In mmlhl all Mr mur vlage nlw nnrl hrr hmlmml Irnl lu KNrmir Mn Hwy mm mm mmlnl Ivy lnllhh Amhar Nu Mn Anvlhl mnl lama In M1 lhl mmlrd Farm flandhl Immlnr of Full maulan ulallm Mnmndn Unmlhl4luplln hrr Inerl ulvimlllm Mm Aha II man lo WI Ill bar lulhor In palm mlnhnl AI mu mlnlnm flu can up nl In rnnllnua Ibo nnnnlmrml wllry lhnl lmlu luller ulna Imlrpml om llnrn Nov ll m7 MIL Grumle Irnl In crmunl khan nml Inllllrd Mr Irhmllnl In Kullnrhml Intl Al Knmuvflll mum ulnm Kllm 11M rd with My ml luhlm Mn Gandhi In hrrlll hrr Inlherl Islam Mum Thrlr Inmlly In llmhmln Mll Mth In HIntlu mm my NOMAIJNNI Illl Mn 0mm Inked ladwrn nollclum ml may mum wh ch In man llluly to win ha ennllxlmrl llldlll Madam ï¬lm ml helped Alum IM poll cm nl ho ruling Comm mrly In ululrh hu been llomlnann Hume They mnll how young 1m who lmllnwl htr mm by Ilnmllnx on able and npaulna ugrvnnu Later ern In Inlhrr he rnmn prlmo mlnlucr IM wu plungnl In Um hard renllly of Mn mth urvlca hln Imaleu and lrnvrlllu cnmpln lon nq lnlfdfml nhrnmt Her friend lay um the dluzhtur of PM In Jawnhlrld thru Indnpondml India Ilrsl prim mlnhmchc wzu barn la rule lndln 45000011 prnple um bu been Inltlgled Ipln lhl nucleus fbyfnroIdVlidow llnu chlla NEW DELHI mumhm imllm Gandhl lndlnl Ilm wnmnn prime minlwr can hold her on with anyone In ha tough world of pollllu and in urnmannl diplomacy In in column oi Jan wrote about1 armor Bar ria resi ant Dr Bill Spanis who was recent appointed head of the Biology Department at the Un versity oi San Diego What failed to mention is that Dr Spanis in member of the American Association ior the Advancement of Sdence the Society 401 Nai urnl History San Diego the American Phyiopalhol ogical Society the American institute of Biological Sciences Sigma Xi and the Queens Biological Scien ce Sigma X1 and the Queenl Biological Socicly At USD Dr Spank will direct the premedlcal pro gram and conduct research In addluon to teachlng mlcroblology and cellular physiology And in the Schertn historical research tiles in this old recommendation One who is acted with chills and fever should wrap himself tightly in sheet mn around the house three times and jump under the bed Thus the chill jumps into the bed and he misses it Another collection of lolklaro lists aome cum which are still practiced For sore throat you can gargie with coal oili drop 01 turpentine on the tongue every day keeps all diseases away says one source find apples more palatable Politics Are Way Of Life For Woman Prime Minister If you don in tom of the myth mongerl on might still hear that ll you are immune to lson vy you can roll in It and never at rash lergy is complex reaction of your ha to certain substances In our family everyone gets rash at the mere mam lion of the plant The Pennsylvania Dutch once believed that you could stop sneezing by looldng at the ti of your nose with both eyes Chinese axmere of ree thousand years ago ought colds by breathing the soothing ve pors of plant called horse tell And believe it or not robust cowboys of the old irontler crushed leaves wild thyme between their ï¬ngers and sniffed the umes In m1 vullurl Ihe km 1141 1th Mn In lhllpmillfon Inimrl Fun mu way In um um wn plulexl purl rmldcnl In 1w EM HM Hun Irl