Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jan 1966, p. 1

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Wllh 97 mullch in he Wa mm Commonx he would need Marty mppmt to hnnx dawn xnvernmcn an mm mm fidmco motion The Liberal have 131 MALL 5m 51mm of an Ab ulq 199 mgjorily But the Libcmh ugh but failed gr II mummy in the Nov clocdon will likely have mum bl Quebec ingbpomlcnt IUNIIHIAL UI Mm In dvvrlrul al Irchmrn mu VLNUMMI phml lnmlflwll anhn m0 mm In mm II In pmqu nualufil ulrn ninu llw mmmmr ymv my 1m mum mm nmlmu nllrmly IIutmz 11mm Innuae UK IIV 7M quwnkiul H4qu lnhlw llmlm www71th nu rlhd mi sAIumv Opposition Loader Juhn chl onhuker has already de an early maLinn non con fidence Ln the minorily Liberal Rovernment Political ohsmm any film Mum the rah Padinmm opening Wosday ill hlngo iarwy on his up OTTAWA CF mmligfi ol Cnnwrvnliw MP5 Schedul lnday to chart mrfinmcnmry alralegymay provide part of tho nnywer about what kind swim coming up MONIHIML ICP Imnlrr Jdm than mkl lrxlny that ll Um MMMME pmhmnn nl rmlulrwnml are be mnlvtd hlph drum mnxwruflm nml no umfimlms Mum muwmim munl uirl bean lha Metal xovrmmcnl ml the pmvimrl IOIIONTO UP Tho ru twmnlnfivm lmmflnallnl Omanun mllnpw Allmlllc Amptnmr Gum npmnl public hearings lum mluy mm to LN me mu dnyn Mm mle mrnl In Hm ml ol Jnmnrx Mmmm om 1m Mmr wrmm mum mm ijnn lmnnlml hmnn wily Sumlny Mltr Ibo Nits mmhruul Um hmwhnhlm Ilflrlrl Hrichlml Mmer ll lIH 10an hmlw Miwquwr MMIII lenr nml lull Maul le hit 151llulfl Mawum wrnlhvr in mm mm Hnlhnl HMIIIUHU AI lllll Nnuy pmnw Um HM win Immly Human mrlnmnl um kiHul ufllnml lxinl Ivy I0 nrl pnlur II II mum Hun In NINII Illmo Hm lmmmmlsl nu nmmvul hr hlul 1W1 nlulnulml In IlMlh MHI Muulfil I0 WMI Ghmmn mamhvo lm Mml mmml IIILIy Quebec Students To Strike Against Academic Extension Need Cooperation Bobarts States Four Escape Aurora Blaze Report PM Killed Without Trial Open Atlantic Investigation Mm Jacquellnu Kenncdy and her children Carmine centre hidden by breath cloud and JohuJohn lower rigm PCs Meet To Chart Parliament Course lnzmmvrtho live mm 50 101ml Your No The Hometown Daily Newspaper For Barrie and District LATE NEWS KENNEDYS FROLIC IN SWISS MOUNTAINS IIHHVI vatlm lam HNIMA Jain In rm nuvrnwul um Nnnlwl 11 lnnln In llml Mi nlwl wlw llml Iuw um mu umld mum va mum rurmlan by wroh 11M Wu lM lllnu ll WHPy The NDP is prepared to give the Liberals chance to get on with Iczislnuvc program Mb mcmims he socialism arc the third largesl group Fourm in size £5 Um ucbcc only Social Credit Rally ended by Real Cuounuc wiLh nine seats An indqxndm Conserv ative mmplclcs mo Common roster with lhc ND and Social 0mm already mowing sin haddng 01 mm nllaul attacks on the mvommonlal law In the early stagesMs becomes adm Moving mm mum qullnmen ohm or hne armor D10 enlmkrr chnul mlnlslms 411mm Bell George as and Dnne Fulton Lu expffltd lo Mnan he Conscrleve lmnl bench But they may also mm lawn m1 rIIuM hufl misc 1hr INIva ralrmlav uw Wm wrnuav ml that inn run In lull mm cinl Credit group has made IL don II is mare inlcrosmd in suslaimng he governman than defeating it wear garland of sweets prz senled to them by Swiss ad mirer as may appeared at Gslaad Switzerland fur day on lhu ski slopes way fiéarriv Examinér NEW DELHI MW lntlinl willllrnl Ml mm mm to bear ulny on Ilm only unvlmnlv Alnmllnz Mm Mn lmllu landhll mnralxn In lurnmu