Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jan 1966, p. 4

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Mu Hllmm llmlnn ppml Jun 11 wim nvrmnv Ivwmh Mn NInnmu my um um In mm rum Mn mpnr mul lr MAM Hunaim vIxlwl Mu howl Caxmflwu Iml INK NM lilllr llnww LIHM Ill wok IHII My mu Mu Jnunrll Mr ml Mm km MUVNM Huhimh Nllrvmnwl man lflwlu nl mm lmne Jan lvthqy mm In Imr hrv Inutlvrv Mu llmvlrl IU mh 11mg nllrmlln llmn IMO NV NIH TIMER IIMN Mn and flhl Julm Wnlmn Tummy mul Mr MM NH nu IMhr Hme spenl Jan wllh Mr and Mn Jnmu Mr lmmutL Ilrurn Mom mel Jan ml Ml Ill hmllwr Milli In Mu1 Canadian Fashion Authorliy Mn Jenniler Lindsay who has uimcd the fashion for he show during cronvCanada tour visflcd more than 100 mm Idaclurcrs from Monircal anA min Winnipeg Edmonton and Vancouver in her ailman show the best wk of Canadian lashion designer The proscnlallan will feature Cnnmlinnlmmn 5Y1Lv by same 500 Uninn Label houses acmss he naliun The national mllccllnn is smnsnrcd hiannunI ly by Ike Inlcmallmal ladiu Fashion writers from across Canada arrived In Manlroal la dny to prevlcw tomorrows show Ings National collecllnn at Spring 1nd Summer fashion Qqqcn wwbelh 11m While this min was unnble olland this year we mu Attempto keep our readers up In duh with the latest in the Canadian Fashion Scene or 66 PICK OF DESIGNS nm In umltmlnr Inhrk cum mu hru In mm mm by rrnliw film Tnmum Hyle In luvvmml n1 MamaHunk mrr mlmnu ul Ihn Nhlmlml Cul Work 0f Canadian Designers ShoWnIn National Collection fun Jnlm WMMI uul Mr MM Mu Hm mm mm Jan and Mn Jnmu Mr IVY DIXON WM Mr ml Mu llrrt Mdran Mr and Mn lfllmnl JennNt Hum MrVAxwl Mm Amid ulalnnl urrk ullh Mr and MIL MCVIIWL 1N Advhmy nutHm nl Nnuh bun lnmh luv1 In NH lumh ul no pm um In puvut SumI Wm no dlmnml 1M main um rrm hum alllflmrmn wm luv ml mum pmplc Mhmlul In huh mull qum mum Ill THIIUNTU HILJIM Lllwr unhnl llomnl llnlulu WfiL nwlay luxmuml rm wuk he Ilumv he Hum Tum In Winduvr lnr mle mm wmwul mnl In dlnlnl Inunv 11w mll naan Ilwr mm In llv lnl TM un llnmlllnn fivnHlyI Im ukv Noun Tmm Im AD Ihur am Mmy Navy m1 Mr qu Cluh Middlle Tulmlllp The theme the presentation will he Tempo Canada with cmpnasls placed an Camd Inn Design The reporl ha chhicn pramw appear on the chmns Face in Fridays nuxctliun 111 Harrie Ilx uminurl The MW shuns the Nation al Collection us part Its um 5mm pmgmm lo lamillarize Canadian men with fashkm bearing ha Unlun Label which Ls sewn into Canadianmade gar mmu by workan as symbol or quality The National Collection is the only comprehcslvo preview readyowar ashlans oflcrcd In Canada and allowing he pal em Inst your lashIan writ er attending the show will be asked to chause the seasons out standing garmcnu 11mm CANADA Eminent Workers Union whose members produce most chines worn by Canadian women PILM 0F moanm icdlun Imnmmw lho ninth um manM and slim with to buck Hyper nm ulxnulun mm mm all mum ml 1le lunlc mm In lxmly Inu She Mm nmu Chnm hm 38 vlcopmldcnl and per Iannel director of Fedml De pulmenl Storu Dclrnlb hand chain 50 non wllh 8000 employcu Mlchlglm Ohio Ind New York She molvcd tlllllnn or communlly unlc at coman llon of Ike Nnunnl cull Mer chants Axsoclnuon hm Under Mr leadership 0611 ngcrn mm be chm 11ml Dclrnil rewind lnr Imlnl lrnlnlnz