Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jan 1966, p. 1

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MI Ilrruy uh th uhu In Im the huhul man In llmlnn mm mm five with 31mm not boculrw pvdmhmnljolllklm 11 Mm mummm mum In 04 Innom mm lvaulnr rmplnymtnt but be mm It ham IM mm up to MI InnIm nml ManlyMI ull mm mullrunn Mr men will born In MIM Ilng SImcoe County Inn In nu Mr Ind Mu AIIrcd Fay Ilnn There he WI educnllon Ind hlx mm In hockey wIlh the BIInaslng Gmn Shlm In he Imnn of mm In plAyId can In or we win wllh the uncut Dymenln Harris 0qu In um Onlano Hockey ImoclnlIon Iun lar perks MM mp Innle Counrl rm in Maui mayor Inlnry mm mm to mm year full mm down In amendmrnl ml would him Imam he level up mm I700 mg ninym um Im IM mm vhqu Alumkm ml vutlm In 010 mnlm mu Mum ML Jhuurpiwéuw 300 ulnr lur Ihe mayor nn 91w hull IHIHIIIM know Im wnuhlnl mng l0 mmmvml witty rut In 0M qu10 ll had lm nlnh In tho pod Iva MH MI Ilrnnv Id lhfl mmévuki Frank Hymn 74 one of Canadal hockey lmmmlali Ind member the Hockny Hall of Puma Totonlal Ex hibition Grounds died on Wed neldny Jan 19 It Provident Hospital In Seanle Wuhlnglon He had made his home In Potl Orcth arms the Punt Sound lrom Scalllc for tho ml yam Interment Wm Soner an Suturdtry that me the Eaton Co lponsorcd mm In thn DIM unlor Icrlu and many hockcy pllym who went on become mm In prnlmlnnnl rank played wnhlhol1nlmuln Tor onlo Indudlnz narrlan Gman Hacking and Minulnzl Frank Fayllnn PRO WITII TORONTO Fuyllnn math hll dthul ln pm nmkl wuh Jul Fro cailnnnl lcnm In Toronmlhe Tmanlw nr Inmellmu cull Mnym who will not All umnvymr rnlu tllecflvo In 1m Inllwwinu £517 council derldon Iml nlall Council Favours Raise For Mayor woiwon lot In Mentalb Rb um last night held In an nual mealng and mailman Maw Kins Gem officers at King George BORN IN MINESING Former Hockey Great Frank Fovston Dies BARN AND District Ala MuiilEn Ibo ouT Id Dina Shhll 0113mm nm of today Maple mm In mu ml club um lha stan ley Cup This was the In we Stanley Cup winning team on which he was liar plnowr In 191 hockey wnr broke on human ho EM and the Wm iha inlu busier Pairick mu Busy forming the Paciiic Cons Aen xua and began recruiting Enu crn nun ioyaian whn had high regard for Patrick and remain Ml hil iiicionz iricnd decided lo no well ill pinyml wilh Scaliia or nim yam and in ma Joined ihe Victoria Canaan 11m mm curs ln lhou My the Stanley Cup flnalr were played bclwecn the El and In West and Foyllmr mm member lwn morn wlnnm When the Pnclll Conrl lugua lolrlcd Dclroll bouth the Vlclorln llC lranclrlu and Fnyllon Inlrhcd hll lull Limo plnylnl career with re ll Wlngr nl Ibo NllL ln me How am ha wnI no to rollro tum pleloly Durlnu allowing year he was monum Ind plnylng conth In Dclmll Olymplu lho Now York llronx clul ha Syrnnrna Stun Ind llnnlly with Srnllla whtro ha nlnrlcd hl pm cumr llll hockey career In player nml conch lnxlv In romnlnl VIM Alder men ll Willimu Jul mr Mr Bruce Owen Fm Smllh Mlnnl ml Donna lmkor vulnl rum uw honorarium mm Vhllt nMevmen lhll Snuu In Jol Hm Jlrk MIMIn And liver Ymmt lawml uw It nmondmufi Inwuw on mm mm mm Ihm yum un vlwn MI lmn Ma lo 51m 11 my lllfl melm um nu II nwnlw hp Bonn nl Polkc Cmmnlulnnrn mmlgl