Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jan 1966, p. 4

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Love Of Sports Clue To Clothes Ilka In spam mann he Inld 11w Mm rlun ml all Amrrlcnn lnok about 0mm Ono war med mm IN Immlvl Imtk lrml II Ily flul lhh nlllcdlon II all now ATHLETIC DESIGNER uquqm mm 11 mm mm Alnl wh um Nu Imhw ml IUJ In In In dullma ml mm mnrkllnn For In um 1mm 111w MI hum lha ulu In lmu Illa hm Same at 0ka ML llrrwnrxl um ruck man In Mm uhml ml nu nwhw min loom mum Nlrfim Vfimor lavll lln Mlnm Ll entry lnln Iho urmrnl wuhL Ill mm TOIN II II Iwimmlnu tun mid lluwnrd rumr hit and or the Ncw mk ml Ira arm Tllurulny mndr la Mk like flyrrl hrL VML Vilh the polite always com lnl to ml my parents lhm was Insecurity home he any laid flunk Hwy mllwlon nl umlm rockn pallemrd all baman unflmm lnnk mm nan nnd ndwy mm worn with Mm look llh II nmlng xufllc 1th was alhlala whg like Imrfl Imva well ho hku clolhu When am oul mu Inch thk to Ice colon azaln Xhought would go out my mind Kind nlered our mull in the drabnm prison Iha callgd Inter NEW DELHI ReuiemiMrs Indira Gandhi the woman who appear likely to lead india couniry oi 0000000 people has been in the centre poll iicl since the Wu child xiri she used stand an cabin and haranxue the inmin servants imitaiing her father the tale prime minister Jawahariai Nehru She went to Jul htlst or year during the nullBritish Quit Ingll movemte In 1912 went to convent school In Allahabad but her chlldhaod was mnstnnlly disruplcd by having to pack clothes for par ents nunlx and cousins on their way ta Jan or Independence Ic villus FELT INSECURE Bnin Nov 19 1917 she spent her 8111th In Allahabad at tho Nehru ancestral home in Northem India whlch bicame the hub of he independence mgyemenl Ignlml Brllaln Shu combine xellvassurance with retlrlng manner and 1m definih mlalisl opinions same what we Ign or half lather Mn Gandhi 18 the wldéwed mother or lwo mm In slim darlmyed figure with In aris lamllc bearing and linelycul tenures anl jonx gm cum Gandhl was In only Mrs Indira Gandhi Favored As Future Leader Of India Balm Mt Cdmnbld new Maximal bullet com Pnnyr 29 small um BALLET FOR THE BACKWOODS uh hawrmll mun an en lly rcmxnlxed lxy ha mmd ml lndou hock Ind and our lllflnm dawn um nInL 11m onl nu mndn In An alfiw lb hrk and worn wllh mmlxllod handml mpg ml and flwckrml lotkey min mm luckrl UNI Ill wnlu m1 lvnry NM drm dwkmd Jodxey mumINN live mthm Viloiarrd um ho human Auk on Mn and nilk Ixnon 1m dlyumu Iklmmm In Mil 1ng an rod lull wane and In flmrJenmh Mum of wing Mm Daniel said she lccls Nuro wmz plo need book on Noam cry and maple Many mudml here to day are Negroes from all over he world Wu have rtmom dons hmory but lhmxsands ol Negroes urn moxie ihcmdm mx Aware Mn Schnflenlmri said her concern In he project was the result an lntcrcsl in making people see um democracy really works that all people really are equal and that all people have contribuled lo the corqmu all that the library would be me local point to draw Ur gamer people In 01 community and wwld give young Negro people great prlde in their hurl Jammcline Schallcnburk who LI Jewish said Sunday that she and Mrs Jean Daniels hopn the library stocked Inllinlly with 500 books will open some Lime this year as pm ha Home Service Association Jenne Negro communny centre in Togonlo bury of Negro Ulcratura and history and now believe they are on the verge of seeing