program In 1901 NEW YORK IANA minis era wile who started out axk in Inr money In help Inath erm younxslm haw la mend bmken windows hzu started whll the hopes will be revolu llon ln lho hlrlnx of dcpnrlmenl qmpIgycuA Marl nun nxmIalnl wlm ynyAlly AIM 1man IM Incl lhn ml nl Uw ml dmwl Inxllu M214 mm In umunar lulu Vn IIIM In ad rm Inltaraltd lump hul In the hem Do lmn Noxrocs um nll there wm uh mid Mu Chum bm II Negro LONDON MU mm the wnrluln nmninlnl Hdunnlhn nlrnnzhnld of elrunnrn may wnltrprmt ll Imulnn mllHner Ml VAL ml nudrmL miIHnrr AHMIMNI mm Klu lmuror Mel Mrltly Al lmuhm FM 110 lmunm Mnmxny man warm maulc hnl Mulch Ih hm llullnml or PULLETS PRODUCE PALE GREEN EGGS Fur ho Mk well mum rnwlnnl dnlznul ml ulflwnnl hrl rlmu Illmhlul Inumlu Plastic Hats Go To Races Special Training Program Wins Citation For Community Service the cns Mrs Seny Mild an the urne lhing crnckcd comdrlnk he mm mm and have the tun of lhe ynrd RICHMOND Va AP Mrs Suy ha two bllck pulleu that lay panel ramm No on wllh neenlnh yolks which Is possible chickens cat la walla Eu with green shell And the 1mm goes right through 015 lhlckneu the shalL View Nucknls supervi xor on radar for he Vir zlnln deyarlmenl uric lurc MM 113 mm bend chlckem laying green sun nld hed dn mm more checklng Mrs non lwn doun hens because Ihe like to have her own lresh em Most of then lay cllher whlla or brown em chicken met sodaA Mannys Bakery lnlllvr Mm an 11 CI llunlnp Mlnl In llumc 11H mnxmuy mhm lmuwfinlly al Mmmyu Mu umlMy wll um llm palm M019 COMPANY COMING My Wu Im mu bow holpful wtvu of mm mm waregy Mr Mlflckm was nm mud to pmlmm in me And mm lflllfl wen lot man found in anamm his wide llyl lormzr pmldmt in Puflmmntary Wives Anod don made upul wivu aLMPHmmnnpndu in Home helluva mm done today an malu younler mm 991 at home Mn 10 Mckl onlherjoh lrllnlng may Wm dnlnn bellcr Ihln lo mlnlrnum unwed of naw emplaym and than we apprrclnhly mm Mu Clmmbeu Iald Tan Ill wllh Federal Dcpmmcnl Starch Two them are mum1 dtpnrlmenl min cu she nld None would hnva been hlrcd under normal depnrlmcnl lnra prlcucu Mn Jmmbm xrmlunp nl YIII Law School Ind llmp Ion Immum in Vlmlnln And mulhrr al 01m chum ucd mchI clxhl Ind l0 Mom In hunlnm Alma by Iccldml 5M wu wurklnl wllh lho lmll honm mmmlniun nn home imprmtmenl proxmm Im yuunz prnpln In ml when ho ucnl to Juncnh Ill pmMem lmvldnm Dron nr nwnrr Frdeul Drplrmml Slum mklnl manry tnr he pmlncl ller um mllnr Mk In ml Ihrnry lhnl many wltlxllully valunhle empluyru um 1an Automatically And linkd Immmlrrynhl mun lhry mm pm m4 Md Inlplnylmnl lrl Whlic yum shop or now nMw vr mum ynu run mlly mun llm lam 0an hr plnrlnx Tuck lnpo wumnvnnl th up our live mr unlm of milnmm cu be an urchin nodal whlfl lowly nightmare lm lhe wlve newly mated mum born cl Puflamant Usually lla anevem the member All tholr fives womm who hnvaheen mn yin their Mum hus ma 1w 014an for year veil uflly Say Mm Wblllam Henflck um oi xenon Ont wllo ub ml semr madam Although war high tchnol adult only onl passed the tunnel lest the star nurmaly required It rmpioyeu SPEND HUSY MONTH ll MI mum and Al ml lb Iummcr he nllrml my penuan dlmmr Mn umbm um MHHIIHFNIV MHM le TIN lllthEfl UIITMNHI mmim of backbemh gr dyntAnllthI umin Nesday they were invited to All the social