on ghllc uuuuu cummxmaxij with Mr Mrs Cochnm and George Me Also deded flu 1966 ecutlvo Ind absent when ph llue Wu taken were Bell vlowmidmt and din Mr mm ieen 7m DryI EMERGENCY NUMBERS VIIMl HM Iltllll TRY EXAMINER WANT ADE YORK 71 Ml Hum nmalnlnl my Feyton Miriam nlll mun nKrI Ilw lnmily nrm whvrl Frlnk wnl horn leln Foyllnn mldu In Colllnkwood llm Foy Ilzm In London Onlurln le haym In mlr OOIUMM and mly mm In Jmla Par mm mm mnlrl Mr ham In Toronto VENTllll BETA mmuv NEW YORK MlJKrn Wm lurl whn wnn lhn 1m 15 own ml hm Ml vlrlm mmMnl clmlanry mImml hu been voted wlum Ilm Den Hanan Trthy hy Hu Mel mwlmn loll vrllrrn Aunt Mien mlmflly lu alvun annually In up whn ha mammal mm mlnun him up ed lrom 1905 to 1905 He was elecled to the Hall ana sum yean no on tha haul of grcnl record He wnl known as last Ikaler clam allck handlar llna defensive and turn player Many oldUma local ans call Mm he best hockey player Ln Barrio jnnlor Mxlory or 11 mm NAME Tllll NEW IIIK MI Dirk Tim world mlddkwrl rhumpim mu Nlmln iwn mnml Fighter by 11an muulne Thu munlnl led lho F1011 lul 1mm 009m mmIn nyA lam buul mm In lnllmon Ilw FIRM the Tun 0n retirement tram hockey Mr Foyllon decided mako Selma his homo and his beams on Ihe mos Inmoux turkcy grow in lho Unhcd 5qu Norm wast He medium In SI NM 0an Whlu lurkcyn but lmc he wu East to villl hi family at Mincslnu was our yuan no Duran hII playing cnmr ho pluycd th or axnlml ovary member the Hockey Hall of Fame who wm mm durlnx Ihe mm you Mu Foyuun lho armor Il¢l tn Tumay dlul In me lo uurvlvcd by hlx um Corbcll Fayllon laughter Holly 1M Hnl Wrbbb nnd Ilmbnm Mn Donn Dnnlch rlxhl xrlmlchll dren and hm urwlmmlchll dun On or In bmlhm Chnrlm prmkcmscd hlm 1n MIL um Iml In HIMan Hwy um rompleln horny tonm o1 Faynlnmv TURKEY SPECIALIST SCISSOBED SPORT Belvw Georze Bradley out going president present 91mm of the Sheltered Work shop wMn Eileen Hankln W991 91 Wm mfofnfi nee gem Mg 7L jgmhmn Sum the formation in 1935 an DAME ha undergone rem In the ypung adult program annual repart Mn mu pain ted out that there are currently 31 trainees at he Sheltered Work shop on Way Street and that it opcmflng at absolula max lrnum Fxpaclly unwno Immuan um um Mentally Retarded Board Di ecvm motion was passed changing the name of the organ iuflm from Bank and District Association or Retarded Chil dml to Barrle and District As godfion or the Mentally Ra he orgaxundm and the walk dug mlgn The Installation of officers was canduded by Bev Byford Orangevfllq direclor of Region 01193110 Assoclauon for the SHELTERED WORKSHOP Guest speakci was vors chnlrman of Region 0A MR whoyugmcd 49 who Th1 years committee dank men Include Garnet Pull adult urvlm Jim Iawoknnlpor anon Tom leech properly Mrs Barnes homo me My Duhunpubllcky Mrs Dom Reid library George Bud ley Institutions Gordon Mch duhgwmm Mrs lum say ullefln Mrs Tollon membership Gerry Smith In anca Mrs George Bradley so an Jim Savage recreation Ed Gwen research Mrs Dukes spenkm panel Min Cam Vin Beenen corresponding and carding secretary and Mrs Eth dyes Tho Kidds ka valley In name could became conscr vauml urea englmerlng Ilud proposed by ell cmcfl show um Itenuld came down town flooding alter further do velopmenl