Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jan 1966, p. 5

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Eddie Joyai rccalied from NIH Oiiers oi the Genlral Prniessional Hockey League scared me gun inr Roche er Sunday nighi Playingcoach Fred Glover hark aiicr an 1H game Inyoii because oi knee operaiinn early in December sparked he Bnruns in their vic lnry Sunday In niher ay names iilsburgh dumpcé Builnio Bis an and Spingiield Indian lhumned Hershey nears in remaining game Salurdny Springfield Liciealcd Builnio fl3 Horshry iilnnkrd nnilimnre 30 anti Victoria iiipie Lea oi ihe Vesicrn Hunku League dawned Providence Reds in an inlerincking game in Vie lnria fBeview 01 The Year By Alan Maver WIN 17 AT HOME Olhbr scams or Rnrhcslcr ISImdny wrre fled Armslmng IkeWaHun Ind Dltk Gamble By THE CANADIAN PRESS cauple returning player were In the key rote on th weekend Quebec Aces droppnd two games and ClawL tand Baron snapped stx game winlcs streak tn the American Horkochaguc Qucbcc with 15point tend tn the Eastern Division 105 61 to Rochester Americans Sun day night and to Pittsburgh Hornet Saturday Cleveland downed Baltimore Cllppera 32 Sunday alter lasing 52 to moh eslsc5un4ay ML All HALFHACK Paul laws San Diego Gnugen pencilace tha Eur lain Bill defence Llor third First Place Aces Defeated Twice V010 American ran malr 429 am 5mm 7260254 Cnh Ind Cmy Fwdum Sublet lo Dllcounl of Thu Flu When Mu Kmth Servlu Moo BUILDIN MAYERIALS REE ngllvsnYEN REfiUlAR onoms Scaring or Sprlyxlicld were Cnlc wilh pair Andcnon Kilrca Gmy Foley and Dan clay Planer now Lalrcnicfl Garry Mclnyk and Pat Hannl gan scnrcd lhe mm marker Hrrxhuy xol zuah mm mm Ubriaco Hagar Delordy and Draptr and goalie Claude Du our gal tho Ihulout om Bam more Rochester swab went to Gamble Wallnn Gerry EhA man Llrry Jamey and Brim Canadlcr Tum McCarthy and Bob Conny worn the Cleveland marksman In Snlurday action Harris Pele Gotnan and Ted llampsun scared or the Hornet and Hitk ha Am homeca undclealed sinh to 17 Wayn chk 30 1h lone Quebec goal Glover not up two guals ngalnsl Ballimare one by hls brolhcr mum and Illa olhcr by Ron Alwclll Alwcll turned out he Ihe winner Bill Needham got the olhcr Cleveland marker while Ken Schinkel and Pclcr Ford scored or Halllmml Gary Jarrcu Billy HanIx and Norm ncaudln scared pr Pillsbursh Sunday and Gerry Oucllcllc scored lho Bullaln gun Roger Cole Blll Sweeney Erlnn Smllll Brlnn Kllrca Yves Locus Jlmmy Andcrson and Dale Roll had he SpringA field goals while Bruce Draper scyrcdjor Horshcy uarler alurqay bargedflamss the goallme desplle strong grip by Bill linebacker John Tramy 51 uarlgr touchdown Houston 10 Goon Grh Unilcd sum dethroned MI nlhn lelmrUM 1mm Mwn when Im mn Um 1mm yurdn 4n 2111 mrr llny 1mm Vuldnla mflaginln Ilammnn Mun Slmpwn 25yMrnld clerk Mm tnlcrcd Illa No miIu or ml MHX 1mman no and in thu mo 11 Delmil damn lhe mNIl nulennang vcrlnrmrr whm he 01 record in his first indoor Il lamp the dislnuco wilh time elm minuhx 10 no omls Dim mm Tornnm Ins yrnrs winner ho ewnl um 11th third Jnhn motion uyurnld ndmnfleadur mm man