Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jan 1966, p. 2

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This observation comes result of an Ontario government announcement Saturday The statement indicated that there will he huge increase in educa tion spending and that there will prob bly be boost in the provincial sales tax tohelp pay or it The tax may be alsgd from three to live per cent to pr0 tape about $850 million In addition to more spending for edu atlon the Ontarlolgovemment hopes to lnaugurate its own medical care plan on July and this ma involve an addition expendlture of 70 million The peoplehave been conditioned to greater expenditures for educatlan and medicare They have been told that V1 Canada has fallen behlnd badly ln edu tcauon and that more lncentlves should be developed to encourage young people Um 471 Inlm An Tmunln lnlhtall sum Mmlmlx W1 um Wm lunkr sum Mmmlv MC Mun ol IM Cmdun Duly Neumm suhmlxllm In July hy union we wool 07080 urly llnllc mplel 10c ll null mlvia Nova nu an mom so hm munlhu 50 mm Molar lhmudl wow you 50 Alx mouths Dulllda Onlnrlo mm ym IMO Cunndl mum um um nu UM Ind You llulhlmly unmlr although my mm the Ilmloxy am both benl llld Con norvnllvn government have umploycd or many yrnrl The hltch of come 1h no unvcrnmcnl can Word to hlvo lem Iallnn lnhlalml or prudclcrmlned hy pri vate mcmhm in parlinmeniary parlance biker nuier is one of small group of govern meni members chlrged with Ilk oui private member bills and resolu tions when they come up or debnle Un der mics of the House certain hours are set aside each week private members hours when bills resolutions Ind noiim of moiiun sponsored by backbcnch mem born are debated for set period of lime dobnlo on private blll concludes bu are the allotted llmo tho Speaker has no cholco but to call for vole Ralhnr llun run tho rlsk lnvornblo vote on prl vno hlll parllcularly ll Iponxorell by an npponlllan member ll overn men qulclly arpolnu low mom era to keep Inhale 30 n5 10 adjournment When lhln occurn no lll drops lo llw bollmn of long llsl nml lx unllkcly lo rclurn axnln ln lho nmlon lowrvcr prlvm mcmhm nnl wlth nut influer l1m prlnrlplo lhoy mlvr tale might lalcr be lnmrpnmcd new Nnmcnl hlll Their Mllu nlno can exlllr TALKING TAKES TM The Oahnwa Times An Oltnwa report has rcvuled role or which new backbcnchcn In tho Noun of Commons may vle The cm enduvor to mnko their mlrk In kcroulm Alderman Rosa had been iorwarded to Hon Pow er Minister or Air Defence pointing out advantage of establishing airport at Barrie Dr Harold Smith lp oint ed Medical Officer at Health im own of Barrie Town Council interviewed 13 applicants for ositlon ol assessor Premier Mitchell epbums bonus oi pound on Ontario cheese will not mean much to dairy farmers in Simcoe Coun ty which has no cheese factories now At turn at century there were mora than 20 Major Gordon Hangman oi Grey Slmcoe Foresters was pictured with his bride the former Alma Blount at North Carolina leaving Calvin Pres byterian Church alter wedding in To ronto Home nurses clam began onsored by lied Cross with instnlc on Mrs Harold Smltht Mm Laun vllle lrs Fred Rowe Miss Lan man and Mrs Ralph Will Mu ttla