Ilnn Illrr her lnllvera dmh mlnldor r4 lnmmn HM and lwnmlmllnl Ihshohl unlll mm Ilium Hum IN twirl Nu dam HI Iwr gllml 11M ol mdxnl and MD lmllun Am ngtrn Ammlt Kuhn Mn fllndhl vpllomlm ludlnn ml llvlnx and Igm nmhlnnl wlm ry 1an ood ndlnn Frtnrh Mnmv HIGHn Iorvfldnl In In Avm haml me ml mun IIM IhnrlIlnwl hluuw Nu Illu lulzhl rnlnvm Form llmdhl mm hml INurk In Wm gonMorouuN She hu mu nujlv Mm In um and 51111 horn For yearn Ha lhay wm nawInl Ix uh and AIM lmm pollllul In ï¬mflc her ull lo hem Hrm VI local lull or mlchnl prlmrn MILL INDIM GANDHI Now Hm mo ml Ihnl hem NnhmAml All nlm Ihu nil mlnulln bhnnlrlml th Ahmllllm Nuhmu IlvoIml Iva Ilnuxhlrr lha flnl woman nerve chic cl nvnmnfnl major MUM Tm only pr vimu woman mime mlnlmr II Mm Slxlmnm lllmlmnlll whu Inml In oylnm Inrlln null Illnml mluhlm WON Whrn Mu anndhl beam pmldrnl the Conmu pally xho UN repnrlu pnrly lud hnd lmlllnl her lnlo Inklnl lhu pml Lular Ihl nId lhl found II An uhllIrllnl Ind 014 upernllnn umlcnce Nnhru In rnnmnbd lboul har hrnllhIhu hnl undergnnu lrenlmtnl or hurl Illmrnl um olhrr Illnum Lmuud am uur You wuluuuowva Mn Gandhi probnbly could hnvu had the job of prim mln lmr when he hum dlod In my 1964 ll lucculor 141 llnhndur Shuld altered lo lup port her but 1h loId him nm HM mad Inouuh lo my lhnl unnoi hundlo the My bu am no cnnreilrd enough In uy um Mhm un no hundle IL SALLYS SALLIES lhmpolozy But puma min lmr he lull woman will be zuppllnl wllh lndlnn nod fluorine and rexloml rlvnlrlu duty was wllh Pnllmn and Chlnnl belllxmnre Imonl many Mhtr problem herr time Launch11d Whm penanal mum are concerned romance will be vnred In hale April late June Ind late July Irnvel In late April June Ind Augusl Ind Io JaI Interest between my and deuptcmber Ilsa ï¬n De umber Ind January Bu curb lo IVDId friction In close circles during June Ind midNe vember humour child burn on thin dly will diligent 1nd ex tremcly ummarlry Mondny your blrthdny your horoscope lndlrulea My productive period belween now and the end 1956 but great deal will depend on your wll llama la work hard and wall out resultsespecially In job Ind monetary main Some IL nanclal zlln ll promlud In Illa Aprll mldMay andor midAw gust and hero good poul blllly mm Moupntlonal ad acumen In early May or mid Septevrber but in general you wont tea real uptrend ln your Illalrl unlll lulu November or early December when on wlll enler truly excellcnt aneury cycle which will last or at law three monllu um time you will be IN to ndvnncl on all lronll 19 jun mm DAY Arm romomow Mixed plmatnrytnfluenccsln dlcate the posslbtltty of some complex situation on Monday In null routtna mutton lhoutd work out luttly well but dont Attempt to launch new en terprise Thorn my be some dlmculttea whtch you do not lomee vividly mall an lnlrnhw with Cur null TIIII Ilwlwunlr mun Ilnr imp lllho nwl Iran 11 mlnklnï¬ mm mm IL The nlqul In Mrlun ynuml Illm nml ynu wlll In Ilhu In mlurlnl unnl humn ll mun lvr ll Inlm Um In lurn men In lmk Into mm 10 hwwn II that rm llml mumll dum In local paflnn lhnl will hop you mrh bumble help you mrh IM mnlvr wlm hnl Ihlnlnl lurer hy um may Wnklnc mim Tnkl um p01 vlcw Th0 lrlrncn murltltm Applird In ulrydny callmz mum lurml In Illmminu nun dnlnl ywml