Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jan 1966, p. 6

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1m mm mmmnm Mn vIuv ml unqu ml lur qulrl ulm Tckpmm mum ankswuzcn of zmndn xtwlho 3102 minim mllu sun Ion new car wnnnnly Llccncc K002 Going he low price VIAU RAMBLER Yonunm uni nu ma Chum mm Gnu due um know Yorkshire mom unlmh mm nomw mmuy Coomoun mucst TRAiLEié Byroanraham 4457Milés In TIIBPNDHO 7255845 ll VEANIZ vlll WEEK all Cl hummer mlll lll nod con Imam MM 4017 lulu My 721 gm um VINE um llOLSTEIN all rd una wuk wonmm mil bud quln Ilnlllnln Bull htll prl Illa Stock wIMM Russell le llltvhmu 1281756 CHARLES CHURCH 66FIAT Em Road Bradford at 01015 Hum Morons LTD THY EXMIINEII WANT ADS INUNIJ 721 mg vmsoo gs Scdnn l7 Iowan st nu IIEV ml Mr hm flmr my rvlmflrr luhnnllle mm mm lmnutullv ummul mlr Mull mmnllnom mumm Inn ImN unzvlmln uln 7mm Ian mm mm In um Wm mum and mmh nu mmmm 1W mm luv huvr Au mm 154m nuuml mm ml mauv mun In WHIHI MY nun lhvmlI MN mum Aum lmmu Anvmlmn nu Almu luL mm Mm Inu Jumn all mu ma Tvwluvm mum rmw mu ummuca Yorxxhln Crux mum Ipprnxlmlkll pmlndx ellmum mum HumI mnunnni hurt II II flnmr wl um It If um nan uurHynh um ll ym In lml ml jimmyl mm Wm uz tn um mm In mummy mu mm lnl IHIMW IL INIIYI umAu Elmer Slwlnl Much ne to Rm weekly or monlhly vm deliver um um up Law hlel Slnlfl nl Bin1i mam Mlhlon Scwlnl Can 055111 Highest rims paid of dead or crippled calm and horse Sm dnlmnl rcmmd free Fir last service PHONE BADRE 72347751 Collect or ask for ANICKS DEAD STOCK ZENIIII mm NOCHAfiGE hour day days week RR Foxmoad Ontario Llcence No 218061 Nick Montague Prop Farm Supplies 82 Service Cam New Holland David 11mm Denny 17s llURlON AVE 7232373 CASH TRADE TERMS New double wash sink 55 Ica lurlnx unibody consinlctiou bone 31 bans LIVESTOCK FOR sALé Gallon 31 Pm rinan miss Ynur ankawnxm Will We Scrva th We Sell fiéxm 1011 Hum snow mu mm In windmumm Jen at mm quon Vmum um Wlmnul chillLion nchvn Mn Tylan mm on Dunlap LI ll mu nnben EDNHD PM Im mu mum mvlu lry mum No min POMEIMNIANE amon4m on Nulun Chqw momm 1mm mu 01d 1mm 7mm l6AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS PURSE PERSONALS iARTICLES FOR SALE FARMERS MARKET Delaval SALES SERVICE 12month full warranty parts and labor MODEL 750 SEDAN FULL PRICE FARM MACHINERY or sink at better rice BARBIE HONEY HIGHWAY 27 7260338 $2500 DOWN $985 WEEKLY HANK BROWN MODILEVHOMEVS IN THE NEW DOGS PETS $1295 DEAD STOCK MOTORS T0 um mam 7sz 79340 chulrcd Good was and 2x4 cellent fringe bemfil Pald hol idays and vacmion plan Pram sharing plus Canada Pemlun Play mm 41 um Apply In um Imm mmng In lnmu I0 Dual TIIIMImI mum cunx nmvmln mdurl nr 1mm mu Hm Imp nymml m1 aYl wwm npumud ma Awly In mm mun1 Ink Lu Ilad lllnlo um IN noan NM mo mm mm In In In mm 0m to mm mm mm Iur ml nIcIn Faulhwnloln lflml ulm nnn mm vmh ACCOUNTANT ELDERLY womm uqulnd or mammal Mme lo live In dlyl in wmon omnlm Iwu In an nun mmuun llcqulmd by local food wvlco