Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jan 1966, p. 2

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immi Walla Publisher Kuhmhunn um duly Iy uvrbr we uni nan1 mm alnxlr mm mull nnum moo 7m um monlhl 50 um mvan 6150 mnnlh Mnlnr Ulran II on NI MM mom nulllde ammo Illa yum Mo lanmln mmm pmunlonl IUD luv and Invdgn pup Mfi 1mm iinhmny anonn nlhrm 51ml Mnnlml um Well lmkr Mug yummy nt war In 10H Pmm Mr Lawmncon Point VIEW ID is nlflcam xlnlr 3y final Hmo Cnnmln hm been It war nwdns Nazi Germany and mm Haly or lvm yearn Ind 1km monuu Ammo nn mlm ms cemlnl me In mum their cnunuya um or town clear M010 Vlel Nam mm 0on dmom to criticize Illll when lhoy mm 3dith back Inln mm or wmparkmu lhoy mould rm Ha mm rmlully MORE HELP IN VIET NAM St Tlme limONoumll Some interman dues are cited Mr David Inwrcnco mm to know wh Can nda and other mllom ohm Aloe in VM Nam Did we shnd Moo In 1917 and in 1941 mm in 10501 The Monnee to In you 1917 in lo the entry of he umml States Into the nllhmce the My world ngnlrm the Central Iowmn 31111le 1914 with tho Kaisers Barrie Examiner and Saturday biom ing Jane 20 1916 Another Barrio sol dler has paid the supreme saLriiice Word was received that Private Walter Nugent died of gunshot wounds in Bel giumt lie enlisted in November 1914 and had been at the hem since last September Rev Henry Raymond assumed duties as vicar oi lriniy An glican Church ilonor roll unVelled at Central Methodist Church with nam es of 23 young men oi congregation who had enlisted since war began Barrie branch Canadian Patriotic Fund began campaign to raise $30000 with public rally at Grand Opera House eaker was Sir Herbert Ames Concert the band of 76th Battalion iligh winds and sleet caused power interruptions in town at weekend Mrs Simon Dy ment has gone to Calltornia for two months Ed Partrld installed as Noble Grand Barrie 10 Dodge Harrie Thistle Club beet Barrie Curling Club to regain possession Boys lrophy Wilton Creed returned to work at Atlantian station as ticket agent after being all or some time due to illness Police Chlel Robert Kin received interestln letter irom Sgt obert Smith wr lien in Flanders Ite Cllt lord Warner iornicr 1printer with this newsparer arrived in intent with 2nd Cdn oneer Bn lilidhurst skating That war Man In 1914 with tho Kaisers lnvmfimnglllcigiumi Ynnnjln cnlcml that WAR DAYS 50 YEARS AGO Prlme Minister Pearson promises to wage his war in an oblique fashion ra thcr than by fmntal attack One of the major points of the Throne Speech was promisa to boost federal aid for 0n the whole the government plans to submit far more legislation than it can hope to put through in one session For example there is the thorny con troveralal question of constitutional re sponsibillties It would appear that the govemment at long last plans to take timer stand on this uestion This could bring about con rontatlon with Quebec and that provinces everpress ing demands for more power for the Quebec nation The federal govern ment could hand back more taxing pow ers to the provinces and return other pre Second World War powers to them but there are points beyond which it cannot go without weahenin the federal struc ture and the solid ty Canada as nation The government will 1m storm of protest on this one issua alone and it may have to make concessions on the penslon it it hopes to gain sufficient sup portfrom the splinter parties against the nonconfidence motion akeady prom ised by the PCs reference had been made to revlslon of the bid age pension Both the Pro gressive Conservatives and the New Democrch arues campalgned during the election or an increase in the pen sion from the prqsenmJS to $100 geance The Oppositlohr iv notiée fihgt it Is qlsglgased