl CANADIAN MKM mum pllu ma on Iqum comm mm mm mm Trtnuvy hill um aln un rhmul wnh 914 M14 MI rlnlml Al Us And mr rem Hindu mmuoy in Mn ml TORONTO CPI Yrltll um mum In mariam In nu ma canvim bond mar hl llnndny Show 1nrm Cunadn luuu we unartu mm wlm In IVMHIM WW lulu mlnl ll lr mltarm um quizl AM Im mum ran Clnllund nru on um Grmfl lncom atom mum lnmlm mnm hm lnl rum Innm uml MM mu Imm Nllnrw rmlam lenu Ind mun nnd Inn1mm Tun hum nunv1 Iwum Tobacco Soar At The 3000 mldtnflnl mum on mm with 100 commercial ultbllshmenu Including hook lhen wll be In lhu market or convener unluu lha Ilmclun WW mu llu boa proves Ccnlrnll Ippliutlon wlll luxpond operating the and he current healing mson MUTUAL SHARES Weve been loamy about customers year say Mr number mostly lo nnlural flalhgcber company president lay the Ins or dis lnmm In competing healing fuels and rising cosh have Inrced the compuyl hand anunl heat for example can be prnvlded or $50 $75 year 10 lhnn mm which mm between $200 and $750 year or tlxroomhouse orznmoxs Winnipex Central provide urvice bdhved unlquu In Can ldl 1L dixlribution lymm up pflu Ileam heat to lug mi denlial area In Ihe wallestalr shed River Heights districl while other fleam heal distribu mu limit aperlllons widensely populated commerlcal Areas aid Disixihuiun of natural gas Ind fuel vii are poiishinz their Iain piicil in anticipation of 3100 mieniini customers aiinuid Winnipeg Central Heliingl np piicnlion in ceuo operation in granted Canlraclon ion are awaiting decision that couid bring order or hundreds new lurnacu thzsbnsima mum Tubman nucfimlm price cm finned to mr Monday to lb suspicion 01 market amciill and unease mm hwurfimm selan rflnv Ontario Hueomedflro New quwetl Marketing and reverie hgomgwm on poun NM In 0124 cemrlmr an new amaze unm Nday Saki mm whom was mp ode to 1001078 Wail will In avenge nl emu Ipmmd 1m 1m record travelno uh on wu 5666 cents hyal Mt Pod Emil mnrwlngmbomdvloodldmm my company my five for win the IM prim tryinx on WINNIPEG CHThe cum pemion hot for Customers or Vlnnlpeg healing firm when business but none cold Winnipeg CdmpevtitionsHot For Heating Businesses DIVIDENDS ha fiimnEbaupubnc uni ranm mm Inummnl mud muna m1 hum BONDS Md InkA ll mi nu Thu firm 1m nu been hrnvy user nlcoll but hn Ian lwllched lo fuel on And Eleclrlclly nhlnined by hydm llrm during allput periodl he the coal can used Ihe firm hu becoma vlclim mun5x The companys 196 much nucmcnl thawed pm name compared with 870171 prevlom your All min expenses showed an ncmse during gm nme period Mr Ralhgcber my to con tinue operating put Ill and he present mson could involve us In Iinanclnl dilllcullles The company product an amalgamation In 1950 of Vinnl peg Healing Company and Northern Public Servlte Com pany hope In xaln mm ram its physical Mall About 55 ergploytu will be looking or Jo Mr Rancher sayl how ever WM would jun delny it Theres nu nlhcr mum open New equipment wan not cansld cred our equipment hm sloam genenllng plants has been emcienl HEAT COSTS GREAT Reason or In sh cost supplying slcam heal he says In that hishlylrained pcrsanntl are required round lhe clock It the plants and heat lnxm through ch 50 mile of dism bullon linen numgu 35 per cenL Mr Ratheberlayl It peeled most will Iwflch to nul ural as Some cusmmers have Ip pealerl In Winnipeg 0an to raise kl mo rather hm abandon the hunting mum has lurnaceor new heal lng plank The cost could range rum 3295 month the coniumr rent converter In About 31500 the want to bonxlnue min alcamlheat uw lam hacotddmtmhaw H19 incrqu omnidvrall alled hhowstuffllapwductlothe consumer but ndded that lhk wal not an Mthinl wmpany Hum5 mash Carlin ol Aylmer Ontario buyingumqnner or 1de 511 Tobacco 00 of Cyn In all my years 30 of buy ing 1th never seen anylhhnx lhe mum thing has got on