Im cmmlryl MAI prlmo mln lalrr LUXEMBOURG AP For clKn mlnlslm of tho nlxcoun uy Common Market prrpnrcd la meet today nmlrl expcclnllon Um anu will mm lo ndmfl llrllmn lilo liurnwan Eu nomlc Communlly In exchaan or mention of HM rcqulre mm In all majvr dIclslmu hy the lump he unnnlmum France tndlnu xlxxuanm hoycnl omnwn MMch no anlmlnn will other mrm hm Wen Germany mlyz Ielxlum Th0 Nemrlnndl Ind lAuemboum Mu Gandhi In rar 0M ulmlzhlrr Hw lulr prlmn mln Itlrr annhurlnl Ntluu ainme Ivlrlrtl up ltvnnhlnhle nup pull an ann hm Irmlmu 1nn lrmlru Imm In llrap ml um um munln dLépIemd wet One mspcctcd MP said the voters message was also put mm hy his umuual tendency to mum he lnwmhenl 111k cvuld haw meant the voter was satisfied with the atmaura fl Parliament lb per Ilul Marl Hual lluhl wlncrr win in lmrrnhu unmu parly dud ll nul Ind Some pnlificimu are saying that the election 1511 may also be emperng influcnoe leh he electorate Musing no pany Him majority me arguman am he hing lo do Is In pr la rcpral oi the lust scuipnyn he unwind Slx Auldnm In Burl Our WukondI Connnllom Con Burk Tllpl 316001 Spovll Now Sunnd In Junlor Luau9 Ann Lindon6 EdlloleI4 911 gpmlp 91 onset some of the leaders Hm Indias Congress Supports Nehrus Daughter As Next PM France May End British Boycott chilly day After brief ple lure session they went undik urbcd the balance the nu lng AP Wirepholo by cable Irom Gslaad Comlu1 Dum NollmIO DIIIrkli glinunpw In THE EXAMINER Today MM ha wlll KM Mn Ganllhl unlll lhu In mnmml Walnrp My when he nml InclInn wlll mndo 0n val lay Hm ruling Fun mu pnnyl lmmhrn or Im humn1 will rlrcl MW mu IImtnlnry anmlly luuler Tha French proposa hkdy In meet Ill oppuulllon 11 other live wunlrlu ny lhty nre xlclLrmlncd not modify lho Rama Truly the Common Mnrkcln connlllmlnn or vnxue Ircnth promise to ndml llrllllu 111 MM nulmuallrnlly ll ulml In mm nrw lawn mrnz Czunux hum wmmll lnr Mn thanth many rmllnz innzrru gum munmm an mm In pumaIv MRI to wlihvluw In pnmve whnl lhvy callml purl unlly The flu bellmo lhnl France which luran xlnun Ilrllllh mtmbcuhlp lhrro yrnu nun will mm him In kccp hrr mo below lurnlnl lhu vnxuo prom lut Into mncrtlo Invflnllnn or 11mm to Join Ma Gen Aguiyi Irons de clared himself temporary held of the federal government and chm nf all armed forces Sun day night and suspended key po sitions or the Nigerian consum Unn One we plan crashed on land lhe other Inlo the Mod lienmean 1352 normally carries mlnlmum crew of six and the bl Iourjcl tankers carry an many as six or eight mm LAGOS CP Nigerias army commander emerged as he dnmlnau gun In Africas most populous naunn today 10 Iowlng an unsuccessqu coup lempl by muUnou element In the armed forces He alsn suspended Ihe caun lryl lop clvlllan officials In ALMERIA Spain AWTwo us Air Force jet plane with tom 11 crew membnn aboard crashed along the Med Herranenn coast today alter lcgllision In the air while relueL ms The headquarter of the WI US Alr Farce near Madrid said Ia plane were EM bomber from ban In the Unilcd Slate and KCm Jul Innkcr based at Moron Airport ncnr Sevilla 59min us Mr Iom allicials laid live men had been rescued Two US Iets Collide In Hir BIIPII OnMrloLCanadn Mendy Janunry 17 19 SUSPENDS PMs Mk flu5 WonllurS Womenbfi Nigerign General Takes Over Govt Us Mm ems mu Jwmnn IMI mm and Mlmcvm nlld mm in Imnlmn lym snln mumm mmmnn In wk Imn mmlwn the