by ghe act thano gThe new Parliament opened In spirit of sweet reason but it soon became evi dent at the first days Emmi that the verbal gloyfs 1111 bemoff will ven nimbérna cl Duly hump Old Age iPension Question Will Spark Major Fight Aullwlm mmd Im mm PMI Win Dwumwul 0m and pnymml mun In mh DI Sunday and Sluulnry Mivllyl nmvml DOWN MEMORY LANE PHbllshgd by Canndlnn Newtfidfiari lelted 168uyllnld Strut Balrrlya Ontario 119 flarrir Examinvr Mcthon Mnnafllng Editor 1111mm JANUARY 1m PAGEL TM Inmflln Im In nly Mllllul In lb um In unuhllcnllm 00 am ullwnlrlm In lhIA mde or Aunmlnl rrm nr mun and Alan the hull mu pul lhlwl llwmn HZIMIININH For liuminrr Wlnl Mu IthNva Thu llrhm numlw in tall Ramrm imminan 72 JL Umfllllon lkpumdlfiplmm 11mm TM nnmflln Im In urhulnly lb um In muuVrllcnllvn am In lHA mde Irm nr mun and Alan 0w Inul lhlwl mm uhlhhou Mmhlkm lha Cnmullm IheAulj My urnl Illullfllnn icihbrli Lo emld li politics ho game In Swigny says it is mlel ruihlm nme whom pawns nm mens livm lllr lone Mmlday vaa hoih brilliant and kind man In Ilm difficult immigration he dimhanged his duties with human iy and inlclllnencc lho Dorian licporl mid of him li ho llonornhlo Mr lrcmhlay has nuiicmi consumeneon mm Ilaicmonu ctr ialn publlslml mmmonia It i1 in he hop nl ihal lho persons rcnyxnmlbln will nuw rem nlro lIlI hnncaiy nnd impurity lhll urn oun AlKliofliI and kind mnmcnl ex cept ob lunrlra have not featured ilm anullan pnfllamvniary llio Mr inmonv lfilli Ion llll molnry oi ninin gnvn dynamic dimilmu mid dimomainm In Canadian rulium lle lm lei malk nn Cnnadlan llin which will not he crawl lhcy mlmirod and mpedml hy ilmir mnlrylnrn whn with ham vrll well atronized Dr Little Med ical iicer of Health endeavorlng to halt epidemic of measles by strict quar antine Gordon Meeking got release from $1000 contract with Ottawa Sen atoraHockey Club and has gone to Hot Springs to recu erate health Choir wardens and us ers oi St Marys Church were dinner guests on Monday oi Rev Dean OMalley Sylvester Sib Rowe outstanding Barrio hockey player and baseball pitcher died at age 25 from ct tects of diabetes 157th Battalion Overseas Slmcoe Foresters has been formed wlth recruiting to start at once LtCol llicPhee will return from overseas to take command James Martin Reeve oi Sunnldnlc elected Warden Simcoe County Capt New ton Young appolnted adjuiant for 70th Battalion Soldlers ln tralnlng at Bar rie Armoury have been outfitted with tan mbbcra Fred itlorrcn end Vern on lliarr enlisted this week with Army Service Corps at Toronto Five more young men from Rome lndinn Reserve walked into Orlllia yesterday and enlist ed Salter formerly of Winni eg has joined oiiico stat llarrlo anning Ltd Rallwaymen at Allan dalo glad to see Superintendent Lynch back at office niter illness Buchanan ot Barrio Invented and had atcnted new type oi electric light it ure rlnk under management of Mr Finlay we pgyonlzegl pr Little Med wa As one obseivcr poifitéii ail113 11c lish le lslnflon including medicare on the ooks again 0n the whole the government must be approaching this session with much greater confidence than it had at the start of the final session of the previous Parliament It is aware that the people are in no mood or another election the Opposition is equally cognizant of this fact Despite the public attitude how ever Mr Pearson can expect repeat of the lastsession in one respect an attack by Opposition Leader Dieienbak or on the pension legislation the govern ment plans for constitutional changes on plans or revampinglof the rail In so tar as the old age pension is con cerned there has been no indication from the government that anything will be done The $75 pension admittedly is not adequate for the elderly