operallonl Must be neat ln ap pearance and have apleaslng personality Good wagcsl and Imllarms supplled Apply In rrlufll Box name Exam ner Needed Ior mold work Excel 1m vmrking condllluns and job security Apply MRS GAYLE DESCHEPPERS CONTINEN TAL INN Barrie Apply cumin Vatican5 Yonxa street manna ntczmomn n1urea luv yer om mm lyplnl my bookkelplnl whom amen bookku Ir nu om Ifl book or 011 llnn Should In mm um bnlam Good mnxng nllry Ina banana Anlwer 41 mm murmur nouaxuzzlzn tar rally with our HuldrulV mm then In lehnnl Must be uplhlo mm run thine of Mannheim duuu WA to an nrfl Enmlnlr Euldanco wlll be provided Imul mounulul nppllmnl undnrslnml tho syntrm Aprly Iu own hnmlwnllng Mating Krsmml paltlrulml am rm mmva In loml Applimflons will be held nldd mnlldouru ur mu aware 0f um advfluvan Apply In Should hm yplnz and mm mln kkecpl Algqply FULLY Expefllnced uXu hdy Ir mum at qnuu lldlu war Avpgzy SWMIIII Dunlap it WRITE PERSONNEL MANAGER 0R PHONE 625 MEAFORD AMEHOCK LTD MEAFORD ONT CANADIAN COMPANY lender in IL 0M 1111an In 51ch staff In lhh Iron lIIL llINMANHNI SALES IOSIIION with top Inmmo potential Iml excellent chance or ndvanccmonl For furlhm Inrormnllonx IHOVI NONI Hoqulml Inunedlaloly Irv 1min MIUHHUUVE lcnkr In mun IvixrclkM opwrllmlly MIh good Mary and fringe INIIIHIL LEARN HAIRDRESSING Government Chartered School Thorough training In an hm chu of beauty cullura DERWIN HAXRDRESSING SCHUOL WORSLEY ST lmcnlly employwl mm Invlml In apply PERSONALS HELP WANE Career Sales large Canadian Hie Health Insurance Company has an opening in BARRIE or responsible executive or salon typo individual atmsiomcd to min 1mm wilh the public The mnn we mix muxl be Ixiuwn and wll cducnlnd marricr Minhiishcd in llnrrie and pmscnily employodr To ha man who qualifies uller permanent paxillon salary plus mmersion excelan hinge nnrl pcnslan bend nitan will lbormmh lhm your mining prollmm in Nqncsilnl inlervirw sand mu rmmo in Box to Mm EXAMINER All rwilcl held in drld coivfldehcé DOES AN AVON REPRESENTATIVE CALL ON YOU We may med tornan In your neighborhood Nu ob ligation Write Mrs Walker A85 or all 7266551 In Accounting Dept MANSHELDDENMAN GENERAL Lm BARRIE WOMENS COLUMN 2HOUSEMAIDS AVON CALLING FEMALE HELP 4TH CLASS Stationary Engineer MAfE HELP CLERK CASHIERS SALES CAREER BOX 41 IMUuE BXAMINIJIL ESIAlfi 61 30mm HARBINSON TAIE NUFICE that All end llml and other havlng claims lagan the Estate of the lat Ruben Harblnson late the llownslllp or lnnlsfll In the County of Simcoe who dlcd on or about the day Fair Hruary ms are mulled on lm before Ihe 10th day of Feb uunry 1966 to send to the un ldcrslgmd lull puxficulars of thelr clalms Alter such lust llnenlloncd date he Admlnlslrl rlx wilh Will annexed will pm med lo disiflbula the use lbs Esme among the parties enullcd hereto having regard truly In the claims mhlch die shall then hm nollce Hothm Holnry Club WM hall In Mllllon Mu Sand ol Slm coo Ilnrrlo Pallca Auxlllnry Jnn Guru wm Com