Burris Examiner¥anuary 23 1941 Georg Barr Reeve of Medonte Town shtp elected Warden ol Stmcoe County FullMasonlc honors accorded the late LtCol Alexander Iowan Prom lnent lawyer he was Mayor Barrio MHz14 and served with Blst Bnttatton In World War One RCAF apean rccrultlng office In Barrie County treasurer Harry Colemm reported ny gng doqtgle lggunly 92330 for trig wo vc 1r iiéd by Henry Allisonvéi Killslon Al erman Ross Iowan announced lens WAR um 15 vms AGO It Is not possible when oneu cake end eat lHoo Thl gallon equally to mouldppl rovlnclnl an federal public services or levery pollucal promise Implemented someone has to pay and that someone is the taxpayer WAIII Publilfiir There Usually Is Tax FOLEVerY New Service OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Authmlnd mma duo mail Im om Dopmmenl own AM or pumvnl mum In rum mm Iiundm m1 Emma MM me DOWN MEMORY LANE 61119 flurriv Exmuitwr Mthmon Mlnaglng Editor mean mm 15 nu mm Ev mm For liuamlnrr ml ml 1de ml WWW mm Their hm Ilnmhtrlumi lnrnllinr unlmrnl lwni Ilmlnm or Edilmlv Dev11mm ll 729 Ihmne mm mm Hnunluy an Emmy mumM meohm 73mm mm Mn mumm The luudlun Im II mlmlvfly tnllIM lo Ihn Im or lmmVlullun at mu nlllmlchu In Ihil MIN In or The Anodth run or mum ml llw Ibo local mu rub IllhldAllwmn The word should he lownnplnslfl In nlrml of upmlulnwn lhr vavsuln myan 10 eronnuu mum dawn he are It INIKIM iGNORANT MOTORISTS Montrul Gazette How much do motorists now about driving it is very good question Ontario hu decided to put all motorists through periodic driving test to no whether they know enough to drive moro rigid that is to any more mie uaio test is now being imposed Thu at mull has been that nhout 20 per cent inllcd the preliminary test involv ing knowledge oi the ruin oi tho roml and morn thin 30 per cent inilod their ilnal road tut iho inc thnt man ht drivan car In no gumnluo ha known how to drivu the Accident ntn tlatlc provo that Quito 11an irom ho ing morn nlrict In testing new driver the old drivm should be mule to prom irom time to ilmo that they know vhnt tth are going All cm to Ihm whn durln Yqu lmblho too much Ind cut tho no rnhlmmn Mwhnnn lh rmm Im AM lhqAuvM numu IrrulIUonL ubcr cy In the taking out ranks as m1 sesslon opens Agri cullura Mlnlslcr Greene was am of tho most meg IL tho task With hls new lrmu cnch rcsponslblllllcs hell be olherw so fully occuplcd is convener lilrs Edwin lneson in stalled as president Lions Club Ladies Auxiliary TWO Barrie ladies celebrat ed their 95m birthday Mrs William Booth oi Hayfield Si and Mrs Hector Coles of Thomson SL Barrie Colts beat Oriilia 96 in junior hockey Bor den Wheeler got six scoring points At iiiidiands big bonspiei main event was won by Barrie curing rink oi skip Albert Simon Jack Kennedy Johnny Johnson and Wilbur Harris Second event trophy was won by another Bar rie team of skip Charlie Beeiby Sully Meredith Matthew Roberison and Har ry Love Trinity Church held mem orial service ior Chief Scout Lord BadenPowell of Gilwell who died in Kenya Rev John lileGlillcuddy in First Baptist Church hotly attacked beer and wine policy of Ontarios Lib erai government Enlistments this week Eugene Douglas Ewart iiiiey David Kenweil Carson