person with no other means The cost of livin even in the past 12 months has shrun the value of the pension The Opposi tion knows this and it will wage major tight to bring about an increase to $100 The government will probably be forced to make some concession but whether it will be prepared to go as high as $100 is matter of conjecture education which is normally in the pro vincial jurisdiction Basically there can only be praise for Mr Pearsons plan for educationis must in this hi hiy automated era Canada lags at be ind both the United States and Great Bri tain in providing university education for oung peo le Howeverrby involv ing tseli deep in financial way the Pearson administration is maintaining firm hold on one of the major provin cial responsibilities FOLIYIVCSVIS RUTHLESS GAME Wuun General Manager rm and ma man In uh Iml In ml um mm mum MMIIIII Ill ll llllllllfl mlrrn Imlfl ml II ml qu thmrh II II Mltnnnmnun and mm lb mlnlllry thurrhn mvnl III mu lmm Mull In mrmm mrly lnlmrnu In muum 1le BIBLE THOUGHT had III lel up In rh And In ml My Iulvl ml lull 0mm 11m in Allin AM new mm mm or loler ml lull 0n mu In MIMI mp wml In hmlllli II IIka In mlr wvmml mm AMvmgh rm MUM ltlmmfil In Hm nmhlallm anyway All mu Imhr Irimflam and mm twirl Imw Mm Mva 11 vmu In nml ynnl mw mmt mu 1m mum hm had tn Imm IIIIINIV r00 qu lulu um muiwwnl In rmu Sum haw Inn nu an lMOIim mu Mu no mm In It mm Mr My flInVMrr HAIHI WW II Imam uII tn wk In prrnrhu in two rhurrhu nvrry Bumhy In on flu ul Imdnnrl mwr mm cm at pull no Inn In Ihn olhor Allow an lmmenlly ll dawn to our yr nnl Hunt nth Dnnlxlx vluu bollr nil Thuuxh Vr cenl nl all Um no nwmwm lha Lulhmn maplll rlmrrh lvwr Ian men nl mu no mular rhmrhmn Thay llqcmun nulnmnucnlly mmlwu llm thunh whrn lulvlll lxul may null nnyllma an Imps rlmvrll lu nnly ll kinl II rnnflllullnnr ally Imuml In mamhrr 1h lmhmm hurrh nhhh In III II ml ml thmrh II Mllnnnmnun and Ihmuh If lnlnlllry mud mvnl mm my annual and mnh ll romp ry or pmnll In in rezulnr bunhm mm lhl dnr wlr mud In bl llml unul he My 01 MI conlrm Inn ll Why just nu month figure Hm Lard um 1mm wllh UII lh vlur Thu vicar nm possible Mn Ivy tonIllory mm but III my be vmnl budle evm ll ha ends up be Med on 01 um lmthcun sh Chump don wnnl Jeiul lo dlmwn me on Judumrnl dly hecnun murd nyl The bishop ha mrned hlm MMIIIII hlrn to lake llxmnnllu lick lcnvo lo IIIan II all ovtr The mlnlllry of churchu In aid hlm qullo flnlly flu It in film ha of 019 1nd to main pennlo church by corrtlan ave declded In my nml llxhl nyl lha vlclr Ah my uldlnco ram lho New Teslnmlll nlher llnn mm rhurch law am priest nol Inwy MitchAim lo nflcnd léivlm one month or yam So In six ample have plednd to obey the mlld thurch dlpdplina Rev Lud wlu luaum 29 vlclr at the wln pnrhhu Sobber and 152 AJInrup In central Jul But ona couple rdused my whnt they hauht Wu It rlca ln churrhzolnx They mind cnmphlnl wilh lhu hlnhap ol lhc diocese Traublo lx brgwlnz all flu 1h place Hy FRASER MchO UGAL OTTAWA CWIn begin nlng Ihe new Parliament mm Me an cxIenslan Lh Iut which was dissolved Sept or the Nnv ledéral dec Vlrlually all he legmlllve rupouls 1n the lhrone lpmh esday were Mall mm the Ipeech that opened the In ul ofprcachlnx to cmptyvchurrchu defiant Bugs Lutheran my in demandfifhal ar who hlVll chlldlh LE 51 In Vicar Demands Attendance At His Church Gov Plays Old Record With Few Variations bOPENlMGEN rm Tired WHICH ONE WILL WEAR TODAY Ml pmlmlndy mm 04 mm ln nmvm llwo mum ml Ihn mm mm mme lnmunx um mu ulnr mmm ll nu ma nniuu Orwrlaitorvvlfilrch Hayrle he unrme mo of wow 41ml MINI Ma um um madllnn am Mn um In lnmmn mm Fjllvjufll nu maul lawnan hum muno um gwllnlafly law In lha mum In necrmhnr and January whm um Hindi llrmI mm mm llm dqml Ilwnl