finishlnl klck win 010 mm MOM lelcnllnu IIrgnx 111m of Tme who Iml llnmhcd ucond behind nIlrvw rmmlry mm All Crmhm In am who ynrvh mm on mgm be Mm uMhinls 6MMXOI tommrrrlnl llzh ulrh comr mm Ah 12m 11 um llrllnn John Onopor nurprlsul mum Iry wing hf 130 nnh In ml Canadian men who domlnnled the MD my inlcr nnllannl mrc in Dclroil 2A lmun enrflor had arm or lwn month and third Salur day nighl HOSTON CPD me Hshmcn Mm he Mund per formers at AmhKnlfllj of Columqu Gnmu Deicnsivo line llnndnuis for he aiivsinrs were San Diego learnmales Earl Faison and Ernie ydd wim played wiih out knowing lbs Irnda had bcbn nnnounMd in ha press box They were sent to iinuslon Oiim Salurday in xchange inr iinebnrkcr Johnny Baker dnicnsivn cnd Gary Cuuingcr anti cnrncrbagk Pole Jarquqs Namalh who pic 10 pants for an yarrh was oled he gamcl autslnndinl ollcmlva playcr Britons Shine In Track Meet Namath tossed for ma ouch da 11 Mulng Lance Alworlh 33d 19yard tosses with 43 and 10 an tosses Vhlle Namnl was englnccr lug the touchdown drim the allstar dcicncc hcld the Hill In check panlculnrly during he lhlrd quarter th Bullala ncvcr was able lo get beyund Ha 46yard Mine HOUSTON Tex APlNew York Jets Jot NomILh the only rookie on the corn on gineered nonstop secondhalt drive that produced 21 point and gave tha American Foot ball league AllStars 304 victory over the AFL cham plnn Euilalo Bills Saturday The game which attracted record 35572 tans revolved around the Mylarold Namath irom the moment he rapinch San Diego Chleis John iladl at the beginning at the second hall with tho allslot trailing no Namath Sparks AllStar Win and middle linebacker Harry Jacob 64 Willie Frazcr 83 help clear path or ha tar ball curler MP vmhowf LAKE HULTJ IISIIINU Nlubcmunh Nlunrn Full 0mm Iclnrln lnrllnnd Vnnroum Hume Hun Fun lm Anulu thphls Okla Clly Mlnnunln SI Loul Tum Hnuxlan Wnlm Lum Vltlnrln ID H1100 Inrllnnd 11 11 41 Vnnroum mm Sumo 1520 170 1111 filn Full ll 9111124 lm Anulu 1121 170 hundlyl null Srmlln IN Angel Iorlhnd Vancoum Ctnlul Pronnlonli Mzmphls In 124 on Clly 11 Mlnnunln IS 15 ll Mull 1515 Tu 11 In ma Hnuxlan 17 WI Suturdnyl nuulu llmulnn Mull Minncsnla Memphll Oklahoma Guy Tulu sunny unuui Ilauxlnn Mlnnunu null Oklahomn City Ilquan Qucbtc Sunday rlnlh Iltlsburuh nullnlo Hallimnre Cleveland Qucbec Rorhum Hmhey1 Springfield Rochcslcr Pillshurxh Cleveland Pillshurxh 22 129 102 45 Cleveland 14 10111111 Hullalo 10 86 11621 Sllunhyl nuulls Rachcsler Cleveland flalllmara Hershey Quebec Pillsbuth Bullnlo Sprlngllcld Irnvldenro Vlclcrln mm Quebec lcrshu Springfield Providenco flanmom other Sundny Kama saw Niagara Falls Flyeu down Montreal Junior Canadlcn SJ Pcwrbomuzh Mes dcfeat KH ohcncr 85 and Hamillun Red Wings trip Toronto Marlboro mm 715 Saturday Result Chicago Montreal 1mm Taronlo New York Dctrnlt Sundayl Result Monlreal Boston Toronto Detroit New ank Chicago Glma vmnuday New York Tannin Amtrlcln Lulu Emun Dlvhlm He scored the winning goal with Ian than two minute rc mhflnx Sunday to give st Calhnrines victory Satur dny in Oshawa he counted twlce in Black Hawk win The