it become malily mnom CWNo house wives one Jpwhh and one Ne have been talking or five about higg chlldNehm mn died as an IntentInd she remained tax Mania and mm her lllhcr up to hi death two part ago Iraulllul Sumpch Fm mum Illlu IICKUP AND IEIJVEIIY lhnm 7M7 Mlle IMmm In Our FluL Irn an Jull Eldrllu Ill IIHMIFOIIH In lHIl Establish Library 0f Negro History presentation will scum am no company VIE carry about Mr In Chain with small 10 dancers and eIgthem or uwn or cities on in Schedule chesta Dancing on the doc BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND Mopanu WORK Ind Min whlrh at lha lymph up FIND WORLDS COLDEET Thu coldest nnlural ampera lun on earth ha been carded ll Ruulan Vonnk Anlmllc nationm dame bcIaw urn Fuhrenheil Her many hobbies Include bird wnlchlng main and mu Iic walking In lhn mounlnlnl Imean and wlnler aporu would much rather an Ind work among pcnplel ll were choose my carter would open home or children or abam doncd bnblcs ln mme rcmule plane ln the hill llld would writ Am no really lnereslcd In filling or hour in Parllnmem In leglslallve 0r paper work lhersaid once Mrs Ganth Wu educated In India Swlllerlnnd and England and has travelled widely Ac compnnying her lather on trip abroad poliilcs Mrs fundhl wax luclfan politician Mrs Gandhi ialned lb cabl nel or the In time after her lalhrrl death as mlnlsler 01 In formation and broadcasting pas she hquAthd unul nnw She became member the Congreu working committee In 1955 and In 1959 she Wu elected president lha Congren party tha third generation of the Nehru family to pmide over the pal1y but aner yenr she gave up the pus tar health reasons Ewangn 9Anmm In the married Perm Gmdh member of Full mentno relation Mahnlml Gandhi plmuhcr farllinlerusl In gavg hglj heuqecand name 18 Dunlop St 7287960 SSINGER CENTERS and 34 awnm ZIGMG SWlEMME SEWING MACHINE HEAD ONLY IIy SINGER Don zlaug Illtchu DropIn fronl bohhln Makes bultonhollnn any lellcd llme only Model 337 ALLIRTDN MINING ENHTR MJJHON HUI IN WIN DM Ilyllll AY AU meu Ifl the Sxe was made chairman ha volunteer services commit lce In mo and In 1350 received the highest hvnorl nwufdcd by nu flu mi fled Cmu when me wax math counsellor Sun was an honorary vluqnmidenl the me her death Mrs McEachmn died in hos pile Salurdgy nla younger daughter the late Canadian industrialist Sir Jaseph and Lady Flnveiie she took over the national work room for ma Red Cross at the start of the war and In 19 be cam chairman of the womens ark committee She received the ORE in 1946 MONO OP tunnel for Claraltnvello McEadnen 75 am wu made in officeoi the Order cl the British Em for her work with he Cans an Red 0m Society durlng the Second World War will be held hmsdao in the United Gumhi Timothy Elton Memorial Chew Bumy Huechm Ind 3m uch mum Photo Noted For Work With Red Cross BEEF FRONT QUARTERS BEEF HIND QUARTERS BEEF SleS Dycks Food Market 150 Collllr SI THE STORE WITH THE cusrmlsn PROFIT SHARING COUPONS TELEPHONE 7286330 AND ENQUIRE ABOUT OUR COMPLETE FOOD PLAN BARGAINDAYS simr MKefimi SINGER mm my mmmmcu IIIUIIIIOCIIIHIINI In Film mum VIEW CIUNII ma 7285339 prayer chorus God In xwm prayer was mm 010 ed by prayer Mm Keith Wood Iand Mm Geo McDonald lead keeping with Hormglonary pr Tho ucrelary Mn Lamp rmn read We minute prev Ious mum and Mrs Wood treasurer gave her report Sh aLsa read We letters of hank or Christmas gift from mlr slonarlcs namely Mrs Hugh Mc Nally India