HM ml mm NrInIMy not NIWIMI Ivr won Inmilhl ANN HUN lMlKl 1110 cycla In mm 1191 moons In Onlulo AI ona limo It upqu in um enl mnla mm In fitted on 1ch Somm on um um cm mm Wm gradually med ngnln And now ho de wnml Imlv and mm In ml mm no MM lulled In Ind Ihm in ma dunner In mermmanun The last third and whul prnvcd lastac Ion was Its stormy bezan last April Id muted June 10 or Um summer It rolled throulh qulla an mu 171 lux Illnllon but most ha mm lhorny uovernmenl proposal In 11 first session an aroused Opposlllnn tuned Waller Gar dun than llnance mlnlmr to beat relrual an mnjor budle proposII RUNS LONG It went through an ugnnlzlnl sway dghau on dllllncllva Can adl ma Conlmvcny swirled Io larcer In 10 hi Iha commons Wll lmed lnla muting on Good Frldly and In Enslcr mess second scsxlon opened on Feb 13 1961 and ran to um early morning hour or Salur dly April 1965 In as mung dnya set Clnndlan parliamen tary record The Inn Purlllmen wns clgtdnhyronlrnvmy ere was scanning of pro posall Home of them canlraver m1 lhul had lhzlr blth campaign promlm 1n the elec inp campaggn couple had been announced or Iarecmt In the Interval by ween he clccllun and Pull mgn openlnl Alon of the old Parliament on main ma mnomouu menu THEN GO OUT AND SHOOT Hy DON OIIHMIN QUEENS PARK Not Enough Moose Are Being Killed HUNK flBAUIIKl IIIIUNOII nmm Enlllml lllIJInHlny MIMI kl Hi1 Vllllam lllbllyl Hullm MM ka In Irlrrn Um awnnu ulmmlnl ml MI mm hm by on numva Imr NIHle mum lhlnII III Imm Ivilllnhlavl In nu lmu ragin mumllll Humnrr annlhlp llmc lml have And In Mhm wlll man he tvlp Tho lull lollnwlnl in mid 0n mm 1qu Hum trml In In ml In Ml nnmml mlhrm Dnllulu Annwnmbilv lmnlmnnrn nvmxwuuun ml mrmlh In um Hu mum lmm llnnmrr In Tlmmlnl Iml luck wlll In uml In dug Ilnl Ilrrhy whfrh 1m nlnwly ullmlnl In lmm Culllumln and mu Yulum For Ihe Innwmnlvlll mnrnlhrm Mr Hurt MM Mn INM Ir dAr nlallnu Al Fulcnnhvhlg IIII HIml hullmplrr lnr In nmrvl runmlunll nr mm hvr mulle van 1h nmmlllnn In In MM Mum 10 ml 11 In harlrll rnllm mm Nudlnlly Mull Hr Mmln nan Mnrhlun Mullml 0cm nl cum 19nd npen mom SUDIIUIIY Ull lrnll bunk nm lyy Inwmobllu I40 mllu nnrl lo Tlmmlnn will ho mndu Jun 14 pullm nary In wormed nunu yur denied derby 511 thLh mum are my on ll skeleton bMLI ln wlnltr How much comrmuy It will mats and how the new minor lly Parliament wlll dull will ll remnln Io be men The llcklhh Inflation in on the book again the Im the Liberal held 121 neat In the 265 member House against 92 Consmallvts NDP 13 Crcdllislu nlne 50 clal Credit and lwa Independ ents lhm were our vacancies two In leera and two in Can lerynllve seals What Um speech didnl say may spark In much apposllhn fire as what FleBdnol ably lhe absence mm are ust at an Innem In the 019 month old age penllon or which lhe Conservative Ind NDP campaigned vlloromly In the election Alter the Nov flecflon the clvll lervuntl remlrk pre used he herll wars null outnumbered with 131 ml against 17 Conservatives NDP nlno Crediuxlu Va 50 cinl Crcdil and Iwo Independ um One hlxhuclvll Iervlnt re marked during last summer recess ha some he more llcldish Issues such as rallwa legislnllan cauldnl be deal with efficiently by minority Parliament Trail Run Set In North never maze ruched the debpllng DRINKWATEM will have good OUTLOOK will then be PLENTY of everything with It Shquld It have been BIG remnln TINY What will lha PREMTE My about or the CIIAPLIN or even the PM MAEI What no the feeling lhe ADMIRAL or the FUSI LIER or even he RESERVE all BAHLE HEIGHTS or at DUNDURN Should bend the ELBOW and drink In It or lhmw It in SWIFT CURENI or maybe PMme WELL or JuslF0fl0Er 11 Will make new FRONTIER or shnuld mud Id ABERA BEEN or maybe display It In an ABBEY or perhaps he SANCTUAan II