results med St Cathar lnesjnto sevcnlhglaca Us wllh Kitchener Anger and ME London Natlmak In the other Catharine scnrcrs Sunday besides Laldlaw were Tam Reid Paul lerbenche Jun Pope Doug Shelton Ritchie Bayu Knrry Bond Jean Paul Lcmanc and Gmy Mammal 21 11 Chicago 21 11 Detrall 20 12 Tornnlo 17 11 New York ll Oshawa Generals In the times mldacuon slump missed chance to break out on the weekend and as result St Catharine Black Hawk New plate Oshawa twice and Ken aldan was thavkcy figure in 310111 wins NET fllE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY JANUARY 1m Br THE CANADIAN PRESS By THE CANADIAN PRESS unior Hawks Trip Generals me llawks pumped Athrlrd 10 31511 1715 2113100 39 15 20 10312531 21 91 13127 13 21 0611MB ulrrn Dlvlllnn HM Jnnlor Naming yum dependable Collhr sv INSURIIVCE protection MERIT HOCKEY RECORD Vl MMIHU ll 11de um 6M1 man Call your MERIT want 4124 IN MI IN 39 15 Ill 11 108101 13 WI 113 161 108 57 129 102 45 101 111 11 86 116 21 Bonnld Dolmm All nlxhl llru flzlby whn mud lhm ml lo land Tomnlo Mull lull In vlrlnry lIVll Dos lml Ilruhu Snlurdny nllhl Jun ultllr who Aznred on goal and lulllfll on unnlher New ank llanleu halllnl In ll 1lh Iltlmlt 11rd Wlmu Hllurd lhm Km Hod who and lhm oalx In lonlnn mm It Mflnh ml Clmdlom delulod CM Black HM snunlly nlrm Wnlcrloo Wellern annnlo Qucrns Mammal McGlll McMnslrr Laval Guulph Vrslrrn Quécnl Valerloa Montreal McMutcr Guclph ednnflyl Glmu Wulem at McMulu Laval Al MEGI Tuexdayl Glml Oakvillc ll GI thnudlyl GIMI Guelph Oakvllll lnkrrolltxhla Guelph 15 1103 ii 31 Vnndslnck m1 1on 9553 Gall 1115 03119 29 Oakvme 11 15 H9 Ill 19 xKllIzdan 76 5578 xPlnys onrvpolnl games ex cept nxalnsl Onkvllle thmhyl nuun am Kingston Sundlyl Runlll Khuzston Woodsle Guelph Oakvilla Vnndslnck Gall Oakvme 11mm Khmer and nobcook Bob Jones and Bruce Met one apleqe eer Mnhnvllch scored twice or milk wiLh Um when wing to Red Speck Kevin PM and Dan Gleaebrecht Wayne Carleton Brian Glennie Tom MaIfin named or he Marlboras Hamfllon Mammal Tornnn Catharine Kitchen London Sunrdlyl mm SL Catharine Oshawn sundnya Runn Nlagarn Fall Monk Oshawa St Catharines Pclcrbarough Kitchrner Hamilton Mania swr for fiw Flynnmth Rmalre Paleman Juan Pronovos and OSlea got two soak for he Generals and Orr one DonWebsler adding lha omen Don Hemmer Lucien Grenier and Robert Burns neared or Mpntreax Tuesdnyl Gum Toronto at London II THE CANADIAN PREM Mamfillan Brian Morenz Ind Wayne Cashmm score My each or Oshawa nvw wlnlcu in seven games while Bobby Orr Pnuvaadleux Bill thlle Ind Danny Sandlard Added one uplecgz rough In first plan two points ahead of the Myers got three goals mm Mickey Redmond nnd one each mm Jan Johnston John Vanden bung DunHemimam George Godm and Dado Madglsh slewde pnlr for Poplel MncMHlnn scored the other Catharine mark an Sakuni hi Damgy an Tll Ill5945 win LIlmlm lulu In In NHL STARS flulll aver 01M Ernlar mm lwl Donal lo Toronla Sundly wi 414115632 ll 12 511110429 10 112314927 1017 412515524 II 6104 11124 10 161 12 Speedy Guaranteed water llnht Guatanleed top quality ntas Guaranteed quick