DIrk MIMI NC Nirknlnun Cun qu Sln Cnchlnll Nrulnn llnhlnmn Inn Knuth Tnuon ham Jlm Mndlll lnul Jun High lriple Earl Cal llns 357 John Rulhcrlord m2 Gunler Bcdcr 5m Irene Bcdcr an Gonevl Urbnmu 610 Do Rulherlord 567 Game am 200 Earl Cullln 3G2 255 Dot Rulhmord 2H 1an Ruth erlnrd 13L 22 Geneva UrbanA RI 228 700 Jim Hill 221 dred Lundy 211 Allan Wcsllnko 222 Gunter Min 15 Inna Boiler ZlG 206 Ken Kelly 21 thlchnl nah Rumduo 2M ilruncu honey John Slcimnchulvlu In order Iy Shncou Mnnnr Hunpllnl hnd what npprnml to be hum sum Smcnxon Mem nrlnl Hnsnflnl lula ruvcnud ll nul ICIIOUI hnml Mn Fred Lynn Newmnkel vlslled Mr and Mn Speck lhl pull Min Elnlnn Graham Tourn hnm wu hmlru In lho AY RA member Jam The younn mph enjoyed inbaubnlnz puny allowed by rchuhmtnll ROTARY ME IN DATED it Aurora Ontario his 4th dny 01 January 1066 FIDYD CORNER 06 Yam Slmct South Aumra mum Sallclwr for he Admlnlslrntrix with Will Annexed nun am nqulnd mm mm mm mum ma wuu nu Taluvhnnl lhmld Drur 10 0mm mmn MAN or uudy lnval lmonl conMme In mm Ind sum County Pennm came mm mm hm mmurmnm only an luullnr canmm Wm mmun mpL Mum too menu Henry Mnnm Passport your Fdure HIGH SCHOOL FOR CANADI ANS Study at home in spam line Law monthly paymm Include text book and Instruc lom Quallllas you to achieve Grade XII standing by menu of Provincial examlnanns Cmdlt for subject already com pleted For FREE Infomnuon wriul American School 19 P0 BOX 784 Oshawa Onlarlofi Na me men In mu ulu pummel kqulnd now nu ellbun nm To commlulom vlld will held MC Inn Wfll Hox 41 EInII El women can cum wnrk xumn ubhuu bathroom Manon mm mmlnu nmodelllnl Sneclll mm um Tumm mom ny GENEVA URBANSKI BOWLING SCORES CIA Mole Magnum to llkl ehm mlchlnt anon Exam anco vnllmd but wuuld in ID rltllt min Bunny warlml candlumu In mw madam my erll Box 33 Birth Inmlmh Name Midas ANDWMSINTHE LEGAL HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS MACE FEMALE MAI HELP Enucfifi BEETON niu nun HUI IVI MII AEVI mrm Ihal lmh mqu Inr um almo Um HM llmm Ilu mvlrel mnmhly upon Ilmml Luke Rupwlnrl M1 mm Al MM MI mu nllxhlly law mum amine In the pmhnn mu II In p11 nmm Iv 00071 OTTAWA IrAvrrnn unlrr law In Hm le Imkn Ind ym um All lwlnw 1er In yrur mul mayu urmzrs lh Inmliln Ilydrngrnrhlt uvlu WHI nwlvld mm nl hm mm 15ml lmku ullh Hi Im ml Inyrar Amm In bucketI Ilumlnm Ill Ilnnker nrmllonl an Gram mm lhlnn wrm iudxra or In kc urnlnl Immcl umlul lhh yrnr Tnnwrrdhy rrlnnllmnrClnh Imwn wen lollnwu Mr and Mm IMP fekmml flnmh Mr and Mn nmm hunch Mr and Mrl Don lnlnwr Mnlnn SL4 Mr Iml Mu lnck My Dny ml Kl Mr and Jr Aik lnmmrl 5L ml ML nml ll FAR Hrhkn lnllrvmn mvlvrd maria mmlinn Th spenkur wn Sal Spry Auk The Squad 0l llemlqunncrs Mr Spry make at ho hlslory ma auto umn Iqund undnr Chm Inspector Harris Ho explnhcd that one limo curl hnd bml llnlcn and men nfler chnnglnu mlnl numbcrs clc had been sold nu tm nwn as Swilmrlflnd ImA proved Mornnllnnal pollen t0 waxo Ilolm by runnhrd gnnxs lo be cut up nnd sold