m3 The Mmtil Iinllwl mu nw WM 0M II rump Ihll Hwy mum mi uhl Um flu Mm mm mm vmlum Hunt mnmry rla IMI 1m DWI nbvlmu mlmu anI an 1th youth In nur urmlnu The rmmrll hm Ihn mnnl mrmlul llul llu lwwnmrnl lahlhh 500 mlnlnmm pr Iiml Ullnllo rmhrll lhrln nuw In Unlnlin mum mmmu myan vnly km year 11w ruunuln Hmrmhrr Flu rnrlw unuklnl luv III IIup 1mm mrmlwu trnnlrll pmlnuu lwpwfl Um mm Np IMM kn Mn duner hm HIM vlr nmva Mr IN lllhaml nu du emu Hun TOROKIO WP Tluhlrr nmnnhip lllml hm minhl fflrllrlhnh In uwnnu lulu qmnry vuu rallrd nr Turulny bv the Imvlnrlnl Cmmrll anm 0mm In Mr lnmln John Mum The Mmtil Iinllwl mu nw WM QM lump By MRS BLAIR St Johns Uniicdï¬hurrh Wm men eluctad Mrs Angus Blair as president Mrs It Mc Donald retiring prusidant prcs lded the annual rcparia which showed successlul year Here were six units with membership at 112 and 17 at these were iilqmemberr Friend ahip and visiting committee rcp crted 564 hospital and 42 home calls during the your 43 boxes at treat or booklet and calen dar were sent to shulins at Christmal Two members cele brating goidcn wadding anniver Aaries were mmmnbcrcdi They were Revr and Mn Waiter in mi Mr and Mrs Arthur Slnne Nos the units had tnkzn In migion study Brazil and Trin idad and God and iii Purposo mm Itudy Vlaiu wm made to Vlclor Rune Fred Vltlnr Mission nml Hlllcml Lodge lnr scnlvr clllx ens donallnn was made lo Mr and Mrs Harold Bonsnn Indore lmlln to assist ln sellan up lmflll pnullry plnnL lllls Phylllx Crnsby Main mk Ilnnlry 1mm lhls dlslricl ndA drum some the uniu and Ihcy hurl alslllml hzr ln hrr work Mn llnlnh llsum nl Toronto had slwwn Illch ol Trl nldnrl llud lxmku nnd lllernluru um um ln Tlilllllll Thu lnl nsslxlnnca commmcn ml Imrl rlnlhlnz la Crlmvlul Civll lam lnd Vlrlnr Mission Ovtrv aux llrlld nnd Iho Unier Chunk moman Depnl besldcs he roqulrrd bale of tlolhlnz In erxnn Home Mnnllohn The lorlnl tommlllou lwl bmy yur bmqum wrddlnp nml dlnnerl and many extra dullu rim lho npcnlnz nl lhn nnw Cllnlllnn Educnllm hulldlnx ln Decrmlxr New tlhhn were bout NH lumhhlnlz Ihc lmmu ln llw ml Innv nl llm Ulllnllln Ednrallnn bullxllnxl on nl mrr 200 Win rnlml by nylon pynjccll but mu VISITATION To Tighten Up On Censorship OIIAWA GovernorGem era Vanler receives cursy lrom Secretary 01 Sale Judy ST JOHNS UCW Mn dunviuh hm MIMI at um rmva Mr llw dvuvwllr Inhaml whlh mm in Mr dmnhlh lmrl Installation 0f Executive Highlights Alliston Session GREETS STATE SECRETARY rlu If wn dummie ham HI ullll vmul mll In lwirdf Mrs Harold Robinson cnnduc led suitnblc worship service for the iirst meeting in the new Christian Education building wilh scriplure read by Mrs lllnir Mrs Newton Wilson read the nominntlng committees report and Rev James Shiltan instal led the oliieerl or 1966 Mr Shilton expressed gratitude to Mrs hchnnnld for her nilleerr tor untiring ellorts Mu Blair Incoming president gave mel me regarding the cxhoflntim and encouragement St Paul gave the church in present their bod in living racrilice holy aq ceplahle God and how this message still nnpilea to this dny and present ehureh lite All gilt and talents nre needed to make the churchs service complete Lune was served by the Mary Martha Unit SLATE OF OFFICERS deal was faised by Ira wfll ans ongclnpgg ings LaMarsh ln Ihe recelving ï¬nd of guns or Slala Dinncr Government House ollgwn Hin Hllfllï¬ IIEHII Tull plnnrlhh IMHIIMN vlnmmvm lran It pnhnmvuu lmnkn nh mus lnsnmly plat in Ihm he I1 7qu mminu Ind man hell plan nf hlrpy Iyduk SlawcllinlmJwmlwlu null umue lu lknlnp le AH mnume llllly In until Mu by wlnhllnl Mun mu will help him on Ill millmm nuIm ml II um mum Mlhlmlnund HM llllm my nr hm nllnlml lu Ml nlh humn Iml In Nam hm Ami If you fyocpymnl mI nu hm Ihll bum mu tumul ever an drawing or print to Ill mounl It should be MngedDonl use any form of cellulosé tape It will discolor as get old ont expose drawing or water Color ln slrnnx llght or it wlll lade even under glass Never back drawan wllh woodlt wlll gcllcld alalnn ram the wood Mr Eronke says most peane hangpidures loo hlxh There no hard and last mle posIUun will depend on the size he piclura the mom Ihe turnllura nnd people munl dadan hum be dunan only Hun ml xuk ml hh cm lull huluxndmuv mum mu Inwnllllnhurne mmlruveluflkimllytkvrlnwnlln loan hum ml II Mme lune lly um rm um um mum lmlheInmllndnlmuluhllum mum hay5ny mum mu Ind