Knupp Thomas Tyrer Albert Knieer Georgian Bay basketball league hogan play BCI layers include Arthur Powe no eeich Jack Cornish Cliii lloid Jae Nixon vni iiiggin and Win Firth Bardia Pool largest indoor swimming goal in Canada was opened at Camp orden Army Service Corps grounds Simcoe County iibra proved big suc cess in first year oration Miss Lila lticlhee re orted books were purchased and isiributed 11 times llsh trend In opinion which can determ Inegovcrnmenl course This is the era of father image in ov ernmcnt The politicians have prom sad to beettlp our educational system and keep more young eople in school The purposels good ut let us not forget that or every servlce money is requir ed And much ofthat revenue comes from the taxpayers pockets to go on to unlverslly They have also been Informed that medicare can be handled ddeally under government plum we would not term this brain washln$flallhough there Ll an element of this government props anda One neldom hears the 51111 smal voice thaj protests against soaring overnment ex penditures and patern 5m in public services It would be well nlgh treasonable to some polluclans to suggest that young people are sllll capable of flndlng their way 10 uplvcrslly and the means alien by thelnowncflorla to pay for the fees and other expenditures mth prlvato ly outed medlcal plans could handle med cal plans adequately Wlluon mnaini Manager Ilh In Al law llri Ifln 1hr mm IMIIIf Mr Dirlrnhnhn Myer un Hrh lulor diawlml Ill Ilanrn NII rantI Ilul Mrqu fill an hlm luix rum 2M Iul muy Ila mlnll wlnre nl lho nwm my but Mr lmrarm In qu In Inlgh about maurr when thnhnku IIIIN ux lAmHinr unlmrnl 1min OM dchnll mum bun mmm ll Mlly NM nmllm lrIIn nfllh Humbln wnvaM nytrrnwulrdnnl MW Mm llr Dim Mlun Inlnl Mn NHHIN mm Inlwlu rvl INN NM 1m mum 1n unln In nun lurlrrn AifllnllIKIn NH Mk IMMI firmly m1le with uniflnfllclwl wnumkl hmudnml Ilw mlnw miniIN mum In human Ilnum In lllilrL Mr Nefenbukcr wn Ihm prime mlan head ml mdly government dodod yw bdm Mr Yemen only Your du We lud been alodod Ger he ulml mny sumodlnl mm 5L Lau went wkkum bdm Mm day Jun 19M omnian ML vim Id rm wk in tha Oomxmml mm mm mm motion In rmmy supply mum wllh nthIn Picker lrnnrmrl mluwm M4 Imnnlllu niun ml Ilm mm lnh um without an simian Tm NHL now Inn manna nu mmml Mr Didnflmkn lmk RM flour and In lwodmr and nu Um mmwm MIN Ihrodl ImlMd trying to rally ha mull pm tn mm mm lhl Ltbonln and Irml he mvm mm dammjlrr Mm yen OTTAWA CF mn Ion pawnmuntlry banlc hu bmught Prime Mlnmer Pearson and Oppmlllnn Louder Diurn hlknr lull circle Thursday each med ha poWJcnl mm min Iho other rmplmd In alum Ilmnuflon um your mm to in day pmponlnx L1 um he minority born Kmcrnmtnt mlm do oatod In nonvcnlldenco vme In his lnrlinmwlY and hat Mr Pam ndvm Gavflen Vnn Ier to uk Innlhtr pnry to arm government without an elec om it Is viitn diiiicuil lo decide who was the lint In do some thing Vns Mark Lumber tha um farmer in Cmdl thn he Sicur de Pouirincour lied mm Funcn in 100 to esiabiish cuiony Port Royal in mi Lesclrhol with him an historian Anoihzr member at the ex ilion was bouis Hubert Whnu lather ind been daciar Io Calhcr we or Medici Queen Mother oi France Catherine