Mar lhnnan ymxr lhlnllnl In dimIm nl yum on Ahnpvly urlphl utlh mum And Wm rrnml In In ernw In nur mlml II II Wydmlnghal hulh Hml Mull your mImI rull pIrm lnr linvlu In Ivmlxhl lnln lvnlily warl Iureml To znln Imh lmlnhl flnl unmlne your nlllluvlo toward Ihu wqu prorm n1 mlurxng To mlurl II II nmmry far you to Human In In lnNnnlnz nod MM nml mlxl lillla mnro urrrlm Are you wllnmz la do You nml wln you ml wry lor ynumll nt hw In lurhrnurlu In hnl 1mm cl mlnd ulvln up Inor 1m Inmnm Wmlld be an un lxlrnbln ucrlllrv By IDA JEAN KAIN 1h triumph In mluclnz ad wnlum In In new way thlnk Inn Ill ml he nu exclunl chnllmge 1mm xlim and pic ture ynnrwll nl hhnprly walnhl Dy Ml plnn ynu rnn nthmlly gowlop lmllllnslimminl lyn Mr Allen ol the Gertrude Mok unit pmsentod lilm mgrm on the study ul Trini dng Innq uwlchrisllnn murdl pro cuwcm dnnounwl Thcse Mode spring rummage xale Apr spring ea and bake me May 18 mu rummaxa saleI Oct Mdsï¬rer Mrs Archie Ross pmth the annual budzlt to me which WM approved Pro cï¬ lucude KEEP IN THE TRIM in WW ANNUAL anzm mposndï¬ales or annual The January general meeting 019 Collier SL United Church Woman was In charge Mn John Cocklmm ï¬rst vlcepml dent In the absence of mi dennl Ctmrlcy McNivcn Taking the lhcmc God Speak Wu Answer 1h de vollonal period wa led by Mrs Sea 254 Mn Smith Annuialnpom ueread by Mrs Pg Stephens and Mrs nm lalln II It Test Attitude Toward Reducing To Help You Gain Fresh Insight bikini Jumper left or liter bathing had men with while and hiack stripes on front in geometric figures 1nd haw the thigh sills ll creation oi the Castillo ash UCW Announce Dates Of Projects axécuim Embers who Ilnvnl mm uvnduu SOMETHING FOR THE SUMMER wnIl Mum Mr llnry Ive ymu nond Mm llclun yvmmll nldulrnhlo Inllhl mm In Iurer nlm ynn gelled wtlgh poundl In leoouhm fly the end of Iummcr hm hm poumll In In full dimmed down an other lawn pound wlnwul lm murh mm hr by llwn hld mnllu in mmch uy ol In hlhfl anun Now In yr Inter null urlxh poundn This In lhl nrnl dielan Ivy whlrh wu em Iuruulul In llaylnl nllm rrrnlml ulnrlrn mum and welsh murll mulnrly Inn to hi fly Ind In mum Mlllnl up Mrrlrxl nrllnu Almv com Inna In lhlnk Allm ml to uk luw mm at my mm Mu Am ymr IMNI lhll Muir lngnmm rgnlly plied nlurlcd my 1ch on my 1951 ml at your En To Hulld lunntu dlel and tuned Inln your column or trivia and enmurnumenl la mmvem Mum If grulul help your Ma lhlnk Allmf Ilnn youmll In lmllllr vlren legl my uqmled but pert mon Vlhfl bo cnuu llpu In time Now an upon but hlva myed Illm wfllw unwilli Include Mm Pukcr mansc Mrs Rowe mem bership Mrs Rodin pm And publicity Mn Hm Armllranz pmlrnm Mu May And Mn Well Pm rldlc metal hmdkml Hrs Tom Yum and Mn Hay Iclt panlry Mrs Victor Knox stewardship nd running wu Ian and mlslomry odmlion Mm Don Nplln Iinlnoo corn mltlee Mm Evans lower cammmceY Mm Ed munds literature and mm municnlions Mrs IL John son and In Norah DeHm cqwznzns Macsay Bakery nlllu Elnrl mm mm mu ll mummy mm Inwxpodally otth Mulhahry anyhxlyufllh mlnucpaled COMPANY COMING Ion ham of Roma Ind Ihown at the Florence Mon thaw At right also created by the Canlllo house In orig Innl bikini maul In chm col orl Brief In In black and PM LMH Mm IIMNI THY EXAMINER WANI AM PHONE 7111 