Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jan 1966, p. 3

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You can tnka uflhcr advum age of sod swcctming pow url by adding hull Ionspoon In each nuralmz bollle nu soon It It empllcd mlan 1h bol ue wilh water and allan ll Iland unlil youm ready to IMXIIIZG Hue duyl supply of boulcs The mull In that there In no lingeringvlour mllk odan 1n the Mlchcn Hollie nlpplu un be lnmrd the name wny Knlthn vall vim wytla NMI 1M nnrh INN yfltfif day lm In ml Al the Rubber or plasllc pants are another mum threat in habyl swcclnm as they lend In harbor dlnpcr low dally wash will generally keep odon bay ll drying cnn be dune In the sun Apnrlmcnldwcllm Ind homeowners lnzloorbound by lnclcmcnl waalhcr can at hln lhu lame sundrlcdrcsh nsullx by rlnslng Ihc nnnu In baking lodn solnllnn nod ls Bppllcd either In solution or dry wllh dam spinnan Immediately to the lecled mu ll does We things It absurbs lhe lnl content cl lhc mllk thereby prcvcnling stains It counlcraclx lhc acid conlcnl whlch Ls always present lnpnr flully ligtslcd loud lhemby preventing lnur mllk odors PANTS OLD ODOIKS Sudden upheavals are likely to pose threat Hut lhcy need no cause any concern there 11 box baking soda In the house Every mother Imam how to bring on that magic smile but all may no knowespecially the young muhor will hcr firstbornhaw to preserve thal andnaring fragrance throughout Babys mils and MW ra uancc mar the lets been resth washed and puwdcrcd In two of the Hills onca mos irresistible charms tTflE BARRIE EXMIINEB TIIImSDAY JANUARY 10 1M Babys Fragrance Preserved All Day Mrs Stone educational convencr Is 11an nbnve with Jan Srlgley and Hill Hodnscl DIES AT 85 ORATORICAL CONTESTWINNERS Mos fashion houses rcpod dtcrcnsinz tales to prlvnll cll unln Prnlmlnnul buyer now account or more than 50 per com lhtlrlurnnvtr lmw lwr um hr Punk Nam In vmuml PARIS mculcmAx lha lop Purl Inshiun hnusu prepare In 0pm lhclr spring and xummcr collcclians next week faxhion experts hartJake stock at he lncroaslng challenge allcrcd by midyfipwonr huhhm prlcu continue soar Rmdymwcnr sman and slung Min to Improve Even wealthy woman lodny land In discard lho lrndillnn of one or two uxpennlve lashlnn dresses mson or malcr varlcly of good readyIIwa BHLS Since baklng rod pun lood product you can use ll with confidence ln must at Me nursery clcnnlng tar Inch llcm as the rungs the crlh and playpen the high chalr the plastic mattress cover 01 crib and currlagcs the crlb bumper or nnythlng that come wilhln babys sticky Ilngcrecl reach Washable Iuyl certalnly should be dunked in baking loda mlullnn dnlly The soda aolutlrm Ll an answer tn mnny cleanlng problem In the kitchen Lu wcll the nursery CITIES NOT 50 OLD Thu worlds lira cities were bull about 5500 yeau an in Mesnpalnmiu ReadyToWear Styles Imprdve While Prices Continue To Soar Sympmmnucd me hanging hr ulndenls of St Maryl School who won the recent ornlarical contest aponsored by San Flnmvnv rumlmr mm mmmm my In hm mulw dMnl jump diam lhrn um 11 vmnl pu Hrcunlnln rnMuml up IIIML lunly lumle lanl hilly HIV Am ImnriruHL MI lnllml ll mrr hi lwr IIUIhnnd he lhmlflll flmwl MN HAM limvlnl In cept Pu mm upl Pu mm err lhu ml mark at In In wnlu wllrluumln Hum humid flu rilyu llul wmnan In film unlhmn Mm many lmlml Ah quulrfil llwtl llmlurI and Imdmlmlml th mutrlr Ilu Hwy mm It In mmll mum mum and will In Il Alzml III II dpmlm human my nwlnllnn HALIFAX 4lannl Shiny Manda honwwlh HM mum mm Ann leng Inlrr vlrunl hr rlfllrnl In ll IM lucnl palm Ilulm ullrn Aha In Him In rvmhlrr jninlnl 1111an Inm muffin aluml lh lmnn urndml Inmllullun rourl llolh nnlln nml HI Laura Inleml In kup hluh mum in their cnulum Inlnm In thrlr ncw lmqunrl hey will give no rrln tn willme nml lnnlnu Games In lho two new bou thuu wlll be my alumna rum how in no hlxh luhlan collccllum any Andra Ohm Curdlnl nlshlnnl dulmcr Fm nhlom for lhw Ionl hnlml bay Ind alrll bclwcen Ihu ages II and 25 will lnrludc avery flux