In the ma All npwrd IL lwrr In un rhunwl May Wi hnvley lower May 137 mu to hlxlwr Mny 311 no unrhnnml lawn my Lu rawwed 55 10 hllher Jan Im Fm Whnlmlu prim lo tnunhy mun llhra mu Alarm II In mrdlmn MM unit 10 I31 lrrlnn nulcqunh Drmnm Ilwly Aiso elcded to the was ex egullva were AEell vice presldenl Ind directonGeorae Wleund Mrs Trudy Cochran InAyKrsD1jGrah Council last night umcd down request rum Gordon McTurk hat hll properly northeast ol ha Sunnldala RoadHighway 400 ln lcrlchan be 11an or res denllal use pendan undlu by cagenflllog augment City dtvelnpmen airman may aid he upecu port on he mutter 1mm enginv ma taflyjflllh rlnz GRAIN WINNIPHO CmTram mm mm an Ilnht min only to dny Vlnnlpq Grnln Eh than Thm wu man ml Inulnnl MONTREAL lfl MIL culqu lr Hlnrnl mlogallnm Mr Mclurk old council ha name that he met would be protected but uld his entire macro would not be held as open mace prohlbIUnz dc velopmem have no immed iate developmenl plans but mm In on Um land would he llmIlnr In Iunaundlnz property in Id Thm rink mm Darrin will tampclo In the Alsoclnml Can adlnn Tun11m Omarlo curlan honpch Mmlan lhln Mrkcnd nu IbcII rlnlu will In Iklppcd by Chuck Coleman llnrnld mm rr Ind Gmy Wllllamu Slxly our rlnlu Mo enmcd In lha Uxmdny bomplnl Local Rinks In ACT Spiel IF PLOODING SEEN FARM PRICES Kidds Creek Could Become Conservation Area In City VALLEY TAXI ll nul rmlrv in In vlnd plmo yhu IN NO CHARGE IDR THIS SERVICE DMVEYOURSILI CAM AND UCKi AM Im WIII Dollvmd lm Ham hr ran CARRIER MISS YOU 7282433 It was Imch am there wul be benefit hockey gum between the Barrie Bmdculm and high Ichool when the proceeds which will to £th Barrie and Dishm Aubdlllon 013119 Mcntgfly Regrded utga president Mr Bud ley presenud paan Lhu sheltered Workshop lo Ei1 een Rankin director of the Wax55119 11p painting is the The regional council seen the chief vehicles or the solution cl mos present and future problems and or hallm In plans and action Hut mut ually concern the murder In any given are he uid Mr Bradley nlw presented podium with he 0AM crest Mr Matklem podium con mm by Mr Bradley will be used by th Bamo moda fiom mu emu Mr Trevor noted that am six yam to the WU MEHMW 40 so the children in Imu ier communities Ind beme seryed by day alum 1hr Ira gag Ion sodium In The 11506171301 Misha the 1965 inn year with n2 Fry LEwrence that me land be Emma 11 curdnnco with Mr Mmrkl quul llrnl lnw mndd OMC 0m rvld or adm urdy mike Inc um hnulln Hr All you nun Ia ur drlverl mm 104 m1 callm law rnlu lmlunk flu huurm rat by lhl Hal llrul by III in Hull by Wui N1 Innkl In Km do Imnd no vim plum Ahml Bmia Planning Board earlier recommendad Ihni council Iiudy acquisition oi least part the land or conservation pub panel but failing that AM that iha land be named in ne llama except or mull mllon IM Nolhwunu Va Iey Wilcnhcd particlpalu In conservation authority Ald Fred Smith chnlnnan ul counrlll publlc work commll In aid cauncll 1mm Ind Tor onln newspaper under boyl ullly of leaving dcbrll ll llml comm Ind prnmlocd llnu un dc an nstllnx byllw ll um prntllcu continua Council mm In lnlorm rep rexcnlnllvu lhn Mwlpa hold 1n lbo clly um flu or byllw will be oxerclud In the future aint WM imiu ni your