kiwiMound Wmln Youthomd havs adequate hooks and eyes In the frame wen and dont nu loo much wire Excess plcflm wire can cause trbuble hung painting ever radiator Apart ram Ihe heal youve uen alrcakx dirt over Ihe top of radlamrs KEEP PICTURES DDWN TM mlxrnlnry unit by Mr Slmpmn of New VMR emplnyl mllpluml mm lnn Ind lemma mm while thnr And no IlUHI lmw David Brooke curator of the Art Gallery oIToronln say lhere are ew basic do and donls which apply lo any paint Ins Vdrawlng or print you care about enough to hang never goad thing to hunt hunvx painting on sticker Use ordinary picture hangng whlch are usunlly sold with an Indication of haw much weight they wlll hold yétxhavl an oll painting put canibaard on HM back to prgggct the gyms TORONTO CF Cure In hanging and handling plclum will glva them longer happier lire Light and dirt and beaten evznlually do mm as much harm alllrom an inade quate hunger DOS AND DONTS Art Cuxqtqrj Beébmmends Cdré In Hanging Pictures SPRING SUIT TM duelnplnrnt My whim hul Ihinn ml II II plum phyll and XIII comma I1 DILDII till WM Julw my mll nulmiml mu Iunu mm Mumul um Juku on yum Ivlluy um plum Mynml mmmu pluu mu Aumu mumu fle Irnhlnl ll yuu rlrne luv Iuhyl Julia Mull mumluhll and lime ridme up In Imlvllm IM In In delu llblc Hm huhmne mm Ill dIlllhllully mlld III plum him plum Inmunlrd nlumm Inf ymw hm wmmirm unruuy tluhml In My Imlml Duh fllhyl oodn Nniml Allth INyluplruinlflAwunlvnllillltnrk mum mpmd In rlmllnl Lulmm hm me Iunnlnl colour um nu lilllledunlbnhyl Add In um dulmy cmnly lnlmc Iml do lKlum mMII mum Ind ynuvI dehcuy or Imle pner ur puncme rmva and dw luy mum of Villlflhl hon lm rumin uulkm nulmlunnl bench Dur Nlmu Ynu are rlght but In lunnre prnrnne nnd muly warm mm prurhonla chlIdrrn Older om howavqj should be old We dnnl un lhnl kind of Innxunu In our haw ml lhrn the mailer Ihrmld be drnppcd CANT MN Andcnx You had lmuy mhirr lnr Hm anu who vuu nick at her hushmd wllr pennn who dmnL Inn My dauxhlcrl um ls um and half yem aid He has picked up some prom and ob ICEM words lrnm his wise elders When We use these wmds his mother spank hlm wnshu Mn moulh nu wilh map and makns xuch nu lhnl the whole lamin II in an uprnar havo come to believe that he yaunmer now um hm words Re aHrnion All chlldren repeal prnlnne and muly words whrn lhey are growing up They donl knw what the ward mun Ive tried lo Hm Mu ucrnu In my xlnuxhlcr but wnhoul mum Plrmo print my lulur And your vlewuulllmud Nun Am all we or am right in hinkimz ha he secrelnries In our husbands more hnuu out the day than we do and that the annual boss night ought lo be discontinuedTln Glynn In Answer to your question Yes You are all wet lmr Ann ganderr am grandmolhar who In trying aw tu hard la keep my nose out my mlrrlnd childrens bus nm But when someone you lovr goes of lhe rack It di ficul to remain nilcnl Tho ginis are mostly wid ows divarcces and spinners whoplnn cocktails dlnnen dancing and Ike whole hit My husbands secretary is old enough be his malher so please dant think feel threat enud Frankly men It when he leaves me and the chlldren la spend an evening Ihi way If has lold me he doesnt en joy these parties but he hale to hurt secretarys feelings Dent my all ï¬le twohit penny anla complllnll you lake the calm There as much similarity buman he olllce Chrlnmas party and buss night be tween the moon and men cheese BEST TO IGNIIRE Den Ann Landemt have Mad ynur stand against Christ mas utflca partch and agree wllh you 100 per cent And now will you saynnmelhing nhnut the annual bou nlght party whlch another thinly dts guiscd attempt by the secre taries to get chummy with the xecixtlvu II should lonk nnchnred In the ground and palnling should not he cramped It needs more Iwolm than jusL lhe room go hang tn For everyday cleaning hp lep ommends cleaning glass can IuIIy and vacuuming names and wihl 9n guacmncnl Nem us surface of naInIIng with we or olly rag or still brush Ypu can use very tall llghl brush Completely cleaning paint Inn All expert Job In be done with solvent lo deal wilhyar nish and dlfl Lils not vuln uble there are arusls who can do In ll 11 ï¬rst class have cleaned by prolesslonm To ANN LANDERS Theres No Similarity BetwgeflnThe Parties Dw nuder Your lell came in the sum balch with hundreds or omenfrom first when who an also furious with They hairpullan mad be cause aid men nurvey