insiignicd tho massucm or St Bartholomew and Wu haunicd hy ghusls ever liter Young Louis Hebert WI glad in gel frgm gm mugs Port Royal in 1600 whén the Order Good Cheer wu calgUshem Mpg 155cm Irgw exclnptegLgndllq1¢d Tell mu inter Chumpllln Mcrcd Muls Helm the so of phylsican Quebec whlch hxd become an most Important mile menl 1n Canada When they arrived Louis Hebert and his lamlly decided Ihnt they could not live in what naw 1mm Town which was Inlesled by rats and so they bum ham an op of the gut 509k gs the firs my in Icalnlzda byllt mm ouxh Lou Hebe was cpl usy ook ler the medlcal need ol the colony he nnd hl lamlly cullirnltd 10 mo of land They grow enouflh vegetable or lhelr own needs and were able Io film more to many poor hmlllu So Louls Heth Is alien cradled with bclnx the lint lnrmer In Canada He dled firmly mourned on Jan 25 xm sonrlnlnw is believed lo have med tho lirsl vlow In Canada he followan yearn drawn by an ox The Int when was sown In 1544 and the first horses were used In m1 Tho lndlnns called hone lhe moose lrom France CANADAS STORY PARLIAMENTARY NOTEBOOK Quebec Was Helped BY DoctorFarmer Recalls Day Diefenbaker Demolished The Liberals By BOB BOWMAN Quulnhl nl nlvlu mun lnlrmrl hid Ivmwr AI Hun nun nl nIlllnrly mnululr Allml Mlr Am um mm Mu Hmnllu hum hml Il lnrh mh mm mm mm Hum arrldrnll Sorlulnlull uy Ibmll rm Juvrmln Mllmulnll Ihnw Mp lellrm n1 lhlr In My Ma II ml mm min IIIM lubbommu tmallnnll The 175 now morn lhln 1000000 fllwmu Nme 0000 wuplu rl by dlvam nr nnnulmrn nth yur Aboul mll do In Illhln lml II ynrl mmlur 1an mm ll your wlla nn nylonn TM nun wumln um 11 yur hm norm umr lull nu up In an pl NCIIAM lull lmmrl lhll Int llnl rm hum IN MI dope mmc molhur tum mIMn IIMUM litrnln Inmnnmuh nah lay hrr MM II My WIN nmrnllcl mlrllrl llllynfly lmn old Mpme Iumy nhauul um lhu Horu nurhl In Juan nurmh day uMIu hm NEW YORK lAPlThmu columnlll mllhl mv Imnw ha Illtlnl open hll Anrl Ihnl llmnt lnrlwla IIM BOYLE THE LIGHT TOUCH Women Are Attracted To Mediocre Men The allunllunloaded wllh rc glonnl mllglous and pcmmll anlmoalllu well ll lribll dll Ilculllcshu llWIyl been lull of Inner as manllnslcd by ha December 1061 mural elm lions whkh usumcd lspech ol clvll war will vtnluro tha prtdltllon UH ha ex rim The Conic wlll be rhldl pIIy it cvrr came our turn la play auch min roll Order was mlorrd luler lhrnuxh 0m mm of Adllwe mm llmcd Inn lhl Ibo ribs of tho Enllem Region and Prim Mlnllur Skr Abubahr Balm Manm of lhI domlmnl Norlhtrn union Perhaps lha blues Immedi ale question In Alrlca whether lrlhally dlvldnd lecrll can hold together now that ll calllllon snvgrnmcnt hI been vlultnny overthrown Diplnmll anxiously uk ing how long lecrlu will rec maln under milliary dictatorA shim Ind wilciher it med In all vicilm in he divialvo pralr icml ihni hlve thnied ii linen Independence in 1060 Nnnmdl Nlurinn non cxtcutlve pruldcnl and tamer ol lndtpemifllltm uld In radio much one polnl In the wlld campnlln have only one request to mike lrom our pollllcluu ml embryo republic mun dll Inlayla then In lha name ol God In Iho apmuon bl man Ind painch one umnn unl mmlnu mm an mm will hunt la In medlom MIME That It mmn lhnn lulu Illh rnlamllmu IBM rumlam