Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jan 1966, p. 3

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nur Ann Luulcm My in laws just left and am sick to my stomach Yesterday their only daughter znva birth to her outh son and they are so Im happy you wanld think mm body Qt lgmfly phd dicd My husband and have three line boys six our and two and lrankly we are mIsfitd with things as Ihcy We wouldnt trade one our lens or mlllinn dollar bu we wouldnt give my cents or ourlh one Dur Bdllh It ommucou Ihnl your Inlnw mmd ynu baby machineumd would noon hrlbcry In an ntlemvl in feed their alrk ego hum um your husband ailcnro his pucnu pcrmnnrmly FAULTY 12me on my lallIcrInlaw look m2 aside and laid ll ll up to me la have girl He lnslsls that ha law oi average will lake care roedial oul or ugh grandchildren one has to be it girl ll ollnrnd to pay all mrdical cxpcnsu and give $5000 ll will hive another Asked him uhnl he would an hnd anothcr boyl rtplicd lg ranl happc read your column every dly and My ynu Me mxmnn wllh Hand MALIrm your mouldern Ha cry hluhhnrn pmnn And wlll um um lo anybody nut urn my mom You are my lnsl hope bdby um 50 lnlxcd up am hall Illk Plum advise me um am 17 and hluh sthool Irnlor My lmhrr my rnnnol gn ullh Illrkcy my mum Ive rnuw ha physically Inlll th um mm mm Ivy HM Imvy brrmm he mu wrnk mm AlInHlIE In my nlhtr mnrry Ilirk will haw uppnll hlm lur Ihr rm my Ilr wnl nnl mumml llHK lnr phyllcnl tram He II Ihn Hmlrsl nurl mud cumhlrrnla mm have urr known mo nu Nam In mmlenl Imlll run II Iran And um marry ll wnnl he or limb or plvynlqml or any urh nmmmt Futllwnnun my Ml cwrn marry lllrk 1le Inn In Ir NH him Ilmu mlnl my err yum nuwrrrflun an Ilunl Dru Nun nur hum na Immu muy Many mm mm ulm mu Jnlml IIy Ilw Krnlm luv plunv hnl Ilrlmh in lrml rulin Ilvrl and II l1l nun lly 1h mun luhrn ll In nul um nlmmn or man uhu In Vlyl been In rlcrllrul hralfln luvlvlrnly Ivnluy dunnhllul lllum 01 mm Amy Ian at WWII nllluk FINN lvll mlr 1an Hm mman NI III Enlwl Ivrwl m1 lm lhvvwhlru Mm Ir MMHN up In mu calms are used In the Empire style pafio dress at left made ol Banlon The same colon and design um um in the halter neck lun sun at lluv Ann Luann mrrnlly my hmlmwl and mmI lull mum In Iain In ulnlmllnl my Mrlhdnn We Ibrth In Mu xllmvrr ml Iml Nut rllllvlrinl Mn lvlruhw ml Vlnunl ha you ART mums gay ANN LANDERS Tell Your Relatives YOure Machine mu nml In luu town hope you our dont mind taking mare waman along Ive really been look lorwnrd in tonighL Well we tau dld mind and laid her 30 She has been my cool to ever lime War we wrong 0TX Du 01x Yes You um wmng The fifth wheel Ahuuld hlve regrcllcd bulb ur hand and her husband and taken you all the hook Since the did noL however you would have put up wlIJI herlnd xracloualy right which is made Lym The ouuils were designed by Hakim Pinu or lhe Nauork Ecwémon or Unidn laBel fashion show in Manual CF Wirephnto MEASURE MILES GOGO GAL GOES THY EXAMINER WANT Ana Th1 lilhl wool divuth mem In mini mum um Ilwn Al mm rnlro lhm mm In In Mm The pulommr nnrmally mud or mensurlng he d11 lnnrc pnrmn walks re curded mlch the cm of the evening Mn the jerk UR lwim wnux ninja am no They nllarhrd pedo mrlrr lo the mm Smlo Prlmon she permmod with five Mher Univmlly of Ntbrmkn CIHdI du nlhcquclypc you girl or Eonnae ame cth ruuislcml ll mxln during an Ismlnule period LINCOLN Nfgh yum GOING SOUTH rum smug co swlmmlng party at the YMCA Pool at whch lme lnur guide earned their Iwimmer badge and uveral more completed uni Hm Class swim require ments THE BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY JANUARY 25 1966 During lhe lull the lirsl Bur rle lllll sent ihu Union luck used prinr in he advent of the new Canadian nag In their riskr company the 55m Baum mouLh group in England my mum Chrlsimru greetings iram lhc English glrls and wm lmprcsscd by the Incl