event held in can auction with it and ail were seated Wham they could no at low par of the oeramvny MH Davfid MIcDonald the MH Davfid MIcDonald the stunning blond wife kesh man Conservative MP ram Prince riding In Prince Edwani Island er II he mull Senate gallery mudnt rally eve thlng but did enjoy IL 1113 colnr and excitement wno um dedul Mrs MacDonald win at low days all her job school eachar In 01cm Pill to sag he husband gake During the busineu uulml the Annual report wu present Miss Christine Andaman mn ducted the election omcen The I960 aim in 0110 President Mn George unm ton Flrlt VicaPmldent Mn non Bertram Second VlcePret ldent Mn Grunt mm mud Secretw mumer Min France Egberhan vile think was ulcndéd lo Ihe hasml fur hu houpllallly All were ginn ona manlh lrnlnlnx lncludln modlcnl cure pmonnl hu one and coumclllnx well nlu lralnlng The annud mealln of the Cenlral mum of Rendered Num Barri was held at the ham Mn George Lunar Ion High St an Jul ll hu sea in the Commons plans MAM gm1m Opening Of Pdrlidment can Be Exciting or Lonely Mrs Lillington Named President Central Registry Ilnll she uld aha wu lortunale to hm Mu Anlus Madam wk farmer mlnlmr fish Mu lurch Canservallve 10v unment John Dlalenbakmn to floor her throufll the Gavenv emment IMsejocqpflcn and Another young wile Mrs Robert stlnbury ol Tumult wu rho Illandlng her er opmlnl nl Pullman It wu axe to be here had to Ill flu Bennie Inachun bor gum than where paekbenuhm Mm de inch to Ottawa when UM nhoal yea enda flm pnfllelrfifld the ope Mn SLfiEmJ who MI band um um mombor or Grand Ada Mn Margaret Minaghan 511mm Grand Ruth Mm Olive Kymt Gums by Grand Esther Mm Flor ence Pallenwn Woodsmak Grand Wm Mrs ShhIcy Ionian Downwlew Mn Mm e1 Mackerefll nght Worthy Grmd Tmslec Kinxswny Mu Irene Gumy DDGM Mu Hertha Cody Gnnd Chapter Ex oculhn Mrs Edwin Wilson PDD THE HARM EXAMINER TflUliSDAY JANUARY 10667 the plea sure of an official visit on Jan ll from we Worthy Grand Mn mn Mn Evelyn Hula Beam ville accompanird by Worthy Grand PALM Gordon Murray Woodstmk Asgqclale Grind Marsha ME Donsllrookes Hagersvllle Grand Organltt yin Ania Mcflmlesamin Bayview Chapter OBS Receives Grand Officers Official Visit NW aw Nom01 Only nexmturdoor FrOm 65 to 67 Collier St WEVE MOVED n5 Po Oédit 73er Iain Mm Dummy Town SC Cflhafingl annd 67 COIN SPECIAL PURCHASE mulli stripe broudloom in one colour only SAVE 100 sq yd reg 300 sq yd SALE PRICE 200 sq yd Several qualities in roll goods and 12 UNIVERSAL BUG COMPANY One wile Mm has Alreldy melt tled In Ouawa with her MP husband Mn Ed Sdueyer mm the Manitoba riding Sprlnlflcld quk Sgybmugggl plans to Mn5chmor number va Dmmcuuc PAW firmer menbet lite Mml tom Igzmatun Schrqu My IM doesnt Ind muma of dmr Intor gmmlnlng Ii 0mm dlflmnt Mm WInnlpez WW lumen Mid try Mn Douala in the 1de mmme Mfl um an WMhflll°dnr had eded Ind leer present Amt guests wen presented and WW large number manhm and vlsllm Mn Perle Kohl FILM Ind Mu Quean Boyd wm also jntmduced mov to 0an dlfldlfll MACHINE SHOW STATUS Pnlnu Islander oflen display sewlng machlnes In their from window llllul lymbalm llcers harvhume prv to the meeting Aubunz Mrs Wilson with dinner and pleasant no dal hour wen ma officer bl vaiow answer me Gum muting opulad at pm with Mm June 