Mm Ivy mumm Fun hmth Hm pmdud mizhl In my ml at nlylc nm thjcl alum IN wary mmplnlnal that on Ilnndardl no handed down mm mm pinnnlng tumor ll mlody cu rhnnu llmn Representative appointed ln elude ofï¬cial boant Mm Mm Nivm eommillco Mowanh Mn Roberts Christ Manon Mrs Mling mit lionary and maintenance Mn Knox Ind Mn EVEHII Mmcnw homo of luhlnm uhlbilod wommlnl wnm onl Ihou bul lhn lune mm no not In be lnund In lhu nlom repmled Vulcnllnov Tho onry Ihln tlml can ha Id or our on In lhnl NY In mlld leader Moscow IIIM Inmmry unled nyini Al Ihn lmnorled ahoel If mum ellIt thl Wu IhnuM rrnrh lhu world Ilnndml Omirman the nominating cammMce is Mn Ewan May lrnrri dovtlépinl In way nhwld SOVIET SHOES OUT OF STRIDE erlhu In the nowxpaper Vecbemyn Moakvn Esmw IL ancnlovn onglnwr and ltlml writer triliclcd plum Mn and rodurllan Ihmmm uthnl Innlfln Ihog Indul Mrs Wnym Human and Mn William Paulln mpply and clal assistance MOSCOW CP Produc wnmenl thou In lho Sole Unlun have born laid In lhclr denim Mlndflldl In ndly on ï¬nd with mt In world MRS CHARLES MCNWEN ImIdent white stripes the bodice In strawberritred with diag onal stripes of black and while Bolh outfits modech by Anlu ml or Home hairdoel by mm at Rome AP Witn phuln um Dur Ann hndm married Into Inmily lhnl Just lam lo xiv Ihowm or nxaged Ml new brldu mv blblu Innl Vermin bIrlhdayl Ind any than they cm dream up was cums Du luuled The reason or Cnixl behavlor is anybodyl mess And your gum prob ably right on target Bul what ever the nasan ha in zuilly gross bud lasla cant lmaulne loplc len Iultnble or lml lnIk Ihan Ihlx on Tel hlm my lhu Iubjucl unlcn he want lo be thought at boar hh clnucrlrlp know very well Illa Craig ls totally sallsricd at ham and cannot ï¬gure out why he Idea to make It appear olherwisn Please enllghlcn melnul¢ menl ESSA ROAD Can It be that when men reach their middle 405 they feel lha need In appear more Icllva sexually than lheir wvu his part the male ego Dear Ann Landcn My hus band and have been happlly mauled lnr more than 20 years Cralz ls llne person and he klnd and generous by nalum We have very low argument and our sex lltc ls excellent During the last several months Crnlg has shocked me with Ms remarks In mixed company about our lnllmnle relallons llis slylyworded Jokes sug gest that am an Inadequate bull partner POOR TASTE Dnr Lucky Thank you or the Hiesaver And while we are an the subject Id like in add this Pnrllyused bolilca nl mud icine should be stored in locked cabinet in eliminate in danger of gelling lha wrnnl medicine during inn nigh The physician iold us lint medicine should never in placed on bedside table Ii should al ways he placed in the medicine cabinet so one must get out oi bed and walk in get ii Please publish this letter it could save IliaLucky To Be Alive Apdale Drugs SUSSMANS ARE OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY FOR YOUR SHOPPING NEEDS UNmm nu owwmsmr or GREENWOOD5 or mum Yum Mmlmml kmu up In ht I1U UK Lit Ill dnm ml mm nmlu Huhw rvmnm your hnlth In Impaan OPEN In ATTEHNIMN AND MINI INDL II II INFORMED PM Fm 7mm woo Md Mum nun our nu bwmll Mm mu an uan xxan Dynamow lun mumnun alumnahum Duhtunn yuwmwmmu dihlbuhidlmalnl MMm hm our ML MI mm mm mm MHUIINIH 71H ma