Installation Guaranteed good price Quaranteod comet trim replacement JUST ASK YOUR INSURANCE CO on unldoovmchmum Illandvmlv dl lb Ivld Incondlllon Jlm Dent scored lwlco or Vcstzrn And Jerry Knlghlly Dun Blackburn and Pnul Caur my once nth Jim Tull go boh Qucrnl gunls Frank lllnckl mm lwo mall lncludlnu the llebmker lur Mrnlnslcr 6mm Tnylor Mlke er Ind Gnry Spnnr not the oihm Gunlnh marksmnn were John Inrsylh John Wilv non Ind Hen Slnltr McMailer University Mn lins meanwhile xlruck for Wu gnal with im nan lhm min uirs In no or l53 victory ovu Guclph University lied man 1m Encon nddcd Ma 10 and Dav Simman one or the Warrior who cams mm be hind lur lhclr win Bill Ber rlzan Jean Sun and Yve Paqucilg xtored Inr Monkall WI him InIlmp Iml Mobil 5min lovnnuiu and ho lur mundlnu ma Universin ol Wnierloo War riors and University Vuiern Ontario Mustangs remnined in lie or first place in tho On iario Quebec Alhieli Associ ation iinchey league Saturday Thu Warrim got three goals ram Bob Murdoch In dcieat University of Montreni while the hiusiangs downed Queens Univerxliy Golden Carl my EXAMINER WANT Am PHONE IuNN to Glass The chamnlon announced vthe Mrlng ol Loni for mining and advising Ind bl lllhl plans in accepUng the Edward Neil Memorinl Plaque Fighter of lha Ygar IAqu lat next In hIm at Iha Boxing erl Assoclauonl annual dlnner Sunday nlght Clay named Douzl Jane New York Ernlo Terrell ol Chlcago Genrge Chuulo Toronto and Brian lnndun of England the our pomth opponents In lhls year adding lhnt Jones lha mos llkely at lhlx llmc The lormer henvywalghl king will have plenty of chance he with winner laid Clay In announcing that hope to have aur llfle light this year Ha ma Na may be an haunted by Aucsday NEW YORK AP Heavy welght champlon Cassius Clay unbeaten lnhl 22 pro fluhu has hlred JneLonlI townrk ilh Mm beclula ltl Um Joe way with winner want the first one wilhln 10wecks go three months uld Clay who celebmed MI zuh birthdaylodny The shunold coach wan repvrled la have bun altered lwuyear comm at 530000 your to be head coach at the Alouekkes HI many at North Daknln Stats reported to be $15000 FARGO NJ GRANDan rel Mudra North anoll Slat loalball coach said Sqlurday night he has turned down an arm conch Montreal Mou ellu the Canadian Football 14am MudFa announced 11 declr on after nearly week of can alderallon nié Kiouema flzed ymmble at the end of the schedule Warriors UWO Remain In Tie By THE CANADIAN PRESS Mudra Rejects Nanette Bid Joe Louis Hired Es Clgy Adviser WHO can replace it in BarrlaP OGMuyah lellld Jim WES Imam an Barrio Phom him ly pure In In MIMI In IMTV ernl out way lulu PM lllflll lu bum Ill ml DANGERHELDMOIbRSliMiTEo What more could you ask for at any price Phono your Chevrolet Danor for any kind of truck you want Iowprice and the dollarsaving power of famous Chevy CHEVY and reinforced allweldéd body with flat floor AhtMrmd Hmrnlrl 11er but In In buys spacious 211 cubic feet of cargo space and special protection against corrosion VANS also big wide doors for easy loading gm

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