the state when mcbody mJgM ham to Im it the nod 01 the industry but who he said H6 said he wants seepm ducfion amass Inorgased And so does most of the bound but the pdcafi will make it difficult or the beam to oonvime ll censedfxmwm The amount tobacco grown coulme by ngobaccg hpard Prices Auction Sulmtnntlni mvingn am he oblnInod on your 19 Income Tax by um lnu pcmonnl Ratimmrnt Saving Ilnn NOW Hm mmu tlmn you add In your finnncinl nocurity on mtimmrnL Younmnnwpmnlllrdmmnuibuh up to 20 of your named income la minimum 32500 In nn np pmvod Man IIan deduct his mn lribulinn from your lnxnhlu lnmmu or lhn yam Any pnynwnln umdn up In the allowV mnximum berm Fohmnry um um npplicnlrlu to this 1966 unlitm ynnr ll gnu haw Irllhdmwn jmm your Complmyl lmllnn Han rhnnnd amplawn Iwmma nUvmplnwd during WM rum mImd wu may Imw Nrtllfll an ho plnml mm Mutual FINN Ilndumml Ynl m1 Han and Hutmount Innm4 cludvd mm mm mm Mama You dont have to wait years to benefig from Mutual Funds Retirement Savings Plan incomc tax savings go to work immediately mu FULL INFORMATION ON RETIREMENT MVINUH PLANE VI AIU INVITE lfl IIIUNN THE AHOVF UUIUN CALL ANY JAMHH HICIIAIUNKIN lel OFFICE wvvllv unMuM INVFMMIM DrAlLII KING SWIEY ADV YOROND Humour 36249 MINA0 UNICIII OIOMO OTTAWA DNDON MMIUDKI KINGSTON OALI KIICNINEI SIMCOE tCMAYHAM NORA WIle WM JMIESRICHARDSONSLSONS mmMal TORONTO UPITwo recent lamRm were dum ed at heavy losses as spe alive ac tivity mntinued to highlight proceedings Mondky at the Tar am Stock Exdmnge DEldonn was slashed cant be 296 and Wilm dipped 32 in 10110 Bohklh mm am made area of Quabee and In dxul inz for upper Satellite drilling in New Brunswick was all to 70 MB after selling mm 91 cent early In the mom Volume for the union was EWING sham compared with ILGOWOO Friday ELECT PRESIDENT Elecllon of Fry president of Confluentl Can Co Canada Ltd was announced In New York Mondny by Thamas Fogarly chairman of the board of Continental Can 07 1M He succeeds Jamel Stewart wha will confirm as executive VIro president In charge 01 the mun complnyl plasuu Chi and tonaumer produtla group CANADIAN muss TORE SALES UP Clriadnl depmmenk More mu last November werqvall ucd $219254900 an lncreaiso of more thin 11 per cent from November 1964 the burpau nl statistic reports Sale In the first months of 1965 amount In 81642519000 up 61 peb cunt rm lhn correspnndlnl 966 THE BARRE Mm TUESPAY JANUARY 251360 Dump quofites For Heavy LOSS Thcunnda of buinmu throughout Cuudn have may 103 loan to man or modnmlu chzir fncflldm you luvuplnm or your lamina and nquln finmdng all In and discu yaut mad with ul MC OFFICE ACROSS CANADA IOIONIO DKLI UnivW1 AIIIuI Wuhan 16M BUSINESS BRIEFS mu INDUSTRIM DEVELOPMENT BANK Nam ddm Pleat trad IIIarmale Mulunl Fund Rmmnml Sauna Ilalu 0n index Industrial were up 47 In 17474 golds 22 17347 base melal 30 to 9031 west 10511 to X0832 and Ibo mum oils improved with Imperial ahead to 531 and SIM lo 21 Among banks Iomnto Dominion climbed 31 675 Royal In now and haverial Commem to 70 were mixed 1an Jumped 15 101 Hudson Bay lo 34 and Cominco lo 49 Hawcver venison dipped to 37 and Pnie Point point to Lake was up to 71 and eMclnIyrc Porcupine gulds sleadicd rs hm timmm mnom CPI1h coun ml heCaHege Physician and SUrgemu of Ontario was ordercddimday decide Um case at Dr Max Gassman Toronto Ghade With pmlex annal misconduct nr allegcdly distribuling advertising or film and medical centre Three Judgesol the omarln Cpuyt ofAppul old the coun ml II had no war tomefer the case back tn the nrganlzaliml dmplina committee Fluent hy pro duem amounted to 1473381 on InNovemb¢r decrease at more than 10 per mm from shipmenls In November 1064 the hurtauof igflslic rcporll Physicians College To Decide MD Case 731nmng npmw

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