for parts MIXorxuniml Iyllcm dir lnlnulon was developed and mu any amssod mooom weekly Mr cnuld be en up and dimwd ol mlnulu look nnly mlnulr lo open and drive may fully locked ur nm Apenku old he poll nuxfllnry Iew lhlngn In ml or when lhey are an pnlrnl nml rnmnhmcnlml lhrm on UN rI lecllvnncn nl htIr work lunn queulnn nnd nmwu pcrlml 01 Iowa Hm addrw Mlsncr Mllslon Earl Brown melon Jlm Currcll mum Frank Mlaner Ell0mordin am or Area ll Snuh Slmcocl Sgl chllle Ross dnlnchmcul cammandcr Alllslon 0lP Pr aldenl George 1151 was In llw chnlr and Rnlarlan Jim Currnll was In charge 01 arrangement brunet hns mmcnny clmcd II m¢hod to model can WINNERS Thu other flxprovlnbea had aLalllerce weekend In Ca nadian PIESL survay 1mm pm Friday to mldnllht Sun day local mu 0f he Iolnl oi as deaths were In tunic necldenls alx persons were drowned wa died In res lhroa were asphyxlnted one was accldenlnllx shal one died of exposure and another from all Ontario reponed 18 Manuel 13 on he ronds Including our perm irnmnne amlly in heudm crash near Owen Sound lanr drdvmlngr and man asphyxlnted In garage There were 10 death ln Qum bee with traffic mishap taking three lives in addition two per son were drowned two asphyx lltedrin parked can one alert in lira on from all and mother from exposure about 30 Canadian businessman will leave Canada April 11 for sillweek our oi Japan on Kong and Communist China to expiure new lrade opporluniflc and increase iniernationai nn dcrslnndlng of Canada Senator Danaid Cameron oi Edmouinn said in an interview Saturday all members of the group are aiumni on the Want Schooi of Advanced Management RESCUE REFUGEES WNDON nemersiA Royal Navy Irigaln Sunday rescued Haitian relugnes who had been stranded on barren Ba hama Island for three days defence spokesman said the ML ugm 25 alvthem woman had made the mmllo Journey mm Hall In 15foot boat Ontario Quebec and Drills Columbia retarded all but am or is accldenlmdaalhs across Canada dating the weekend A1 berm accounlcdfnr Ihe other Ingllly 1n hlzhwnx mlshup WANT SCOOTER CONTROL OTTAWA CmStrider con trol of scooters momcycle and motor Ioboggan was called or Sundayby manager pro vlnclal safely councilsmho re ported frightenlng increase pccldgnu lnvalvlng thesp ve links In atmrrren lssicd after lwoday meeting the mgmazm Bald most of these 54 clam mm in head mum GOING 10 CHINA WW or or 515an oh fié mind and thy Great Lake Level Below Average By 11m CANADIAN PRESS weekendeccidenfgs Claim At Least 38 WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF Mr and Mrs Cline Lawn and Mr and Mn Archie Wnnlcu were nmonz those who spent Fri day al Gulhnu Amending Farm Lynngcmcnt gncellng Iml mum nml In ldmmlc Mm Ar chlo Mnlcom ollrred Im Immo tar Hm Fchmnry mum Mm mum and cmnnmlco low Innrh Mrs Clarence Mklnson unend ed ho funeral Mnnday cousin sts Mary Malhm of New Inwcll Mrs Dcnuckor wu howu he Jnmmry mmlinx of lha WI Namo an old wm song was ho mll call nmurrcd by 15 mcmbcm