mlhqum mi Ina In Ihlrh low ureednl Ivaww Tlllflr pmhlnm rmlh In mw Julius mnr am 1le In unh rnnmlinn In Ilnnul hualnm mm by Ilfldlnl lhc nlrklnl hulnu ll dldnl wvrl ll mu Mnrnm Mm lh Anihnnuyngln ulm nlumm Wmh membmnll Al uyl llflen In in nplnlnnl ol nlhm prnhlbly unnl do ynu My lml hm Illl Hum hlnwl lmunnro mtlvul My lhmlunn llmi prolwhly mm mlli Ilnnll mm In Amulun hluory Tm llnm IM Mm Al mm Hum H000 ammo $000000 n4 uhllh Mu 30mm by Imuunro ll hul wnllh lhnl mum ynu llWI mly TM Amulun irdlcll Amin Hnn hm nilmnltd lhll ohm My II In mu rnmmnn Imnnl poor wumcn hm NH lodu woman IerI mn mon Irllulll mr mm II lkh Nigerias Future Is Being Watched By Diplomats lelly flrflrucllwnm Ind dHIIHCh nut whnl mm In In Ilnd dmnl mr um it In ml ductipllon hll lo yCIIQM thlldl Elidin Pm sun wmu VB JOSEPH MIcSWBEN mum mm um Mur umm mnlllrr ul Uv lullmt munlud lbI dnmn nm Huh and mi Um Imam mluhln Inlrllfir mu nu Al dim Hulmuluu Imhlmlrrl mnnnnlly In am In Mum or nwwun In MIIFMI Il Idrqunn mllon by Mum urnrnl mul lm rum nunan In In ml nlul to amhumlur In Mm nzm lot in hm hubeen added to federal politics with the Immmcnl of Joe green mlnlmr agricul pmflnm ln Ontnrlo In and mm the mm field And Eh 01 mm has come flmm legdershlp conqnflmgs In Mil la Um Alamun rm ummnt Hm anh Inrm mrnl Id an Inmliqnllou Hanan mnwl Mu Mannum Irlrlnrd In In Iluuth HMOKNI hmnh flihou Mr 6mm Inn Man lode member totfleth mm mm my hu Ihen very much an My wd we we ate in diam 1113 may iLseH ha can And thank to musing nom lnallon spoechand the enter pflslng dfom of ewu Mnromm Imlrru Ilnhll he Mnmun unlm uld Ihu lmldenl inullv ISM hmk Illlml wlm Fruncrl humor North Amun plnlulov In Frch Amhuwlor flair ul Ilel pmmml In lravl lu lml mumn In hm Mnmcnn 1va ulll lllnw Mimiy ML Hu Mumun rnvny In mm Ilsa unultl allml hmmu Mr Greene wis ninhm from dtminl the prvvlnctal LYb argl lenderddp Mm in 1350 men who were Minded him and engaged In game volumlary mmflmu efforts ha secured mpecuhle Then at 1966 convenuon he wu unfitdud candidate Klnl nun II led Funth charm null hln Inmlnr mlnlllrr Gun Mnhmmcd Onl lln nullnmlmled lhu abduc IJon In Pull mlulnl Moroc un up IIHnn Mahdi on In Ind Franc recalled III Imhumlor to Mamm lnven ynur llme Ind your mum In lifes most nwlrdlng wnrk Ono mu Ls worth more Khan lho whale wmld What ahlll profit mm ha shall nln Ihe whole wnrld Inrl lone th own noun mm Allnelllonl lucn Funn Ind Mmmn db lormulcd Iunhnr Indy The In mu ruhleoul In tree of um and In lhfl win elh I0lll wln Pmmbl mo FranceMorocco Relations Drop In rlrcumnllnm lhc Nnchuiun will bc um tho mlnlllnr mlnlluled on man lhl vlvlclly Iemper men and lyplcal Irhh pub nlclly ll uu bollom Cuud it In him Mr Xkum nId lmporlm lhlnll but Iddmmi hll umnh In Momma L4 Dmlr lhr leucr Quebec letan revenue mlnlrcr Eric Klar Ill sent the ether dlyrla lho v5 mercury commerce John Connor II dual cm of pollllcll Ind anlro Icrinl clumxlness Jim at the lame lime lhe lcuer proluflng restriction on American fortlxn Inveslmentl rpenkr In Quebec vein but cannot be denied Aside from hl error at farm Mr Kier nnx rhawed enuinl reallsm um will brlnz hlm lhu rup port most Qutbccm And hm number Canadian Normnlly Mr Klan should have acnl Ms lellcr In