from uponMar nml uln mall lo bathing will Ihm and ncmmrlos Cardin In only luhlnn home which enjoy no nnuldo Mn clnl bucking expnndinz ton mnlly ll mail mm vcnluro Inc maltrnlly clothe lurlho prqnnlgl Mum altitude Is he lnlenllon leading hlgh ashlon mngnzina to calm ready wear model lmlcnd couture drbss on the mm 15 Hrs spring hsuc his year The Issue In lmdlllannlly Icvalcd ma new Purl fashions Thls ynar on llnds every major lashinn house except Chanel and nllmclnzn with sum lypc randylawnm lie up Bnlh Mme Cardin Ind Yvu Lnurcnl plan to open their own boullquu on lhe IA Bank entering or young cli cnolc wllh Ilvely young and rtlnllvcly lnnxpcnsivc rtndyAlo mar fashions Routine Interview Led To Uniform aidstyle vocailonni education when lured by campllcnied Ici eniiiic equipmnnl and processes im producing goods and nerv ice and complex business in dustrinl and government organ izniiom Women will conllnua to make substnnllal ccntrlbutlon lo clvllizaunnnn lncrmlng percentage them throth lhelr mvlm In Important part vary large technical work lam Mr Jarumnn uyl But an increasingly large pro portion lechnicniiylrnined peopie is required Women should aka mm or mal postvhigh Ichooi educntlan to repilce apprenticeship Ind onviheJob raining which is be coping obsolete CALGARY CPDAn Incrm Ing variety lechmcal John Ivallable to women lays Jorxenson prlnclpnl of the Southern Alberll Institute at Technoquy Opportunluc are Increasing in Inch fields bulnm tech nology dm promising men chandlllnz and business admin tslrallon chemical technology and heallh Egrvlges he says In future Mr Jmenson any 1me small percentage pro tesslanal people wlll be needed and the demand or laborers and unskllled apexamt II dlmg lnlshlng Jobs Are Availablé In Technical Field umun qnvfumrmumd St Marys Cnlhcxulllc Wonien Lea erheywlzoonlo conEsta In he CWL Region 111 DrumJul Contest TMHFJI rmm BETTY Ill ullnner IIMUKI ll nwnl ullh up nl Ml lnuuln or Md lxnllllluu uhlch Illpfll nluuly Mm lwl rrlnp My mum mu rnnm Illvnn ln MW ML 11er wuld Onlny llul mat mull vurlnlvln ml of llw meal nml rnl ll nluwly mlly lnullnu Ilw owl lllll lmpmml lull lwn yurl Izu Ily Iflmlnr luv lngl 10 Illly pmmvln um um Ilmlwl lmlrm nllll urlrml 1m lnr lll an an lllm In NH llul lmlml WM ml ywuly vimcult In It In luv ll 1M T1 my llwlur III 1M1 II Ihu mu will alum put Hun wumh Mr nr yvu will or your ml In Unll In Um In Him In My 1mth Wm nly mum hrlplngs hul Mrle An nlrxlnz kh darldrd ll wnl mum hunny ll dlnnrr nln 1M In Mle wnl mini Irmndl mm ullhnul Mn nwnro ol IL Ha cm meI hunxrr with phIu IN lhln In In NH nu limo4 nu lhln Illm rmun nnd clnw nml qulnlninx Innck vvlu INCH Aml MU nunrn nl rhmr arr lel Irv ru Immrrd with mur lnnL nr mrIbI lnnlwllhnhull nunrn rhrm mtlwl ml ll Finally lnccd the Incl lhal ma only loved lnvnl In overall Ind ll mlly wnnl muklnl ma hlppy llrrnunlzlu lhlI MK MN nn lnuwrlnnk llrll ll lrlumphlnt dlnlcr whan Asked what we he blues ob mrla lo rcdurlnu promptly anmmd The 10 you ll look ma la main up my mJnd lo clmnuo my food hablll Our dlxlnr MI Ilwnyl In lllltd lhnl um only way In 94 due mu lo chnnllo my every day ways of sum had lrled nll mm lnd MEI cmll rllru lnrmull dlclx only la so back lo my old lallcnlng wyl Those who law the National Ballet Cumpany periorm here in November may indil dilllcull to believe that it wnJusLls yem ago all winter that Celia Franca arhsllc director iha hailet travelled am mind in her nuemyt to achieve what leveryonuaid was patently im ponlble here wu apathy tho re memberl 111 was dlIlllu slanment There we alwayl Clisll Thorn wera Mme Man wanted to throw lhc whnlo thing up and so back to Eng land mu she would be at anlln Putting In an Ilrhcur any its principai dancm are on yearround cunlncis and the ml 01 tho cumpnny has gun anlced income or lha length oi the season The ml inr his team are so huge and lavish that Ipaco had to be rented in an airplane hanzar paint them LONELY TREK chllai Fiancnl loni lonely rek across themasleland has