and one visitor Mm Jim Kcnnry Hce presidcnl was In chnrxc Mrs Fred Viney arms the Innic on llnmlullom aim and mm And haw lo lnrnmst the weather Mrs imrgo Smith comluclrd mn lml on may deu was wan by Mrs Grrnd Kim nnd Mu CHM Raw Mm Mex FinMy winner nl Mm Gm lluwnl draw lnnnllnn Is he Mlll In Hm Mrnml Health Amrln llunl 4H Cumin uhml on Nm in 1MMrnu la be hrld nl Varrrlry Jim and Mn Sam MINI and Mn Smith me In nthml 11m 1051 Pem Nlahnuer 55 St Claire Mich drowned when mow scoMcr broke hrough the IN on Mitchell Bay 11 miles no yvcg of Chglyam NEW FLOR WI The survey does not include nalural or lndusrlnl deaths known suicides nr slayings The Ontarln glead SUNDAY Leland Marlon McDonald 41 of RR ChaswmJI ill wile Marlon 52 and sons William Ker l5and lull in NHL on caf crash llvo miles south of Owen Sound Bruce Hill son Fire Chief Bums Hill ofDun du 0nL near Hamilton drowned when he ell hrnngh Ice on creek near his home SATURDAY Orva Wham 74 RE Fin when his car ran of rand Into creek le miles welt St Thomas CRASH KILL BOGOIA Colomhla IRuteri Fillyfour persons lncludlng three bablesdlcd In Colom blan DCvl airliner whlch crashed lnlo lilo Caribbean Caringenn Saturday avlafian authorlllcs sald Sunday The death loll was given earller In seven persons did in road accldgnts and ma In lira and anarwax shot Frincliih Glanfriddn 37 Tornno by asphyxiation in hit 333119 were stranded or Ihree days with um load or water STORM ITS ISLAND AVALON Catalina Island Caiiii AWMinds 65 miles an hour and mm waves sank pleasure boats and destroyed 1000 ed concrete sea wail Sunday this maxL Actress June Lockharl unhurl wu amnng lha rescued One yachu man was missing and presumed drowned Seven alher pcrwm some injured were rescued irom founderins 25 10 50400 sailboats and power cruisers CASH CIRCULATES FAST RED DEER Allll 1GPTho local chnmber of commerce wanted to survey local us money so seven firms included 10000 marked dollar bill In their employees pay envelopeL Wilhln lwo dayv llve bills were found to have been used at 15 dillcrcnt atom cm IIMWI Emuknnhml hmwThmul Id UNMuflIfinlI DIMMM By Mus VANLESS NEW FLOS and Mrs Robert Dicksonol Slllsville 25 miles wut of Kingx on In hospital an be wu struek by truck whllu Iahog ganan nelr his home Mra Pearl Croiie 71 of Her raw in hendvon cur crash near Carleton Place about mile poulhwest 0mm Waller Manned Plobner of Toronlo drowned when he tell Ihrough Ice Park Cmk neg hisihnme John Sinnlay Hunox 15 of Toronto when hit by cm while walkan on meet near his home Eugene Freeman mum RE melon when My car went out 01 control nur Tenan ham Ont Ibout 25 mile nor Toronlm rnard Mulse 45 of Ru da Toronto suburb drownzd when car in which he Wu passenger broke lhroughlcc on Panache Lakes mlles loulh west of Sudbmy Geiild MéNammI 65 of awn when muck by car while mman mm In down mwn Ouawa Mrs Elizabeth ligCallum Marathon Ont In twocar ugh nig FaxiArthm Mn Elmer while 89 cl llll ller Townshlp when car drlven by