it prally BLUEBELL mJASMIN or even LILAC or WILD ROSE What would DRAKE or FINL msnan have though or DHHcd dJIImL When cClura lound the nonhwst mum Im looking or Frnnklln The lrlp look our yum He Ahmed on Jammy mo commander mlp ulled lhc lnvmllulor mm 01 Imam mm the enl he fled mnd Cam Horn Ind Maud mm mat llavvcmfilrfimuh Prlm cl Wllu flrlll unlJl blocked la Melville Swat but looklnl mm lha lco mm the but went Ilp ol flank Ilflgm mull Ivy mum mum wum nu ma mnnuu puma McClure dld not wide hh trlp unlll 1m our yam um he Illned nnd he hld lo Almndan the lnmthnfior 1n the IN Duh Island and hi my manned In mnku their way In Ilrdl Duly bland when or mud Amber Ihlv luwlult and spent lhn win then Mzclnm wn hoqu Ivy the Mum and Find mmmunu and my 100 pound Im hL discovery luuuo nanklln probath Iound the nu and 1d lnltrudlms under ulm that wu found yum mar hl death In lhe munflme Robert John McClure the credit or lho dlmmy wn Rural vay clpuln who hid made mvloul lrlp to flu AMI In the Warm mo of the thin um lrlnklln used later on NI fllMcd medium By Ron BOWMAN 0m nl the most Importm mmm why Franc and Brlhaln plld any mention to the early dmrlnpmcnl of Canada was um hope finding worm mule lrvm Bumps to the Orient lint hope that Illa Lawrence River Wu the ronrl 0115 and lull ls how laddne mold or their name Ncafly all the early ax plorerl looked lot me new Canndl until Dermal llelrm mged glam um In 117 Grinfdlodu were mdo then to try to Ind nonhwm mm high he Amie That L1 how Ibo Sir John Franklin MUM Whille In new ollhe New F1 seen with NIEILI Comm orman an Regina this wn one ol he more sparkling mwmlons to the usual voluminous mall roadflng Saskatchewans John Diernnbaker recently TEL STORY keen med whingqulekly Iammltkdehmtolklmmd 31mm with mm mm the aid French IrMocflh net mun the 5011 Guy Owlg lwglyfabln bukia narth What widely known ll that Smkflchmna place names rival Newlmmdlandl mom mated aamples reflectan 5W nnng UNITY will be SUCCESS oi muorlproporllonl would It make CHOICELAND in which Ilvc will make PATRICK NICHDUON 0mm Eamuchewan 1i deservedly being honored today km of naw poshgg vWa bearing 31 proandal flmmfiflmm red mr Prairie pcmxnee Imam Ecllllfg Cmadnl Breadbuket one at our more saintly vines Iggy Thle WOUNG flag lhat wu devised by the LEADER will gnnjv wlll It be CANADAS STORY OTTAWAREPORT WE SELL 16 Blylltld SI WE PRINT New Pastage Stamp Honors Saskatchewan McClure Discovered Northwest Passage RUBBER STAMPS WEDDING STATIONERY MIMEO PAPER LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES INVOICES CHEQUES CLUB NOTICES THE BARRIE EXAMINER PRINTING SERVICE FOR YOUR PRINTING NEEDS mm flying TONEIIENGE maybe would look better ny In at TIGER le The TITANIC did not fly and It was not Around in WAMIME The CLIMAX was when was named the Pearson BENNANT Shnuld we own and be srALWAM and lyan across the BROADACREB the GRALNLAND that no IERTILE nnd AROUND with ANILEM Would BRACELE TON or SCOTT hlVO Iakan it to the Poles or lhe DRIVER for Genera MOCK hnvo laken II BOUNTY lo the FOUR CORNERS through CEYLON la uATOCllE think the who hing Jsa TANGLEFLAG mm ver not MILE BTDNE in 11an RADXSGO would no doubt nva liked but dont welt RED JACKET win you fly IL because then In no REWARD RENOWN or REVENUE from Maybe ROBIN noon would lake It lo RUNNYMEDE and give it In he MARSHALL maybe ha MARQUIS would ROMANCE with It In the MANOR Maybe NEPTUNE would lake OVER LAND on BLUE HERON the OLD WIVES Cerlalnly In not like ECEPIRE nor even good SIMNMCK 1M even good enough Io fly In lha SENATE Does our SOVE REIGN 093 would hlvo on ooh III filmel from lhe Post Office Guide Quite salulo In Saskatchewanl sunpmsi qg lmum wife DUN Mat 7266537

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