that lhc Kuldes there wet so thrilled with their gill lhm flag are very expensive In England and lhux no mlny mm are able Im uxeir own new member wan welcomed Into the cumpany when lieher Smith was emailed and presen led with her brnwnle wing lo be worn on her guide unflynm Hostess badge wtre awarded lo Karen Mm Mary Jane Ynung and Sandra Bishop the Inner 1150 receiving wrller Iln Ker amide medlcwoman gym nm and keep badgesr slngcr budge hnd bun ur ned wall by Lind Fcrxuwn pymnnu by Wendy Anderson and three ycar am by Karen Pucock Sim Juxl bexlnnlnx new year Ihll L1 he lime to mvmup your alliludfl Ind Im blh and la main In do WM 11 Mmmry thoroughly and on llmo RESOLUTION Amunl lh cnmldcrnuom whlrh Ihould be on your mind ll be mnmtnl Are lha lollawlnx Barrie Guides Earn Swimming Badges Ivrnl Mining 14an In wltk umle mm In Illmember lhll he vnlun By MARIE MARTIN my contribulion ol cents per member or lhe Miss Osler Fund due lhe end of tha month 21150 due this month are Ihe pictures to be taken each pack and company wilh ch dots for us in our Thinking Day dismay Thcyara be 7pleuse Dont large la have your unl mbmll design or nun nble Are cm or lndlng wiUI guidu from nvcrscas and em pans cl Canada durlng camps wanedaft lnr mmzu mllom mm 0m you mold mnzmmnn blderlnl tenden ull mum um you old mMilmnlme Inkmini 1mm du In fly on ma handle Al the umw unmymru mm mm Influmnw ImamL wm pnnl huhly Ilinuflnlmx writm mm ml unllu wake fiumnlly Division Fees 75 ccnl per guide or brnwnle are duc Mammal you paid amount along wilh your 31 mtmbmhlp but than who luilcd to do In Ire remlndcd In attend to 1m medmdy PUBLIC RELATIONE The most eflccllvc publlc re Inflom agent have you Ind your brownie or guldcs Please assist us lo prescnl ln vaurnble pdclun la thu public by being unrelenllnx In hlvlng your girls In complete and correct un mm The most milmlnn miv taken In than us cnnccrncd wllh lhe girls appearance are black or culnured Ihou lnslmd the upprmd brown hall on ll nklsh Ind lncomd angle bndm and plus ln lhu wrong position ml npu new on three or our lumen bclnw lha Ihnulclcr mm nnucrncd or brightly colurcd lemma or Ilockinzl Ind kwclry In unl Iorm umnlnl luck or nvmu rar Iml mn mmmnlvuxlp uan llw Mmllo ume that can In mm In InnMm vnr Huplle mum lwnll In llvil mmmm AMI 1M In llvil mmwmwn AMI ll Into Aulllnle May wind and In lull lmvnimr only haul hull ml Mlliniwll II mm nun ImamHum we wmm um lulu pl In wr ulllllmll pm In Mummy M7 All of ma dclnlh Ind mlny more In llven your copy of Pnllqporxnnlmllon nna nulen Please chrck ll lrmucnlly mu bu me you In no ullly lmpmprr unllorm In lendrr you let he nmplm lo ccrlnln you dnnl IHuw yaumll In nppur ll mu Ilnu In In lhnn mmncuhla Imllnrm Thm In no urn lor mlcr wimnul hall or Mnrlnu lhu MMK kind than II ZBTIIELIJTA F0 TmmllllOW III THE 111an lnnwww I1 fwxr hlrlllrlny ymlr bumsqu mlmlu Ihll My mnutrs nhmld he Men In Mm my and own In WM Hnnncu mmL run you In make no mum win oMIy In I1 Illlmlflm July in MA MMQIMM mlvl Hunr nml nu llnuny buy My Mum vlrlmm lmmr yml uxl to he mmhl vn THE STARS SAY Irg llmisla it ls the Kohl laok that spells beauty tha 51cm lhe leaf and Wilmer In lashlon it 15 much the sama dress looks its most charm ing part an tnscmble park the wtnlllook when shoes hnndhng hall ac cessories complcle composi lion This ynr lha loul look has moved to Ihe beach hair in caps curler caps bath lng milv brlel mm coal that really shelter shellx all pen and bags 11 match or com bkmenl one another In filament collection bath lng caps are matched In color to Cnnadflan manulnclnrm bathing suiLs they are an matched in labric lo the little sea shell that are being inlro duch this year um sheiter when youre not in the poo We all know the whimsics oi lashlun and his year It is wry whimsical or fashionnbwi ol wellknown company to inum duct high lashion Awim cam 01 rubric For Instance