showed um iecond marriage In working out shade ballet these dlyx than ï¬rst manlam cant win Your statement when you marry divorced man you buy Ulallolal packageexwile and the whole kit and kaboodle is nonsense dont mall any lining in my marriage mws is said have to put up wilh my husbanda exwiie That lump cant let her loo lnsidemy house she ever tried id gm her hair with baseball int It you want to lnnsnnrt painting or glare ll lake il dawn carenllyPlclures thuuld not be handled by the frame Take lha hooks and wire of and cover the Iran with cardboard which does not touch lhe Iurche tavput up with such gnu cant know what In like second wile has laugh lime without you homing In an the slde loe ï¬rst wife wish youd shut up on this subject Mld You ï¬nd am an nu reputable you might go lo deakr who will usuallybe ln touch with clcaner 11m dflen you should have It cleaned Ind lnrWha lurlaca 6r éuwlnred aghfsihwill de funiparfly or means you live Dont rim he drawin THERE IS ONLY ONE SALE YEAR at STRANSMANS OUR MillJIM alum sate 44 DUNLOP 51 This Happens Only Once Your AI SlrunSmuns STOREWIDE DISCOUNTS 0N EVERYTHING Use Our Layaway edgesdf pglnt in It will lessenlnvan eyerlg ruslorer Jadaad 51m mm 512mm Mm Coata Caz Combs REMEMBER at Stransmuns the original price remains You are told exactly how much you save on each Item Personal concerns should mn smoothly or most of the year ahead but be aim to possible perindoor aimsespecially in domestic drcles dunng late February early March lale June Indor early July Moat auspicious periods or romance Between now and March all of June late October and Idle December What may look like the real thing in May Sq lember or November could prove deceptive however so dont go overboard where your emotions are concerned Trach will be under especially generous lniluenws or the bal he at this monlh the ï¬rst three week in May next No vember and December You may take several shorl trips in Mn periods however lt tomorrow is your hlrthduy your horoscope lndienies that despite possibly past slow going lncarcer and monetary ni aim the beginning oi this new year ln your llle torecusls the sttaln ment at mgny cherlshed goals You are currentlyrln cycle which began on Dec 23 which stimulqu new ideasand pm msslvoness so do make the most of it Your resourcefulness and ingenuity should show lun gihle results in various stages withln the next month and or several periods hereafter For instance Job interests should advan still lurlher duringlha ï¬rst ree weeks of March the last week In September the ï¬rst threesmlts 01 October nnrl throughout November and next January Be careful however not to antugoniu supcrim in June early July or thelmt three wteks oi Seolemher or you mluhl lose out on the star prgmlsed grogress Finerlnlluence cmtimlel Inlandid llellar oonlignratlon encourages business career and prcrcsslnnal mallefs Personal rcllllonslllpl wlll also be gov erned by excellent aspects wllh romance and mlnl Inï¬vitiu upenlally favoredl mm mm urnmun ym perimh or monetary in terests sldo ram um next our weeks 111 entire monlh of April the first mmwzcks of next January Do be cautious In spending during the ï¬rst three weeks of March and thrwgllnut Juno however when you may be laced with someunexpected expenses And above all da not speculale this week or you could amp gains THE STARS SAY ESTRELLJTA 4m PouSseCafe Comes To OKeéie Centre aims maniuiuxmmzn WEDNESDAY JANUARY The pragiuclion which Is be In presented by Guy 112 la Pasi aardtere with Theodore Bikel and Lilo stirs will make the mgye ï¬n varlqux HEEL Bmadwsy mom tn Toronto next week when cast crew lech nlclum and Irllsllc personnel at FannieCate he nowDuk El Ilnglan musical crosses the bar de or III ï¬nal Ilagcsn re huml prlor In warm prem lere aLDKeelg Centre on Jan Firslmvcr the weekend come the ma designed by Will Slmn Armstrong and the costumes created by mum Zivprodt wm them will be the tenthnl will quperviu their installlum onth lgge 9mg stage mv EXAMINER wm AD PHONE mun bn Wednexdu he coxï¬lny Pascoes 24A Dunlap St ONE DOLLAR SALE Continues A1 henna Yo splls of lrnnsll Ilrike flimculliu wm af rIve Eleven members Including Lilo Blkel and Tmonhn Gar Krnwtard who pluyl he juven lle land will came in by early murnlng mm The rest will ar rive It new by plane whkh lastee1ggtulnz t9 Phone 7284104 TOWN SHOP 7281521