dmkv Barrio DriveACur City council Ins nigh lhml enrd nu lzlinfl newpiper publlnhm whuu delivery boy continue lo lltltr city linen Mdl Emmi uld lhu move In long pull duc Will Enforce Litter Bylaw DUNLOI NT HERTZ NEED TRUCK RENT ONE FROM Ciiiun and merchant of Barrie wlii have in decide which is more important non hour byinw which satifliu ihe ludi vidull or am by which every nna wwid have in abide Barrie Alderman Jack Garner said yesterday Mr Garner then is no absolute aoiuilnn lo the pmbiem and mmsions wili hlva in be mldo by I1 parties merchants and mapper Addressing member the Kempmleii Kiwanis Club Mr Garner pointed out that line most importn consideration in the present situation to move mm state of flux to definite by law to let peapla know when they Hand Mr Gamer who chnlrman ha Relall Merchlntl Com mmea outlined the new hi committee ha mun concerning LN problem In the put city cmmcll had the nuthurity to pan closing hy Iaws alone hours alter receiv Inl petition from lnlemled pur Uu but nnw council can pm by law only In nme ha need the community He noted lhal In lha past many mason have bun given to Jus tlly he need or sipdny week Including competition model of transporlnuon and the need at volume Then hm bcchme need In reasusl he situuuon Ind our commlllco dld Ihl in Mly 1965 and found that Ihe malar lty muchnnu waned to don Wednesdly allnmnon Tho groan lound lha this did not mlhly lbcir needs and pcmloncd touncll er china Ln ha bylnw lho urnllun atom dld lo nlluy need In lhelr bullnm Thll amendment wnl mnltd nnd wn lhcn mind wmlm In liluauon In Mom were STORE HOURS Concessions Will Have To Be Made Says Garner ALD JACK GARNER RIGHT AND KIWANIS PRES RALPH FRANKLIN Gfllfrkmnkphmurqf 1h CARUNO BREWERIES Umuui umnuny lhl cb flea lhlt bl mulled dlfllcull Inulllon Ind thus petitioned merchant find wkhel in View Ike new grocery bylaw Th pn Iuon uked merdumu whether they llwred Monday closing or Wednesday closing Wn mind that the number of muchanu wmllnl to dose Monday And hm wanflng In close Wednesday wax nearly the lame Ind Laundl thereto um cloud in Bmia on Monday and Wednesdny IIIIIIII OVIIIEAI AIRWAY CDRPUMIIDN Wllfl All NADA THIS SMALL ADVERTISEMENT SAN MEAN BIG SAVINGS FOR RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS CALL Travel Sorvlco Dump 7196525 mvlgummmnu If yanrn planning trip to Europe EOAC an 5m you time And the money So find an Iboul BOAC first This Iummer them Ire record 29 mmdanlic flight weck from Taranio How Ihal for chiin In dim lo Londcn by magnificent BOAC RollyRoyoc 707 or Air CnnIdI gilm DCB jet From April air ms Europe In the lowesl mr Exunple ZlDny Emnomy Excursion Taronrrm Roma will ma yml only 65 mum Plan now Ind me $40 See your Travel Agent luhpd In IanHAM mumL 0K Johnson the straight ale Au c7 ma mm mm mm When man says Red Cap it says alotfor the man 7BOAG ended the bylaw to perm retail outlets except lumllm stores to close Monday or Wednesday whichever wu more lultableyln their needl Although the byan does no govern the days not an be closed It does 11ml the non haurl STILL ROAM DESERT Hal Saudi Aubhn population of 5630000 still Ilvo nomadic Mm 111 the dual fig

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