beach Jackc or Paisley leryiene and cation matched with draped cap of matching ialmc In each cup come we fabric ha been show like and am lcslcd lo prinz back Into lomlinm mu thomuzh dunking and each cap loo has he hmoux awnwave Nb her base um wm keep the waves in the am and 1h wm Kn your hnir well apart Your hair hlxh and dry ln side the rubber basn will be cbvlefqd in mg prggly lhpy acntha In your nperaUvms Important remember Make no loam In late III he cul nl nII specuInIlra Inlemu In early June and be extremely chul In hudgmry mum htlwccn mId Nowmber Ind midbgmnbcr Sandman mnum dwuld pmw Manly hullan this mm mm oulsmndlnily tun plrlmxs 3mm gmcrnin romance In MD June all of July All ucrllcnl perlod lnr nll Aquar In and Into Scpwnher firm may be npma change In either your ham or buIEMu rnvlmmnem 1n endy Jun and ar hula Odnbcr but Hm thnnm would wrk out at Ale gunk covered in cam telly he could be by grldcun wm mun uy munmum or no sophlsllcalld they woul llalwr ammo lamb cfiud mm day ulll he mnmmlrmly nnlrnl mhrm lurlgngy Iquluendnurd with Journ mm mini an Hanna wt 3qu rlllllllllll Wva mm II Ill th ll IM Ml wry Inning fl nu alumnahm lunacyhum m1 unm Wr unm Amn unwa KlNGhrON CP Womens committees to Iymphony or chestras were yraiscd Sunday or their und raising eflorl and called partners of the Can Id Counnil by lhr councill mismm dircclor Peter Dwycr Olluwa Mr Dwycr keynole speaker at dinner pmccdin the upon in today of uneasy cunlcr ence of symphnny orchcslrn nuxiliarlcs sald the Council had donalcd 525000 In grnan in 1963 to 11 urchcslm in Canada Thu amount had also bran raised hy he unmrnl commit leg at those orchestras he nm tankmm nllcndcd by 35 delegates in being thd discuss and decide upon od mum or womens symphony uuxfllarlu II the first llme In Illcmpl lo edmle has been Praise Extended For FundRaising AS BATIHNG SUITS become more revealing Iiule cover up seems righl or sitting about poul nr luncheon in cabana Strangely enough MON JAN I7 SAT JAN 29 INCLUDES CLEANING POLISHING AND CAREFUL INSPECTION OF STONE AND SETTINGI WE WILL BE PLEASED T0 OUOTE YOU ON NEW SETTING WITHOUT OBLIGATION RING CLEANING and lNSPECTlflN 76 DUNLOP ST YOUR RING WILL BE EXAMINED THROUGH OUR GEM MICROSCOPE Au your almond 1A1HIII dawn worn Dan mun Iboul your VIIUIHI gum Takl ndunlann our my ring dmk hundudl do nth yurl Use Our luyawuy 0r Budge Accounts ANNUAL FREE 1300ch JISWIDLLER made by women commillee in the arts field Mn he thinks lb 1ch nod one Ind old the women lhey are haircut pl greal lrndllian In your com mitment to lhe arll and your dyed lnvnlvemunt In one an in pnnicular Ihese coverups can be vcallng too aslhls ljllle lace senshell shows Her jute bag is in blue matching her swim suit TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS SUSSMANS ARE OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY FOR YOUR SHOPPING NEEDS PHONE 7mm SINCI IIOO UNDER LIIE OWNEImm 0F GREENWOODS 0F BARRIE mccllng the Board Director 03 the 51mm nly Quill Rug and Craft Fair mu held at the firm Hr th Cavanagh Duckwurlh 5L Jan 17 cuu plans fur the unrur ii whichwill ho held in Orlllin him July 11 to 23 meeting was attended by Mu LaurCnMwelI Mrs McLaren Mrs Lorna Plum and the hoztess all or Barrie NHL Turrance Miss Olga Mawdxley and Helen Gladslone olOrlllia Ada Spuaxlng and Maude Kuury Colllnlwund null Jenn liannlnpn Slnyn The next meeting wll bu In Ihe arm pot luck lunchaan It Ihe home 01 MrsCnldwelL Remy St It will be hald March 23 begininz at 1150 mm Directors Discuss Iuly Crafts Fair FEW 01W PHONES Italys 52000900 people have only 5000000 public buslnesl Ind privautelephonesq gJANUARY mmnnmn Kg The scssjon was held In 115 For HRESCRIPTIONS Mam Than FIL NOW IN PROGRESS lENAS mew OPEN FOUR NIGHTS 24 named Dunlap mm Ind Drug nudl 58 Dunlap Mums Pharmacy 72M 121 TflW

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