The clerk was aulhorined lo prepm bylaw authorizing the regulaunn of pmccdures ol muncil matting normqw mom The dorktreasurer was auUI orized by bylaw lo manga loans up to total $490000 moot exprnms until lax cal cctions ollscl Nqulremtnts the rale be paid not more than per mm This was given hrcc readings and passed APPLY FOR EMQ GIMNI The clerk wasinslmcted Io apply or gran on 1966 in lnlck to he purchased for tire dcpartmcm purposes as allowed hon lhe rqulpmont can be con lidcrld as available for rm xonciu bryand he awmhip GARBAGE COLLECTIONS wmmilloe ol council are In metl wilh the garbage tall eclors and other to discuss mo changes mquimd make lho gamaxe cnllmions nallslaclory to he ranpayers Mm are pay lnx lnr lhi service lam year he changes nllowtd pmnllled the oolkrtorl to mluu to move other man kllchtn relum and his gun eating and olhm dulllrully in gelling Kid Mer and xudl malarial lhry had In dixpom During hr prulorllon lelngs much crillrlam was voiced about nah luau mllrdlom and the mm mlllce is url lhl ndjmlcd least one the cnmmllloo ounclllnr Iurlon LI dopemlrnl on he nslcm or uarlulze nliy pom T0 BIRCH DOG hllAW molion autlloriwd ance of an arrangem Maurice Miller re ex elm logs or 11m PROCEDURE BYLAW Ikuuly rrcu arr mun rillnr Todd nml clerk Grnh MIX lw mmmilloc dlwun Iha dmugn MM fur by the dog cnnlrnl nmrrr In the Maw Irmlnhnu day One canddm nltnn lhv NM rollmlon ll ï¬ne and nnnlhrr mny How Hu Mth In vlmlrny day um uluvre Iw llmlu nrrrunry DIMlM INI IUMTHDN 1min hrlmz Mung mm munty rrrnnllnn Ir Nlnr llm Md lawn Mp lmumin ml lmml lltzcnllnn Smltrl nml Mle IKll amth In chum PlllH MMIMIAL MEETING Thu mwul MIMI wifll lh Followmg the maugural meet ing whlch was mostly given over lo Speeches special meeting was called or the nexl aflcrnonn when camspondence on hand was dealt with Grants weremade to the allowing Childrens Hospital 325 the same as or many wars Good Reads Convention membership $15 Association Rural Mun icipnliflc membership $15 lha mnvcnllon to be on February 14 St Mm Ambulance Assa dagian ma Thomas Bowman was paid 510 or destmying dog There was motion that this dag1w toying bonus be discontinued and that the animal cnnlrol ol licer be called to destroy unl mals bathvring sheep ll cam mince was appoinud to discuss the revisinn the doglylaw molion autlloriwd acccpb ance of an arrangement with Maurice Miller re exchanging elm logs or llnbn lnnlsï¬l Councll objected and had the clerk call counb Ay wismenl commissioner Riel Simpsnnl No sympalhy was re cclved lrom Dual Source except that man would hein the township ofï¬ce one clay Week allgr January 30 whlch dale has now been postponed To dale um have not been lnform ed who the supervisor ls who will have charge of tha loch SPECIAL MEEHNG supervisor appointed to han dle assessman in the lawn ahlps of Innislilv Essa Wes Gwlulmbugyh T€cumselh and SprouIe Korma assessmnl commissioner or lnnlsï¬l that he was In move lnlo the county assessment ofï¬ces in lhe county may EQedlvg an 102 l2 THE BARR EXAMINER MEDAL JANUARY 1m I6 Bayfiold SI ll yam unlrr hu ml nnlvrd by MIL THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI WIIH THE FAMOUS PERMASTAMP NO INK NECESSARY RUBBER STAMPS OF All KINDS COMMERCIAL PRINIING DIVISION DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS AM npy III II lYflllurd Tn nur llumo hy pm THE BARRIE EXAMINER 25000 IMPRESSIONS CARRIER MISS YOU INNISFIL Nous Council Objects To Sproule Move 7282433 limited part commillce to be appnimcd to handle lhe dedicated portiom at land mm subdivisions This appointment was deterred petition min ed by om 200 of the required number of ratepayers was handed in during i965 asking ion paflu board SPECIAL SERVICE 1he parish church at Church lll was ï¬lled to overflowing when senices were held yr the late Mrs Norman Lambert Wiiiwn who died Christmas night The Reverend llal dcnby mdor Ibo parish and lormer mdor the Reverend Smylh conduciod the win in the church uhlrh Mrs Wilson had ailcndcd nil oi her 99 yem Friend mm mm some disinncv including Tor nnlu Aumu and Willowdnlc us well the many local peaple Her husband predecch her some ycnrs ago They fanned be properly on the corner he third line and ll hlfllway which wn grnnl In me Will mn lamily mm he Crown JOSIGN CIIEQUES Councillor am Gibbins ha been authorimd to cosign all amuship cheques and for mer Councillor llnh Lackie will be asked to help mmpME some bylaw on which he wal