MaIn unmutymm mane numnyu min Mva um tum pm Ilnml fllwll nrwl luluMMu thal vnl hmvunll film mm ml mm nrlnwl Invnhilanfl Iunimu ml mwll inhahilrl in mlddln ml upper This Was Mldlamls Gas Harm cm nupnlll lo 70 lnclorlu In Hirmlnuham and the Mark Country brawan nn mimnltd 10000 person out wnrk and warm mhlillnnnl enmpnnlu nf pouihlc unn cull lIlcclrlcity mum ln lho Mndun nren rc duwl Vellum hut wtrk ltlme Mn er Wilwn vow lnln Imrr In 10M an phage in mmltmlm lmlnln MUM on mwr rhicln luvan um NI wmlmr run or mnrhqvublh tlml mm InlnlM nn llu Ir tumflrd lrwlbr mr lllflf nm vizhll umlrnhll Irmlrr lmu lho MNDON CF Furl gas Cull went into area In tho Enz llsh Minmmdx may In what has become almost unloma rcspanxc lo cold weather by With puth mllny nulhumlu ltnth Kn nnd ctrctrlctly mu wcro mum by drmnnd utterl In mpnly In wenthrr that hlu dropped mlnw the realm paints nnd Ilrllnn Immml that wrckwld mid spcll II likely to mum tar nnnthcr manth npcnln pmxmu lurthcr cut and mnslhln cont mort Int The an and rIrdrchy cull mwnllnl nn unporulnr pnrlnr manta by pulllrly awntd uulllir xlurlnu nhl map In Nuvrmlwr an an rmlmrruv mm Um gown fut Troops loyal to Gen Imnsl guarded governman buildings and other key point In Lagos and manned five rnadblock between the Mrpor and the capital WILL TAKE OVER Gan lronsl said mlliury gov ernors would lake our In he our region and would be re sponsible In his mullnry regime Iar kcegiqg order ing grime yipislcr Sir Ahubakcr Talawa En wa pres ldenl Nnamdi Azlkiwc the heads ol Nigerias our egions and the federal and regional parllamcnls Hmwa was kidnapped during the cnup attempt wflhyhh nance mlnlsler Chlel Feslus Okulic Ebon The rebels are be lieved holding them hoslage Gen Ironsis room were re pnrlcd scthlngllorjhem The IIedirn onof Nigeria composed the our man mm Hg mfg territory LI handle such manor as foreign affairs lrndc cammunlcallam raflwayland cmf mm called on civil mrvunu and police ha continue Injhcir posh Announécd he was farming an lnlcrim xavcmmcnl nflcr canlening with other think Bio Floods Destroy 2100 Homes Weather Forces UK Fuel Cuts Ilaultnlly Mo IMIsl ruu co HERES ONE Knclda will publication of study hm complains of flow ncss In onlortlng was law lEl llnu mlnlmum standard ol hcnllnz and Wm umcnfllu lnr 1000000 wnrkm In Brilllnl omus rnllvuy thop and roll xloru um wllh elcclrlclly Ind nulhorlllu unable to meet pro nun coldrwcnther demand en human of IM ncl min mum heallnu unnan ac dc urm Inhmnhelt wwld tompll Cllll ho mwcr prapltm Twnnlyslx rlcculc power Iln Unns nm undr conlllucllon In Ilrllnln Ind all cnmplnlu no Irllllng or all and an In Norm Sea The power plnnll wlIl mhl mllllnns of lllawnllx he nullmml In the carnan llvr yum Ono cammmlll an wdl hnl been dlmvmd the armed lurccv police and member of Fulfilment Fmvlnl wnkrnd vmlhtf Immth ml nM nummr tih In of number Aim In lump HILISEOROUGH Cal MlJingles Bison II Oh one cool head in bad tempered Bullan herd and consequently live favored life In Hillsbomgh corral ram the others She Is friendly my Mn Basnln Jr of the seven month old 400 pmmd bison Mn anhl husband own 1000 01 tile animals on 00000 Acre ranch In Nevndl and Ma 1193an say mas at them are Illhumored Ind had mnnnercd Friendly Jinx live In back yard man he hula cslates In San Frin cisiv iuliirh The disadunzaze pel buHalo lay Mn Basolo in Ihnt the nlhen msldu it glnk when