and Mrs willlnm Jam Quebec Mn Lanxmnn read an uncle hken mm The nyemnlan and wrlllzn by Gnham Smith Iludenl at Ryerxnn Polytechni cll Institute In which he can demned prida of excexslvc nicohollnn menu ol attainment Mln Laun Polenon and Mill Jenn Biln18 members the Sunday school Inna In Christ there is no East or West In The speaker of the evening was Mlsl Yarmllln Jelenlk member of Emmanuel Baptist and mm missionary serving In Bullvia Soulh America Miss The Womenl Mission Soc Illy of Emmanuel Baptist hutch held it Hm meeting for 19 on evening Jan In he chnrdl basement Mn Lnnznian preqdenlwa In the chllr WOMEN WANT TO BE CHIEF THEBARRIE EXAMINER MONDAYHJAVNUARY 11 If Hm women return the axms Wardon said Thun day they will ba given equal comlderaflun with he Ha woman identity Ihe applicanls Town Manager Percy Waniwo says hm Camden housvwlvcs and men haw tequeskcd applkauan mm or lhehb vacated by Chic Herbert Luth ne mignalion CAMDEN Me MUA man who chic Could ChalIénge For Bolivia Is Topic OfSpeakerAtEmmaanIWMS lb Burk Onl 32 49c 39 1401 83 Dunlop Vim Hmoiihanked tho maker or her mum ehnllgnxojgr 3501M OIIr Lord nevu Pal 8914 hill She told of her work her hume Ind her lilo um rho endea vourr present Iha gospel ol our Lord Jesus ChrIxL to the Bolivian people She endedwith poem mulled When Is your appurtunllwfl Mlu Jelenlk was presented with Ihawer ol numerous ur am in preparation or her re turn to Bollvll flfif¥n 339d her gamma on Save Her The Work Thats right you can relieve your wife of the tedious iob of iron Ing shlrts and at the same time Improve her dispositian Wright Cleaners Custom Shlrt service makes It all possible SAME DAY SHIRT SERVICE Be Wile Saver SHELI LINE You Foam wmomm 11 your birthday the year ahead should bring great happlnm In yIiur per sonal liter Domestic 10an and mtfimenln Interest prove hiihly sfimnlnlinz with emphasis 0n romance from nww until March also In June late October and Ian December Do not consider sudden mer illom for ha opposlle mi In May September andor Novem her too wlomly however Myst auspidmlyperlods hr travd 1h balance of thls month he first three week ol May all of Nwember and December ter taken during the Inner month incldznmly could re 17951113 311mm mi momow Mind Influences prevail The stars favor perwnal relationl ghim travel and we lannfllhng of Imranp pianl nines caution in business mum howevgr Same unenpécied Illu alion may arlne In molauer mnncclian but dont panic Rnflser remain serene And use 31 your reswrcefulneu In solve WHAT THE STARS SAY Ironing Shirls mu For Only ESTRELUM in progrm This cyclewill In ImUl Feb 21 nueadvancs men you make should brig corresponding monetary nw specially you show will lngnenh extend your when of acfivily and assume lddl anal responsibzlillcs Next good perind occupalmnal ud vancoment The first hm Weeks of March the last week ofSeplember the first thm weeks of March the last week orSepIenfier the first three weeks ol October nll ol No vumbor and next January for mommy gain The enliro month or April uulim three week of Septembsr all of Co tober and next January THY EXAMINER WANT AD sun In some Mam madam Where career mum art concerned excellent headway can be made through comma henxive zmdl lYvellfLflnnnad hpnr gramesp you av launched it during the put three weeks or are about da so nowsince you are in In no mponallyzaodcycle In mak 721L551

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