Ollnwa llx xubJecl lnvnlm Qucbcc It lrue but lhcra nn doubt lhll ll 11 led cra concern 11 ML lens whhed to bring hl point of vlew Ike Allentlon Amcricln auhnrl lIu lhm wen lhuusnnd Ind aue way to do It He need only have Iddrmed In Mitchell Slurp lhn lederll mlnlller of Ilnlnce public mm The InInrmnllnn 1ch lm ol he v54 Emhmy in on would hIVI qultkly mod on lbs In Wuh nmn Allo cod puhllc Id dm helm In Iudlenu of any lmpcrunro wuuld prob nbly hlVG produced urns psycholaxlfll ruulu with an nlslnl diplomat temp uh Th Inlectlon car lorlnu on curmfl topics tuan mm the Punch lnnmu pr oi Cmdl By DON OHEAEN QUEBEC OPINIONS QUEENS PARK Gompare Minister To Abraham Lindoln And hum Mun hurlhlhh once Ixaln madaur mi showlnu THAT ABE IMAGE Also he added to his tom image by mother orllorlcal mtrlbutlm whlch had poop main dash Hm In On Lula Abe Lincoln nlm mm film hm that Mr GNnen prenutledw ml cahlnat pm amid rally prelude to hln eventunl return or to be moreprecise hla tntryto 0mm pollLlcs Hls 51ml Interest appears In lle In the mvlnclai lielduAnd ln mlny my he would seem to be rmre milled to flu wo Vlnelal rllher dun me edeml Ircna In nl va up Imklu hr Md uml lllllufllr llofldnl AMI Ipavllnl vqulpmml Tui Idunlllv lhllr mm In Ill Inlm pull qnlrllr appeal L1 principally based on humespun approach and this polcnUaLly couldbo more sumfui in the provin dnl field has been respected He has been known mm as man who can film quick speech on any thing And he vbviously has had allrncflon to Prime Minister Pearson as man with some polliicalr knewhaw Hm III nm1 mm rudy In nqu mu mn Yuhtmu um Ind on ml hp unlnl nu II In ml llulo InImll unl Id um Ill Mmuhlnl nu Ionur nml Mr Gmne obvlmuly man with duke or Iendw ship You can Me Mr appmndl rosxlb fidtlnz hlm 1hl endcr Ontario but not ne rily at tho leging But NI appeal pmbauy would not be smug an nauonwldn has It would pa In hu hpml mvincevvvméfi ha msflm In the local emotivn and can key himsell nocoxdknvy 11 munI Hut MI In tha me my flow duwn In mnomlc promu wnulrl b0 hudar or Clnldl la Inkl Hun or 1h 15 Jul The Increase In Ihn Inims rate is aimed at curbing Iniinlinni II It innnlinn were xivcn Im rein it wouId not be Inw In nniliiylng ihe good mm of ihe iour ycm oi moms and wouid lhrealzn ha laundniiona oi healthy economy It bell liner im in Inflnlinn lhnn Io continue In expansion which wauid end up in an economic crisis El lhnrlr txumlnrr the Wrong place Clanh Ryan Um uobe LEvencmenl Sevml IndIcaIInm lead on IobeIIm Ihl lIIe Cunadlnn Mummy wIII not grow gran rule In I9 In 1065 AIIgr Imyurperlod of ex panslon II normII cemIn pause Ihould occur 11 aIrnnze In Ind III II dld no happen leaner balh Inj Iho UnIch SIaIcI Ind Can llqwaver Iludy by Dominion llumu nl Slallsllcx IhDWI lhll year Ihnuld be proportionaler lull Inr Can thm the United sum Consumer Iprnd lng will In mlnllva luml be huvlor hm well upendan on durablo looda Bu ml llvorl prom ln Cmudn ll Illo lmpllu IIIOMCP lnlllllon From lhn mend lull 1m to lln in menu 1m Iha lncreue In lha mu nIllonal product wu hlxlm 31 per ml In Cnnldl II Inlan only 61 per cent or Ill us Fur FIII mumI WIIII Ad Mull LOOKING FOR CASH 7282414

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