finally paid off Now just 15 year man the company number 120 ll reper lulu has grown to 60 ballell and the budget lnr thlx union ls $1100000 Too there ll the National Ballet School that in unique In Noth Amerlcn with peak enrollment lull Umo sludenu stall of 50 and comlnrling sense of perman ence was way out here and all on its own On Now 12 1551 the NlHonal Ballet made It debut Elton Auditnrlum in Toronto For that um mm of Just under our months including reheurr al me the company had 14 dancm re mm 10 Ml lull And mm of $10000 whlch Wll not mel Balletmlltmu of an 11 Metropolitan Baiiei Miss anca was one oi aimlm Ind penni glen hand immigrant with missionto bring culture to vast wasteland Coming to Cnu ads on the recommendation Ninctte de Valoh launder of lb Sadleri Weill Bullet Ind At the muut xmllI mm pub llcmiriled citizen in Toronto Mlu Franc wns attempting what was considered impossible lo start professional balk comgany in Canada autumn CLIMATE She began to term out dancer wherever she cauld Ind them wllh the lm lauslble Idea of us lng them In rolesslonil full ume mum halal What made the venture look like uller folly wu the cultural cllmnla In Con adn that lime There wu no slntlard no open no proteas lonal theatre companies vlrlu ally none of the klmlred support ln um and no Canada Council supply any government man Sh iememben flint the mlda the hi in Isolntlon and perish mg co KEEP IN THE TRIM Celiavfrqncq Defied VCrifics To FulfillCanadictn Mission The National 1mm of Canada Making Decision Biggest Obstacle fly IDA JEAN KAIN could luvs uld to me de clllcll would add lnlly my mile unlk to my prnxrnml no on darted loaan IKIln bul no nd hemr and lrlmmtr Thu cnmnllmcnls bowl lu come In flood lullrr sprurod up my pnxluru nnd my nppumnro Tell your dlclm llml lmpmve mrnl nppcmncn ll great help to Ilnylng Mlh program reached my you of 12 umlu nnd have llrld ll lkn he prulerllvu way cull In Food lulu beller pm Isth beamo lulu lhu llmo lo unto ll Cnnurnlulnunnnl You dM no lry or Illlru Ilrenmlinu And nm In Hm rmnn you hank well nml III compllmrnu an In rccdurnled your load huh lln you run my Illm hy hIhlL In the beginning Min Franc supported hexsci with casual job ha mil Emu depart men Ilnro in Toronto where flu did hit oi iiiin nnd help ed man up flu awiichboard The first Inrmnnms were undeniandn 1y mum and the reperlaire wu um mndard bu Syiphidu The Polovauian Dances her own Dana or Salem which Ike ind cruled ur the BBC Hunt Year Ind Trim 9v1kyyElud in novellfiy Camda hnvv In any build III wu ln factions and the newlyInnch she recalls In summer of 1951 when 24 dancerl usembled In dlsInlected hall at Law rence Markot mad the puvloul whiter an shelter for vannu had ab weeks to form tho whale campany Most of than were badly trained and there was no unity of style some had done Ilule mm than dance In tha charm an amaleur musicals The biggest Job wan pumping some kind of mm Into them some prorcxslnnllism WORKED IN TORONTO pulling her my through 60 c11 Iarelteg runnlng mg ofllgp 19k lnx Mussel plnnnlng lllhllng and culumes Ind dnlng what shE calls complete Mom Job on the company by dfiy Indmphoneblflzlni or fund by CELIA FRANCA right Ihuwn with Mm Wood of Toronto and Shanty Boy who was one ol the Twp 01 Toronto women who long out Mlss Franc lo om TallllllllllL 2331133 IVsixllIli umhznuIn Makiifi HUINM IldmNlkm In lumln smanagmm mn mlly mm In IM Mm Mt DA in plml III valM mat am am wt in mum md 1M Iml Eumlnor DARRII mu Now the company plm ll Toronln Imon It the warm maul Moon OKcelc Centre and In Monlrcnl al the opultnl Pluto du Am Ihe lwo largm lhoglmr In CanndA However 19 serlc break lhraughs In the alIIl ndes theatre managers That year lhe company movcd to the Rnya Alaxandra lhenlre In Toronto and we did In to pIIy the hexaer In Ottawa Ind then Iner Srallord welcomed us my hrarusuc dIrecIor Though he igl Hillel of Canada In component park are no Canada It llonnl but Mllonallsuc Many of the dlnms the company do come 1mm all