alarm to JINGLES BISON IS NO PINK BABRIE FISHERMBN PREPARE FISH HUTS The fimes report adds It not clear whether air raid on Nurth Viol Nam wwld he maimed Immediately at whether the first liq would be HAMILTON CPI Team Mm hm nml in Mndnn voted Sunday on wbcxhcr lo ncccm or mm contlllallnn board re pml in dispute hclwten lhc Inlernnllnunl Irmhcrbml Tcnmslcrl 1nd Mu lhc prov lnul Knickan lmluslly llnw aver mulls mml he knnwn unlil Tumlny at Iha cmllm llm wand 01 Mr nhm mm vnle lmnlvinl in Onlmla Tramxlcr loath mesa New chr Hm there is avarable respvnse lhe dispatdn says series of tough and pesslnflsfic mlle slalements mm the admin ktrauonn vim that the United Statm mum welt much longer for peace xign from North via Nnmvlt quota the sources as saying no mponse has me mm Hanoi to the peace bid mfldeht Johnsons on NI oanded to many capitals slum the Grimm wasefire mglon quotes reliable sources as saying he Jahnson ministration is enla Lwely planning and its peace avcrlumlo the Communists next ypek afler dlg Vietna Wellmonland mander In 50qu Viet Nam to day ordered all Ameninn form In mm firing or 78 hour mm at noon Thursday In ob nrvmca 11 Vietnamese lu an new yur holiday Tet Weslmbrelandn 5an nndcd the decision of the $0th Viclnamcsa government to ball fighting during the nullnnnl ch ebraUan Slmllnr Inslmcllonx went to South Korean Auslu Ilnn and New Zenland mop lighting alongsidu the South Vietnamese and American Thu truce mom than double lho Johour cnnsclire obsmcd by allied arm durinx lha NEW YORK APlTJe New FEW in =1 415W In Ml my many flduflrmm um um plum huli an IM mm In mum mm an mm In Teamsters Vote On Board Report mp0 CPlGen wnuam mumul Immediately at om peaeo dlensive the the first flap would be vdopmenu 78Hour Ceasefire Ordered For US Viet Nam Forces No Rgsponse From Hanoi Air Raids May Be Stepped Up Not Mora Than Imz 12 civilians were lulled in varied Vie Con Il mm Voting In the fin phnsa Jan we local mo In Windsor he 45noAmcmbcr Toronto Mil 936 um lha SL cmhnrinu nnd Kathinet hunt Hnmlflvn Also lrhcdulml la vole Sunday wu Klnxulnn Incl 91 But bal lnlluu hero wu pollpaned unlll Tncsdny About 700 mcmlm cl Iht Lfmnmnbcr llnmlnnn leclim Local erd nnar laur hnur mmlnl Mennwfdle the North Viean my Oommulfist party newspa per Nhan Dan relented Pml dent Johnsons alter in his mm olmmion mange last Wed lmdaw do me with Rx Com mum at my Inference la bia and amide he View of any qu can discussions be held when the Anufloam are using towlflldraw their gamma tum the party organ asked my 3an Mal rmwm sons er out ullar South Vie Nml lu lm in manly guaranteed SETS TIMES Weslmoreluld ceasefire 1mm nwn Thursday to 11m Sunduyi Thm wu no Ilgn In lhu Sal gon mlor ol any lelup In light ng helm lho hollday although elsewhere he cgunlry mill with additionnl days elapsng bdrm the north was Hacked no auawlor any lasuninulo re sponse REJEUT OFFER Christmas halldny But fall 13 ham Ihort 1h Tel truce proclaimed by the Viet Cong They ha promised not lo al lack mm ll pm ngnesday lo 11 pm Sunday mm at our dun Overcasf with muwflunles aw My 10 degrees High tomorrow 25 degrees For full summary turn to page flvo Ugh n9yncfianfin we souuh Oman HI Mu lmmm 1mm JIVIMMI ml kllhv Com ml llw Pull Avlvlillnnll yldum In Ibo Pull Allvlllinnll ldum was that Fit 10c Par Copy Page Activities continue

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