6511qu MI 51 e1 mthhm Um Grand 01 Vishnu wufe mm dislrld No Drill and other chaplen ddkiou lundl Wu nrved at the close of ha mating 3M mm wefibediw mry Wall to Will Clrpollng Our Spulnlly FREE InThrHoma Shopping the horn of HOST cups clunlng ugh 1m to with out Bu 1h Dm Ann Landmx val hnrflllad It your Idvice to the mmher whu undressed in he resence her 12yearold er allituda was hullhyl and um the human body heali mul Ind um chlldren Ihould not grnw up hldlnz themselvu because their plflnll made them aharned Accorqlng In an mother Mend crlliclled her and than you xlded wllh him saying that llyeaMld boy in well on way In mlnhood Then you dragged In um ugly word ae ducuan only an evil mind could drum up nation to rt 13 When Iirl aimed In read your column though you were Iqum Later decided you wereymld Victorian NowI think you are kook Parents who allow your Advlcc will producu manned and nxunlly maladjusled childrenNo Lu Mm Dur Nu Fln You dont 1nd cala whether you are mmied or Ilnzle you In married hngejw flan him dauxhlm Ruben Lou Slavcnson was more Esychialrlsl than novelist when wrote hm feelings lhal would shame MI The expertstell us but sexual anlnsiu beam Innl berm pu beny And In mlve 11er mm In no regard or propriety culmnl Lawa or mthlnx the Parents shouid not pnrada nude helm children who have reached the In of alx It you dont wml to lake he word If the behavarial nulhbrlliu read little Greek literature occvmzp ceased mndmothern duth Mend talk me 1m our llmu week to drive her to hair dlemr the lldlu dd lhl by doctor the loot doclor Ihe heart spec film or In her bridge game Jun before Christmas Ihu mid wouldn lulu ynu with commerchl gut She then pretenw me with faded ughan lull of math holes Th1 has boon In our family or years she said choked with lemuuon want you In hnvo For my birlhdny III In me nnolher prcclnu heirloomI cracked dresser mirror with bent handle My problem LI twoold How can let her know dont We are forced to sell all Our Remnants from 20 lo 35 ANN LANDERS to have space for our new I966 lines Active Imagination Scpms gPropriefy utyzxncmp mulls wander howlhe aposllu and he dlxclplel and theclerxymen who allowed lhem nr 1500 yem let membm of hclr flock know they Wm 10an to call They had up phone In those day The woman who complained would probably ex pect the lord Jesux Chrlsl In Elva her ma ln advance Sl Lnuls clergyman want her heirloom been they mun nolhlnz to me New can at out ol the than eurx uniformDaub Stuck Dnr Double You are indeed stuck with the heiflnomx Ic then ny they mun nolhlng you Without hurllnl her eelinKL But about lhe channel bllz Make your plum for the dly early and when she calls ynu cull tell her you Ire occupled mnlly mad Ieuer In your column from woman who mauled unaxpecled leju rom har clergymln Inspect that leller WI written by member my Parish nur Snlnt rccelved dozens at latter rmn clergyman all llllh who were unhIPP be cause Iupportcd the wrltcrl nntlon that clergymen Ihould not drnp ln unexpectedly Hun drcd nl other women wrote ta tell me they loved the Idvlce and thanked me for It So ball dawn to thlr Mnny clergy men prefer to drop withqu first callln but the wnmen dant Ilka it Phono 72643 on REG PRICI

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