paru Cun ndu But other come Irom tho United sum England And Euv rang mi Frnncn mks the but wherever she may find whm gm be danms at work or the dangers In parlarm Miss Franca recall In the cur Her touring dlyl she lricd In get booklnz al theatre 1n Ohm only la be lold Wcvn already gal 1h Sadhrl Well cumin nexl month And wt dont wan llumellhcrI lylEAK THROUGHS Nalionll Bullet Gulld hnd nun ngcd to raise 312000 $3000 short the budch and about 100 lime Inn Ihan the current operallng budget and lhll re sulted In roturn ungnzamen Mgmuyhl 1er National Ballet of Canada The women wen photogrlphed the receplinn which wu hdd lollnwing the companys per nrmance hue Examiner Photo MON JAN 17 SAT JAN 29 BINE CLEANING and INSPEETION 76 DUNLOP 3T YOUR RING WILL BE EXAMINED THROUGH OUR GEM MICROSCOPE WE WILL BE PLEASED TO OUOTE YOU ON NEW SETTING WITHOUT OBLIGATION Au your diamond uh Ara lb IIM wwn Don gum About your uluablo oom Talu adv1mg our hu ring clmk hundmh do nth yurl Use Our layuway 0r Budget Accounls IIIIIIIII MW FREE Ill other quanans will have in wall until late Novomber hr lore mung ml 9mm in manmry affair when ud vances will pnrallel occupa lirmal advnnmmcnl lhawcllngY in canneclicn with either busi ncu or pluun in late Ade June under August could result lg qmg 191m nquconuncu xnglo theres Indication 01 MW mm In In r11 lat June andor July It laller Famous French Steel Furniture ansidered COllectors Item am on your meal Important interest on may momma Tm ndvantm of mm ndmsa wmenvw Mrbimldn ENLWCM indium iii Job mum it would be ad vim to put your best oat innward bmmn And miy May linen aim mum to emcinfliy Attract ihoarmri on whip Imp pnrliwhr eye on your mom Dinpiay your original md clever ideas during this period since even bcialedi mgrmion your ski is mil med in Sepmmbu further uptmd lion nani iinu is tamarind with Mflrmlnl I105 on his day wxll be vexnine extremer benevo nrtrnnd indhed along uterlry Mainly mMMn mm no huty Minn And dont Ike rllky dune Mawflan bu your byword 1m afternoon loch prom um for loch mum 311mle 7L1 Imr birtilgly is prom mmfifi Decanter And Ibould con tiflm or many nwnthx film 3n During late April June and mid August you may have Iome chance to lurlhor yam II rcgrell but zgnzr llnnndal progml but zinzr ally nklpg you as ye rude aimlei about mu lurnltuu uklul how mod II And whlmr It In pm conlgmpoury home lur nishinu mwmm By xmmm rqn magma THE STARS SAY Pascoes 24A Dunlap ny amok nou ONE DOLLAR SALE Continues At The plecm ware usually omn menled by brome medallions Mellon and owe lino demln Tablet dam and ennlolu 1nd marble or wooden laps Their iner chlsled and chased delnlll nunpanned even the lnlrlmlu oljgolsericor InInId woods The majority of the antique places Greer believes dim neared along with Nlpolennl Irmlu In in leh Alricln and Ruulln amp1m Ha MIXQ much it was let In Russia during the falclul 1511 raneat mm Moscow or was lost when the umflm WI melted down tn lupply mall or wupom MOUNTAIN IB HOLY Mount 51ml now ended by fewer than dmn Greek main mm In Chrlmm Jawllh Ind hlamlc Indium mm lb worldo llllfll col umn anuqua flee und um And objetu dlrt ll not In Europe but in dupltx Aym menl In Naw ankn TuxIII Buy Item The rm Antique bo lonl tn Michael Greer unto um counlrxn memos danqm tau who had lund in re Iurbllhlnz Iho Whll Hausa un der bath the EIunhowu Ind Kelmedy Idmlnmnuom Greer became lnlefihed Van llullnrnlkun while 1mm men vyem no Ind bmn callactlnfll Most of the Anflqm me lur nlture in oxmem II olv Ihl Dlncloln and Emrlre ML wax mad durnz II NI polegnlc cnmpnlznl by ummn 053mg French olflcen tool we and than to mnko lumllum hit had to be lolld enoth to withstand rough han dling as It accompanied ll owner in link campaign and hlndsome enough for ch14 leg aild Parlllln Iowrihoum Wall tom 01 it but been mum or Ion Ian lime Aclunny wahnva learned has been main home for In mlny yam Hut French ueel My nyflAmonmns TOWN SHOP 7281521 728174

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