work lug dyin 1965 Some mm mm the munlrl pnlhy whtre we ham 5an the plus lour winhrx Intn Ihmu nnds dollar harm wmrm wclrl huill la wand some 190 feet imo the Gull lo reclaim Ih mum Durlnx our vlslu Ilse lnmlnwnt has been my ly Mwnrdm hy many um hard Innd bench um am can now wnlk am most lhc rnins The llns bun backed up at lonu 00 0M and more In plum nlls wwk we ullmml an occurrence 1m thawed he nllicinll nn 1min he lmchu hey luun Mill Im Iambwner hml Drum annll 1M edge NA uro pmy Md mungnl drnglinn mrrniar In mr this from 110 Ilmrn umtlI xnl Mr III nun bydrrltnl Mr lw ls cansidcmble discus silm as to lnstalllng anfllclal ice in the arena but one If the handicap sums to be that it is clalmcd that it Is not re gulation slul The rink board repented that they ham bank loan of $4500 and are request ed by council make lnslall ment paymcnls They showed balance on hand $112 and debt lo an clectrlc ï¬rm Ilmrn anmlI in Mr Ill nun mdrlml Mu Im wnl dawn Rpm flw nlllr KIII namlmz ledr lxln mach PHONE mzm THY EXAMINER WANT ADS lo the Barrie and of that road making direct thoroughfare mm mum King to Barrie par allel with 400 Highway St Marys Vamrch Btudc has arranged to rent the strand arena from noon to pm each Sunday There wiil be open publlc skaung at the arena from pm to Inn on Sun day on trial basis and ï¬gure skating or girls will be taught on Monday evenings BEACH DEVELOPED Council have of ally decid ed to ask that the Department 01 nghmys consider the allow ing ol development mad ln lnnlslil Whlle the motion dld not state which rand was be lug connldered it ls most like ly that the 50th part of num ber live aidemnd will be asked high would mgncpi he EEM RINK FOB SUNIMY township by the Fire MarshaiA allies in so demanding and re qulm such additional expense that ooundl have asked hat meetinl be arranged with an ofï¬cial mm that office Iodk cuss flu whole malter DEVELOPMENT RQAD By Florida Slop plrul 7166537 LION OWNER SENTENCE QUEBEC CF George Baker owner of allnn which killed baby In Novem ber 1964 was given Qwoyear suspended sentence Mondiy on charge of criminal neg genre The charge wu laid alter the deal Manon Trem blay Tanguay gum months whnse parent rented an Ipart men In Bakera home The Bakers kept the lltmonlhnld Hon as pet neawnltingwordwlut to dd Hewu guns the next dayi FISH FOE BIRDS Another inmaan In worth camment ï¬shennan had cast 3111 net just beyond the 91qu go upirq ugd when this was lifted he ound he had so many ï¬sh manly mulld that his boat wwld mt hold them all He began to thraw back the smaller men and the crles of the gulls were Inch that about 100 pellcnn came lo assist at the feast nley gorg ed themselves and the mm was strewn with ï¬sh heads boat pulled away so loaded matltvhndly turned sale 24A DUNLOP ST THE FUN SALE OFTHEYEARQBRING FRIEND BUY ONE ITEM AT REGULAR PRICE SELECT ANY OTHER ARTICLE IN THE STORE UP TO THAT VALUE FOR JUST PASCOES SORRY No ReIunds or Exchanges on This Sale SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY 930 AM Corn rumm hamlnlnn muuy Enuru lnv Europe amwm me Fund Fedenlzd Gmwm dented nm on ma an Grunpcd lncnme Growth sunny sundun Gmwlh Inveum Growth Inv mm Imam Mulull wenm mm mun1 Accum All Cnndlln All Cumum Amer Gmlh mud Amin Equll Cu Grmmd cm lnvulment mud Cm Trulletd Cdn Imam TIMMINS EmMining com panies In his area are ï¬ghting Labor Shortage MUTUAL SHARES mu OIEN WEI MITJINOON McIntyre Porcupipe in Ltd has hired 15 studentmlnlrs lo work weekends company labor shurlageby hiring teen age on weekends and Inrminx tralnlng school for prospe live miners Héad table gubst take their Mace alohgside Governor General Vanier anlate dinner ALL OUR REG llleS OF ADIEES WEAR NOTHING HELD BACK VANIER HOST SAT STATE DINNERBEPORE OPENING or PARLIAMENT spokesman said it gives the buys chance In em some money by working and we need workers MPrenon Mines In IE nearby Porcupine camp area rchnolvror prospective miners held mm Govemmcnt House in recognition of TlleS dayl opening 01310 Par TOWN SHOPS AND REALLY $AVE has been slarlcd and lsadver tislng an earnasyuuvlearn pmgmm The Mining Act mm mine employees to those 13 years ar oldgr llnmenll£fl ta ritnl are or merjovemor genera Vin cent Massey Pnme Minister Mining spokesman said the PHONE 728 SN quasflult ore Ilrikq near 11 mlnx Is responsible or the Iabo lhortue in mqurgupln bump lamest gold produclï¬ area In Canadl Pearson Gem Vania Chief Justin Tucheruu Wirephoto