her husband collided wllh parked truck near Pia tor 75 mile aoulhml Hello vl FRIDAY William Wanlun of Brampton In lwnur crash at Snelgmve five mllel nnrth affixamp MIAMIBOUND Fly with us to Floridamake your connection In warm and sunny Tampa rf1272fr2u¥ 154 hum remainIn BEFORE YOU GO TALK TO YOU TRAVEL AGENT ABOUT llylnlulhllwllhu dvlvunolndllnwn Ihm In nu uniMu nuv WW CANADA why llnndl in IIImug lmurllv mqu mm on ma mm numu ml Ilmrumu uul mauuvmg hm lvmmyruvmu lhmu My Imu Tom whuh mu lny man AI rm rm pnmm Iluulln uxcwnlunv um mm mm Au lmv ulu Inul lTHWG Nu II lml nm uh HKHIIVIHVIVHNI Mum DI PILL0 lolnl In NH bmiulfi Thlnal do In II with sun Fr mu Hum mung log mmlm mrmn luv Imlmh Florida sun anyone This winter from Toronto Only Air Canada flies there NONSTOP and times day AIR CANADA 0r Wri Am CANADA In Twain It sum WML $134 Emmmy Mum hum anwnHmmlm In TampaSt Nordva MONTREAL CWFM last of five ship trapped in Law rence River Ice was freed dur iqgflnweemnd and up threat of flood along the river re uded In our Canadian Coast Guard ice breaker mnfinued to hammer away at Jam davm alream mm Montreal maln boltienock was Lake St Peter wlddzning in the river 50 miles downstream where the live ship had been trapped In Montreal the hlrbor wa er level Sunday nlght was47 feel 11 lndm nearly 13 ed above the normal feet but still our to seven feet short of what it considered critical le V61 admin EXAMINER MONDAY JANUARY 11 1M INK illnnilo cage wish parted in Emilie had ac tually been evacualed IcévBreakers free Last Ships nglyigg eaten enigma ex l6 Bayfield Sl WITH THE FAMOUS PERMASTAMP NO INK NECESSARY RUBBER STAMPS OFAII KINDS COMMERCIAL PRINTING DIVISION THE BARRIE EXAMINER 25000 IMPRESSIONS plunululumalmmm llynuwiluw1Imn MW modal Hum llHlAIIV vmlmg 1m ml Nu nunml 1m In yum 11ml Mam llmul upmul mu nm allmvamumh whn youn nulmu yum Am cmwm lsmmmnl Vnm luvl Aulm th mu um ynu owlu mm am man Ily rlnw Illl llnnAllCANAD rannlvlnrnlhnMMI an Inn Um ml lrmnmy annulmI lunmmmlllmnln 1m yml nu Wm 1m Inmlmaa ml Mprvwv min Wu uIl mmnum mun ml muyynmfll lmm yum Honda hany In lm Sunl Rochester MinnDr vRoger Kennedy 68 prominent former Mayo Clinic physician and former president of the American Pediatrics Society after sixone nonlohllcrman Rllkln 31 mollon plclure pioneer and launder and viceprcsldenl 01 Allied Artists alter long lll ness Woodllock NJ Charla Jordan Juries 13 retired jusf lice the New Brunswick Sn preme Court and onetlml Innyor ol Woodslqck Rochester MumJames Goodman 61 an executive vicepresident of General Mo ors Com TamaleClara Flavella Me Enchrcn 75 made an ollicet of the Order of the British Em pm or Red Cross work during the Second World War Sm Anumh Tex GM Courhmy Hodges 79 com minder of the US Army In Europa during In Second Vorldy War of Arhzéngmck Chlcuo Laura Hug Lunde so nlecu Sir Sam Hughes Canadian war minister during the First World War DEATHS 7266537 723¢4

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